Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers; Philemon 1:4

Paul's friends were scattered far and wide and it seems he remembered them all,
And talked to God about each of them as upon His Lord he did call.
How wonderful to have such a man as this,remembering us in prayer,
Taking to God each believer by name,helping their burdens to bear.
We can be that person, starting today, by thanking God for those we know,
And mention their names as we talk to God and indeed our prayer life will grow.(RP)

Yesterday at the monthly missionary meeting at our church Margie and I were interviewed by Laurel Hicks regarding our Brazil book. It was fun talking about a couple of the stories we wrote.  We appreciated this opportunity.  I have gone through over seventy pages Laurel gave me yesterday and will print them. This may be the last reading of these few pages.  We appreciate Laurel's thoroughness.  Thanks for praying.  Margie will be seeing her eye specialist regarding her concern abouit her vision.  Thanks for your support in prayer. 

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