Monday, May 6, 2013

New week


You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; 
you cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the table of demons
I Corinthians 10:21

You cannot sit at two tables at once, you have to decide which it will be,
Choose God's side, it will be well for you, and from the other table you'll flee.
The drink satan offers is lethal indeed and you will soon lose your soul,
But refreshment from God is promised to all who will definitely let Him control.
So settle the matter right now dear friend, invite Him as your Savior today,
He'll forgive your sins and save your soul, and prepare you for come what may.(RP)

We had a nice time at church yesterday and a leisurely day reading and listening to some other messages on TV and radio.  The weather was super good and today promises the same.  I will be preparing for  a funeral on Saturday and meeting with the family tonight.  There is never a dull moment in our schedule and we are glad to be busy.  Thanks for praying. 

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