Monday, June 11, 2012


Last night was not very good.  Margie went to bed with several symptoms that forewarned us she was not going to have a good night.  And we were right.  The severe headache persisted, and the restless legs continued (even with medication. So we don't like to have those experiences but they come anyway.  This morning she was able to sleep in some which was nice.  Today a social worker from the Home Health group will be here, probably to check on Margie's progress thus far with the therapy received from them.  Today it is beautiful with the sun shining brightly.  Yesterday the Christian Health Care Center called to get permission to give Joy some medication which will help her we pray.  They are so good with her, trying to find ways to make her more comfortable.  We are indeed impressed.  This week Margie sees the surgeon's assistant for another post operation evaluation of her condition.  We pray the report will be favorable.  She will be mighty glad when she no longer has to use the sling.  You have been so faithful in praying and we appreciate it. 

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