Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Arrangements made

Margie had such a good night's rest. We are rejoicing.  Yesterday the arrangements for Joy's memorial service were finalized.  It is set for Saturday, August 4, at 1:00 PM at First Baptist Church Ferndale, WA.  So many asked about it, we switched from a private grave side service to a memorial service in our church.  kWe have received scores of comments via email, Facebook and phone calls. Indeed Joy had a host of friends around the country.  Thanks for praying.  Margie had strength to go through our busy day yesterday which was a blessing.  You are a part of that as you pray.


Elaine & Art said...

Margie & Ralph,
I have wept each time I think of Joy being in heaven & having a new body & as Ralph wrote, being able to speak & first word being "Jesus". I will always remember visiting Joy when we were living in ILL & could visit her at Shepherds back in the 70's. I remember taking our girls & then after Mother moved in with us taking her. I also remember her type of walking with the "bounce" & her index finger bent & the 2nd joint up near her nostril & wiggling the 1st joint back & forth. When Art was standing she would go over to him & grab his belt buckle. It shined & attracted her eyes.
I went with Doris Grummitt in 1999 to visit her when we were living in Sheboygan. That was the last time I saw her. Your picture of her in w/c I could tell it was her & she looked the same.
I haven't re-read Ralph's article about her in book, Child of my Heart. I had read it when we first received the book. I plan to re- read it again. Ralph when you finish the book you are working on, don't forget your having talked about writing a book on Joy. It would be a blessing.
Wish we could be there for her service. If at all possible please make a tape of it so we & others can hear it.
So glad Marge has been able to sleep better these last two nights.
As Art mentioned to me how wonderful that Joy was moved to WA so her dear folks could enjoy her again!!
We love you folks & pray for God's comfort at this time.
Elaine & Art

Anonymous said...

Dear Ralph and Margie,
You have a host of friends who love and care for you, simply because you have been our caring Pastor. We support you at this time.
In His love

Anonymous said...

Ralph & Margie
Though saddened by the news of Joy's passing, I can just imagine her joy as she crossed over the threshhold into her Saviors arms. "Jesus" how wonderful is that name and now she can talk with Him and walk with him without any hinderences. I never had the opportunity to meet Joy, but I know she had wonderful parents who loved her deeply. May God comfort you as you say goodbye.
In His Love,
Debbie Park

Larry and Darlene said...

We are sorry but know she is free for the first time and saying her first word. We pray for these coming days for you and for Margie's health