The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.
Ps 111:10
Some talk of being smart; Our God sees things in a different way,
Fearing Him is priority if wisdom we desire,
And he who wants good understanding must do things as He says,
And if you follow them from the heart, all these things you will acquire.(RP)
It has been a long time since Margie and I have together with her siblings, Barb and Spud. Her allergies prevented her from joining them at the restaurant from time to time. She braved the storm and yesterday we were able to meet and had such a nice time. Laurel also finished the main part of reading the book manuscript. I will do my best to put in a lot of time and get that done so we can send it off to the publisher. Thanks so much for praying about this and Margie's health. We appreciate it greatly.
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