Sunday, May 20, 2018


Proverbs 15:1
 A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.

Harsh words abound in the language today, they cause anger, hard feelings, and strife.
The words cut so deeply and are hurtful to all and they inflict a deep cut like a knife.
They cause anger and problems too severe to control, and bad feelings are the result,
So no one should ever us words of this kind, no child, adolescent, young person, or adult.
Soft answers are pleasing to our Lord up above, he takes pleasure in those who thus speak,
So next time you are tempted to answer roughshod, breathe deeply,imitate Jesus, and be meek. (RP)

Not too much to report about yesterday. I already mentioned that Rawlie left for home in the morning after being here almost eight days. It was a real treat having him. I spent a portion of the afternoon working on Sunday School lesson for tomorrow. That combined with the scores of therapy sessions and tube feeding schedules, pretty well fills up the day and evening. I look forward to worship at church today. I trust each you has a rewarding day as well. Thanks for praying. 

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