Thursday, October 31, 2013


John 15:7
 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, 
and it shall be done for you.

Abiding in Christ is the place to be, to have all he wants you to be,
In fellowship sweet you walk with the Lord and both of you do agree.
Prayer is special when you abide in Him, He gives what you request,
And living this way is the best for you, and you know it because you have rest.(RP)

We remember 54 years ago in the jungle town of Iquitos, Peru, our daughter Joy was born.  The pathway from there was lined with many experiences.  Her 45 years at Shepherds Home was so special to us and to this day we are grateful for the wonderful care received there.  God was good also in allowing her to be here in our county for 6 months before she went to Heaven.  So you can see Halloween holds special memories for us.   We thank you all for your years of praying for us. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Mark 10:45 
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.

Jesus came to serve mankind by giving His life on the cross,
He came not for showmanship, nor living fancy with all the gloss.
He came to serve us and that He did, by dying for you and me,
And all who come and bow at His feet, His love they all will see.
Jesus died for sinners, and all who receive Him, find sweet peace.
In Him is everlasting life and all who trust Him their joy will increase.(RP)

Yesterday the mailing boxes arrived so today I can start putting books in them (after signing them) and mail them (after I address them properly).  I look forward to this delightful project. Without the proper boxes, the books would receive a lot of harsh treatment in the post office process.  I am glad I found these boxes Online and they are here.  My audiologist gave me a good report so all is well with the new devices.  Thanks so much for praying for us and our day-to-day activities.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

To town

And let us not grow weary while 
doing good, for in due season we 
shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9

In doing good we tend to tire but 
the payoff's on the way
And discouraged we must not 
become as we walk the Lord's 

We will be going into town this morning.  I will see the audiologist and we will do some shopping.  We will be busy in the next few days sending books out.  Thanks for praying. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Another week

Revelation 3:20 
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

Behold, we have a Savior who seeks communion dear,
Who always knocks at heart doors, seeking to be near.
We trust you hear him urging to have fellowship with you,
Open your heart right now, and you will have joy too. 
When he enters by invitation, things improve I can assure,
And this fellowship is special, because it will endure.(RP)

Here we are in another week. We always wonder what will take place as we move from day to day.  I am awaiting a shipment of books that I will send out to friends for my brother Ernie.  I am also awaiting special mailing boxes that will protect the books better in shipment.  I look forward to doing this.  Next Sunday will be book signing day at our church.  We are pleased with the decision to do this.  It is very gracious of the church to do it. The day is beautiful, the wind is quite strong, and leaves are blowing all over the place. Thanks for praying.  

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Looking forward

Revelation 16:9 
And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory. 

The Great Tribulation is an awesome time for those who reject our Lord,
How terrible it is to witness such things as God's wrath on them is out-poured.
The pain of those who reject Jesus Christ, will be more than any can tell,
Those who refuse to receive Jesus as Lord, will throughout eternity yell.
Oh the sadness of those who will not repent, and let Jesus have control.
Just think: no relief, no moments of rest, not a single person will console.
The message today is as clear as can be: receive Jesus for the forgiveness of sin,
Let Him rule your life so you'll escape that terrible day, and your new life in heaven begin. (RP)

We look forward to Sunday school and church today.  Yesterday both of us were not feeling the best and wondered if we could go. Thankfully we are better today. We had a nice phone visit with our son yesterday before I made stuffed peppers to distribute to friends.  Our son will have shoulder surgery November 5 and we appreciate your prayers for him.  He has been working overtime in order to complete a project at his work of which he is the key person.  Apparently things are going well and he is on schedule for delivery of the project.  Thanks so much for praying.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Romans 12:2 
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

 Christians get caught in the world's mold,
It's the saddest story ever told.
Don't conform to the world's ways,
I can assure you it never really pays.,
Let God transform your life now,
And you will at His feet humbly bow.
When you do things God's way,
It will pay great dividends every day.(RP)

Saturday seems to be baking day.  Margie and I will be in the kitchen preparing food for our own use and also to share with others. We are receiving regular comments about the book deal.  It is pleasing to hear from those who are downloading e-books. Many like this format and for sure it is cheaper.  Thank you friends, for your prayers.  

Friday, October 25, 2013


I John 5:12 
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

The gospel message is so plain, John gives it to us here,
It is not hard to understand for it is very clear.
If you have the Son you are safe for sure,
Eternal life is yours and your future is secure.
I plead with you if you do not have the Son,
Believe in Jesus and the victory's won.(RP)

We continue this morning in the study of the book of Philippians. We have a roomful of students and the tables are filled with those interested in studying the Bible.  We continue to get calls about our new book and we are pleased with the number of people who are buying it.  At our church November 3 there will be a book signing time for us.  We appreciate this gesture by our church and look forward to it.  Some are coming that day to get their books rather than order them through the bookstores.   Thanks so much for praying. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Regular schedule

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;When I awake, I am still with You. 
Psalm 139:17-18

To realize that God thinks of me, is a fact more valuable than gold,
His constant thoughts to me, the number of them can't be told.
My heart overflows with gratitude when I think of His love for me, 
I cannot understand it all and from it I don't care to flee.(RP)

It looks like we are back to a regular schedule today and tomorrow.  We have been receiving notices of people buying our book and we are pleased.  Others to whom we mailed a book are beginning to receive theirs also.  So we will learn this process better, I hope, so we can take care of things.  This morning is the beauty shop for Margie and in the afternoon, prayer meeting at church. The weather is beautiful and we both are doing well.  Thanks for praying.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fabulous weather

1 Timothy 6:6-8 
Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.

Are you content with life today and your relationship with God?
Only He can give you peace as on this journey you trod.
Remember life is short indeed and the things we have are from Him,
So be content with what you have and praise Him and sing a hymn..(RP)

We are amazed at the wonderful weather we have.  Yesterday it was necessary to open the sliding door into the family room to give us some fresh cool air.  The fog has been severe, but there is none today.  Terrible accidents, and deaths, have happened because of it.  
We had a nice visit with my brother in Anchorage via Skype and another with Siang in Singapore.  Technology is great.  We are getting replies to our general email about our book.  It is encouraging to hear of those who want the book.  Thanks for your prayers,


Tuesday, October 22, 2013


God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed ....Psalm 46:1-2

In a world filled with sin and things in a mess, we wonder if there is hope,
Is there an answer for the troubles around us, can people really cope?
Thank God He's the answer, because He's our refuge and strength,
He is always present in trouble, and to help us He will go to any length.
Trust Him as your Savior, and you will know His help is always near,
And because of this no matter what, you never need to fear. (RP)

In publishing we are curious about how many books are sold.  We may never really know the answer to this.  All I can figure out is that by February of next year our publisher told us we would know something about how much people are buying the book.  So we will just have to wait.  Yesterday I ordered mailing boxes to send the books in.  The boxes keep the cover and edges nice and neat.  So this is all a new adventure, but highly interesting.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Book orders

Exodus 20:3 
You shall have no other gods before Me.

What you love more than God is your god. The Bible tells us so,
And nothing is worse than to have many gods, this you rightly know. 
Make Jesus your master today my friend, and serve him every day,
The joy you receive will be wonderful, both now and along the way(RP)

We are receiving more requests for our book so today I will be ordering more.  Our church also wants a book signing Sunday on Nov. 3.  It is encouraging to hear of those who want the book.  We are trying to get the word out to others.  That's the only way it will be known, we feel.  Thankfully our publisher will soon put an ad in their communications that will go to thousands of bookstores and churches.  Please pray about this.  And we thank you for praying.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Worship service

Psalm 16:8 

I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

Where is the Lord in your life, my friend? Is he at your side or behind?
Have you left Him there for a reason? Has your spiritual life declined?
The Psalmist chose to have Him in front, leading each step of the way,
And the Lord's strong place beside him, kept him steady day by day. (RP)

We look forward this morning to the church service at our church. A young man will be speaking who has been in our church since his birth.  Our pastor is recovering from an operation and this fellow will preach.  Yesterday we made stuffed peppers and distributed them to three families in Ferndale.  Margie also did some baking and our family who comes today will enjoy some of those things.  We continue to be in awe with the response to our new book.  Some have already brought theirs to us to sign.  Thanks dear friends for your prayers. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Plenty to do

The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways,;But a good man will be satisfied from above.
Proverbs 14:14

The backslider in heart is filled with himself and is desperately on the wrong road,
But a good man gets help from his Father above and has surely chosen the right mode.(RP)

We were pleased with the good turn out for the Bible study yesterday.  Our studies in Philippians is a blessing and class participation is encouraging.  After the class we went to town for lunch because we had some necessary shopping to do. It was tiring and we probably won't do that again.  Friends stopped in the afternoon to pick up some tables we borrowed for the garage sale a few weeks back, and they had a copy of our new book.  The asked me to sign it.  What a delight.  The same thing happened at the beauty shop when a lady had two book she had ordered and wanted me to sign them.  How nice.   Thanks dear friends for praying.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Psalm 100:5 
For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.

In a day of lies and forgery, oh how much we need the truth, 
Thank God in Him is the answer for the old and yes, the youth.
God's mercy is poured upon us, in everlasting streams,
And every repentant sinner He welcomes and redeems.
His truth has no stopping point; to every generation it goes,
Speaking words that transform lives, even some who first oppose.(RP)

We look forward to the Bible class this morning at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center.  The book of Philippians is interesting and a very practical one.  If the attendance increases, we will have to move to another area for the class.  We have been sending out our book to several.  We pray many of them will sell, not because we want the royalty, but because we desire it to be a blessing to all readers.  Thanks so much for praying.   

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Home going

Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them,I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Matthew 7:24
Jesus pays attention to those who listen up, 
Those who obey His commandments, He'll surely fill their cup. 
Wise men build on foundations strong-it's the only way to build, 
And those who build on Jesus their lives will be truly filled.(RP)

We just received a call from the editor of our book, that her mother, Charlotte Hicks, died early this morning at the place where she was staying in Bellingham,Washington.   Please pray for the family.  Also Dr. Wood wrote that his wife Betty fell while they were in a distant city getting help for her.  She needs our prayers.   Thanks so much for praying. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hard to believe

1 Timothy 2:5 
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus..

Some teach there are many ways to God, 
Deceived they are, but onward they plod.
If they only knew Jesus who is the Way,
How happy they'd be in their life each day
.For man to reach heaven and see God some day,
Each must come to Jesus and His command obey.(RP)

Margie is doing research in our journals for information to include in our next book.  I have the first chapter written now and will work gradually as we find seed thoughts in the journals.  I am excited about this because we want to chronicle some of our journeys of by-gone days.  Thanks so much for praying.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Change of seasons

I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust. 
Psalm 91:2

A refuge at all times is my Lord for me, no matter what comes my way,
Like a fortress so strong is my Lord to me, in Him I am safe every day. 
I trust Him today and every day, because I know he cares for me,
And all who have taken this step of faith, will certainly agree.(RP)

Yesterday I put away the evaporation coolers, after cleaning and drying them out.  They were a great help to us in the summer, cooling us delightfully during the hotter spells.  Below is a repeat of the cover of our book which I will display a lot in the coming days.  Please pray we will be able to get the word out sufficiently so people can read it.  Thanks for praying. 
Available to order in most book stores or just go to Barnes & Noble. They or can get it to you.  And the publisher Xulon Press would be happy for your order. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

More ideas

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free,there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:28

No barriers are here when God's in control, 'cause we are united in One,
How great to be one in Christ, and through Him all battles are won.(RP)

We know nothing about marketing, so need the help of others.  We want as many people as possible to know about our book.  We are working on several options and by degrees the word is getting out about our book.  For those who look at our website: you will see the full display and some information about the book pictured above.  Thanks for your help. And thanks for praying.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


A good Christmas gift for a friend.
It was a thrill to write this book about our life and ministry in Brazil.We know you will enjoy the 200 stories of the interesting experiences we had while serving the Lord there.Our prayer is that this book will be a blessing to all who read it.


 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.John 15:7
This is a marvelous provision for God's own, If we seriously do what it tells,
So faithfully follow the Word, and this plan all others excels.(RP)

Our son and grandson will be with us today.  We look forward to this.
Thanks for your faithfulness in prayer

Saturday, October 12, 2013

From a Canoe to a Chevy

Our newly published book now available to order in bookstores
And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.
John 1:16
With Jesus we have all, our cup is filled, there's nothing more we need.
There is no begging for more of Him, for more blessing we need not plead.
His grace so sufficient rolls on, in endless waves of more grace,
And it will always be this way until we see His blessed face.(RP)

Please pray the book will be a blessing to all who read it.  Thanks for praying.

Friday, October 11, 2013

B & B

 James 4:14  
Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

In life we know not tomorrow and all that it may bring,
But we know Who holds the future and to Him we cling
.Life is like a vapor that comes and then disappears,
And with Jesus as our pilot we really have no fears.
So let's live life fully, with Jesus as our guide,
Because we know He's in charge and is right there by our side.(RP)

Bible study today and then emailing notices about our book.  I already have put out several scores and plan to add many more today.  We will see how it all works out.  Our goal is NOT to make money (royalties) on the book.  Our desire is that people will be helped and blessed as they read.  There are also plenty of reminders to the lost to receive the Lord in personal salvation.  Please pray and thank you for doing it. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Books arrived

Jeremiah 1:5 
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.

What wonderful words we read in God's Word of the prophet long ago,
God chose him before he was born, and upon him His grace did bestow.
God set him apart and ordained him to preach, all the rest of his earthly years. 
May God help us to pray and do His will and ask Him for more pioneers.(RP)

It was an exciting time yesterday afternoon when UPS delivered our books to us.  It was a thrilling sensation to hold in our hands the book we had worked on so long.  All we can say is that it was all very rewarding.  We look forward to marketing now to see if there are some who would like to buy the book.  Please pray with us about this.  Thanks so much for your prayers.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Rain & sunshine

And He said to them,Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.  Matthew 4:19

If you don't follow Jesus you will not win men,
And we should hear this again and again.
Let's follow Jesus and bring them in,
So they receive forgiveness and freedom from sin.(RP)

Yesterday we were amazed at the heavy rain in the morning while shopping and then the beautiful sunny afternoon we enjoyed.  We were guests at a nice restaurant with a long-time friend.  His birthday is coming up soon so Margie ordered a small decorated cake and a box of chocolates.  We had a nice time and he deeply appreciated the thought.  Thanks for your prayer support.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Check up

 Hebrews 13:15
Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God,that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.

It's hard for some to say Thank You, but this we must always do,
For God expects this sacrifice so please don't think it is new.
Continual thanks is what He demands we must never ever do less,
So get busy today and praise His name; you'll never be guilty of excess.
May the fruit of your lips be delightful to Him as you thank Him every day,
And His joy will be yours and He will be pleased and you'll know that all is okay.(RP)

I am going to get a check up today on the hearing aids.  They work wonderfully so I think all is okay.  We are awaiting the arrival of the book so we can approve it and get the ball rolling for publication.  I know it is already on websites, because we have seen it.   Thanks for praying.

Monday, October 7, 2013


And David said to his son Solomon, Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God -- my God -- will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.
1 Chronicles 28:20

Standing with us is what God does faithfully everyday,
Helping us do what we are supposed to, along the way.
His encouragement of strength and courage cheers us,
And his love helps us to every situation adjust,
God intends us to finish what He wants us to do,
Rely on His strength to work until it is through.(RP)

I have a lot to learn about marketing our book.  I will continue today on it.  We are awaiting the hard copy shipment to our home.  After approval, it will be on sale in the general market, we are told.  Please pray with us about this.  We truly want the book to be a blessing to all who read it. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013


For God is my witness ... that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers, making request if, by some means, now at last I may find a way in the will of God to come to you. 
Romans 1:9-10

The Apostle Paul was an example to us in the way he lived each day,
He was a man of prayer for sure, and this quality we should also display.
His wanted to visit Rome, and encourage the Christians there,
And teach God's Word to his dear friends and show them loving care.
Perhaps today we can imitate him, and reach out to others we know,
And invest in them some biblical truths and help them spiritually grow.(RP)

Our Sunday school teacher will be back today and we look forward to the class.  It is a beautiful Fall day and we feel the crispness in the air.  Yesterday Margie and I worked in the kitchen and prepared things to take to some of our friends.  It was a joy to do this.  We are awaiting the hard copy of our book so we can review it and authorize the press to advertise and distribute it.  We have already seen it on some Online ads.  It is exciting.   Thanks so much for praying. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

What today?

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.   
Deut. 6:5
God demands our love and tells us so in words so very clear,
And we should quickly heed His call without worry or any fear.
With heart attuned to His sovereign will none can really go wrong,
And with soul in sync with His divine plan, we surely have a sweet song.
So claim His strength for your life today and see what He will do,
We know that His joy will empower you and you'll be thrilled through and through.(RP)

Each day brings its responsibilities and duties.  It seems our week has been busy and today we have plenty planned as well.  I am getting accustomed to my hearing devices.  They are high tech and are amazing.  I also got my new tri-focal glasses yesterday, so there are a few adjustments I am making these days.  Margie is busy on the phone now, contacting friends as she usually does on Saturdays. 
I may drop by the grocery store to see if they have any moderate priced bell peppers to stuff.  If so, that will occupy part of the morning also.  Never a dull moment.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

It's here

 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.  Exo 20:12

To honor parents is God's command for us to humbly obey,
And when it's done the rightful way blessings come without delay.
Long life He wants for each of us as we honor our parents this way,
And surely for doing this noble act your Father will repay. (RP)

Check or Barnes & Noble or eBook dealers for our book from Xulon Press.  Please tell others about it.  Thanks for praying.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


The Lord ... never fails. Zephaniah 3:5

The Lord never fails in what He says He will do,
Everything in the Word about Him is very true.
It's refreshing to know we can rely upon Him,
Our hope in Christ will never never grow dim.(RP)

We were surprised yesterday when our friend Laurel called to inform us she had just downloaded our book from  I checked with two other companies and they also had it on their site.  So at this point our book is out in eBook.  We thank the Lord for the good progress made by the publisher.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Proverbs 15:1 
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

How you speak and act says many things about you,
The wise know well that harsh words should be very few.
Speak softly with a touch of grace is something to be desired,
And those who communicate this way are much admired.(RP)

As we travel in the car I can now hear and understand what Margie is saying.  I didn't know I had a problem, I just thought she spoke softly.  Well now I can hear sounds before hidden to me.  Amazing.  We'll see how things go in the long run.  We have a very busy schedule for today and we are amazed at how booked our days are. Thanks so much for praying.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

See,hear & pray

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea,
Peace, be still! And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. 
Mark 4:39

God controls the winds and seas; all is beneath His command,
All nature moves and reacts to His call, everything is planned.
I'm so glad our Savior knows how to calm the troubled sea,
He's also the One to whom we go as we pray and make our plea.
Today, if your heart is troubled, go to the One who hears,
He will listen intently to what you say and stay while it disappears.(RP)

Today our schedule is the same as the title of this article.  A couple of doctor appointments and a prayer meeting to pray for missionaries. Yesterday was a busy day while Margie had another eye appointment also.  We spoke with the person responsible for the printing of our book and all is going well.  Soon we should be receiving our first book.  Then we will actually hold it and see what it is we are trying to promote.  We are looking forward to that.  Thanks for praying.