Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.. 
Matthew 11:28 

Mankind is crushed with burdens to heavy for him to bear,
But Jesus is calling to them, Come to me, I care.
Oh that we'd all roll our burdens on Him today,
And find rest for our soul as we walk along the way.

Margie and I spent much time yesterday reading through the book manuscript sent us by Xulon Press.  This is the final reading.  We divided the book and I started at page 240, she at the beginning. When we compared notes last night, she has 92 more pages to read, and I have exactly the same number to complete the book. What an interesting coincidence. We also received the cover design and made some changes to that and are awaiting a return from them for us to approve the changes. Things are moving along quite well.  We have to submit a special form with any last minute changes desired.  Our friend Laurel Hicks is helping on this project, which we appreciate so much.  Thanks, dear friends, for praying.

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