Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Acts 10:43
All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.

The Old Testament prophets foretold forgiveness of sin for all,
True believers in God receive it, whether they are great or small.
To have your sins forgiven is the greatest gift one can receive,
So come to Jesus with all your sin and trust Him as you believe.(RP)

Every Wednesday is wash day here. So we are in the middle of that process.  Margie has been able to do some extra cleaning and dusting in the house also. The beds are freshly made and the washing machine is going strong out in the garage. Margie will fold the clothes and later iron them, if she is strong enough. If not, I will do that. Yesterday we were able to do more on our Shepherds book.  Thanks for praying.

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