Monday, July 29, 2013


John 6:5 
And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.

Food and water are the mainstays of life, without them we would die, 
Spiritually so we need them too and Jesus is the one who can supply.
He is the water of life, and spiritual food He freely offers to all,
And His offer is for everyone in the world, whether you are great or small.
Come to Jesus who will give you life; drink deeply from His well,
Start anew with this message of hope, and to others gladly tell.
With Jesus as Savior, you will never thirst spiritually again, 
Why not decide right now to spread the blessed word and begin(RP)

We all face challenges.  Our book is still challenging us daily.  This is not a negative.  We enjoy what we are doing.  There are processes that have to take place. For each person we suppose the way these things are handled matters much.  We are novices, and have much to learn.  Thanks for praying about this matter for us.  We appreciate it.  Yesterday we took our son out for a meal.  We had a nice time.  He returned home right after that.  

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