Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Poor night


Luke 12:23 
Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.

Eating, drinking, and wearing fine clothes is all some people do,
Thinking this is life, they want more, and haven't thought things through.
Jesus told us there's more to life, than just these physical things,
True life comes through Jesus and eternal life that He brings.
Receive Him today as Savior and Lord, and soon you will see,
All we have said about spiritual things is true and you will agree.(RP)

Margie left me a note during the night. She had a very poor night.  Today we have several things on our "to do" list.  Yesterday Margie worked a lot, reviewing the stories in our Brazil book.  We are working toward a July deadline to have all ready for publishing.  It is quite a challenge. Thanks for praying for us. 

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