Did you ever see a year go so fast? Here we are at the last day of 2011. At our home and among our many friends we are rejoicing and thanking the Lord for the wonderful way He opened a place for our daughter Joy.
Yesterday we were on the phone and via e-mail making more arrangements concerning her trip westward. Lord willing it will all happen on January 15. We will do some more background preparations today on this. Margie had a good night. We are praying that now she may improve even more because the uncertainty about Joys' placement has been solved. Thanks for praying. It means so much to us.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Now the details
After yesterday's amazing and wonderful news about Joy being admitted to the Christian Health Care Center, we immediately started making plans with Mrs. Ruth Bose, at Shepherds, who will bring Joy to Washington.
We must coincide this trip with her already planned trip to Washington to attend a wedding. It is so gracious of her to do this labor of love for us. So, please pray all will fall into place as the Lord leads us regarding air passage and timing. Joy should enter the facility here between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Thank you so much for praying. This has already lifted a huge burden from Margie who was suffering untold agony over the placement of Joy. We are grateful the way the Lord is working it out.
We must coincide this trip with her already planned trip to Washington to attend a wedding. It is so gracious of her to do this labor of love for us. So, please pray all will fall into place as the Lord leads us regarding air passage and timing. Joy should enter the facility here between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Thank you so much for praying. This has already lifted a huge burden from Margie who was suffering untold agony over the placement of Joy. We are grateful the way the Lord is working it out.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
This morning Joy was accepted at the
Christian Health Care Center
in Lynden, Washington.
Please pray as all the details are
worked out for her transfer to here.
Don't give up
We must remind ourselves daily not to give up in this quest for finding a place for our daughter Joy. I called almost all day to places regarding this issue and received some good suggestions where we could keep trying. Today we are to receive a call from one of the facilities. I pray it will be positive. In the meantime, we continue on and are so thankful for a host of you who are praying with us as we try to solve this serious problem. Margie was able to do several things around the house, especially in the kitchen. She works a little then rests, and it seems to work out quite well so she won't overtire. Thank you all for praying.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
More calling
Today is when I contact the different facilities where I left messages, but they didn't get back to me regarding Joy's placement. One place instructed me to call this week and it is there where we have received the most encouragement. We pray they will have an answer. Thanks so much for praying for us during these days of searching. We are praying the New Year will definitely bring us the help we have sought and prayed for these many weeks. Thanks for your part in this with us.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Back to the schedule
In our calling for answers to Joy's placement here in our county, Christmas time was not the best. But we did get our most positive response just hours before the big day. The rest of this week we will be following up on calls and phone messages left at several places. Somewhere out there, the Lord has a place designated for her.
I am sorry Margie did not have a good night. We pray she will do better today and again tonight. Thanks for praying for us. We are grateful.
I am sorry Margie did not have a good night. We pray she will do better today and again tonight. Thanks for praying for us. We are grateful.
Monday, December 26, 2011
What now?
Perhaps the world is thinking the title of today's blog. The excitement of Christmas should be for the believer a constant thing. Margie & I had a nice time attending the morning service at our church. We came home, enjoyed a simple lunch and just relaxed the rest of the day. MANY are asking about Joy's situation. As stated previously, we received the most promising response last week from one of the nursing homes in Bellingham. We have our "feelers" out for others also that have not answered our requests. We deeply appreciate you who are praying about this. Thank you very much.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Day
What a great day to be in church. We look forward to this. Yesterday was a BIG day. We are thankful Margie was able to prepare the brunch for which she is "famous" with our family. All went well and we are thankful for our family. And I am so pleased Margie was able to enjoy the day. I know she pretty well "crashed" last night when all the activities were over. As I write this she is still in bed. Thanks for praying about Joy's situation. This week we will be in consultation with the authorities of the local nursing home about the possibility of having Joy be there.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
First positive response
In about 6 weeks of incessant phone calls, we were rewarded by the kindness of an employer of a local nursing home. This gentleman gave us at least some hope that perhaps there is help for our daughter Joy. We trust this is so and keep praying and ask you all likewise to remember us as we contact them again next week for more details. Today is our BIG day. We traditionally have a Christmas brunch but this year it will take place on Christmas Eve (today). The grandchildren call it the best meal of the year. Margie, pacing herself carefully, will again, thanks to the Lord's giving her strength, turn out another of these delicious brunches. You would have to see it and taste it to know it is so. Thanks so much for praying.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Phone finger
The title of our blog today is the nickname given to one who uses the phone a great deal. That was my name yesterday. I called and called in the morning and all afternoon. It is not easy to find a place that will house our daughter even for the preliminary assessment which has to be done in order to receive her Medicaid documents. Please continue your prayers for us during this phone campaign. We know something will open but we must be patient. We are most appreciative of Shepherd's kindness in extending Joy's discharge date. But even that is coming to an end and we trust the Lord will answer in a timely fashion for us to get Joy out here and settled.
Thanks so much for praying.
Thanks so much for praying.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
We know that businesses and others are plenty busy this time of the year. I also want to be patient with the healthcare industry because we are waiting to hear from them regarding Joy's funding and available space. We are so appreciative of Shepherd's kindness in extending her discharge date. We feel so helpless. thank you for praying. I work on this everyday and still there is no positive response. We have been treated kindly by all agencies so there is no complain there.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Good exercise
We needed to go into town yesterday and so some necessary shopping, as we prepare to entertain our family Christmas Eve here in our home. Margie takes her time at shopping so as not to overdo her physical strength. Pushing the shopping cart gives her exercise and stability while in the shop. It is pretty good. Another benefit is her handicap parking permit which usually allows us to be some closer to the building than normally. We are thankful for that. No news yesterday on Joy's situation. I will be calling today seeking more answers. Thanks for praying about these things with us. Margie had a good night.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Still seeking
We worked the good part of yesterday making phone calls and transacting business regarding Joy's transfer to our state. We are at least somewhat hopeful that things are going in the right direction. The calls made yesterday where encouraging at least. The legal aspects of finding a place are at the least complex. We thank you for praying about this with us. Margie had a fairly busy day yesterday and was able to do some baking. We are thankful for the strength to do this. Margie had another good night for which we are grateful. Our pastor friend, Dan Bong, called with encouragement and had prayer with us which was much appreciated.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Christmas Choir
What a blessing to fellowship in our church both morning and evening. Margie felt up to attending the evening service and we were blessed by the music and its message. The morning service was also a blessing. So many are asking about Joy's progress and we appreciate their interest and prayers. Margie had a good night last night. I continue today calling about temporary places where Joy can stay while she is assessed for the Medicaid program. Thanks for your prayers,
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Christmas Carolers
What a special treat we had last night as the Christmas Carolers of First Baptist Church of Ferndale, WA stopped by and blessed us with their delightful music. Margie was able to go to the door, even though not feeling real well, and after singing Jim Hively had a word of prayer. How special. Thank you dear ones for your thoughtfulness. We are awaiting word from the home I contacted whether Joy could stay with them until receiving the assessment, a prerequisite toi being approved for Medicaid. Please pray with us we can find such a place as soon as possible. We thank you for your prayer help.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Seeking a place for Joy
Yesterday I made the initial call to a facility to inquire about space available for Joy. the director of the home was going to call Joy's case manager at Shepherds and speak with her. I haven't heard from her yet. We just keep on praying the Lord will work it all out for us in His timing. In the meantime we are so grateful to Shepherds for the extension of time given on the discharge date. the Lord helped Margie yesterday to do her yearly baking of the Christmas rings. That's my name for them. They are attractive, delicious and Margie receives much joy in making them and giving them away. We are grateful she had the strength to do this. She had a good night's sleep so nothing negative came of her hard day. Thanks so much for praying for her and joy's situation.
Friday, December 16, 2011
I spent a good part of the day yesterday on the application process to get Joy's Medicaid documents. The folks at NWRC (Northwest Regional Council -Aging and Disability Resources) were helpful and much appreciated. We came up with a plan that we are trying to put in action but so far the people we phoned did not answer. We will try again today. One very energetic and efficient Case Worker will see Joy (when she gets here) and that will facilitate the Medicaid document. Without Joy being here, we are at a standstill. I am checking on available places now where we can bring her without wiping out our savings before Medicaid takes over. Please help us in prayer about this. We appreciate it very much. We are so thankful Margie had a very good night. It is unusual when she can give that report.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Always something to do
Isn't life wonderful! We are thankful for the measure of health given and the ability to do as little as we can. For these blessings, the Lord gets all the credit. We owe it all to Him. This morning I go to Bellingham and the kind lady at the Northwest Regional Council will help me fill out papers applying for Joy's Medicaid card. She will need this when in Whatcom county because her present one in Wisconsin is not valid here. We thank you for your prayer interest in these things. It means so much to us. We will update you as things develop with the progress on her transfer to the west coast. Margie is doing pretty well. She tires easily so is careful to pace her activities to compensate for this.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
More regarding Joy
The local D.D.D. spokesperson called to set up an appointment to discuss funding for Joy. I will be doing that tomorrow. There is plenty of paper work in this whole process and we are gradually fulfilling those things which they require. Margie had a good night. Yesterday for her was good also and she is trying to organize all getting ready for Christmas. She must pace herself carefully and not get too tired. We received a lovely letter from Dr. Amstutz, president of Shepherds. He is a busy man and we appreciated his taking time to write. Thank you all for praying. It is much appreciated.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Yesterday was a first for us since Margie has been ill. I was invited to give a Christmas devotional at a party at Pastor Marvin Uptain's place last night. I did have a wonderful time there and the Uptains, Marvin and Penelope are wonderful hosts. Originally I thought Margie would be going with me. It was soon obvious that this was going to be hard on her. I regretfully proceeded alone, not wanting to leave her this way. She kept busy doing some Christmas baking and listening to the news. She and I were mighty glad when I was back home again after the 157 mile trip was over. Thank you for praying. We are in the waiting mode now about Joy.
Monday, December 12, 2011
We must wait
Now that we have delivered our paper work to the right place in Bellingham, we must wait patiently for their response to the courtesy review being done of our application. We are grateful Shepherds gave us an extension on the Joy's discharge date. It was very kind of them to do so and we appreciate it. Yesterday our son and his son took us to a local restaurant for a delicious meal. Margie always enjoys this very much. Although she never begrudges making meals for our family, this was a delightful change of pace for her and much appreciated. We recorded the debate previously and viewed it yesterday. We pray much for our country and the upcoming election. We thank each of you for your faithfulness in upholding Margie and our daughter's situation in prayer.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Coffee time
For some reason, our family likes the way I make lattes. When our son and his family are here, I always get an "order" for them. They are fun to make and I am honored because they would rather have mine than the ones Starbucks sells. Maybe the price is right with me and that's the reason. Yesterday Margie prepared lunch for our son and grandson. They were here working on the homestead place. People are asking about Joy's situation. We are presently waiting the local Division of Developmental Disabilities to give an answer to their courtesy review of our application. Thank you for praying about this and Margie's health.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
We are in the "holding pattern" as we now wait for word from the local division regarding Joy's chances of being accepted as a client in one of the facilities here. We are praying and MANY more join us in asking for God's direction. We appreciate all who are helping us. Margie is planning ahead so she will be able to do some baking for Christmas. She has to pace herself carefully, and she does, so that can happen. I received more coaching on my business blog and invite you to peruse it and click on items of interest there to help me. Your "clicks" and or purchases, give me a small percentage of a rebate which is deeply appreciated. The address is: www.ministryworkinbrazil.com and please check it out.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Not ready
Unfortunately we are not ready for Joy's original discharge date of Dec 9. We are thankful Shepherds gave us an extension. Today we received wonderful help from Bruce B. whose work is to help we who need assistance and guidance on placement of our daughter Joy. He walked us through the options and will help us by contacting our local department to facilitate things for us. We are so appreciative of his kind help and that of pastor Dan Bong in Wenatchee who requested his help for us. Thank you for praying. We hope we can be patient as the Lord put the pieces of this puzzle together. We were thrilled when our dear friend Ruth B. from Shepherds agreed to bring Joy to Washington when the time comes. This is a great answer to prayer.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Waiting period
Yesterday I turned in the questionnaire regarding our daughter Joy's application for consideration by the Division of Developmental Disabilities, a part of the DSHS of Washington. Now we pray the Lord's direction in this and must leave it with Him. We thank the host of folks who are praying about it and Shepherds for their patience in extending Joy's discharge time. Originally it was scheduled for Dec. 9. Yesterday we had quite a bit to do in Bellingham including turning the paperwork into the above mentioned department. Margie is still asleep as I write this but except for the delayed time she had in getting to sleep, I believe she did okay the rest of the night. Thanks for your continued prayers about Joy's situation. Your support means so much to us.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Going well
Our application for Joy went well yesterday. I received the packet from the Division of Developmental Disabilities and spent the day working on it. Maybe today I can return it for their courtesy review. Margie was able to go with the ladies of our church to our friend's home for the missionary meeting. She did well and enjoyed it very much. She doesn't go far without me so it was nice she could be with the ladies for that meeting. We thank you for your prayers for us as we seek to get Joy placed here in our county. We realize there may be a waiting list for this and we will need much wisdom to know what to do in the interim.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
On our own
Being unfamiliar with the process of getting Joy established here, I plunged into the system and with the help of pastor Dan Bong of Wenatchee, started yesterday. It is a learning time for us. I go to Bellingham at 8 this morning to pick up application papers. I appreciate prayer as I complete and submit them today. Yesterday I spent time on my blog related to our home business. We invite you to look it over also at www.ministryworkinbrazil.com and we are told that clicking on the business ads, we will get credit for it. I hope it is so. Margie is still asleep as I write this but all indications are that she had a good night. We pray she did. Thanks for praying for us as we transition Joy to the west coast. This will be an undertaking involving wise decisions and we want to do it God's way.
Monday, December 5, 2011
No call yet
We have not yet received any communication from the individual who is knowledgeable about the legal aspects of Joy's transfer to another facility. Perhaps today that will happen. In the meantime, I will be contacting the local chapters of the equivalent organization in Wisconsin that informed me last week of our issue with Joy. Please continue to pray as I pursue answers to complex questions regarding her transfer to the west. It was nice to have our family here over the weekend. We were able to celebrate our son's birthday at a local restaurant, along with his family. We had a great time and we were so glad Margie could be with us for the occasion. And I am happy that Margie just informed me she one of the best sleeps in many nights. We are thankful.
We invite you to check out our Brazil blog - our new adventure in home business. Please investigate the site.
We invite you to check out our Brazil blog - our new adventure in home business. Please investigate the site.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Our son and his family are here and we set up the Christmas tree and Monique our granddaughter started decorating it. It is just too much for Margie to do and we are delighted to have Monique do it. She does it with the greatest of ease and is good at it. Margie finally got to sleep last night but then did well after that. We contacted our pastor friend in Wenatchee, Dan Bong, who helped us more with Internet addresses to check for help on Joy's transfer to Washington and placement here. We are totally dependent on the Lord to guide in this momentous decision. We rest in Him and are confident it will work out okay. Thanks so much for praying about these things. We could not do it alone.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Narrowing the gap
A phone call yesterday helped us narrow the gap concerning Joy's future placement in a facility. We were told by the agency in Wisconsin that deals with such matters that because I am Joy's guardian, and live in Washington, Joy situation falls into a different category. That means she will not be funded there. So now we rest in the Lord and depend on Him, like we always have, to help us bring a solution to this. We are awaiting this weekend an important call from the friend of pastor Bong. Perhaps the Lord will use him to give us some advice on what to do. And we thank each of you for your prayer support through this. Margie did not have a terrific night but after finally getting to sleep did pretty well. This morning she had loads of trouble fighting off a near choking spell.
Friday, December 2, 2011
More leads
With the fast approaching deadline, more leads are coming in to us. People have been SO good to pray and offer suggestions regarding Joy's placement in a different facility. Pastor Dan Bong in E. Washington, called and asked if his friend could contact us regarding our situation. Sometime this weekend we will receive a call from this gentleman who is very knowledgeable the protocol issues of care for the aging and disabled. We are grateful for his interest and look forward to the call. Margie had a good night. Yesterday was laundry time and she & I worked on that. Please continue to pray for our very critical decision regarding Joy. We appreciate it greatly.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
More phone calls
We made more calls yesterday morning on matters concerning our daughter Joy. The places I called advised us they had no beds available. One kind lady gave me some information which may be helpful. I called the A.D.R.C (Aging & Disability Resource Center of Racine County, Wisconsin. They were very kind and arranged an interview with us for Monday morning. We are praying they will give help to us in knowing best how to negotiate Joy's transfer to another facility. We are aware of the time factor and want to get this matter cared for as soon as possible. Margie had another important appointment with her eye specialist concerning her macular degeneration. Then she had physical therapy. The therapist was pleases with progress made in her home therapy sessions and that her left foot and leg were getting stronger. Having an inoperable knee condition makes rising from a seated position extremely difficult. Thank you kindly for praying about these things.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Starting all over
Today we start all over again looking for a facility that will accept Joy, our daughter. After many phone calls the last several weeks, we were told yesterday by the nursing facility that the agency which funds special cases like Joy's, cannot provide funding for her. We were surprised because they said she DOES NOT require skilled nursing. The tough part is that Shepherds is equipped to help to a certain level of need. Joy has passed that and so today I start trying to locate a place that will take her. We appreciate your prayers. I will not have as much time today because Margie has two medical appointments. Many of you have received our urgent prayer request for this via email. We thank you for your intercession.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Shepherds has graciously given us an extension on Joy's discharge date. We appreciate this greatly but will be careful not to abuse this kindness shown us. I will be calling the nursing home today to see if there is anything new on the process. Thanks so much for praying about this. It is definitely having a negative mark on Margie's health. Margie just awakened and said she had a good night. We are thankful.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Countdown 11
We are very burdened about our daughter's placement after her discharge date of December 9. We are in correspondence with Shepherds, assuring them we are doing everything we can from this side of the country to make it happen. We know that in the final scheme of things, it has to be the Lord who does it. We sincerely thank you all for praying about this. Margie certainly had a good night - one of her best. We are grateful. This morning I have an appointment with my coach concerning a business from home on the computer. When it is all set up I will inform you about it. In fact for the last many days, my first Brazilian narrative has been published and from here on there will be two weekly. With the Medicare situation changing, we are praying this will give us sufficient to fill in the gaps of some medical expenses.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Blowing like 60
And that's about what the wind velocity is. All night strong winds blew and more is forecast. Alerts are warning us to watch for fallen limbs and have flashlights and food supplies on hand. We slept fairly well and Margie did also. Yesterday she paced herself and was able to prepare lunch for us. Our son is here and she enjoys fixing what he likes. He likes that too. I spent hours trying to get the CD Rom drive to "read" a program to install on Margie's computer. I had no success, neither did the Dell technician. We will try again another day. We are receiving scores of personal notes of prayer support for Joy's situation. We appreciate so much the help in prayer.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Here we are
Yes, here we are at the end of another week. We were in town yesterday and before returning home, we stopped at the hospital to visit our friend who came to the E.R. in the morning and was admitted in the afternoon. We are praying for his well being and release soon. He thought it would be this morning. Rawlie arrived in late afternoon and will be here while he finishes a special project on his computer for his company.Yesterday was laundry and ironing. I did the washing and Margie the ironing. I took her for the 20 minute hair appointment in the morning. We are still awaiting word concerning Joy's placement. We are totally dependent on the Lord to resolve this. Our resources are SO SMALL. We know He is able and we trust Him. Thanks for helping us in prayer.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Black Friday
The Wikipedia says this name originated in Philadelphia where it was used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic which took place on the day after Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time with our son and his family for Thanksgiving. Margie was able to enjoy it also for which we are happy. We are deeply concerned about our daughter Joy's situation of placement in another facility. We certainly appreciate your help in prayer about it. Thanks so much.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgivng
Let us give thanks today for all our blessing. Margie & I are grateful we have the Lord, our family, each other and the measure of health we enjoy. Margie had a good night and in a moment will be preparing some things for us to take to our son's where we will join them in the Thanksgiving meal. Thanks for your prayers for Margie and our daughter's situation. We certainly do appreciate them.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
We just received word from Shepherds and Joy's Case Manager Ashley Gilmore this morning that the flu has hit the home. Fortunately Joy's unit has been quarantined because they are all well and they will spend Thanksgiving together and have a special meal in the gym. I asked her about Joy's placement in the nursing home and she said the Behavioral Consulting Services are working on this aspect of the situation. I know that funding is one of the biggest issues. Please pray that something can be worked out for her being there. Financially we are unable to pay what they require. I am in consultation with Shepherds regarding an extension on Joy's discharge date which should be December 9. We know you are praying about these things and ask you to continue. We appreciate it so much. Margie had a good night and we are grateful for that.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
60 M.P.H.
That's what the weather man said. Wind clocked at 60 miles per hour last night. We thought for sure the lights would go out but they made it all night Margie didn't sleep well. Each time I awakened, the wind was fierce. Today we must go to town. They predict strong winds for Thanksgiving Day so we will have to be careful.
I talked to the nursing home yesterday and they were waiting for the decision of a meeting of one of the state agencies regarding funding, etc for Joy, if she is accepted. Please pray. We know only the Lord can resolve this issue. Thanks so much for your help in prayer.
I talked to the nursing home yesterday and they were waiting for the decision of a meeting of one of the state agencies regarding funding, etc for Joy, if she is accepted. Please pray. We know only the Lord can resolve this issue. Thanks so much for your help in prayer.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Stormy weather
We awakened to high winds that will increase by tomorrow to at least 60 m.p.h. We are so glad we have our generator in place ready for such emergencies. Our son and his friend wired our house for it so when the electricity fails, we just flip two switches and the light plant will keep us warm and help cook our meals. We were thankful we could be in church yesterday and afterward, our son and grandson invited us to a restaurant here in our town for lunch. It was very nice. Margie slept well last night. We are praying that Joy's acceptance in the Wisconsin nursing home will happen before her discharge date of December 9. Please pray with us about this.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Bright Sunday
It's COLD but beautiful. We are thankful for heat. Lord willing we will attend church this morning. At first Margie wondered if she should go. But it is definitely not inclement weather and we are glad we can go.
Margie had a good night. Yesterday she was able to prepare a meal for our son and grandson. That is a blessing when you think that not long ago that was an impossibility. Thank you for continued prayer about Joy's placement in another facility. We tend to be optimistic about it but it still is in the Lord's hands.
Margie had a good night. Yesterday she was able to prepare a meal for our son and grandson. That is a blessing when you think that not long ago that was an impossibility. Thank you for continued prayer about Joy's placement in another facility. We tend to be optimistic about it but it still is in the Lord's hands.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Chilly morning
For us in Ferndale this is COLD. It was about 26 degrees this morning. We are so happy for the heaters our grandson installed. They really help keep the old folks warm. I worked yesterday on our business blog and you are welcome to check it out. I will have two narratives a week about our years in Brazil. We hope you like it and keep coming back. It, hopefully will be our source of a little extra to help with medical expenses. If not we will discontinue it. Margie had a good day yesterday and was able to do some things in the kitchen and around the house. She rests between chores, pacing herself that way. Thanks for your continued prayers regarding Joy's placement in another facility. We desire God's will in this and value your prayer support.
Friday, November 18, 2011
There is an enormous amount of background preparation needed for our daughter Joy to be placed in another facility. The personnel at the facility we have requested a place for Joy, have been so very kind to us and we appreciate it greatly. We are hindered by the fact I cannot be there personally to do some of the foot work preparation. Margie's health at the present, demands I be here with her. I certainly want that also. Please pray that each required item will be in place for them to make a decision before Joy's discharge date of December 9. We appreciate your help in prayer. Margie had a good night. And last night we had a delightful time at prayer meeting with those who came to pray.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Do we need patience? YES! The Bible even says that. We are awaiting further word on Joy's situation. We are aware of the enormous amount of protocol and paperwork involved in this so we must be patient. The kind people at the home where we have applied for Joy to be placed, have been good to us and we appreciate them greatly. Please pray with us that all will be put together in the time limit given us for Joy's discharge Dec. 9.
Margie had a good day yesterday and last night. She had another physical therapy treatment and the therapist was pleased with her progress. It has been a slow process but we are glad she is doing better in her balance and walking. Thank you all for standing with us in prayer. It means so much to us.
Margie had a good day yesterday and last night. She had another physical therapy treatment and the therapist was pleased with her progress. It has been a slow process but we are glad she is doing better in her balance and walking. Thank you all for standing with us in prayer. It means so much to us.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I have been trying to initiate a home business via the computer. Yesterday I made the shocking discovery that when I applied for a domain name for my web site, they worded it incorrectly and therefore it was out there in cyber space but not being used. The company quickly saw their mistake and corrected it. Hopefully we will be able to start on it soon. For some of you it may be of interest in that the theme will be our missionary work in Brazil and twice weekly I will have articles (short) about an interesting experience during those years. I am doing my homework and am ready for my coach who will instruct and teach me how to start this work. Please pray with us about this. The sole reason is to make it a blessing but also hopefully provide a small income to help with some expenses here. Thanks so much. And we don't want to forget to update you on Margie. She had a wonderful night and we are so thankful. Today is another trip to therapy. This is coming to an end and we are sorry, because this has helped her much.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
We are encouraged today after yesterday's communication with the care facility where we applied for Joy to be placed. The Director of Admissions, S. P., was so very kind to us in explaining some of the procedure necessary prior to her transfer. Given no unforeseen problems, she feels Joy will be able to be in their facility. This is truly an answer to prayer and we are so grateful for this administration's kindness in helping us. Yesterday was a busy day for us in that Margie had an appointment with the neurologist, this fine doctor who, among many, finally discovered the cause of Margie's extreme neck and head pain and prescribed medication that alleviated it greatly. We also had some shopping to do which added to the day's activities. We were mighty happy to be back home. Margie sits in the car ofttimes when I shop to help her not to overexert. Thanks for praying and please continue and I will update Joy's situation as things occur. I am sorry to report that Margie's night was very short, overtaken with insomnia.
Monday, November 14, 2011
More comments
We are receiving more comments on my e-mail blitz, asking for prayer regarding Joy's situation. A friend of ours called last evening,giving us moral support in our process of Joy's discharge from Shepherds. We appreciate so much the help through prayer and suggestions. Margie had a wonderful night. Thank you Lord!
Rawlie and Nathan left late afternoon from here to their home in Stanwood. Nathan has almost completed the task of putting electric heat in our house. It is GREAT! We pray you all have a wonderful day and thanks for your help in prayer for us as we seek to get Joy settled in a new place.
Rawlie and Nathan left late afternoon from here to their home in Stanwood. Nathan has almost completed the task of putting electric heat in our house. It is GREAT! We pray you all have a wonderful day and thanks for your help in prayer for us as we seek to get Joy settled in a new place.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Day of rest
Sunday is a wonderful day. We have the privilege of being in church, have fellowship with others, and study the Word of God. For so many months we could not go because of Margie's illness. Today we look forward to it.
Last night Margie slept wonderfully. Great news. Yesterday she prepared lunch for Rawlie and our grandson Nathan. Nathan is busy updating and installing new electric heaters throughout our house. Rawlie is working on the Vista house preparing it for rental. I was in our garage organizing and cleaning up the garage sale items we hope to get rid of some day. Our main concern these days continues to be our daughter Joy's situation. Please continue to pray the rest home will decide if they can accept her. We are puzzled by their reticence to do so based on the fact she is non-verbal. Thank you for your prayer support. This matter has been VERY hard on Margie and we understand why.
Last night Margie slept wonderfully. Great news. Yesterday she prepared lunch for Rawlie and our grandson Nathan. Nathan is busy updating and installing new electric heaters throughout our house. Rawlie is working on the Vista house preparing it for rental. I was in our garage organizing and cleaning up the garage sale items we hope to get rid of some day. Our main concern these days continues to be our daughter Joy's situation. Please continue to pray the rest home will decide if they can accept her. We are puzzled by their reticence to do so based on the fact she is non-verbal. Thank you for your prayer support. This matter has been VERY hard on Margie and we understand why.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Our extensive prayer alert for Joy's situation created a host of responses via email. We are grateful for all who are praying. We will keep you posted as things develop. Yesterday we had a heavy wind storm that didn't last long but did plenty of damage. A total of about 4,000 houses were affected by the outage. I "resurrected" our Honda 2000 generator and it provided lights for about 4 hours. It finally "died", and we don't know why. I will have it serviced for future use. Our son and grandson arrived about 8:15 and we "dug" out our larger generator which was hidden beneath "tons" of garage sale items we hope to one day display at a sale. We got it going but didn't have to use it because the lights came back on. (Applause!). I am sorry to report that Margie's night was anything but desirable. She just did not do well at all. I think the outage plus her concern about Joy did not mix well. Thanks so much for praying.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Need for much prayer
Yesterday I called the nursing home in Wisconsin where I applied for Joy's acceptance as a client. Last Monday they said after Joy's assessment and the paper work in, they should be able to tell us Tuesday the answer. So I phoned, thinking something was holding up the decision because we have heard nothing from them. The Admission Director told me their great concern was Joy's inability to communicate. She was in consultation with the state agency that would approve or disapprove such a move. We ask you to pray much about this. We have known of several in rest homes through the years who could not communicate but were patients anyway. Shepherds has done a fabulous work of being able to minister to Joy's needs. Joy has never spoken. And she cannot hear. Please pray that the Lord will intervene in this decision if it is His will. That's what we want. Thanks so much for helping us.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Busy while waiting
We are waiting word from the nursing home in Wisconsin about Joy's assessment and their decision whether they will accept her or not as a client. It is always hard to wait, but we must. In the meantime, Margie had an appointment with the neurologist yesterday. He was pleased with her response to the present medication for seizures and said she would be on them the rest of her life. Many things can cause them and we will probably never know the answer. He did say that celiac disease can trigger seizures. This was a new bit of information for us. Please continue to pray. Margie is having more and more trouble with her sleep and it concerns us. She does well sometimes and at others, not so good. I know that last night she had lots of trouble getting to sleep. Thanks for your prayers.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Not yet
Yesterday our daughter's case manager met the admissions director from a local nursing home near Shepherds, to assess Joy's situation. The case manager said it went well and there were only some concerns about communication with Joy. Joy has never spoken and cannot hear because she is totally deaf. There is a level of communication however through visual means and the nursing home admissions director even suggested another approach to this problem. The final word on this is that up until now there is no final word. We are waiting word to see if this home will accept her or not. We leave it with the Lord. He is in charge and we must be willing to accept whatever comes of this. We thank you for praying about it. It means much to us. Margie had a positive night and we are thankful.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Fast pace
Yesterday when we began our contact work with nursing homes in the Union Grove area, we were delighted how quickly things happened. A local nursing home recommended by Shepherds was very kind to me and through a series of phone calls both to them and Shepherds an assessment meeting was arranged with the Admissions Director of the nursing home to meet with Joy (our daughter) and her Case Manager this morning at 8 o'clock P.T. (or 10 Union Grove time). So by the time many of you open this, that meeting may be over. If you receive it before that, please pray for the Lord's will in this matter. We appreciate it so much. This situation of Joy's discharge and trying to find a new place for her has been so very hard on Margie especially because she is not well. We will keep you posted perhaps even today with an update HERE when we hear any news we should pass on to you. To the host of folks praying for us during this tender time, we say "thanks".
Monday, November 7, 2011
We have two things we are waiting for today: More information concerning rest home facilities in Union Grove, WI and a call from the company that is making a new web site for my home business. Both are very important but our daughter Joy is the first priority. Please pray with me as I contact the different places, trying to determine the best option for us to follow. We certainly need the Lord's guidance. We are completely unable alone to make the right decision. Thanks so much for caring and praying. We appreciate it greatly. Margie had a good night for which we are grateful.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Time change
I'm glad we remembered the time change. I set back all the clocks yesterday. Our grandson, Nathan, is installing electric heat in our house and he was able to get a lot done. With the forced air furnace, we seem to be cold an awful lot. We know the steady electric heat will be better. Margie had a better night and we are thankful. We look forward to being at church this morning. It is cold and we are reminded winter is coming. Thanks for your prayers. We have much homework to do this week, when Shepherds sends a list of the facilities around Union Grove where Joy could possibly be transferred to. Please pray we will have His wisdom. We know that finances will determine greatly what we can do. We know that none will ever compare to Shepherds but we trust the Lord to help us find the right one.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Official notice
Yesterday afternoon we received the official notice from Shepherds regarding Joy's discharge. It will take place on December 9. Monday we will receive the list of homes in the area of Union Grove where Joy could possibly stay. I will then have to contact all of them via Internet and direct phone calls, to determine which would be best for her. The crucial concern at this moment is if the facility will accept Joy's present financial benefits as payment for her care. Please pray with us about this. I researched last night and discovered that quite a few of them do not accept Social Security or Medicaid patients. We know the Lord will work it out for us but we certainly depend on our praying friends during this very important move. Thank you for your help. Another concern of mine is the fact that I most likely will have to go to Union Grove to be there for this transfer. It is logical that I should be and I want to be there. But I am very concerned about leaving Margie alone for that time.
Friday, November 4, 2011
We hope
Maybe at last after long months of searching, we may have found something that will help us bring in some financial help for our medical expenses. If it does work out, we will post the new blog site here so you can see what we are doing. In just a few more days it should be near completion. Margie had a good day yesterday and together we washed dried and folded the clothes. I only did the washing, which is done in our garage area. She has difficulty descending and ascending the two stairs into our family room. Yesterday morning I went to our local tire shop and had the studless snow tires mounted on our car for the winter. We have not used them for many years because with our work with Shepherds, we were rarely home in the winter to need them. Margie did not have a very good night. We pray tonight will be better.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Too early
It's too early to know if Margie had a good night but all indications are that she did. I only heard her a couple of times. Yesterday was a fairly busy day for us. In the morning we attended and I had a small part in the memorial service for our good friend Elsie Forner. We were not able to stay for the fellowship time because we had to get home and prepare for our short trip to Lynden for Margie's physical therapy session. While she was there I did some shopping and we returned home. It's always good to be home. Once again we thank you for praying for Margie and our daughter Joy and her soon discharge from Shepherds. I also appreciate prayer concerning my part time work at the computer, attempting to help a little with the expenses. I have not actually started yet, but hope to soon.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
A dear friend
This morning there is a memorial service for Elsie Forner, a wonderful friend, who died last week. I am honored to have a part in that service along with our pastor. From the memorial service we will go to Lynden, WA for Margie's physical therapy. Yesterday was a busy day also when she attended the Women's Missionary meeting at our church then off to Bellingham for an appointment with the foot specialist. As you can see, we are always on the go. Margie had a good night last night. Thanks for praying.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Last night
Our church had a Parking Lot party for the neighborhood. It was well organized and well attended. The weather cooperated also even though it was cold. Here at home we were quiet. Margie had a chiropractic treatment in the afternoon. Last night she didn't get to sleep before midnight so her report this morning was not as good as we had expected. Today, Lord willing, she will attend the Ladies Missionary missionary at our church then I pick her up for a doctor's appointment in Bellingham mid afternoon. Thanks for remembering her and Joy in your prayers.We are awaiting word from Shepherds relative to her discharge.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Joy's Birthday
The year was 1959. The place was Iquitos, a town located on the Amazon River in Peru. We had traveled from Benjamin Constant, Brazil - also a town along the Amazon River- a couple of days before, for Margie to give birth to Joy there in a hospital. It was not an easy ordeal. It started hard and as our friends know, the road has not been an easy one. Margie's health has never been the best and Joy is mentally disable. We are extremely aware of the fact that the Lord has been in charge of all details of this episode from the beginning. Joy's 45 years at Shepherds Home have been the most rewarding and Margie & I are so grateful for the compassionate Christian care she has received there all these years. As reported previously, we await now the official discharge notice from Shepherds for Joy. They are no longer equipped to care for her in her needs as she grows older. Please pray that they and we will have wisdom to know what to do for her future care. Margie's health is fragile and we don't know if I (Ralph) can leave her and travel to Union Grove, WI to work on details of her transfer to another facility. We need God's wisdom and direct help in this. Thanks for praying.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Hard decisions
Our son did more research Online and discovered that the at-home employment he had suggested MAY not be the best deal after all. We have known since the beginning of these searches, that this whole field is difficult. Probably today I will make the final decision to either discontinue or delve deeper into it and try it out. I appreciate your prayers with me about this. Margie had a good night and yesterday she did fairly well as she prepared a light meal for our son and grandson. We look forward to church today and we hope you all do too.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
New routine
Several months ago I spent a lot of time looking for home opportunities for employment. Now I have finally decided on one I hope will be fruitful. It is going to require much of me and I want to give it a fair try to see if it will work for us as I work in it. I have much homework to do in preparation for the "launching" of a web site and an attempt to get sales. Please pray with us about this. I am not doing this for sheer pleasure (although I do enjoy it) but to help out with extra medical bills etc and to augment our Social Security income - which is very small. Margie had another good night last night. She did quite a few things around the house yesterday, pacing herself so as not to get overly tired. Thanks so much for your prayers,
Friday, October 28, 2011
Schedule change
By consensus, the Thursday afternoon prayer meeting was changed to Thursday night. We were pleased last night with the turn out. We are hoping more from our church will join this group which meets for usually less than an hour to intercede for the many requests given us each week. Yesterday was a shopping day and although Margie was not able to enter all the stores, she felt up to some of them and we are glad. We stopped by a friend's house on the way home to help with a computer problem, then we came on home. It is always good to be home. Do you feel that way too?. Thanks for praying for Margie. This whole issue with our daughter's discharge from Shepherds has been very hard on her and we know she will be relieved when a final conclusion has been reached on it. Please help us in prayer about this. Thank you.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
We will drive into Bellingham today, Lord willing, to get some more supplies, pay our land taxes and get back home. I will continue my studies for home employment after we get back. There is MUCH to learn before I can get involved in this adventure. It is intriguing and exciting but I must take my time and do it right in order for it to WORK for us. We appreciate your prayer for us about this. And we are praying much about Joy's placement in the proper place in Wisconsin. We must give this important decision to the Lord for His help. Margie's health is still fragile and we go from one day to the next not knowing just what symptoms will appear in her never ending series of health issues. The Lord is good and we value YOUR prayer support so much. Thank you.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wisdom needed
In life there are so many decisions to make. Yesterday we heard another word from Shepherds regarding Joy's discharge letter which will probably be in the mail tomorrow or the next day. We hear there are several rest homes in the area of Shepherds and we will make the decision as to where she will go. We know that much of this decision hinges on the financial policy of the places available. We know you will be praying with us about these things. It was particularly hard for Margie as I read the email to her. With her fragile health, these things are hard for her to go through. Thanks so much for praying. I spent almost the entire day studying the affiliate marketing electronic books which are part of the package I subscribed to Online. I too need much wisdom to pursue this avenue of work which in reality could help us considerably with Margie's extra medical expenses not covered by insurance. Thanks for your interest in prayer. We appreciate it.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
New Adventure
I need much prayer as I launch my new adventure of online business. I need wisdom to be able to build the business so it will generate sufficient funds to help us in some of our medical and other expenses. I am excited to get started in it. I did all the initial transactions yesterday and today I start WORK. Margie & I were pleased yesterday with a visit from a missionary candidate with the same board we served under in Brazil for 25 years. Todd Janes will be going to work in Cambodia after his marriage next year. Margie had a chiropractic treatment yesterday afternoon. Margie slept well last night for which we are so thankful. Thanks for praying.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Poor sleep
This morning Margie is sleeping in because she did not well last night. I will wake her up later on per her request. She was remarking last night of how wonderful Heaven will be there. There will no night there. We pray tonight will be better for her. Yesterday we enjoyed our time at church. Margie may have lingered a bit too long afterward visiting, because she got pretty tired. The missionaries were a blessing and Curt Jones gave a wonderful message. Rawlie's family returned to Stanwood earlier. He stayed and had lunch with us then also left after I made a latte for him. He was doing so research and helped me by giving some suggestions regarding at home opportunities for work. I will be checking those out today. We appreciate your prayer about these things, and also Joy's situation and Margie's ongoing health issues.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Yesterday Margie and I went to the 90th birthday celebration of a dear friend. Her children were here from all parts of the country and a host of friends nearby. It was a grand time As mentioned yesterday we were not able to paint due to the constant rain throughout the day. Our family is here and it was nice having lunch with them yesterday here at our place. I write this early in the morning, but it appears Margie had a pretty good night. Please continue your prayers for her regarding the multifaceted health issues she faces almost daily. Lord willing, we plan on attending church this morning.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
No painting
A friend was coming to paint the high peaks of our house today. That won't happen because it is raining. Our son and family are here and we had a short visit with Gina and the grandchildren yesterday. Today Nathan and Rawlie arrive to continue their work on their home projects here. I am continuing mypursuit of at home business but as yet nothing has "gelled". This afternoon we will attend the 90th birthday celebration of a dear friend here in Ferndale. Margie told me she slept last night but certainly had quite a bit of pain. I guess this also accompanies the aging process.Thanks for praying for Margie and also Joy's situation at Shepherds.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Fresh air
Margie requires plenty of fresh air during the night. Last night the sliding door was partially closed because the nights have been some cooler. But last night it was warm and she didn't get much sleep after 3 a.m. So the door was opened more and finally she got a little rest. When I put out the garbage and recycle material this morning, it was raining. It appears the wet weather is with us now for the winter. Yesterday was our prayer meeting. We were pleased to have the Jones drop in for prayer. They are missionaries and it was nice to get an update about their ministry. We decided yesterday to change our Thursday afternoon meeting time to 6:30 in the evening. Please continue to pray for Joy's transfer to another facility. We are awaiting word from Shepherds about the next step in the process.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Double medical trip
Margie arranged her two medical appointments to be in the nearby town of Lynden so we went there before lunch and got both of those taken care of. That saved about 30 miles. We were glad to be back home. Margie did well last night for which we are thankful. Today is prayer meeting so we will be attending that, Lord willing at 2. I am back in the routine search for at home business opportunities. After much research I discover there are vast numbers of opportunities but the weak link in the chain is ME. I don't believe I am qualified sufficiently for a lot of them. I just keep on until one opens up I can investigate more to see how it goes. Thanks for praying with us about this. It is much appreciated.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
To Town
Yesterday we had many things to do in town. We left fairly early and spent several hours there, returning home after lunch. Margie was not up to doing a whole lot but in the mall we walked a little, and that was good for both of us. The weather was beautiful and we know that is coming to an end. Today the clouds are rolling in.
Margie had a "so so" night last night but did sleep so we are thankful. Today is filled with medical appointments so we will be on the road again.Thanks for praying.
Margie had a "so so" night last night but did sleep so we are thankful. Today is filled with medical appointments so we will be on the road again.Thanks for praying.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Winding down
The lawn mowing season is coming to an end. I had been waiting for the grass to get dry and yesterday the strong sunshine and gentle breeze did just that. So I spent the afternoon behind the lawnmower. Margie paced herself carefully in her work projects, because the night before she had a poor night, sleeping very little. A church friend brought several wonderful gifts of fresh fruit & vegetables, canned foods and other items to the house while I was mowing the lawn. What a gracious gift. It is appreciated. We had planned on shopping yesterday but Margie sleepless night stopped that right away. Maybe today we can do that. Please continue to pray also for our daughter Joy's transfer to another facility, when they can find an adequate one. We thank you for your help in prayer for Joy and Margie. It means much to us.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Not good
Margie did not sleep well at all last night. She left a note asking me to let her sleep past 7:30 (her normal wake up time) We are so sorry she had a bad night. We had planned on doing some necessary shopping today but I don't know if she will be up to it or not. Yesterday we had a wonderful time at the Missions Conference at our church. Our good friends Jerry & Donna Layton, missionaries with ABWE for many years in the Philippines, were there. How good to see them and remember past days and hear of future plans for serving the Lord.
It was good also having our son and grandson here for awhile over the weekend.
It was good also having our son and grandson here for awhile over the weekend.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Missions Conference
Lord willing, we will go to our church this morning and enjoy the second Sunday of the Missions Conference. Jerry & Donna Layton will be there. We have known them for years. Jerry started a fantastic ministry in the Philippines years ago using creation science as a tool to reach thousands for Christ. We will be happy to hear the update today. Yesterday our son and grandson came to work on one of their rental homes. We invited them for lunch and Margie fixed a delicious one for them. They appreciated it greatly. We were so pleased that Margie could do this. I had a phone conference about a home business I was researching in the afternoon. It doesn't sound as if it will be a good fit at this time. Please pray that I will find something adequate to supplement our income and help with the medical issues. And please remember Joy's situation at Shepherds and her need to transfer to another facility.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Finally in the afternoon the sun came out pretty strong and the air temperature warmed and I went out and finished the main painting on the house. Now all I have left are the touch up jobs here and there and the "peaks" of the house which will be done for me by someone else. Margie had her hair done in the morning. She is not able to keep her arms up to do this, therefore the beauty shop. It only takes less than 1/2 hour. Then in the afternoon the chiropractor called with a cancellation she she was able to go for an adjustment. I took her there in between brush strokes. We finished the day well and Margie did quite a bit of walking, suggested by the doctor to try to keep her muscles toned up, etc. Margie had another good night and we are glad.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Blow up
We are thanking the Lord Margie was not harmed yesterday when she pressure cooked some things. To start the cooling down process, before she even got started, the cooker exploded and plastered the curtains, walls and everything else. BUT the steam did not go onto her face. She was OK. It entailed quite a clean up project but she finally got that done. Now the curtains are being washed. I was outside trying to get the front and east side of the house painted because the sun came out and it was pretty good weather. Fortunately I now have only about 8 ft (wide) and the height of the walls, plus the eaves to paint, to complete the main painting on the house. There is some touch up work that will have to wait for more sunshine or even summer to complete but the house looks good and is protected against the elements for the winter. We are concerned about our daughter Joy's situation and know you are praying for the proper place where she will be transferred to. We are awaiting word as to what they want us to do in this process. Thanks for praying for this and Margie's health. We appreciate it.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
We never cease to be amazed at how fast time flies. Of course we know it really passes always at the same rate, but as we age, it "appears" to go faster. We are encouraged with Margie's improvement. She still has to take things quite easy and not overdo in anything. We needed to shop yesterday but she was not able to get out and go into the stores. She did manage to do a little shopping in two of them but mostly stayed in the car while I
shopped. I had some computer "glitches" which I was trying to iron out also and will continue on those today. We are grateful for a good rest last night. If the weather warms up a bit today I may be able to get out and paint the 9 boards left at the front of the house and then move to the east side and try to get some of it painted before the next predicted rain arrives.
shopped. I had some computer "glitches" which I was trying to iron out also and will continue on those today. We are grateful for a good rest last night. If the weather warms up a bit today I may be able to get out and paint the 9 boards left at the front of the house and then move to the east side and try to get some of it painted before the next predicted rain arrives.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Another attempt
I am trying again to examine the possibilities for work at home. I only do this because my first desire is to serve the Lord. But Margie is our priority and her well being is our immediate goal. We knew that when the Shepherds ministry ended, it would be hard for us to find a satisfactory ministry because we cannot travel. Churches without pastors perhaps could have used our services but for now we are content to be here and do whatever we can to serve the Lord. Margie feels badly that medical expenses drain the resources, but I assure her that as far as I am concerned, that makes no difference. I am so grateful that during the summer I could paint houses. Now I am searching other possibilities for added income. We appreciate your prayers for us about this matter. Margie had a good night last night. It is raining and wind is forecast for this afternoon. This is Washington and things are green because of the rain. We are used to it.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
More of the same
Yes, we are talking about RAIN. I guess I waited too long to paint our own house. I have one side that may not get done, because of the wet weather. But I will keep trying to get a few boards coated when the temperature and dry weather permit it. Margie had a good night and yesterday did quite well as she worked at several projects. Our son was here doing his office work from our house at his laptop. It was nice having him here and he enjoys his mother's cooking and his dad's coffee lattes. He left in late afternoon for his home in Stanwood. His family went home the same day they arrived from their vacation, after the nice meal Margie prepared for them. We appreciate your continued prayers for Shepherds as they work with us concerning Joy's placement in another facility somewhere.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Early trip
This morning I checked in with the auto repair shop about servicing our car. They loaned me a courtesy car. Our son met me at Starbucks and we enjoyed a time of fellowship and nourishment. Yesterday I met he and his family at the airport and it is surely nice to have them home safely. Margie prepared a nice meal for them which they deeply appreciated. Gina and the children returned home Sunday afternoon. Rawlie is still here and will go home this evening. Margie had a good night. It is raining today so I can't paint. There are plenty of other things to do. I am again investigating some possibilities for home business, to help us augment Margie's medical bills. Please pray with us about this. We appreciate it.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
PM arrival
Lord willing, I will meet our son and his family at the airport mid afternoon. They are coming from L.A. where they have been for a week. We (mostly Margie) are preparing a simple meal for them. Margie and I will be in church this morning if all goes well. It is the start of our Missions Conference. We look forward to it. Margie had a good night. Yesterday for her was good also. She worked around the house a bit. She dusted most of the rooms before I vacuumed. She rested occasionally to conserve her energy. Please continue your prayers regarding Joy's placement in a different facility. We know Shepherds is working on this to help us and we appreciate it greatly.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
We feel the chill in the air, the furnace is on and during the night an extra blanket feels good. I don't know how this will affect our house painting project, but I know that already it has slowed down considerably. Margie had a good night and yesterday ironed the clothes and fixed our lunch and did other things around the house. She rests between "jobs" to maintain her strength level. We are happy she has the strength to do what she does. For the first time in a LONG time she drove our car to the repair shop. She followed behind while I led her in our son's car which we happen to have while they are away on vacation. It worked out OK. We had a delightful phone visit with Dan DiDonato, V. P, Development, Shepherds Ministries. who was in Bellevue, WA on business for the home. Our son and his family will arrive Sunday. I will meet them at the airport (locally) in their van. Thanks so much for your prayer support.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Repair shop
Today is the day our car goes to the repair shop. During Margie's long illness I have not had the car serviced like we did before. Now we hope to get this done. We also want the mechanics to determine if our 96 Olds will be suitable enough to carry us through our sunset years or we should think of getting another one. Today we hope to get this evaluation. It is rainy today so no painting. There are plenty of other things to do however. Yesterday we attended prayer meeting in the afternoon at our church. Last night Margie did OK at sleeping so we are thankful. Thanks for your prayers,
Thursday, October 6, 2011
It's Thursday
We both had good nights and the main thing on our list today is afternoon prayer meeting at our church. We look forward to it. Yesterday we attended the grave side service for a friend and had to leave early to get Margie to her physical therapy session about 15 miles from Ferndale. I did some grocery shopping while she was in therapy. I may have to wait awhile to get the house finished, because the weatherman predicts cooler, rainier days ahead. Please continue your prayers for Joy's placement in another facility.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Running out
Time is running out for us to get the outside painting done. Yesterday I was able to almost complete the front of the house. Now it's just the east side. When I get that and some of the trim work done, I will be finished with my part of it. The "peaks" of the house will be painted by a friend from church. Margie had a pretty good day and was able to attend the ladies missionary meeting at church. I ran off to town to buy more paint for the house. I had already used up 5 gallons and needed one more gallon. Last night Margie slept fairly well, having to take some pain medication however because of the discomfort. Thanks for your prayers for her and for Joy's relocation process at Shepherds.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
An appointment
Margie had one more treatment with the chiropractor in Lynden. We were using this doctor because the one Margie usually goes to in Ferndale was on vacation. We are glad now we won't have to travel 30 miles round trip for further treatments. I was not able to do more painting because of the rain. Today I am not real sure I can because of the temperature. Margie just awakened and told me she had a pretty good night. She almost always has to calm down some of her aches and pains with topical medication during the night. But she did pretty well and we are thankful. Lord willing she will be attending the ladies missionary meeting at our church at 1 pm.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Joy's present situation is weighing heavily on Margie. Yesterday she was depressed and tearful about the uncertainty of it all. She desires so much to trust the Lord, and is trying, but her physical condition which has complicated in the last several weeks, seems to aggravate things more. We appreciate your praying about this. I will be in contact with Shepherds today relative to these matters. I took Rawlie and his family to the airport yesterday morning and they had a safe trip to L.A. Margie and I attended our church and appreciated being able to be there. Thanks for praying and please remember Margie's special needs at this time.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I awakened early to take our son and his family to the airport for the start of their mini vacation. It is quite early as I write this but all indications are that Margie had a good night. We plan on attending the service at our church this morning. Yesterday our family came in and we enjoyed their visit. I also mowed the lawn. It rained a little during the process but not bad at all. We pray you all have a great day as you fellowship with others at church and enjoy the day of rest perhaps at home. Thanks for your prayers for us and for Joy's placement in a facility after her discharge from Shepherds.(Later: I was wrong. Margie DID NOT have a good night. I feel badly about this. Her hip was giving her much discomfort)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
At Last
We are so thankful that at last Margie had a good night. For many days she has not been doing well and so we are grateful for this more normal night of rest. Yesterday she ironed the clothes and went through many recipes culling scores of them out because she knows that the "heavy" days of cooking are history now. I continued painting and was able to get the front side of the house over half done. The eaves along the living room picture window are very hard to get to but we managed and now that's over. I believe the rest of the house will be a "breeze". I decided to take a vacation from painting today. I am going to help a friend set up a computer and if the weather cooperates, I may mow the lawn. Our son and his family arrive this afternoon. They leave tomorrow for vacation in California. Please pray with us they will have a safe and enjoyable time.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Be careful
Boy, these things happen so quickly. Yesterday afternoon my shoe caught the cord to the electric blanket and before I knew it I was on the floor. I fell with full force on my right hip from a standing position. I thought immediately that my bionic knees would be affected. The Lord is good. I feel no pain at this point and am thankful for His help to me. Margie did not have a good night. Her leg and hip are hurting quite a bit. I told you yesterday that the two steps into our garage where the washing machine and dryer are located are the culprits. She really has trouble getting up and down them. That's why I took over again the washing and drying process on the clothes. It's much better for me to do it like I have for the last year. She laments not being able to do it because since her strength is a little better now, she wanted to resume those responsibilities. We will have to wait on that for the moment. Yesterday we had prayer meeting at the church. In the morning I painted more on the house and hope to do more within the next hour. Little by little we will get it done, Lord willing.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Margie's latest hip and leg problem seems to stem from her doing the washing on Thursdays. For many months I did this and gladly so. But as she gained strength, she really wanted to resume this work that she has done for years. It seems, however, that the two steps down into the garage are too much for her. So I am going to take back that process starting TODAY. I am also studying the possibility of putting a small ramp over these two steps to determine if it would help her maneuver better from the family room to the garage. Margie had two medical appointments yesterday and hopefully they will help her. I believe she had a good night. If she didn't, I will "edit" this later, letting you know. Thanks so much for the prayer support. It is deeply appreciated. I hope to be able to do more painting on the house today. Yesterday I finished the west side so the house is right now 1/2 painted. I will start on the front side this morning. This afternoon we have prayer meeting.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Painful night
We arrived home after 6 in the evening from Margie's appointment with the chiropractor. We appreciated this doctor's method of trying to help her the best he could. She did not have a good night and we are sure it was because of the soreness which followed the treatment. We will return there again this evening for the second treatment and pray it will help her feel better. Yesterday morning the clouds cleared and in the afternoon started to get warm so I painted more on the west side of the house. I hope to be able to repeat this today but I will get out there this morning. Margie has another medical appointment in the afternoon before going to the chiropractor in the evening. Please pray all will go well.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Finding help
I reported yesterday that Margie had two medical appointments. Well, she only had one. Her chiropractor is on vacation. We spent some time trying to find another that would accept our insurance, but found none. We will try again today because we think we have located one that will. Margie had a good night. The rains continue so there is no painting for me out there. Thankfully the side which really needed attention is all finished and ready for the weather beating it gets all year. Please continue your prayers for Margie and now Joy as Shepherds gives us counsel on suggestions for her transfer to another facility.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Different Sunday
We don't often attend other church services but yesterday we witnessed the baptism of a family friend and near-relative. It was a blessing to be present for this occasion which meant a lot to him. I had actually baptized him years ago but he told me he was not a believer at the time. We are glad for his growth in the Lord and great desire to be baptized now at the right time. Margie still continues with the nausea which makes life pretty uncomfortable for her. We hope and pray she or the doctors will determine what is causing this on-going problem. I had planned on painting today but when I awakened this morning, it was raining. High winds are forecast for this afternoon and more rain. I think I got the most important side of the house(south) painted just in time. Margie has two medical appointments today, so we will be busy on those trips. Thanks for praying.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
More things to do
I started out painting the west side of our house yesterday. Then the kind men from our church came to sweep the roof, cleaning off the moss which had been treated previously treated with a chemical. After that they reapplied more chemical. This changed my plans for painting and I spent the rest of the day cleaning out the gutters which were pretty well clogged up with debris. I wonder how many times I climbed up and down that ladder yesterday. Pretty good exercise for an old man. (Ha!) Margie did well also and had several projects around the house which she undertook. She rests, when needed, and also walks to help maintain her strength level. Rawlie and our granddaughter, Monique stayed here last night. It is always nice having them, especially now that Margie is stronger and feeling better. In just a few minutes I will go in an wake up Margie (per her request) and she will start her day. We pray she has a good one. All signs seems to indicate she had a good night and for this we are thankful.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Margie did not have a good night. She started "fighting" nausea yesterday and it increased. We don't have a clue what causes this but she is experimenting with several ideas in hopes of finding the cause of this discomfort. Despite her nausea, she had a full day of chores. She ironed clothes and did several projects around the house. It was a mild, windy day so I painted ALL day. By 3:30 or so, I had completed the south side of the house. That side of the house gets all the "weather" during the year and really needs protection. I will start the west side of the house today. I was finally able to discover the problem with the publisher for our web site. That has been resolved and it's all back and running smoothly. Please continue your prayers for Joy's transfer to another facility. We, and Shepherds, need much wisdom on how to do this. Thanks for praying.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Web site down
For reasons I cannot figure out, our web site is down and I cannot publish any new material to it. I apologize for this inconvenience and will try to get it straightened out whenever I have time to spend contacting the technician. I will be painting today and won't have time. Margie had a good day yesterday doing the washing and folding of clothes. We had the afternoon prayer meeting at the church also. We pray she had a better night last night than the one before. No rain predicted for today so I better get out there and paint. Thanks for praying for Margie and wisdom to know where we are going to locate Joy after her discharge from Shepherds.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Here & There
We hadn't shopped in several days so off to Bellingham we went. Margie stays in the car sometimes while I shop and I just run in and pick up the items and return quickly. At Walmart she shopped because there was quite a list. We made several other stops then headed for Lynden to have lunch before taking her to the physical therapy session. After all this, we returned to Ferndale and picked up her prescription at Walgreens and went home. We were glad to be home. We were rejoicing in the fact that Margie had the strength to do this. Surely it is answer to prayer and we appreciate so much you who are helping us this way. Technically, I should have painted yesterday because today it is raining. At least the side of the house that gets abused the most, has a good undercoat of paint and can weather the storm until I get the finish coat on. Margie just awakened and unfortunately did not have a real good night. Her neck was hurting from the physical therapy but she finally got to sleep later on.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Warm weather
We thought it was over but while painting yesterday the sun was so hot I thought it best to put some sun shield on. Boy it was hot. I worked in the direct sunlight all day,completing the eaves on the south side of the house. That's always the hardest part to paint, now the siding will be a snap. When finished, that will have the most vulnerable part of our house protected for winter which is coming just around the corner. Margie did well again and was able to work around in the kitchen doing some gluten free baking for her own dietary needs and cleaning and organizing some more of the storage areas. She rested in between the chores she had outlined to do during the day. It is very encouraging to see the progress and we deeply appreciate your prayers. I just asked her what kind of a night she had and she said "Good". We are thankful.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
More good weather
What a blessing the weather report has been. I had fully expected to be delayed MUCH in getting our house painted but this week has turned out to be a dandy. The weatherman claims we will have several days of this and that means I might get the house finished. Yesterday I got the south side undercoated where it needed it most. Margie had a good day and was able to clean out three drawers in the kitchen that needed her touch. We are encouraged when we see her able to do these things. She is still asleep as I write, but I am positive she had a good night. (Yes she just awakened, and had a great night) Please continue your prayers for wisdom to be given to Shepherds and us regarding Joy's transfer to another facility.
Monday, September 19, 2011
New week
Well, the new week started yesterday and I was privileged to speak in our home church. Rawlie and our grandson fixed some dry rot on the south side of our house. It was quite an undertaking even though the affected area was small. They got it done but before that, Margie prepared a nice meal for them to enjoy before finishing the task. We are indeed grateful for their help. The weather is a little "iffy" today and I think I am too, so therefore I probably won't be painting. Margie had a good night and is now preparing her smoothie breakfast which she really enjoys. It does take her quite a while to prepare,but it is a good way to get the supplements she needs each day. Thanks for "tuning into" our blog today and your prayers.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Today I will be preaching in our church. I am always happy to do this and look forward to it. Yesterday Rawlie and our grandson, Nathan, came to inspect the siding on our house, some of which is rotted out. Thankfully it is only in two places so they have devised a plan to repair it. While looking at the siding, Rawlie noticed the screen on our sliding door was torn so he immediately got the material and he and I (he did most of it) installed a new screen. It looks real nice. Margie continues doing limited things around the house. She dusted part of the house yesterday and I vacuumed. We received a very nice letter from Dr. Amstutz, President of Shepherds Home relative to Joy's discharge. We were pleased as they will be working with us to make this transition as smooth as possible. We appreciate so much your praying about this. We all need wisdom.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
No painting
Our son is arriving today to take a look at the siding on the south side of the house. Some of it (very little) has decayed and needs replacing. He wants to check it to determine the best approach for repairs. Thankfully I am prepared for my message tomorrow at our church. I made a visit yesterday to a family whose husband is receiving hospice help. Margie ironed clothes, prepared our lunch and busied herself with several "projects" around the house. We drove into town so I could get more material for our painting the house. It was nice to have her company on the trip. Margie had another good night for which we are thankful. Thank YOU for praying.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Weather change
Boy, It's getting cooler around here. Even with the sun shining, it is different than a week ago. I mowed the lawn yesterday and we wonder how many more times it will happen before winter sets in. Margie had a very good day for which we are thankful. She did all the washing by herself, and folded all the clothes. ( I did the sheets, because that is my "specialty"- plus, I enjoy it) I spent time preparing for Sunday's message also. We are praying much concerning Joy's transfer to a different facility. We are completely ignorant of how all this works so will be in touch with Shepherds for their counsel on this. Thanks so much for your prayer help for Margie and this matter with Joy.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The time has arrived
Our daughter Joy has received the most tender loving dedicated care that it is humanly possible to receive during her 45 years as resident at Shepherds Home in Union Grove, WI. Shepherd's admission and discharge policy clearly states the criteria for admission and pin points certain areas that a client must be independent in order to be accepted at Shepherds.After the tracking was completed for Joy it has come to their attention that she requires a level of care that we cannot continue to provide. Margie and I knew that this day was coming we just didn't know when. Would you please pray for Shepherds and us as we work with them to determine what can be done for Joy's care in another facility. Margie's fragile health prevents our being able to do much but we want to do what we can and should for this transition. It is naturally hard for us to think of no longer having a "link" to Shepherds via our daughter Joy. Please pray for this wonderful home with whom we have been associated with for so many years. We only have the deepest respect and admiration for who they are and what they stand for and ALL they have done for Joy these many years.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Daily improvement
We thank the Lord for daily improvement seen in Margie. She worked a lot in the kitchen yesterday, preparing things for our meals. It is so unusual to see it because for months she was unable do hardly anything. Your prayers for her are so much appreciated. I continued working on the house but encountered some decayed wood sections and our son is going to look at them this week end when he comes up. I prepared the prayer sheet for our church and sent it off late last night to the office. I am also studying and preparing for Sunday's message at our church. It is great being back in the books and THE BOOK, preparing for it. We are having a weather change but I believe I can still get more done on the house today before the light rains begin this evening.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Running around
Yesterday was a "running around" day. Margie commented that we had driven many miles to do the things we did. In the morning early, I started preparing the house for painting. I found some rotten boards so will have to repair those before continuing. Margie had an appointment with the rheumatologist so we drove into Bellingham and did some necessary shopping before seeing him. A friend in the rest home had taken a turn for the worse, we were told, so we drove to Lynden to visit and pray with her. By the time we returned home it was almost time for the debate. Margie did very well on that "outing" and we are thankful. Her evening meals are still a problem as nothing seems to taste good. We are hoping she will discover something that she can eat and while doing so enjoy it. We are grateful for the obvious improvement in her level of energy and general well-being. The Lord has and is answering prayer. We are grateful.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Yesterday was a day for remembering the tragedy of 911. Churches and TV programs were full of it. Our church choir sang a beautifully fitting hymn for the occasion. Margie & I had missed services in our church due to Margie's health, so it was especially nice being there. We had another delightful visit in the afternoon. One of Margie's room mates from college days, along with her husband who live in San Bernardino, CA, are in our area and came by for a visit. What a great time we had. Rawlie, our son, returned to Stanwood in the early afternoon to be at their church for a special 911 event also. Many remarked this morning how good Margie was looking. We are indeed grateful for her improvement and pray daily it will keep on at this wonderful pace of gaining strength and feeling better. Please pray that we will be able to find out the reason for her afternoon and evening nausea which is so annoying.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
America, the beautiful
Oh how well do we all remember 10 year ago the tragedy that marked our nation. Today is a day of reflection and prayer for thousands who were touched by that horrible event. It's a better Sunday for us today because Margie had a good night's sleep and feels able to attend church today. Yesterday was filled with delightful activities. Two great friends, Mike and Garrett came to apply the moss and mildew treatment on our roof. We appreciate so much their kindness in doing this. Garrett's mother, Lisa also sent Margie some frozen berries ( a lot of them) and peaches which she will use to make her morning "smoothies". How thoughtful of her. Our family also came by for a visit and Rawlie stayed the night here. We are all rejoicing in Margie's improvement. It is an answer to prayer. We thank you for being part of that with us.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
We like this
It is a blessing to hear Margie say she had a good night. For SO long it was not that way. She had a very good day yesterday and we were privileged to make a visit on a couple of retirees and have prayer with them, especially for the husband whose health is failing. I spent part of the day preparing for a message I will be bringing in our church soon. It is amazing that of the hundreds of sermons preached, very few of them seem to be what I really want. Today the team from our church is coming to look at our roof and give it a mildew and mold treatment to prevent damage to the shingles. I will try to remember to report on this tomorrow. Thanks for praying for Margie. We definitely see signs of improvement in many areas and are grateful.
Friday, September 9, 2011
One job finished
Margie had a good night. What a blessing. Yesterday she kept busy around here and did as much as she could according to her strength level. She also communicated with friends for whom we are praying to get updates. The weather has been much warmer and we used the evaporation coolers especially to cool the bedroom. They are "thirsty" and require a lot of water to keep the temperature down. I finished the painting at the Vista house yesterday and even had an offer to look at another job nearby. We'll see. We have some plans for today about which we will speak tomorrow.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Yes, yesterday was a big day as we reported in the blog. Thankfully Margie was able to accomplish everything and we were still able to attend prayer meeting at the church. What a blessing. Thanks for praying. She is still trying to determine the cause of the nausea. It is for sure, the medical profession has no answers so she will have to self diagnose and do the detective work to determine what's going on. I am fairly confident Margie had a good night. She is still sleeping as I write this, but as usual, if the picture changes, I will update this and let you know. Thanks for praying.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Full afternoon
I guess the whole day will be FULL, This morning I paint and in the afternoon Margie has two appointments. We hope to also get in a visit to a dear lady from our church who in hospice care at a Lynden rest home facility. Tonight will be prayer meeting so the day is pretty well planned for us. Hopefully Margie had a good night. She is still sleeping as I write this. Yesterday she discovered that one of the ingredients for the morning smoothie she drinks is making her sick, so he has eliminated that one from the list. It is a trial and error method, that's for sure. Yesterday for the first time in probably a year, Margie attended the Women's Missionary meeting at the church. It was so nice she could do this. I took advantage of her being there to slip into town to get some material for the men who are coming Saturday to apply the mildew and moss "medicine" on the roof.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
We are grateful for the good day Margie had yesterday. Our son and family were here on business and brought lunch for us to enjoy together in fellowship. Margie gave her nice keyboard piano to Monique, our granddaughter and Rawlie took that last night to their home in Stanwood. My espresso coffee maker gave out and Margie went with me to town where I got another one. She stayed in the car while I picked it up (about 5 minutes total time) I had done all the research Online so it was held for me at the courtesy desk. Except for some nausea toward the end of the day, Margie felt pretty well. We pray today will be a good one for her. She is asleep right now. If for some reason she did not have a good night, I will add a footnote to this. Thank you dear ones, for your faithful prayers for us. We deeply appreciate it.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Last night as I prayed I plead with the Lord to please give Margie some quality days of living. For years she has suffered in many ways from poor health. But she has nobly carried on with serving and a prayer ministry that is probably unequaled. I long for her to feel good so she can enjoy her days. I know you will join me in this prayer and I thank you so much for the help. Yesterday she had the first migraine in 30 years. We don't know exactly why but this was accompanied with severe nausea, something she has been fighting for several weeks now. We were looking forward so much to being in church, but that plan had to be laid aside. She spent the day fairly miserably but we were able to hear some messages both on the radio and TV. As I write this, Margie is still sleeping. I think she had a good night but soon will know. If things change, I will add a footnote to this after she awakens. Praise the Lord. She had a GOOD night.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Not sure
I surely thought Margie had a good night, but early this morning she awakened with a terrible headache. She has not had this problem in a long time. So we are concerned. As I write this, she is in bed trying to get more rest. If the headache disappears (with medication she took) we hope to attend church today. This is something unexpected. We have talked about being able to go to the service all week. I hope it will be possible. Thanks for praying. If things change, I will add an edit to this blog. Latest word: Margie's severe headache and extreme nausea will keep us from the service today. We are so sorry about this because our desire was to be there.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Plenty to do
Our son comes today with a U-Haul trailer to take some things back to his home in Stanwood. Margie & I will be cleaning our freezer (defrosting). The forecast is for warm weather today and that will be nice. We can tell "fall" is in the air so our warmth is on the way out, we are sure. Margie had a full day yesterday by doing the laundry from start to finish. Her level of endurance is increasing and we are thrilled. She felt bad toward the end of the day and that seems to be the pattern lately. But we know that her enriched smoothie each day is really helping. We are so thankful for getting this advice from her doctor about this nourishing drink. So we take things one day at a time and are so thankful to you who pray for us.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Live and learn
In trying to find the right blender for Margie, I looked at many places and none had the item I wanted. But on the Internet their stores carried it. So I found it, paid for it and in no time an email advised me that it was ready for pick up in Bellingham. What a neat deal. So, as I write this Margie is busy washing the blender and cutting the fruit etc. to put in it. I will help her get acquainted with the machine then she will know how to use it thereafter. She had a restful sleep last night. She looks forward to being able to do more today also. I just received a call from the roofing company who will come Labor Day to give an estimate for the mold removal process on the roof shingles. I am thinking I will have to have several estimates to get the right price. If it were not for my bionic knees and old age, I could pressure wash the roof myself, but at our stage in life, wisdom teaches me otherwise. We trust you all have a good day and thanks so much for the prayer support.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
More energy
How thankful we are to see Margie's strength increasing. She worked around the house all day it seems. She prepared lunch, did some straightening up in the bedroom and several other things. I painted in the morning and in the afternoon, mowed and trimmed the lawn. At one time I looked out and Margie was sweeping the back porch. I could hardly believe it. What a blessing to see her energy level getting better. Last night she said she had a more restless night, but at least she slept and is feeling fine today. We are thankful. I am waiting for a roofing company to give an estimate on removing he mild and mildew from the roof shingles. Looking at them from one angle, you can see a line of "green". That must be removed before it "eats" into the material and ruins them. It is cooler today. We know winter is on the way.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Good day
We are encouraged by Margie's improvement. Yesterday she suffered no nausea which is a huge blessing. She is getting used to making the right amount of the nutritional drink each morning. She makes just a small portion but enough to contain the vital supplements she needs each day. With the approach of winter, I am concerned about the mold which has accumulated on the edge of the shingles on the roof. Our neighbor just had his pressure-washed off but to the tune of a lot of money. I am pursuing a more economical route if possible. I need to get this done before I paint our house. I will continue today at the Vista house painting. Margie's bill came yesterday for her stay in the hospital those 7 days in July. We are so thankful for insurance which paid the biggest portion of it. As far as I know Margie had a good night last night. I heard her up only once and nothing out of order seemed to take place besides that. We are grateful for each night of rest she can get. Thanks for praying. We do not take you for granted and appreciate it very much.
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