Friday, October 18, 2013


Psalm 100:5 
For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.

In a day of lies and forgery, oh how much we need the truth, 
Thank God in Him is the answer for the old and yes, the youth.
God's mercy is poured upon us, in everlasting streams,
And every repentant sinner He welcomes and redeems.
His truth has no stopping point; to every generation it goes,
Speaking words that transform lives, even some who first oppose.(RP)

We look forward to the Bible class this morning at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center.  The book of Philippians is interesting and a very practical one.  If the attendance increases, we will have to move to another area for the class.  We have been sending out our book to several.  We pray many of them will sell, not because we want the royalty, but because we desire it to be a blessing to all readers.  Thanks so much for praying.   

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