Friday, October 25, 2013


I John 5:12 
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

The gospel message is so plain, John gives it to us here,
It is not hard to understand for it is very clear.
If you have the Son you are safe for sure,
Eternal life is yours and your future is secure.
I plead with you if you do not have the Son,
Believe in Jesus and the victory's won.(RP)

We continue this morning in the study of the book of Philippians. We have a roomful of students and the tables are filled with those interested in studying the Bible.  We continue to get calls about our new book and we are pleased with the number of people who are buying it.  At our church November 3 there will be a book signing time for us.  We appreciate this gesture by our church and look forward to it.  Some are coming that day to get their books rather than order them through the bookstores.   Thanks so much for praying. 

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