Friday, February 21, 2014

Better but not best

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. 
Psalm 118:24

This verse inspires us today to live each day for Him, Because he gives us life and breath and all things to enjoy,
I wonder if there are some out there who forget this fact each day,And go their merry way each step their own plan to employ.(RP)

Yesterday was quite a day: the day after (surgery).  Margie did well. Today she is a bit weak and shaky, but recovering normally as I believe one should.  She did not have a super night but made it through pretty well.  Today I go to Bible class.  I wish she could be with me.  I told her I would stay home but she insisted I go.  Thanks so much for your prayers for us.  We appreciate it.  

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