John 8:36
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.
The world looks for freedom from so many different things,
And until they know about Jesus they don't know the joy He brings.
When we were lost in sin, and eternal destruction was our lot,
Jesus rescued us from this and our great salvation brought.
Oh how wonderful to have a Savior who makes us free indeed,
One who constantly watches over us and will gladly for us intercede. (RP)
We trust each is enjoying a wonderful 4th of July. I am the first up around our household today. All the rest are sleeping: Margie, Rawlie and Monique. These lasts two arrived last night and will be here for the 4th of July festivities up at the Vista house, where Gina's folks lived. Last night there were plenty of fireworks and we are not real sure if that was really allowed. But we managed to get to sleep with all the noise anyway. The weather has moderated some and today should only be around 70 degrees. I am studying for Sunday's message in our church. I look forward to that. Our dear friend Cindy Heath yesterday suffered an aneurysm in her brain and was air lifted to Harbor view Hospital in Seattle. She was stabilized and today will have further tests to determine the extent of the damage. Chuck is with her. We are praying much for her. Thank you also for helping in prayer.
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