Friday, September 7, 2012

Dip in the road

We went shopping yesterday morning. Margie had to return to use the restroom which was a long distance from the car.  By the time she got back to the car, she was not feeling well.  I picked up some staples at another store, and when I got to the car, Margie said we had to go right home.  She was nauseated and starting vomiting and kept that up til we got home (and after we were at home). We are sure the medication we gave her did not stay down.  Her doctor was not in yesterday but I made an appointment with the doctor who cared for our daughter Joy in Lynden.  He prescribed some medication, and ordered some lab work which she did before going home.  She was pretty "shot" and very discouraged with all the illnesses she has had to put up with.  I don't blame her. She took more medication and went off to bed at the normal time.  Thankfully she had a good night and this morning, although pretty well "washed out" physically, has no nausea.  We are grateful for that and for YOUR prayers,

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