Saturday, December 28, 2013

Decorations down

1 Thessalonians 1:2  
We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers...

Prayer is a vital part of our lives, we need this every day, 
We talk to the Lord about everything, as we go along the way. 
He takes pleasure in our prayers, as we worship Him right now,
We praise and thank Him always, and at His feet gladly bow.
People play an important role in our goings-on each day,
Tell them you remember them as you talk to God and pray.(RP)

Today we take down the Christmas decorations.  It seems that all the Christmas excitement passes so quickly. Some leave decorations up all year.  We are amazed when we see the lights on houses ALL YEAR.   I will remove the Christmas ornaments, take down the lights and pack the tree away for another year. We are grateful for this season and that the Lord has allowed us to be with family one more time for the Christmas brunch which we all enjoy.  The weather is fairly mild, not like many places with extreme cold.  Thanks friends, for your prayer support. 

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