Monday, September 5, 2011


Last night as I prayed I plead with the Lord to please give Margie some quality days of living. For years she has suffered in many ways from poor health.  But she has nobly carried on with serving and a prayer ministry that is probably unequaled.  I long for her to feel good so she can enjoy her days.  I know you will join me in this prayer and I thank you so much for the help.  Yesterday she had the first migraine in 30 years.  We don't know exactly why but this was accompanied with severe nausea, something she has been fighting for several weeks now. We were looking forward so much to being in church, but that plan had to be laid aside. She spent the day fairly miserably but we were able to hear some messages both on the radio and TV.  As I write this, Margie is  still sleeping. I think she had a good night but soon will know.  If things change, I will add a footnote to this after she awakens.  Praise the Lord. She had a GOOD night.

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