Sunday, September 30, 2012

Family time

Our family was here yesterday and we had a meal together. Gina had a special party for a mutual friend in the late afternoon but she and the grandkids came by for lunch. Rawlie came Friday night ahead of the family.  It was nice being with our family.  And Margie was so pleased she felt well enough to enjoy their company. I made more progress in preparations for Bible Study that starts next week for us at the Ferndale Senior Center.  We thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Keep it up

We are pleased with Margie's improvement each day.  We know this is of the Lord and we ask you to pray with us that she will be able to maintain this level of energy and enthusiasm she presently displays day after day.  Her new medication for food allergies has doubtless helped this and we are grateful. Our son and his family are coming this weekend and we will be glad to see them. Rawlie in fact, is already here and we went out for coffee this morning.  That was special.  Thanks for praying and please continue. 

Friday, September 28, 2012


I was amazed to see how much Margie did yesterday. It is so encouraging to see her improvement.  I was preparing for the startup of Bible classes at the Ferndale Senior Center and Margie did most of the things I have done around here for a long time.  She is pleased she feels like doing them.  We both are rejoicing.  Thanks for your faithful prayer support.  It means so much to us. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wonderful day

We started early for our trip to Redmond, WA to see Margie's allergist. It was foggy and I discovered one of the headlights was out on the low beam.  Margie started her allergy testing and I found a place to help me with the headlight.  To my amazement, there were 3 other bulbs burned out on the car.  I am very glad I had it checked. Margie had a very profitable day and learned valuable things about how to live with her allergies.  We left later than usual but the Lord gave us a good trip home, arriving about 6 last evening.  Margie is much encouraged with the reports of the testing and received new medication to help neutralize the offending foods to which she is allergic. We are grateful for competent professionals  that can help her.  We thank you also for your faithful help in prayer. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Plenty busy

Margie really wanted to keep busy and she did, especially in the kitchen, preparing food.  We are so pleased the way she is feeling now. We are on or way to the allergy doctor now.  It will take a couple of hours to get there.  Thanks so much for your prayers,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Margie's doctor was pleased when she saw her yesterday.  Her appearance, attitude and all showed a remarkable improvement from the last time she saw her.  She had also spoken to the doctor who saw her while in the hospital, and he was impressed with Margie's progress.  We are thankful for these good reports.  We also got Margie lined up with the physical therapist in the place she used to go before. She will be having therapy one time each week. You have been so good to us with prayer support.  Thank you much.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Follow up

Today is our Margie's follow up appointment with her doctor after her time in the hospital for 8 days.  She is doing well, sleeping well and for this we are thankful.  We had an enjoyable time at church yesterday which was the start of the Missions Conference.  After church we were guests for a meal with friends.  We had such a good time.  As always, we thank you for your prayers on our behalf. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Church time

We both had good nights and now look forward to attending the start of our Missions Conference at church. This is always a special time and especially because of our 25 years of service in Brazil. Margie has done remarkably well this last week for which we are thankful.  Yesterday she made her customary Saturday phone calls, ministering to others and being ministered to by those called.  Thanks for praying. You are a vital part of our circle of friends and we appreciate you greatly.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Back into a schedule

Margie had a very good  night last night.  Yesterday she was busy in the kitchen baking and preparing meals.  I took her to the beauty shop because she still has difficulty with that operated shoulder trying to do her hair. Our son sent a text that they would not be coming up this weekend.  We will see them next week. The days are nice and warm but a change came yesterday and it was cool.  Today will be the same.  Fall is here and we can feel it.  Again we want to express our appreciation for your prayer support.  It means much to us. 

Friday, September 21, 2012


Margie saw her orthopedic surgeon yesterday who gave her a good report regarding the shoulder replacement surgery. We were pleased to hear this.  Margie has done her homework by faithfully doing the prescribed exercises to help her recover after surgery.  Last night we attended prayer meeting and it is always a blessing to be with believers in prayer.  Thanks folks for praying.  We appreciate it. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

More help

Our 4 hour round trip to the allergist yesterday was rewarding. Margie received wonderful help from him concerning several issues and he started testing her again for allergies to food.  They discovered initially that her allergies to food has intensified since last testing.  This means the special formula for her drops will change. She was greatly encouraged by his wise counsel.  Thanks for praying. We leave shortly to see the orthopedist as he evaluates her progress since shoulder replacement surgery

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Margie is home

Margie was discharged around noon yesterday and afterward had an appointment with a counselor.  We arrived home around 2:30 or so.  We had lunch and Margie got her stuff unpacked.  The time in the unit at the hospital was an experience not to be forgotten. She received help, and we know that she reached out to others in amazing ways.  We praise the Lord for the lives she touched while there. The staff was very pleased with Margie and her time there with them.  Today we are on the way to Redmond, WA for Margie to see her allergist specialist.  Please pray this will go well.  Thank you.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Good news

When I visited Margie yesterday, the nurse told me right away that Margie will be discharged today.  At 11:30 I am to pick her up.  If this schedule stays the same, it will be great.  I have an appointment with her for her allergy doctor the next day (Wednesday).  We rejoice in the way Margie has been a witness in the hospital. She has ministered to others.  Some have come to her seeking help.  What a mission field there is at this place.   Thanks so much for praying.  We will keep you updated on how things go from here. 

Monday, September 17, 2012


When Margie called yesterday before I went to Sunday School, she was lonely.  I certainly can understand this. Margie has received a hint that perhaps the doctor will release her today.  I am scheduling an appointment with the allergy specialist this week hopefully.  He will fine tune her medications and indicate which may be causing this disturbance in her sleep patterns and also mood swings.  Please pray with us about this.  Margie also has an appointment with the surgeon who did the work on her shoulder.  This  will be on Thursday.  Thank you for your prayer support.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012


We are thankful for the progress Margie has made in her stay at the hospital.  And even though she may have had a couple of bumps in her sleep patterns, things are much better.  During our visit yesterday it was touching to see the  care she receives from the staff.  I visited from 6-7.  It is short, but sweet to be there with her.  The doctor is very efficient and kind and a people person which makes this relationship very meaningful. Please continue to pray as they assess her condition and determine how long treatment should continue.  She called early this morning to say she had not slept as soundly as desired but at least she did get some sleep.  She was not complaining at all.  Thanks for your prayer support.


Saturday, September 15, 2012


We are grateful for the many who are praying for Margie's time in the hospital.  At first it was discouraging because she was so sad and discouraged.  The last two days have been a blessing because of the quality sleep she is getting. She is aware that without sleep one can slip into a valley of despondency.  It is rewarding to see her witnessing to the others in her unit.  She is praying for them.  Some of the nurses and counselors are believers which makes her time there even more special.  Thanks for praying.  It means so much to us.    

Friday, September 14, 2012

Miracle of sleep

When I visited Margie yesterday she was better.  We know that a good night's rest helps so much. They moved her to another room and later on wanted to put another lady in the same room.  Margie wanted to be alone. She insisted on this.  It set her back emotionally, but she was apparently OK when I left.  I was able to visit her twice yesterday which is unusual. I cannot do this today because I have a funeral. Our son and grandson will arrive in late afternoon also. Yes, I am ready for them.  I prepared stuffed peppers for us when they arrive. The specialist was to see Margie again yesterday and I imagine if he repeats what he did the Wednesday he didn't come there until 9 or later at night.  We appreciate so much your faithful prayer support and especially for Margie these days.   

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beyond our control

I feel so sorry for Margie who longs for help but as of last night the doctor had not seen her.  I can only call between noon and 2 pm.  She called me several times yesterday so maybe she will call this morning.  All material she requested by phone has to handed over to the persons in charge and they go through it and allow only what their rules permit.  A special medication Margie wanted, has to be ordered by the hospital pharmacy even though I brought it with me when I visited last night.  Rule are rules and we understand this. Hopefully the doctor would have seen her at least by 9:30 last night.  We pray so or Margie will be even more depressed.  She already wanted to go home.  I don't blame her but she needs help. Please continue your prayers for her and the hospital, that some solution will be forthcoming.  Thank you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

In the hospital

Yesterday things reached a climax and Margie was depressed.  She visited her family physician in the morning, and started taking medication for a bladder infection. During lunch nausea hit hard and medication hardly calmed it.  Things went downhill from there and her depression was overwhelming.  I took her to a Family Network walk in clinic.  Our doctors are in this group. The doctor in charge last night, strongly suggested Margie check into the E.R. at St. Joseph Hospital.  We did that and waited from 7:30-10:00 to get a room for Margie.  From 10-2:30 this morning she was in E.R. but moved to a more quiet special section of it labelled  SCU.  Margie was having extreme difficulty waiting for help in these units. A lovely social worker finally was able to secure a room in the Behavioral Health Services unit.of the hospital. I had to leave because I had been going strong for many hours and I needed to rest.  I left there at 2:45 and got to bed at 3:30 AM.   Today I called to talk to Margie but she was eating and they preferred I call an hour later.  So shortly I will do that.  THANK YOU FOR PRAYING.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Margie had a restless night.  She is seriously considering looking into the cost and use of the CPAP machine and mask.  It may give her some more quality sleep.  She has already gone through the sleep clinic and we are hoping he insurance would help her with the machine, if needed.  Yesterday she saw the Retina Specialist and thankfully her macular degeneration is stable.  We rejoice in this.  She also had her last physical therapy session, unless her surgeon orders more after we see him next week. There is always much to pray about and we thank you for your help in this. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ministry Fair

Yesterday at church after the morning service, the Ministry Fair was held in the Tillman Hall of our church.  We had a small display for Shepherds there on the same table with the Ladies' Missionary Fellowship, and there were tables for each ministry in our church.  It was well attended and people could learn more ways to serve the Lord by visiting each place.  Margie did not feel well during the day and she was very careful especially with her diet. She had a relatively good night for which we are glad.  And again we thank you for your prayer support. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Our main task yesterday was making preparations for the display we helped put together at the church for the Missions Fest will be held today at First Baptist after the morning service.  We displayed some things from Shepherds on the table along with others supported by the church and the Ladies' Missionary Fellowship.  I was happy Margie could go and help.  I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening looking over previously used study notes for the Senior Center Bible Study group which will resume Oct 5 and I will be teaching it, Lord willing.  Even though Margie had a more restless night, she did pretty well and got a good start today.  We plan on attending the morning service at our church.  Thanks for your prayers.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Thankfully Margie was improving yesterday. She was able to do some small jobs on her list, even making some gluten free muffins. We are glad her nausea calmed down.  She had another good night last night. Yesterday I worked on our Brazilian stories for the coming book.  We need more seed thought ideas to jog my memory. We have about 150 written to date but hope we can come up with maybe 50 more.  We never underestimate the power of prayer and thank you for helping us this way. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dip in the road

We went shopping yesterday morning. Margie had to return to use the restroom which was a long distance from the car.  By the time she got back to the car, she was not feeling well.  I picked up some staples at another store, and when I got to the car, Margie said we had to go right home.  She was nauseated and starting vomiting and kept that up til we got home (and after we were at home). We are sure the medication we gave her did not stay down.  Her doctor was not in yesterday but I made an appointment with the doctor who cared for our daughter Joy in Lynden.  He prescribed some medication, and ordered some lab work which she did before going home.  She was pretty "shot" and very discouraged with all the illnesses she has had to put up with.  I don't blame her. She took more medication and went off to bed at the normal time.  Thankfully she had a good night and this morning, although pretty well "washed out" physically, has no nausea.  We are grateful for that and for YOUR prayers,

Thursday, September 6, 2012

No complaints

When many are upset with weather patterns, we certainly have it good here.  The weather has been so good for so long.  In fact we really have had just a few days of what some would call hot weather. We have no complaints.  Yesterday Margie had another physical therapy appointment.  She is doing well.  Her surgery was 5 months ago.  We must get into town today and get some supplies. Thank you one and all, for your faithfulness in prayer.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Plodding along

Our day was pretty normal as we moved from one thing to another, moving along through the day.  Margie's eyes were better so she could read some more and do research on the book we are writing. I continued to do the writing and getting the proofed material in its final state ready for printing. Margie had a good night. Today will be busy with wash day,  physical therapy for Margie and anything else that might get into our schedule.  We cannot thank you enough for your prayers.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Amazing weather

We continue with wonderful temperatures and beautiful days.  Margie and I went to the Vista house to see the water damage repair Rawlie and our Nathan made to the house.  We were impressed. they had intended to leave around 1 but it was actually 4:30 or later when they finally got away.  It was nice having them here over the weekend.  Margie was limited in her reading yesterday due to her eyes.  We pray today will be better.  She had a good night and we are glad.  Thanks so much for your prayer support.

Monday, September 3, 2012


We have enjoyed  Rawlie and Nathan's time with us.  They made pretty good progress on the Vista house water damage repair and hopefully they will finish up today and head back to Stanwood.  They attended a wedding last night so have been kept busy while here.  It is the first time in 4 weeks that they have been here.  Today, Labor Day will be spent doing more chapters in our book on Brazil.  We are glad Margie had a good night after doing some walking in the earlier part of the evening to ease the onset of cramps in her legs.  Thank you so much for your part in prayer for us.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Yesterday a strange thing happened.  Margie opened the microwave to check what she was heating up, and to her surprise, the turntable was rotating and the light turned on.  We tried everything to stop that but it was hopeless.  We unplugged it, went to town and bought a new one.  Last night went well and today we look forward to church.  Our son and grandson are here.  It is nice having them here.  Gina and the rest of them were here for a short visit in the afternoon yesterday.  They had come for a birthday party for friend of the family.   Thanks folks for praying. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

On the go

There's a lot of activity around the town and country.  The weekend holiday has, we are told 31 million on the road.  What a deal! Yesterday a Cessna airplane landed on Interstate 5 - northbound lane, taxied up the off ramp, and over to the ARCO gas station.  That caused quite a commotion, you can be sure. Our son and grandson arrived last night.  It is good to see them.  They haven't been here for about 4 weeks.  Margie had a real good night.  Today she is stuffing green peppers for our son and grandson.  They are delicious and she does a great job of preparing them.  Thanks for praying for us.  We appreciate it.