Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Little better

Thankfully Margie slept better last night. She got some new medication from her doctor yesterday and it helped. We visited Joy yesterday because we had some business to do with the facility where she lives and also drop by for the medication for Margie.  Joy was happy to see us.  We know this with the smile she gives when we enter her room.  She was tired so rested while we were there.  We are sure that after our departure she took a nap. We saw some of her nurses and other members of the staff while there and thanked them for their wonderful care of Joy. Our grandson was in and out yesterday to use his laptop at our house because of the WI-FI capability. Margie had an hour phone interview with the anesthesiology secretary in preparation for her surgery May 8.  Please pray all will go according to schedule.  She is certainly looking forward to less painful days after surgery. Thanks. 

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