Friday, November 18, 2016


1 Corinthians 3:7  So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

The harvest field is the world and souls are saved every day,
We are the laborers in this field, and we must our Master obey.
We give the lost God's Word, and preach, and work and pray,
Only God gives the increase, as we His great love display.

We had another scare during the night. Margie awakened, or even before she had slept, and complained her heart was pounding. It was just like our two previous trips to emergency. I called the cardiologist unit and they called a Dr. Phillips, who instructed me to give her a TICOSYN capsule. I did and eventually she went to sleep. We go this afternoon for an EKG on her anyway, and I will explain what happened during the night. Please keep praying for her. We are concerned. Thanks for praying.

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