Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Oh the Love God showed us before we knew His love,
Is more than we can comprehend, coming from above.
In our sinful state we were lost, and without any hope at all,
And all this started in Eden where we read about the fall.
Christ died on the cross, and shed his blood for me,
And when I received Him into my life, I was set free. (RP)

Yesterday's trip to the foot doctor was successful. He worked on her toenail that was causing the problem and fixed up some other issues on her feet. Thankfully she was relieved of the severe pain and had a fairly good night, even though she went to bed with a headache. I am working ahead on messages because I have two funerals. I am also trying to get ahead on the Bible class because I will miss one. I will prepare a lesson for the substitute teacher to use. Thanks for praying. 

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