Monday, April 30, 2012
Surgery consultation
This morning, Margie sees her surgeon in preparation for the May 8 surgery. She had a good sleep last night. The night before was very bad. So our activity today is centered on this important meeting with the doctor. Margie has gone over the multitude of instructions and has written many questions she hopes to have answered today. We stayed home yesterday and could not go to church because Margie had such a bad night. We watched and listened to 3 messages on the TV. Our son and grandson invited us to noon meal at a restaurant but Margie did not feel up to going so we ate here. We sincerely thank you for your prayers.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Margie experienced severe pains during the night. As I write she is still in bed. I don't suppose we will be able to attend church. I am so sorry to see her suffer this way. We will be so glad for surgery day and hopefully a great reduction in this pain factor. Yesterday Margie prepared lunch and Rawlie and Nathan were with us. Thanks for your prayer support and we pray you all have a great day.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Old letters
Margie is reading old letters we wrote to our folks when we were missionaries in Brazil. From these she picks up new ideas for short stories for me to write for our book. We now have almost 100 complete but would like many more. Our son and grandson arrived last night and it is always nice to have them here. I also contacted a lawyer yesterday concerning some of our documents we want to change. Margie went to the hairdresser ( I took her there and picked her up) I did not want her to work in the afternoon so I ironed the clothes while she was getting her hair done. I wrote three more stories about Brazil. Please keep praying for Margie as she toils with the sleeping problem. And we appreciate prayer for her soon scheduled shoulder surgery on May 8
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thankfully Margie had a better night. Last night we attended the prayer meeting at our church. Our day was spent doing the washing and folding clothes, and today Margie starts the ironing if she is up to it. If not I will gladly take care of it. Margie received a phone reminder of her pre-op appointment Monday morning in Bellingham. The countdown is in place now for her May 8 surgery. We really appreciate your prayers. Post surgery will be the hardest due to the fact that her inoperable knee condition makes it so hard to get up and down plus not having the use of her right hand and arm during the healing time. But we know the Lord will give us wisdom how to do it all. Thanks so much for praying.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Margie did not have a good night. The new medication her doctor gave did not work and she had a bad night. We are always sorry to get this report. Yesterday we did have another good visit with Joy. Someone had given her as hat and she looked real sharp in it. We went to activity time with her and the singing time was delightful. Joy enjoyed her musical "instrument". I don't even know the proper name for it. When you tapped it on your knee it made a nice sound. Even though she is deaf, we are sure the vibrations meant a lot to her and she smiled widely. We have changed our routine and now only visit Joy on Wednesday. Before we used to shop before seeing her. That was too tiring so we discontinued it. As Margie's surgery date approaches, we really appreciate your prayers for her. Thank you.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Thankfully Margie is improving in her sleep patterns and general well being. Her stomach discomforts have been greatly reduced with a change in diet and we are so pleased. Yesterday we went to town to get a few necessary things. We also purchased a smaller refrigerator because our present one is slowly dying. It no longer is freezing in that part of the unit..The new one comes this morning. Our good friends Ron and Judy Duncan purchased this machine for us over 32 years ago. What a faithful machine it has been, running all those years. Today we see Joy. Gina and part of her family visited with her Monday. We are thankful for our family who shows such love to Joy. Again we thank you for your prayers.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Glad we could do it
We are grateful for the strength to still do yard work. Yesterday I trimmed a tree, and 7 other bushes in our front and back yards and cleaned out two flower gardens. That took me well into the afternoon. I was glad to stop. Praise the Lord, Margie had another good night. This is so refreshing when she is able to get her rest. We are also pleased the way the administration at the home where our daughter lives cares for her. Yesterday they called for permission to start joy on some physical therapy because they notice her shoulders needed it. We are pleased they are so observant and on top of things. Please pray for Margie as she goes over the minute details of surgery in the folder they gave her. We will need much wisdom in her post surgery care. Thank you.
Monday, April 23, 2012
What a blessing it was for Margie to have another good night. Yesterday she felt so good she suggested we invite our family here for lunch. So that's what we did and we had such a good time. We attended church in the morning and it was good to be there. We missed the Sunday before due to Margie not being well. Today the weather is beautiful again. I may get out and mow the lawn. I have contracted with a landscape company to thatch our lawn one of these days also. Thanks for praying. Margie is thankful her stomach distresses have been relieved. It was all due to her meal menu. A small thing with a big result. Thanks for praying. Every day it means so much to us.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Margie is still asleep. I hope and pray she had a good night. We want to be able to attend church this morning.
We had a good day yesterday even though she hadn't slept the night before. She worked in the kitchen all morning preparing food and in the afternoon baked gluten free muffins (for her). Rawlie and his family came by for a visit and we enjoyed that time together. I continued putting the proof read Brazilian stories in file. We now have 88 of them. When I have quite a few more, I will start seriously work on publishing. Thankfully it is prepaid and all I have to do is the work. But I really enjoy it. Please pray as Margie will have another pre-op session this week in preparation for surgery on May 8. Thanks for praying.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
I wish I had better reports today, but unfortunately Margie did not have a good night. It was 2 this morning before she actually got some sleep. After two hours she awakened again and concluded she was having an allergic reaction to something. She medicated and now as I write she is still asleep. We appreciate your prayers for her that she will be able to find a way to have a decent night's rest. Our son arrived last night and his family is also in Ferndale. They will be working at the Vista house this weekend. Thanks so much for praying.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Not so good
I wish we could report better nights for Margie but she is still having a hard time. Since she modified her breakfast menu, her stomach problem has been greatly improved. We are thankful for that. Please pray she will be able to sleep. People who do not have this problem cannot relate to her situation. I sleep well so am one of those. Today I pay our property tax while Margie is having her hair done. Yesterday before lunch the laundry was all done and in the afternoon Margie did some of the ironing. Thanks for praying
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Better Schedule
We decided it was much better to do shopping on a different day than when we visit our daughter Joy. We tried it this week and it was so much better. We will try to keep to that schedule now. It is better on us and not so tiring. Margie is doing some better now that a friend suggested some changes in her diet. She tried it and up until now it is working much better. Some of the discomfort she was experiencing has disappeared for which we are grateful. I pray she had another good night last night. As I write this she is still in bed. We thank you for your prayer support.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Little better
Thankfully Margie slept better last night. She got some new medication from her doctor yesterday and it helped. We visited Joy yesterday because we had some business to do with the facility where she lives and also drop by for the medication for Margie. Joy was happy to see us. We know this with the smile she gives when we enter her room. She was tired so rested while we were there. We are sure that after our departure she took a nap. We saw some of her nurses and other members of the staff while there and thanked them for their wonderful care of Joy. Our grandson was in and out yesterday to use his laptop at our house because of the WI-FI capability. Margie had an hour phone interview with the anesthesiology secretary in preparation for her surgery May 8. Please pray all will go according to schedule. She is certainly looking forward to less painful days after surgery. Thanks.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Still not good
Margie is still not sleeping well and has a call in today for the doctor to give more suggestions on how to help her. We pray she will have an answer. Our grandson yesterday was here a couple of times to use his laptop on our WI-FI setup. I worked most the afternoon digitizing our 35 mm. slides from past years. We have hundreds of them. I get new ideas for stories to include in our book as I look at them. Today we have an important pre-op telephone interview for Margie's upcoming shoulder replacement surgery. Thanks for your faithfulness in praying for us. We appreciate it greatly.
Monday, April 16, 2012
No sleep
Yesterday was a low day for Margie. She did not feel well and mostly just sat in her lift chair most the day. We looked at a couple of Christian programs which was our "church" for the day. This morning she left me a note indicating she did not sleep last night. So I will awaken her around 9 if she is still sleeping, according to her instructions. Please pray she will get her sleep back again. This problem has plagued her most of her life. Her review for surgery starts tomorrow morning at 9:30 so we pray she will be well enough for that. Please keep praying and we appreciate it very much.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Let's go to church
What sweet words to hear. We look forward to being in the worship service this morning at our church. It is so important to be with friends, study the Bible and have fellowship. We look forward to it. Yesterday Margie prepared the meal for our son and grandson and us. When she feels up to it, she has real pleasure in doing this and yesterday was one of those days. Saturday she also makes several phone calls, ministering to different friends this way. Last night Margie had a rough spell with coughing and build up of phlegm but finally got control of the situation and was able to sleep. Thanks for praying. (LATER: Margie awakened feeling badly so went back to bed. So there is no church for us today.) Please pray she will feel better and be able to get up and we can watch some program on TV.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Margie had a good night and when she tells me this it is always a blessing to hear. Yesterday our good friends took Margie to visit a family with 4 children and she wanted to take a gift to each of them. She had a wonderful time visiting and returned home at noon. I decided to iron the the clothes because I didn't want her to do that after the busy morning. She was grateful for my doing that. She prepared lunch and then had a more leisurely afternoon doing some reading. Our son arrived at 7:30 PM for his weekend work at the Vista house with his son Nathan. As a precaution, I asked the lawn man to come again today. After this I should be able to do it myself (which I enjoy doing). The vertigo has pretty well disappeared for which I am thankful. Thank you one and all for praying. We received the most precious note from Brazil yesterday assuring us of pray. We appreciate this so much. Thanks to you who leave "comments" on our site.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Temporary permanent
That's what Margie's dad called them: temporary permanent. That's what Margie had yesterday. I took her there, returned to work, then picked her up after a couple of hours. She wanted to get this done before surgery.
I was able to get the laundry done while she was gone. Today she will do the ironing. She made a tuna casserole (gluten free)yesterday. Our grandson Nathan dropped by for a quick visit and he had some of the freshly baked casserole. Last night we went to prayer meeting. There was a smaller number due to some who were traveling. Margie did not do so well on the sleeping last night. Her doctor changed medications and they did not work. We never tire of thanking you for your prayer support.
I was able to get the laundry done while she was gone. Today she will do the ironing. She made a tuna casserole (gluten free)yesterday. Our grandson Nathan dropped by for a quick visit and he had some of the freshly baked casserole. Last night we went to prayer meeting. There was a smaller number due to some who were traveling. Margie did not do so well on the sleeping last night. Her doctor changed medications and they did not work. We never tire of thanking you for your prayer support.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
What a joy to visit our daughter yesterday and enter the activity room where a kind lady was conducting singing-participation -activity -sings with the clients. They all had drum like instruments on their laps (I'm sure that is not the right name for them) others had bells and several had the gourds which when shaken, rattles the seeds inside them. When we went into the room, Joy was looking at one of the staff persons and she (Joy) was trying to bang her gourd against her leg. She, being stone deaf, probably got the vibrations from it very well. At any rate she was smiling all the way. Margie and I sat on either side of her and the activity time was so special. Toward the end of the hour Joy kept looking over to the side of the room. She does not miss anything. She knew that after this event, comes the snack time. So Margie and I sat around a table with her while she partook of the delicious cookie and a drink later to sort of wash it down. What a wonderful time we had. Then just as we left and got in our car, Ruth Bose from Shepherds called and we had a great visit. It was Ruth who brought Joy to Lynden in January. She was calling to see how things were with Joy and us. Margie pain level stays the same or increases and she will mighty glad for surgery day. Please pray.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Resume schedule
Even though I am cautiously optimistic about the vertigo I was experiencing, I want to be careful. Margie had a good night and yesterday was filled with all sorts of activities around the house. I was doing business with an agency in Bellingham concerning Joy's care. Margie received more instructions concerning her up coming shoulder replacement surgery. She also had to consult with her doctor concerning a medication that was causing nausea. They are monitoring that situation and will discuss further medication at a later date. On and on it goes.
Your prayer support is much appreciated.
Your prayer support is much appreciated.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
A bad one
Last night Margie had a very serious choking (breathless) spell. It happened about 3 times in a row. We were very concerned and at one moment I thought 911 was the next move. Thankfully it subsided and we both were able to get back to sleep eventually. Yesterday was a good day. Margie continued doing several things around the house, and fixing our lunch. She also proof read stories I am writing for our book. I continued writing more.
Please pray for Margie as she tries to figure out why the attack last night. It is so mysterious. Thanks for praying.
Please pray for Margie as she tries to figure out why the attack last night. It is so mysterious. Thanks for praying.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Time with family
Yesterday after church we met our family at a restaurant and enjoyed a good time and delicious meal. Then they came to our house for dessert. After a short visit, they returned to Stanwood, their home. Today should be more relaxed for us. I plan to continue my writing for the future book. I have finished about 70 pages already. Margie proof reads them and I correct them and get them in an electronic file on the computer. The weather is bright and sunny again today but a change is around the corner the weatherman tells us. That's okay. Margie's shoulder pain is quite a struggle for her so we do appreciate your prayers for her and the May 8 surgery to correct it.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Blessed resurrection day
What a wonderful day this is. Christ is risen! What a message of hope we have. Today it will be great to be in the place of worship. We often talk about the "busy-ness" of life. We are very aware it has something to do with our age also. We had to make a quick trip into town for medicine and other things. Margie spent the rest of the afternoon doing some cleaning, baking and tidying up the place. I helped her finish the ironing and did up the dishes. In the afternoon she was very tired and I told her to stop and rest. She did. The day was beautiful yesterday and so many were in their yards. today is another great day and we look forward to being with family members for lunch. Thank you all for praying. It means much to us.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Yesterday was the first day in 8 that I didn't awaken with a dizzy spell. I am thankful. Today is the same and we pray it continues that way. The days are beautiful with sunshine and a little warmer temperatures. Margie ironed yesterday and will finish today. I remember for a long time I ironed when she was not strong enough. Now, even with her right shoulder in much pain she insists on doing it. She knows that after surgery I will be back to it again until she fully recovers. But that's okay because I enjoy doing it. Yesterday I wrote more stories about our years in Brazil for our upcoming book (some day!) I am posting snippets in our other blogsite with short paragraphs. These I will also incorporate into narratives later on for the book. Thanks for praying for us. We deeply appreciate it.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Cautiously optimistic
After fighting vertigo for a week, I am beginning to see improvement. Dizziness is a dreadful condition. I can only praise the Lord that I was able to continue my care for Margie through it all. She certainly did her part also in helping me. I am grateful. Yesterday was wash day and the Lord enabled me to get it all done. Margie did the folding and today she will iron. I continued my writing for our proposed book. Today I take Margie to the hair dressers. I will pick up a DVD today which I had made when they converted my old film taken back in Benjamin Constant years ago. Thank you for praying for us.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
We had a nice visit with our daughter Joy yesterday. She was pleased we were there. We could tell by her smile. She was still eating some soup. She is a slow eater (sometimes) so they brought her back to the room and had her soup in a cup and she was feeding her self. She knows what she wants and even as awkwardly as she handles a spoon, she was able to pick out what she wanted from the soup. It was obvious she didn't want the meat. After eating, she held Margie's hand tightly, not wanting to let loose. We are so pleased with her care at Christian Health Care Center. Two of the nurses were there caring for Joy at different times and we visited with them also. I am on the way to the doctor again. This vertigo will not leave me. Thanks for praying.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Help for vertigo
I have tried just about everything during the years to combat vertigo. Margie & I both had sessions with a chiropractor yesterday and when I came off the table, intense dizziness pursued. I ate some ginger for nausea and just sat while Margie was having her treatment. By the time she finished I was able to drive us home. I was just about ready to call a friend to come drive us. We both had good nights. I only get dizzy as I am getting out of bed. I can hear someone say, "Don't get of bed". Well I have to because I care for Margie and want to get my equilibrium back and get going for the day. We would like to visit Joy today and Margie has an appointment with her doctor. She is suffering (beside her shoulder problem) very discomforting pains and uneasiness in her stomach. Hopefully the doctor will be able to help her in this. Thanks for praying. It is what keeps us going.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
New thrust
We have made a decision on our stories that I have been writing on our years in Brazil. We are not quite sure at this point what we will be doing on our blog, but we have had thousands of people reading it around the world. We will be putting these narratives into book form and I have already started updating the 75 completed ones, making them more compatible with what we want in the upcoming book. The above mentioned blog domain name is ours so we will maintain that site also. We didn't make it to the doctor yesterday about the vertigo, because there were no appointments available. We will try again today. Margie also attends the Missionary meeting for ladies at our church. Thank you all for your prayers for us which we appreciate so much.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Well, for about 3 days I have been fighting dizziness. Hopefully the doctor today will be able to help me. I must stay "upright" to take Margie to her medical appointments and help all I can. So far I have been able to do this and am thankful. Thanks for praying for us. Yesterday I was privileged to preach and tell the story of Joy's transfer from Shepherds to Christian Health Care Center. Our son drove us to a local restaurant and we enjoyed a meal together. Later that day he returned to his home in Stanwood, WA. Margie had a good night, the sun is shining and things look good outside. We pray you all have a good day. I talked to both of my brothers last night, one in Singapore and the other in Valdez, AK
Sunday, April 1, 2012
No April Fool
My brother Ernie's birthday is today. He is 86 and has served in Singapore for 59 years. As I write this, their day is winding down. We wish him God's best in that wonderful ministry. Yesterday our son worked on the Vista house and had lunch and supper with us. I worked on my Power Point presentation for today's message at Grace Baptist Church in Bellingham, Washington. they requested I tell the story of how Joy was transferred from Shepherds to Lynden, Washington ( near us). For Margie and me it is story of God's gracious leading and we love to tell the story. Margie had a restless night but we pray she will be up to attending the service this morning. Thanks for your prayers,
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