Saturday, November 12, 2011


Our extensive prayer alert for Joy's situation created a host of responses via email.  We are grateful for all who are praying.  We will keep you posted as things develop.  Yesterday we had a heavy wind storm that didn't last long but did plenty of damage.  A total of about 4,000 houses were affected by the outage.  I "resurrected" our Honda 2000 generator and it provided lights for about 4 hours.  It finally "died", and we don't know why. I will have it serviced for future use.  Our son and grandson arrived about 8:15 and we "dug" out our larger generator which was hidden beneath "tons" of garage sale items we hope to one day display at a sale. We got it going but didn't have to use it because the lights came back on. (Applause!). I am sorry to report that Margie's night was anything but desirable.  She just did not do well at all. I think the outage plus her concern about Joy did not mix well.  Thanks so much for praying.

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