Monday, December 31, 2012


As always, the year went quickly.  Much happened during these months.  Even with Margie's many set backs and down times, we see an improvement for which we are grateful.  It's hard to believe our daughter Joy  is gone.  We miss her but are SO happy she is with the Lord and free from the restraints of her body all those years. We are indebted to Shepherds Ministry and their compassionate Christian care of her for 45 years.  We have much to do yet, God willing.  Our times are in His hands and we are resting in that. In the last several days we have made wonderful progress on our book writing (about Brazil)  Our sincere thanks to you who follow us on this blog. Your prayers for us mean so much and we are grateful.  

Sunday, December 30, 2012

To church we go

Lord willing, we will be going to church today.  Margie had a good night.  Yesterday we took down the Christmas tree lights and Margie started putting the decorations in boxes to be stored for another year.  She will finish on Monday.  Yesterday I was able to write three new stories for our Brazil book and Margie proofed two of them.  We are hoping we can make good progress from this point forward.  Our son and grandson are with us.  They are working on one of their rental units. We never tire of thanking you for your prayers for us.  They are deeply appreciated.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturday chores

Yesterday our granddaughter took the decorations down from the Christmas tree.  This was a great help for Margie. Today I will take down the tree. In the morning we taught the Bible class at the Senior Activity Center in Ferndale.  Margie completed several pages of ideas for our Brazil book, taken from one of our journals.  I will be writing more stories based on her findings. I also prepared many more stories to be sent to the editor next week. I am hoping Margie had a good night. I think she did. She is still sleeping as I write this.  Thanks for your prayers,

Friday, December 28, 2012

Busy schedule

Our schedule yesterday was busy.  We had three important appointments and thankfully made them all okay.  Margie finished the day with a back adjustment which she needed. We hope she feels better today.  She had a pretty good night.  This morning we teach the Bible study at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center on the book of James (my favorite), then I hope to be able to dedicate the rest of the day to working on our Brazil book. Thanks for praying for us. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Margie is certainly having back pain and today will see a chiropractor.  That has been the only relief she has found so far with this particular problem.  Because of it she did not do well in sleeping last night.  So we have a full schedule today and we pray she is able to make it through the day okay.  Our son and grandson are here now, having arrived yesterday.  Margie is right now preparing things for our lunch today.  Thanks for praying.  We appreciate it.  

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


How blessed we were to be able to drive to our son's home on Christmas for a nice time and delicious meal.  We consider these times a gift from the Lord.  At our age we are so thankful we are given this privilege.  Margie did very well and we returned home around 5:45 pm.   Margie had a good night and today she will be having her last physical therapy session.  She has done very well and we are thankful.  Please pray as we endeavor to complete our Brazil book project.  We are not "over the hump" yet and need more time and wisdom to get all requirements done. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

What a great day this is.  We pray your day will be filled with God's blessings. We had the privilege of having our family here for Christmas Eve brunch.  As usual Margie turned out a meal that the family will remember all year long. (And they tell us this each year).  We thought of our daughter Joy who had her first Christmas in heaven. We miss her and are so thankful she is with Jesus. Margie slept well last night.  This is an answer to prayer and we thank you for helping us in intercession.

Monday, December 24, 2012


We always are thankful when we can have Christmas Eve brunch with our family.  In a few hours Rawlie and his family will be arriving from Stanwood.  They LOVE the delicious food Margie has prepared for many years.  I'll tell more about that tomorrow perhaps. We pray each of you has a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Margie slept well for which we are thankful. Thanks dear friends for your faithfulness to us in prayer.  It means so much to us. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lord's Day

We will be going down our hill to church this morning, Lord willing.  We look forward to each Sunday when we can do this.  The last two Sundays I was privileged to teach the class.  Today I will be a student, and I enjoy that too.  We have a good teacher.  Margie did well last night.  It is nice to be all ready for Christmas.  Tomorrow our family arrives for the Christmas Eve brunch we have yearly.  We'll tell more about that tomorrow or the next day.  Thanks for your prayers. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012


The Senior Center Bible study went well yesterday even though the number was down due to sickness and some traveling.  We are in the book of James and completed chapter 4 Friday.  We are in the countdown around here for Christmas. I sent out a one slide Power Point presentation but unfortunately many cannot play them on their computers.  I sent just a plain picture of the slide to those whose machines don't accept this program.  Margie had a good night and we are thankful.  We pray you have a wonderful day and thank you for your prayers.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Calendar events

The world has spoken much of this date. Not only the Mayan connection, but also the start of winter.  We are pleased that the Lord is in charge of these things and nothing happens without His direction.  This is our comfort and hope.  I had my check up yesterday and the doctor found the blood work and everything else in good order.   The Lord is to be thanked for this. I have been blessed with good health. I feel the Lord did this so I could adequately care for Margie. Margie had, as far as I can tell, a good night last night. By degrees she is getting accustomed to using the C-PAP machine. Thank you so much for your prayers.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Keep trying

Margie did not do as well last night as other nights with the C-PAP machine.  But she finally got to sleep and had a pretty good night.
Two main things today:  Church prayer meeting in the afternoon and I have a medical check-up this morning.  It's about time I saw the doctor.  I haven't been all year.  There was no need to do so I did not go.  Thanks friends for praying. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Hopefully Margie is acclimating well to the C-PAP machine. Before she was almost sure she would never adapt to it. Last night she had a great night.  It is so much better when one gets a good sleep.  Today she will be in physical therapy and also see her doctor.  I have been plagued with a spell of vertigo the last two days. I see the doctor tomorrow for a yearly physical exam.  Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Good one

We rejoice in another good night using the C-PAP.  Yesterday was a big day for Margie. She was determined to do her yearly scheduled baking.  She made Tea Rings for us and the neighbors, and sticky buns for our Christmas Eve brunch with the family.  I only helped when she needed me.  She did wonderfully well and it was satisfying for her to accomplish this after being ill for so long.  I know she did a lot of praying for physical strength for the process. Our grandson is staying here while working on one of their homes here in Ferndale.  Thanks again for your faithful prayer support.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Partial success

Margie was told by the sleep specialist to keep trying the C-PAP machine.  Last night she did.  With the help of some more sleep medication, she made it through the night pretty well.  She will talk to her physician about the added sleep aid medication and if she advises her  to follow that route.  But we are thankful for a fairly good night.  Thanks so much for praying.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Return to Anchorage

May brother who was here a few days on business, left yesterday for his home Anchorage.  We certainly enjoyed the few times we were able to be with him.  The last time we had seen him was on our trip for Shepherds in Alaska, several years ago.  We don't get to see our siblings often. My other brother is in Singapore and has been for much over a half century. Lord willing we will be heading to church this morning.  I am privileged to teach an adult Sunday school class.  Margie did not have good night and we are always sorry when she doesn't. Thank you always for your faithfulness in prayer. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

It's here

We are pleased Margie's medication arrived yesterday in the mail from the pharmacy.  She will start it Monday and we pray it will help her in several areas of her needs.  My brother treated us ( Margie and I and our son and grandson) to a meal last night in Bellingham.  He returns to Anchorage this afternoon.  High winds are forecast for today so I better get the generator out and in ready mode just in case.  Thanks, dear friends for your faithful prayers. 

Friday, December 14, 2012


We are now in the waiting mode for medication to arrive that Margie's allergist prescribed.  We are encouraged by the sound of the doctor's evaluation of the blood test done a while back. Margie slept well last night and that is always a plus when it happens.  This morning I teach the book of James at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center.  My brother Harold extended his business stay because of the extra things that have to be done before he can leave.  He met with all the "brass" of the company with whom he is dealing yesterday and the extension is a result of that.  Thanks for praying for Margie's situation.  We appreciate it. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012


It was a pleasure for us to have a reunion with my brother, Harold, yesterday.  In the evening we met with Rawlie's family at a restaurant and had a wonderful meal and time of fellowship.  It was great.  Harold is here on a special assignment for a refinery  electrical system.  He leaves Friday, returning to his home in Anchorage.  Margie had a good night for which we are always happy.  Her allergist received the final lab work and prescribed a special medication with the hopes it will improve her general health.  Thanks so much for your prayers,

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Try again

The sleep specialist yesterday encouraged Margie to keep trying the C-PAP machine even though her experience with it has been negative to this point.  Last night she did not have a good night.  Today she goes for more physical therapy for her shoulder.  This is always positive.  My brother, arrived last night in Bellingham and we hope to get to see him today sometime.  The last time we saw him was in Anchorage several years ago. Thanks for your prayers, 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sleep Clinic

Margie has an appointment with the sleep specialist this morning.  At this point in time, it appears she will not do well on the C-PAP machine.  She just cannot sleep with it running.  Only one time did she do well and that was the very first time.  We don't know why it worked then, but not now. Margie had a good night for which we are grateful.  I am working hard on my book material and a dear friend is editing the chapters.  He gave some very good suggestions so now I am working on those.  I have missed the Christmas promotions and also Easter.  I will ask for more time and get the material to them later.  Thanks so much for praying.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Surprised and pleased

There is no explanation of why, but last night she had one of her best nights.  This is a blessing.  She feels so much better after a good rest. If we knew the secret of what gives her a good sleep, we would employ it daily.  But we are thankful for at least this one real good one.  Our son and grandson went back home yesterday morning. I taught one of the adult Sunday School classes at church and had a good time doing that. As usual it appears we have another scheduled filled week.  I am sending off chapters of our Brazil book to a dear friend who edits them.  We have missed the Christmas market and even Easter because we were not ready. We hope we can finish it soon and get it to the publisher.  Thanks so much for praying

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Thankfully Margie had a pretty good night.  Yesterday we prepared a meal for Rawlie and our grandson.  We enjoyed our time together. They will go home this morning.  I spent some time yesterday also preparing more for the Sunday School class I will teach this morning.  Our regular teacher is away and another fellow and myself filled in for him.  I enjoy it as always. It is always good to be able to teach God's Word.   We plan Lord willing, on attending both services this morning at our church.  Thank you dear friends for your faithfulness in prayer. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas tree decoration

The last two years our granddaughter has decorated our tree.  It is too difficult for Margie and our granddaughter does a good job.  Our son and grandson stayed to work on a rental home here in Ferndale. We had a good attendance at the Bible class yesterday with all chairs occupied.  That is a good sign.  I am not real sure about Margie sleep last night.  She is still in bed as I write this so that makes me suspicious.  I do hope, however she was able to get some rest.  Thanks for praying. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Unexpected glitch

We never know what a day may bring.  Last night as I was printing the study sheets for the Bible class, the printer stopped.  It had already printed on one side and the other side will have to be printed. But you know printer companies have their machines "fixed" so they sometimes will only accept an official ink cartridge from the makers of the machine.  I have never had that problem but late last night it happened so here I am this morning trying to get the problem solved.  With 3 printers I KNOW it will get done.  Margie had a good night for which we are thankful.  Thanks dear friends for your prayers.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Yesterday morning Margie did her physical therapy session in Lynden and the rest of the day we worked on pages from our Brazil book, preparing them for editing by a good friend of ours. I will send some today to him.  Our time at AWANA was fun and I enjoyed doing one of my paper cutting Bible illustrations for the boys and girls on the "Nicknames of Jesus".  Margie had a good night and we are thankful.  And we are thankful for your prayer support. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Physical therapy

Margie goes for more therapy today.  She is doing very well and wants to continue.  She has been rewarded for faithfulness in therapy at home and with the professionals.  It does pay.  She slept well last night also which is a plus.  I speak at AWANA tonight and appreciate your prayer for that.  Thanks always for your prayer support to us.  We appreciate you. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Not on the list

I failed to list the important item I wanted to get in town while on our short trip to shop yesterday.  I only remembered it when we turned onto Main St. in Ferndale.  Oh well, I guess I will just blame it on age. Margie had a pretty good night.  The wind blew fiercely during the night and we are told it is part of the system that is soaking California.  We never will forget some of those storms when we traveled for Shepherds, living in a 5th wheel trailer.  I appreciate prayer for my talk in the AWANA program tomorrow night at our church.  Thanks so much for praying.

Monday, December 3, 2012


We are puzzled about the C-PAP machine.  Margie started out with it last night but it just didn't work for her.  We will be contacting the therapist to determine what she can do to improve the situation.  We had a nice time at church in Sunday School and the morning service then lunch with friends after that.  Thanks for your prayers.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


For some reason the C-PAP machine didn't work for Margie so she suspended it early in the night.  We know that the first month or more is an adjustment time.  It may be she is unable to use it. At this point we just don't know.  She made it through the night fairly well anyway for which we are glad.  This morning we will be going to Sunday School and the church service.  We look forward to this very much. Thanks again for praying.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Margie started using the C-PAP machine last night.  She did very well the first part of the night and got a very good sleep.  The therapist warned her that it can take several days or more to get accustomed to this new "invasion" device.  But all in all she did pretty well. I reminded her of an adjustment she could have done to help her but she forgot about it during the night.  Otherwise I think she would have slept all night.  Thanks so much for praying as she gets used to this new method of trying to sleep.  We appreciate it very much.  Added note:  Our son's birthday is today and we already spoke with them.  They are coming up to Ferndale for a quick trip today. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Poor sleep

Sad to say Margie had another poor night.  Sleep did not come until after 1 in the morning.  I wish I could give her my ability to sleep. I have had it all my life. Today is Bible class and we look forward to it.  We are always thrilled with the good attendance and thank the Lord for those who desire to study the Bible. Thank you for praying for us.  Please keep it up.  We appreciate it. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Physical Therapy

The therapist said Margie is doing very well in her therapy. I believe her because at home Margie daily does the routines faithfully.  She had surgery May 8 and we knew it would take a long series of therapy treatments for her to regain the use of her right arm.  They were right, but she is doing very well now.  She said it was the most painful experience witnessed thus far in her life. She will be initiating the C-PAP process soon also.  Thanks again for your part in praying for us. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sleep aid

Margie has been through the entire process of the sleep clinic and yesterday received the machine, mask and instructions for the C-PAP. She will start using it sometime this week, possibly tonight.  We pray it will give her more quality sleep.  Today we go for more therapy for her right shoulder.  She is doing wonderfully well thus far and I know it's because she has been faithful in doing her home physical therapy routines.  Thank you for praying. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We are relieved with the result of our tracking the special lab work Margie did yesterday morning.  We followed the process on Fed Ex tracking Online and this morning it was delivered to St Charles, Ill at 7:30.  What great service.  It is all quite amazing how efficient these things can operate. Margie had a very good night. I think the reason was because the preparation for this lab work was difficult to say the least.  Now it's history.  Please pray with us that the test will help the allergist know how to prescribe the medication that will help Margie.  Thanks so much. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Special lab test

Margie did not have a good night and the ones before have not been so good either.  We are hoping that after the special lab work this morning she can rest better.  It has been on her mind a lot .  Yesterday was a mixed up morning.  Our son and family were not able to attend the church where I was preaching because because Gina got sick.  Rawlie went home immediately.  They requested I preach during the Sunday School hour instead of 11:15 and so any coming at 11:15 to hear me preach, missed that.  Oh well, it all worked out and I also was asked to have the Sunday School.  Thank you friend, for praying.  We appreciate it. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Lord's Day

Every day is the Lord's day but today we go to church to study, worship and fellowship.  I will be preaching and am happy to be able to serve- especially at my age.  We are hoping the rest of Rawlie's family will be here also to join us at church.  Margie wants to get this special lab work done tomorrow morning and see if things will get back to somewhat normal.  Thanks so much for praying for us.  

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A gift

Sleep[ is a wonderful gift.  Margie's last several nights were not very good.  Last night, however, she had a peaceful sleep. We are thankful. Our son is here and tomorrow the rest of the family arrives and they will go to the church where I will be preaching.  We look forward to this.  We plan to have a meal together before they return to Stanwood.  Thanks so much for praying.  It means so much to us. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Great day

We had a very enjoyable day at our son's yesterday.  Grandson Nathan and his mother prepared the meal.  Guests brought desserts and we truly had a great time.  Thankfully Margie was able to make the trip and we stayed until 4:30 and left for home.  Unfortunately Margie had much trouble getting to sleep and it was way after midnight before she was able to rest. She asked me to awaken her at 8 this morning.  She has a hair appointment to which I will take her later.  Thank you for praying. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012


WE TRUST EACH OF YOU WILL HAVE A DELIGHTFUL DAY WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto your name, O most High! -- Ps. 92:1 Margie had a good night after our busy day yesterday of cooking, washing, ironing and other things.  Thank you for the prayer support.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Preparation for Thanksgiving

Yesterday Margie had her dental appointment and all went well.  Today she will be preparing some things for Thanksgiving.  If she is up to it we will be together with family for the main meal that day. We spent time getting a fax to Margie's allergist for him to sign the lab order.  We expect that today.  I had to learn all over again how to "stitch" legal size pages together on the scanner in order to send them. It is a cool windy, rainy day in Ferndale.  We trust you all have a good day as you prepare for Thanksgiving. Thanks for praying for us. Margie is still asleep. I trust she had a good night.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A tough lesson

Yesterday we had an unforgettable lesson we will never forget. I left Margie off for the eye doctor. It was raining very hard. I returned to find a disabled parking spot and then joined her in the waiting room.  I remembered I had not displayed the disabled tag on the mirror and rushed back to put it on.  But in 6 minutes the authorities found me and I was ticketed. We spent the rest of the morning in driving rain going to two different places to resolve this foolish mistake which we hope we will never make again. We were relieved when Margie called her allergist yesterday and discovered there was a lab in this area that can handle the special lab test Margie needs. Lord willing that will take place Monday morning in Bellingham, Washington. Thanks for your daily prayer support. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Eye specialist

This morning we go to the eye specialist for Margie.  Yesterday turned out to be a big one.  We are grateful Margie was able to make it okay through the day.  We did attend Sunday School and morning worship hour.  A pastor friend of ours, Curt Bidwell was guest speaker and it was nice to see him and the family again.  We did have the service at the Louisa House and there were a few who attended plus some from our church which was encouraging.  Thannk you so much for lyour prayer support. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

More waiting

Fed -Ex delivered to our house yesterday a special test order at the lab for Margie.  Her allergist is trying to find the reason why her last medication did not help her.  Because it is such a highly demanding blood test, she is going to ask the doctor where such a lab is, so we can get it done.  Margie did not sleep well last night and left me a note to let her sleep.  She wants to go to church but I doubt if she will make it to Sunday School.  We do have a Thanksgiving service at the Louisa House this afternoon at 2. Please pray we can get this blood test resolved satisfactorily.  Thank you so much.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Another good night

We are thankful for another good night for Margie.  Our son arrived last night and will be with us for the weekend.  Our Bible class yesterday occupied all the chairs in the room.  This is a great problem.  We can move to the dining room at the Center if it grows more.  Margie is still waiting for further tests from the allergist to help her.  Please pray it will be completed as soon as possible.  And thank you so much for praying.  It means so much to us. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Good sleep

Margie and I are grateful she had a good sleep last night.  We are in the countdown now for attending this morning's Bible class at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. We look forward to this each week.  I am so glad Margie can go with me. Sickness keeps some from regular attendance but we usually occupy most of the chairs at the tables.  We have a busy weekend about which we will tell you later.  Thanks so much for your prayers.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


We are so thankful Margie had a better night.  We have a busy day outlined and she has already started the ironing. Today we have an afternoon prayer meeting. I am taking Margie to the hairdresser this morning and then go get some medication for her at Walgreens.  As usual, there is never a dull moment.  Thanks so much for praying.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Slow start

Margie had a hard time getting to sleep.  I will awaken her later than usual so she can sleep longer before leaving for physical therapy.  We had a good day yesterday where she got a good report from here rheumatologist.  I did some shopping while in town.  Margie certainly wants to feel well enough to enjoy Thanksgiving  with our family.  We appreciate your prayers about this. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More tests

Margie had a phone consultation with her allergist yesterday and he was very surprised that the new medication prescribed made her worse.  He has ordered more tests and will reexamine everything and determine what to do. We both continued  research and writing for our Brazil book. Margie had a good night for which we are thankful.  Today she sees her  rheumatology doctor for a regular appointment concerning her medication. We sincerely thank you for your prayers on our behalf. 

Monday, November 12, 2012


Yesterday we attended the services at our church.  Our pastor and his wife are away on a missions trip ministering in a foreign country.  Doug and Sandee Gorsuch came and he preached.  It was good to see them again. Doug and his siblings and parents were in this church years ago and we know them well.It was a blessing visiting with them.  We are so thankful Margie had a good night.  Today she will be in contact with her allergist to determine a medication change.  Thanks for praying.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Thankfully Margie is feeling better today.  She had a pretty good night.  Yesterday we took it easy.  She continued research for our book and I edited several stories already written.  I also did some advance study for the Bible class next Friday.  Margie will be in touch with her allergy specialist Monday, Lord willing, to see if he has some answer for her present condition/  Thank you so much for praying.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A set back

Margie had been doing very well and we were pleased.  One of her medications caused  some concern so she suspended it. She will be in contact with the doctor on Monday trying to determine what to do next.  In the meantime, she is not doing well  and we ask you to pray fervently she will be able to conquer this health issue soon.  Thank you.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Schedule change

The prayer meeting time was changed to Thursday afternoon. Margie and a friend went to Mt. Vernon to see another friend at the Baptist church where a group of ladies meet to work on quilts. Margie's friend had some beautiful quilts she wanted the ladies to see. Margie does not make quilts but appreciates their beauty and the work involved to produce them.  She returned to the prayer meeting and then home.  She was pretty tired and went to bed much earlier than usual because of it. She has not been sleeping well and we are concerned. Thanks for praying about this with us.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Yesterday was our routine schedule of washing clothes, making beds drying folding and ironing clothes.  Margie did most of it except the beds. I still make up those because it is easier for me. Margie was very tired and I suppose it's because of not getting as much sleep as she is used to.  Last night was the same thing.   Yesterday Margie continued her work of reading past letters written to our folks when we served in Brazil.  I had to transform them into a more readable form by using an OCR software, then she could read them right from her laptop.  If the OCR can get a good reading, the finished product is ok.  But we wrote many of our letters using carbon paper (what's that!!) so the finished product gets muddled.  But this is the way of getting more information for our Brazil book we are writing  Thanks so much for praying.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Lord is in control

We are comforted knowing the Lord is in charge of all that is going on these days.  Margie had trouble sleeping because of this plus some back pains. As the saying goes, If it's not one thing, it's another. Yesterday Margie had another eye appointment with the doctor.  It rained cats and dogs throughout the day around here.  I purchased some special blocks to make another step into our garage from the family room.  Now Margie can climb those much better.  Her inoperable knees make the steps very difficult.  Thanks for praying.  It is a beautiful sunshine day right now in Ferndale.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Not so good

Margie did not have such a good night.  But she finally got to sleep and this morning we have to take her to the eye doctor.  I will shop while in town.  This week promises to be quite busy, but which week is not busy? That's the way it goes.  Thanks for praying. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Could have been better

Last night could have been better but I guess when one ages and has so much on the schedule, sometimes a restless night is the result. That's what happened last night. Hopefully we will get everything done we are supposed to and things will get back to normal.  We certainly hope so.  Our grandson left last night around 5:30 or so.  He will probably be back sooner to work on the rental home in town. Today promises to be a beautiful one with the sun already shining brightly.  We never stop thanking you for your prayer support. It means much to us. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


What a surprise we got yesterday morning when our grandson told us that his dad, our son,left early in the morning for home.  He got really sick during the night and not wanting to expose us to whatever he had, left for home.  We were so sorry for him. Later he called to say he was some better, thankfully.  We made stuffed bell peppers for lunch and Margie added all the other goodies and Nathan joined us for the feast.  We continued doing research for material for our Brazil book.  Margie has a major part in this as she reviews our journals, etc., for information.  We plan on attending church this morning.  I wonder how many set their clocks back.  Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


We were delighted with the good turn out to the Bible class yesterday.  Again all chairs were taken. We had three new members. Our son and grandson also arrived yesterday so we have a nice time when they are here.  Of course they are busy making necessary repairs and improvements on their rental home here so keep plenty busy with that.   Thanks for your prayers. LATER. OUR SON, WE JUST LEARNED, FROM OUIR GRANDSON, LEFT HERE EARLY THIS MORNING FOR HIS HOME. HE GOT SICK DURING THE NIGHT AND DIDN'T WANT TO EXPOSE US TO WHATEVER HE MAY HAVE. WE ARE SORRY AND KNOW YOU WILL PRAY ALSO FOR HIM. THANKS.

Friday, November 2, 2012


. I spent some more time preparing for the Bible class at the Senior Activity Center in Ferndale.  Another person requested a study sheet and she plans on being there today.  Another called in ill, so will only make it next week.  We are grateful for those who attend. Margie had her hair done yesterday.  I installed another printer to assist my printing jobs in the Bible class.  It works on WI-FI so no cords strung across the desk to the computer.  I like it. We appreciate your prayer support.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012


What special memories we enjoyed yesterday with missionaries Dick & Mavis Buck (Brazil).  Margie also had her physical therapy session in Lynden.  It was a busy day and finished by her going to the sleep clinic in Bellingham last night to be fitted with a C-PAP device. I picked her up at 6:30 this morning.  So the days come and go.  Yesterday was also our daughter Joy's birthday. She would have been 53.  What a glorious release was hers when she left us July 27.  Today we will keep busy also, and it surely is better than the other alternative. Thanks so much for praying. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We got it all done

Our scheduled tasks for yesterday were completed successfully and we are glad.  It was a busy morning and afternoon but everything was accomplished.  Today promises to be another big day and we will tell about it in tomorrow's blog. The rains persist here but we live on high ground so are not plagued like others in the lowlands. It really does make a difference where your house is built. Thank you friends for praying.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Property taxes

We had not planned a trip to town but I remembered that our taxes are due.  We will combine that trip with other stops to get some essentials before returning to Ferndale for an afternoon appointment with the chiropractor.  Yesterday we did quite a bit more on our Brazil book deal.  Margie proof read several articles that I wrote.  At some point we are going to have to call it quits and then get serious about getting the book published. The title of the book is important and we haven't got a brainstorm on that one yet. Thank you for praying about all this.  We appreciate it. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Much rain

Sitting in my office I can hear the heavy rain.  Our summer was so special and now the rains.  It's all Okay and in God's plan.  We are grateful Margie slept well.  We were blessed to be able to attend church yesterday and have our son and grandson join us at our home for lunch.  Today I have a dental appointment. Margie has started listening to the letters I recorded (thanks to software that reads the letters we wrote to our folks years ago).  This information will help as we conclude our book on Brazil.  We thank you for the prayer support. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Church today

We look forward to this day when we can attend services at our church.  For years Margie was not able to attend Sunday School and the Worship service but now enjoys both.  We are thankful. Our son and grandson are here with us and I just made a latte for each one.  We will spend a quiet afternoon here at home, listening and watching programs on the radio and TV.  Thanks again for praying. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bible Class

The Bible Class was well attended yesterday. If any more come, we will move to the dining room of the Center.  That would be good.  As usual we had a busy day and even made an unplanned trip to town.  As always, it was good to be back home.  Our son, Rawlie arrived around 7:30 PM and we had a nice visit.  Due to illness and remodelling problems we hadn't seen him for about 3 weeks.  Thanks for keeping us in your prayers,  It is appreciated. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

One day at a time

Margie is getting over a cold that was accompanied with a nagging cough. We pray she is at the end of that process.  She plans on attending the Bible Class with me this morning.  She also went to prayer meeting last night for she is not in the contagious stage of this ordeal. She had a good night last night once the bodily pains were attended to.  We thank you for your prayer support

Thursday, October 25, 2012

On the move

Yesterday Margie had a physical therapy session in Lynden, WA and after that a doctor's appointment.  We had lunch between the two then went home.  We managed to work in washing drying and ironing clothes and some house cleaning also.  Margie is doing a lot more these days and no longer I have to do it all.  Thanks for your faithfulness to us in prayer. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Another busy day

Margie has two appointments today which will keep us on the road and in the offices for the good part of the morning.  Yesterday we had a quiet day at home.  I kept busy, and so did Margie with paperwork and other important matters.  I was able to record several letters with our software so Margie can listen to it and help with suggestions for our Brazil book.  Margie had a pretty good night and we thank you for praying. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hard start - smooth sailing

Margie had trouble getting to sleep but then did well the rest of the night.  Yesterday Margie had a medical appointment in the morning so we took advantage of it to get some shopping done while in town.  We were home by 12:30 and had a good afternoon at home. I downloaded a temporary program to help me scan to OCR some of the letters we wrote years ago to our folks when we were missionaries in Brazil.  Margie will review (listen) to those letters on the other software I installed, that "reads" the letters back in a nice woman's voice.  This way Margie can do the research for ideas for our book on Brazil.  Thanks to each of you for your prayer support.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Quiet day

Except for the trip to church in the morning, we had a nice quiet day, reading and watching Christian programs on the TV at home.  I am also working on a system for Margie to review our journal without having to read them.  I have researched several possibilities and now have more than 25 letters in digital format which are fed into a text to speech program and all she has to do is "listen" to the journals.  It makes it much better for her because of her eye condition.  Thankfully last night Margie had a good night.  We are leaving this morning for an appointment she has in Bellingham.  Thanks for your prayers.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thoughtful son

Our son and grandson were scheduled to be at our house this weekend.  Rawlie developed a cold and decided not to come.  He did not want to expose Margie.  It was thoughtful  of him.  Margie and I together this time prepared stuffed peppers for their arrival.  We froze them and will enjoy them on his next trip here.  Margie had a good night.  She is still suffering reactions to whatever was in the gluten free bread we recently purchased. She took an allergy medicine which got her through the night.  Thanks for your prayers.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bible Study Class

The third Bible Study Class was held yesterday with a good attendance.  It is encouraging to have those interested in this study, attend the class. You are welcome to drop by and see what a good time we have.  Friday morning at 10 AM at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center.  Margie and I kept busy the rest of the day around the house taking care of things that needed our attention.  We had another good night last night. Thanks for praying

Friday, October 19, 2012

Grateful for a good night

We are very thankful for a good night after having two that were not very pleasant.Sleep is vital to one's health and we do not take for granted this fact. We look forward to the Bible class this morning at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center.  It is a joy to teach the book of James.  Our family should be coming today and it will be good to see them after a two week absence from Ferndale.  We don't take YOU for granted and thank you again for our prayers for us. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Our car had regular maintenance and some other things done to it yesterday.  The water pump was replaced, rear end brakes and all the other checkpoints they do on maintenance day. We used a loaner van to get Margie to the physical therapist in Lynden. We made it through the day even though tiredness was evident due to the sleepless night before. We are glad last night was a little better than the other one.   Thanks for remembering us in prayer.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Allergic reaction

Margie had a medical appointment in the morning so we took advantage of the trip to shop.  We were home by noon and it was nice to have the afternoon free for other duties we wanted to get done.  We discovered a new gluten free  bread which Margie could eat but unfortunately it backfired on her during the night and the allergic reaction was not good.  We both made it through the night but with a lot of sleeplessness on the way.  Someone else will eat the bread, that's for sure.  We appreciate the prayer support our friends give us. It means a lot to us. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Yesterday Margie baked some special cookies, very delicious and worked on organizing the shopping list for our trip into town this morning.  She has an appointment and we will take advantage of this to pick up some items nearby.  The rains subsided and bright sunshine appeared for a good part of the day.  It was nice.  We are rejoicing in Margie's better days.  Thanks for praying.  The Lord is answering. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Quiet Sunday

We had a nice time both in Sunday School and the morning service at our church.  Margie has been unable to attend both for a long time but now is starting again.  The afternoon was leisurely spent watching and listening on TV and radio to messages, and reading. We have no commitments for appointments today which is unusual and we are glad. By the appearance of my study, I think I better do some "house cleaning" today.  Thanks for your prayer support.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Misc projects

Our time yesterday was spent doing miscellaneous projects.  Margie had a "ton" of papers she wanted to go through and sort. She got it all done.  I helped a little by making another "set" of stuffed peppers.  Our family loves them.  I learned to make them when Margie was in the hospital.  I also received the new photo sensors for front porch lights that allow us to use CFL florescent bulbs.  I got them all fined tuned thanks to my brother Harold's help.who lives in Anchorage.  Google Talk enables us to communicate as much as we desire and the connection is as good as a phone. Margie had a wonderful night and thanks you all for your prayers.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bible Class

We were pleased when all the chairs were taken in the Bible Class yesterday and another table was set up to accommodate those who
came a little later.  We remember when we had this same class about 14 years ago  before we started working with Shepherds Ministry.  What a joy to go teach the book of James. At home after the class Margie made sauce from rhubarb, plums and nectarines.  Very delicious. A slight rain came to our county - the first time in 80 days, we are told.  That's quite a dry spell for this part of the country. Our son will not be up this weekend because their dryer went out and they are shopping for another today.  Thanks dear friends for praying for us.  

Friday, October 12, 2012

On the move

We are grateful we can be busy around the house, doing things that need to be done.  Margie is taking a larger part of this now.  I tell her I should be doing this or that, and she just says she wants to do it.  The Lord has helped her so much and we thank Him for His touch upon her.  Thank you for praying.  Today we are going to the Senior Center Bible Class here in Ferndale.  I am glad I can have this ministry. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Physical Therapy

Margie had another physical therapy session for her right shoulder.  Her surgery was May 8 and she is doing very well in therapy. All say she is doing okay.  She does her "homework" also by going through a routine daily here at home.   It has paid off that's for sure.  Our day yesterday was very busy because in the afternoon we both had dental appointments.  And because we have had surgeries, it is law that we take antibiotics before each dental appointment.  So this plus other chores at home kept us pretty well busy until bedtime.  We will be on the go again today also.  Thanks for our prayers,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Quite a schedule

We had a busy schedule yesterday, stopping or shopping at 12 different places throughout the day.  That should be enough to tire anyone out.  Margie did fabulously well. At some stores she stayed in the car and I did the shopping.  That worked out very well. We had not been in Bellingham for necessary shopping in a long time. Today we are off to Margie's physical  therapy in Lynden, WA and back to Ferndale for dental work.  We are grateful for your faithful prayer support.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Appointment & shopping

I am taking Margie to another appointment this morning then we have several things we must pick up at stores in town. The weather change this morning to fog and cool breeze reminds us winter may be on the way.  Margie slept well, awakened early and was ahead of me in getting up. That is a switch. Your daily prayers for us are being answered and we are truly grateful. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Slept well

Margie had a good night.  Today we will be busy taking care of some legal matters and for the rest of the week she has several appointments with doctors, etc.  There is never a dull moment and I guess that is good.  The weather here is unbelievable.  The warm days just keep coming.  We are amazed. I remember before our Brazil days, I painted houses here in Ferndale and can recall painting in the month of November.  It looks like we are returning to those days this year. We never tire of thanking you for your prayers. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Last Sunday of Missions Conference

We are looking forward to the Missions Conference at our church today.  This is the third week and it is always a blessing to hear the missionaries give reports of their ministry on the field. Rawlie and his family were with us yesterday for lunch and it was a delight having them here.  Margie did well yesterday and last night and we are thankful.  Equally thankful are we to YOU who pray. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Senior Center Bible Class

I had the privilege of starting the Bible class after being away for several years when we worked with Shepherds. The gentleman who led it had to give it up due to poor eyesight.  Our first class yesterday filled all the chairs in the room we use at the Center.  They are going to rearrange things to get more chairs in for next Friday. It was special for me because Margie went with me and will be helping in the class with roll call, paper work, etc.  Our son and grandson arrived last night to spend the weekend with us while working on one of their rentals here in Ferndale.  It is always nice to have them.  And it is wonderful that Margie is feeling well.  Thank you for praying. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

On the go

Margie has done very well these last two days since her "setback".  We are grateful to the Lord for her improvement day by day.  She had an appointment yesterday and that went well.  She had her hair done in the morning.  Today is the start of the Bible class that we both attend and I am the teacher.  Thanks dear friends for your help in prayer. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

PHysical Therapy

Yesterday Margie started her physical therapy again.  She had used all here allowed sessions and we were awaiting a  new request from her orthopedist.  That is now in place and she is happy with the Lynden facility where she has had therapy for years.  Margie had a good night and we are praising the Lord no more seizures plagued her last night.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Need for prayer

Since Margie's hospitalization and subsequent allergy testing, she has had fabulous days.  They all came crashing down last night when she had 3 serious seizures in a row.  On the first I called 911 and they were aware of our needs.  Please pray. We need it and appreciate all you have done for us already in this. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


We are pleased Margie is getting good rest each night.  Yesterday she prepared our lunch using a self-made gluten free recipe. It was good.  She also lined up dental appointments for us.  She made another appointment for a test the doctor ordered.  We keep busy even though retired.  I am also putting the final touches to my new ministry of teaching the Ferndale Senior Activity Center Bible Class which starts Oct 5 at 10 AM. We are looking forward to this. 
Thanks dear friends for your prayer support.  k

Monday, October 1, 2012

Missions Conference

We attended Sunday School and morning service yesterday and were blessed by John Sircar's presentation of the ministry in Bangladesh.  We were impressed with all the Lord has allowed him to do in that needy mission field.  We were blessed to have our son and grandson here for lunch yesterday.  Gina and the other two grandchildren returned to Stanwood earlier.  Margie continues to feel well, for which we are so thankful.  Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Family time

Our family was here yesterday and we had a meal together. Gina had a special party for a mutual friend in the late afternoon but she and the grandkids came by for lunch. Rawlie came Friday night ahead of the family.  It was nice being with our family.  And Margie was so pleased she felt well enough to enjoy their company. I made more progress in preparations for Bible Study that starts next week for us at the Ferndale Senior Center.  We thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Keep it up

We are pleased with Margie's improvement each day.  We know this is of the Lord and we ask you to pray with us that she will be able to maintain this level of energy and enthusiasm she presently displays day after day.  Her new medication for food allergies has doubtless helped this and we are grateful. Our son and his family are coming this weekend and we will be glad to see them. Rawlie in fact, is already here and we went out for coffee this morning.  That was special.  Thanks for praying and please continue. 

Friday, September 28, 2012


I was amazed to see how much Margie did yesterday. It is so encouraging to see her improvement.  I was preparing for the startup of Bible classes at the Ferndale Senior Center and Margie did most of the things I have done around here for a long time.  She is pleased she feels like doing them.  We both are rejoicing.  Thanks for your faithful prayer support.  It means so much to us. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wonderful day

We started early for our trip to Redmond, WA to see Margie's allergist. It was foggy and I discovered one of the headlights was out on the low beam.  Margie started her allergy testing and I found a place to help me with the headlight.  To my amazement, there were 3 other bulbs burned out on the car.  I am very glad I had it checked. Margie had a very profitable day and learned valuable things about how to live with her allergies.  We left later than usual but the Lord gave us a good trip home, arriving about 6 last evening.  Margie is much encouraged with the reports of the testing and received new medication to help neutralize the offending foods to which she is allergic. We are grateful for competent professionals  that can help her.  We thank you also for your faithful help in prayer. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Plenty busy

Margie really wanted to keep busy and she did, especially in the kitchen, preparing food.  We are so pleased the way she is feeling now. We are on or way to the allergy doctor now.  It will take a couple of hours to get there.  Thanks so much for your prayers,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Margie's doctor was pleased when she saw her yesterday.  Her appearance, attitude and all showed a remarkable improvement from the last time she saw her.  She had also spoken to the doctor who saw her while in the hospital, and he was impressed with Margie's progress.  We are thankful for these good reports.  We also got Margie lined up with the physical therapist in the place she used to go before. She will be having therapy one time each week. You have been so good to us with prayer support.  Thank you much.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Follow up

Today is our Margie's follow up appointment with her doctor after her time in the hospital for 8 days.  She is doing well, sleeping well and for this we are thankful.  We had an enjoyable time at church yesterday which was the start of the Missions Conference.  After church we were guests for a meal with friends.  We had such a good time.  As always, we thank you for your prayers on our behalf. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Church time

We both had good nights and now look forward to attending the start of our Missions Conference at church. This is always a special time and especially because of our 25 years of service in Brazil. Margie has done remarkably well this last week for which we are thankful.  Yesterday she made her customary Saturday phone calls, ministering to others and being ministered to by those called.  Thanks for praying. You are a vital part of our circle of friends and we appreciate you greatly.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Back into a schedule

Margie had a very good  night last night.  Yesterday she was busy in the kitchen baking and preparing meals.  I took her to the beauty shop because she still has difficulty with that operated shoulder trying to do her hair. Our son sent a text that they would not be coming up this weekend.  We will see them next week. The days are nice and warm but a change came yesterday and it was cool.  Today will be the same.  Fall is here and we can feel it.  Again we want to express our appreciation for your prayer support.  It means much to us. 

Friday, September 21, 2012


Margie saw her orthopedic surgeon yesterday who gave her a good report regarding the shoulder replacement surgery. We were pleased to hear this.  Margie has done her homework by faithfully doing the prescribed exercises to help her recover after surgery.  Last night we attended prayer meeting and it is always a blessing to be with believers in prayer.  Thanks folks for praying.  We appreciate it. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

More help

Our 4 hour round trip to the allergist yesterday was rewarding. Margie received wonderful help from him concerning several issues and he started testing her again for allergies to food.  They discovered initially that her allergies to food has intensified since last testing.  This means the special formula for her drops will change. She was greatly encouraged by his wise counsel.  Thanks for praying. We leave shortly to see the orthopedist as he evaluates her progress since shoulder replacement surgery

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Margie is home

Margie was discharged around noon yesterday and afterward had an appointment with a counselor.  We arrived home around 2:30 or so.  We had lunch and Margie got her stuff unpacked.  The time in the unit at the hospital was an experience not to be forgotten. She received help, and we know that she reached out to others in amazing ways.  We praise the Lord for the lives she touched while there. The staff was very pleased with Margie and her time there with them.  Today we are on the way to Redmond, WA for Margie to see her allergist specialist.  Please pray this will go well.  Thank you.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Good news

When I visited Margie yesterday, the nurse told me right away that Margie will be discharged today.  At 11:30 I am to pick her up.  If this schedule stays the same, it will be great.  I have an appointment with her for her allergy doctor the next day (Wednesday).  We rejoice in the way Margie has been a witness in the hospital. She has ministered to others.  Some have come to her seeking help.  What a mission field there is at this place.   Thanks so much for praying.  We will keep you updated on how things go from here. 

Monday, September 17, 2012


When Margie called yesterday before I went to Sunday School, she was lonely.  I certainly can understand this. Margie has received a hint that perhaps the doctor will release her today.  I am scheduling an appointment with the allergy specialist this week hopefully.  He will fine tune her medications and indicate which may be causing this disturbance in her sleep patterns and also mood swings.  Please pray with us about this.  Margie also has an appointment with the surgeon who did the work on her shoulder.  This  will be on Thursday.  Thank you for your prayer support.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012


We are thankful for the progress Margie has made in her stay at the hospital.  And even though she may have had a couple of bumps in her sleep patterns, things are much better.  During our visit yesterday it was touching to see the  care she receives from the staff.  I visited from 6-7.  It is short, but sweet to be there with her.  The doctor is very efficient and kind and a people person which makes this relationship very meaningful. Please continue to pray as they assess her condition and determine how long treatment should continue.  She called early this morning to say she had not slept as soundly as desired but at least she did get some sleep.  She was not complaining at all.  Thanks for your prayer support.


Saturday, September 15, 2012


We are grateful for the many who are praying for Margie's time in the hospital.  At first it was discouraging because she was so sad and discouraged.  The last two days have been a blessing because of the quality sleep she is getting. She is aware that without sleep one can slip into a valley of despondency.  It is rewarding to see her witnessing to the others in her unit.  She is praying for them.  Some of the nurses and counselors are believers which makes her time there even more special.  Thanks for praying.  It means so much to us.    

Friday, September 14, 2012

Miracle of sleep

When I visited Margie yesterday she was better.  We know that a good night's rest helps so much. They moved her to another room and later on wanted to put another lady in the same room.  Margie wanted to be alone. She insisted on this.  It set her back emotionally, but she was apparently OK when I left.  I was able to visit her twice yesterday which is unusual. I cannot do this today because I have a funeral. Our son and grandson will arrive in late afternoon also. Yes, I am ready for them.  I prepared stuffed peppers for us when they arrive. The specialist was to see Margie again yesterday and I imagine if he repeats what he did the Wednesday he didn't come there until 9 or later at night.  We appreciate so much your faithful prayer support and especially for Margie these days.   

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beyond our control

I feel so sorry for Margie who longs for help but as of last night the doctor had not seen her.  I can only call between noon and 2 pm.  She called me several times yesterday so maybe she will call this morning.  All material she requested by phone has to handed over to the persons in charge and they go through it and allow only what their rules permit.  A special medication Margie wanted, has to be ordered by the hospital pharmacy even though I brought it with me when I visited last night.  Rule are rules and we understand this. Hopefully the doctor would have seen her at least by 9:30 last night.  We pray so or Margie will be even more depressed.  She already wanted to go home.  I don't blame her but she needs help. Please continue your prayers for her and the hospital, that some solution will be forthcoming.  Thank you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

In the hospital

Yesterday things reached a climax and Margie was depressed.  She visited her family physician in the morning, and started taking medication for a bladder infection. During lunch nausea hit hard and medication hardly calmed it.  Things went downhill from there and her depression was overwhelming.  I took her to a Family Network walk in clinic.  Our doctors are in this group. The doctor in charge last night, strongly suggested Margie check into the E.R. at St. Joseph Hospital.  We did that and waited from 7:30-10:00 to get a room for Margie.  From 10-2:30 this morning she was in E.R. but moved to a more quiet special section of it labelled  SCU.  Margie was having extreme difficulty waiting for help in these units. A lovely social worker finally was able to secure a room in the Behavioral Health Services unit.of the hospital. I had to leave because I had been going strong for many hours and I needed to rest.  I left there at 2:45 and got to bed at 3:30 AM.   Today I called to talk to Margie but she was eating and they preferred I call an hour later.  So shortly I will do that.  THANK YOU FOR PRAYING.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Margie had a restless night.  She is seriously considering looking into the cost and use of the CPAP machine and mask.  It may give her some more quality sleep.  She has already gone through the sleep clinic and we are hoping he insurance would help her with the machine, if needed.  Yesterday she saw the Retina Specialist and thankfully her macular degeneration is stable.  We rejoice in this.  She also had her last physical therapy session, unless her surgeon orders more after we see him next week. There is always much to pray about and we thank you for your help in this. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ministry Fair

Yesterday at church after the morning service, the Ministry Fair was held in the Tillman Hall of our church.  We had a small display for Shepherds there on the same table with the Ladies' Missionary Fellowship, and there were tables for each ministry in our church.  It was well attended and people could learn more ways to serve the Lord by visiting each place.  Margie did not feel well during the day and she was very careful especially with her diet. She had a relatively good night for which we are glad.  And again we thank you for your prayer support. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Our main task yesterday was making preparations for the display we helped put together at the church for the Missions Fest will be held today at First Baptist after the morning service.  We displayed some things from Shepherds on the table along with others supported by the church and the Ladies' Missionary Fellowship.  I was happy Margie could go and help.  I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening looking over previously used study notes for the Senior Center Bible Study group which will resume Oct 5 and I will be teaching it, Lord willing.  Even though Margie had a more restless night, she did pretty well and got a good start today.  We plan on attending the morning service at our church.  Thanks for your prayers.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Thankfully Margie was improving yesterday. She was able to do some small jobs on her list, even making some gluten free muffins. We are glad her nausea calmed down.  She had another good night last night. Yesterday I worked on our Brazilian stories for the coming book.  We need more seed thought ideas to jog my memory. We have about 150 written to date but hope we can come up with maybe 50 more.  We never underestimate the power of prayer and thank you for helping us this way. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dip in the road

We went shopping yesterday morning. Margie had to return to use the restroom which was a long distance from the car.  By the time she got back to the car, she was not feeling well.  I picked up some staples at another store, and when I got to the car, Margie said we had to go right home.  She was nauseated and starting vomiting and kept that up til we got home (and after we were at home). We are sure the medication we gave her did not stay down.  Her doctor was not in yesterday but I made an appointment with the doctor who cared for our daughter Joy in Lynden.  He prescribed some medication, and ordered some lab work which she did before going home.  She was pretty "shot" and very discouraged with all the illnesses she has had to put up with.  I don't blame her. She took more medication and went off to bed at the normal time.  Thankfully she had a good night and this morning, although pretty well "washed out" physically, has no nausea.  We are grateful for that and for YOUR prayers,

Thursday, September 6, 2012

No complaints

When many are upset with weather patterns, we certainly have it good here.  The weather has been so good for so long.  In fact we really have had just a few days of what some would call hot weather. We have no complaints.  Yesterday Margie had another physical therapy appointment.  She is doing well.  Her surgery was 5 months ago.  We must get into town today and get some supplies. Thank you one and all, for your faithfulness in prayer.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Plodding along

Our day was pretty normal as we moved from one thing to another, moving along through the day.  Margie's eyes were better so she could read some more and do research on the book we are writing. I continued to do the writing and getting the proofed material in its final state ready for printing. Margie had a good night. Today will be busy with wash day,  physical therapy for Margie and anything else that might get into our schedule.  We cannot thank you enough for your prayers.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Amazing weather

We continue with wonderful temperatures and beautiful days.  Margie and I went to the Vista house to see the water damage repair Rawlie and our Nathan made to the house.  We were impressed. they had intended to leave around 1 but it was actually 4:30 or later when they finally got away.  It was nice having them here over the weekend.  Margie was limited in her reading yesterday due to her eyes.  We pray today will be better.  She had a good night and we are glad.  Thanks so much for your prayer support.

Monday, September 3, 2012


We have enjoyed  Rawlie and Nathan's time with us.  They made pretty good progress on the Vista house water damage repair and hopefully they will finish up today and head back to Stanwood.  They attended a wedding last night so have been kept busy while here.  It is the first time in 4 weeks that they have been here.  Today, Labor Day will be spent doing more chapters in our book on Brazil.  We are glad Margie had a good night after doing some walking in the earlier part of the evening to ease the onset of cramps in her legs.  Thank you so much for your part in prayer for us.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Yesterday a strange thing happened.  Margie opened the microwave to check what she was heating up, and to her surprise, the turntable was rotating and the light turned on.  We tried everything to stop that but it was hopeless.  We unplugged it, went to town and bought a new one.  Last night went well and today we look forward to church.  Our son and grandson are here.  It is nice having them here.  Gina and the rest of them were here for a short visit in the afternoon yesterday.  They had come for a birthday party for friend of the family.   Thanks folks for praying. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

On the go

There's a lot of activity around the town and country.  The weekend holiday has, we are told 31 million on the road.  What a deal! Yesterday a Cessna airplane landed on Interstate 5 - northbound lane, taxied up the off ramp, and over to the ARCO gas station.  That caused quite a commotion, you can be sure. Our son and grandson arrived last night.  It is good to see them.  They haven't been here for about 4 weeks.  Margie had a real good night.  Today she is stuffing green peppers for our son and grandson.  They are delicious and she does a great job of preparing them.  Thanks for praying for us.  We appreciate it. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Plenty to do

We are always reminded there is plenty to do.  I firmly believe our age has something to do with this also.  We are so grateful Margie is feeling better, getting stronger, sleeping better and her shoulder therapy is going well.  Today she is working on food items to take to a friend who needs them We are happy we can get out more now and visit.  This is at least one ministry we can get involved in on a limited schedule.  Thanks for praying.  

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Margie reads our journals and letters written to our parents from Brazil, to get seed thought ideas for more stories.  That's what she was doing yesterday - plus several other things.  She has done this many times before.  We cannot find the journals for our 10 or more years spent in northeast Brazil, so are relying on letters we sent to our parents when we served there.  They are FULL of ideas so are just as good as the journals.  Margie had another good night.  We are so glad about this.  And her days are good also.  She faithfully does her home exercises for the arm and goes twice weekly for P.T. at a place here in Ferndale. Thanks for helping us through prayer.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Visit to Rehab Center

Yesterday we revisited the Rehab Center where Margie received  physical therapy after the should replacement surgery in May.  It was nice seeing the therapists, secretaries and all who were kind to Margie while there.  We also visited the Admissions Director and a Social Worker who were so good in coordinating Joy's care while there.  We appreciate them all. We visited two who are in the facility before going home.  Lillian Lancaster from our church is there for physical therapy.  Margie had another good night for which we are thankful.  And we always thank you for your prayer support. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I am still searching for several of our journals from which I hope to get more "seed thoughts" for stories I am writing about our 25 years in Brazil. I put them in my dad's storage unit years ago and now I have to find them.  While doing this I also gathered several tapes of my sermons preached while pastor at First Baptist in Ferndale.  A friend wants to listen to them so I am digitizing them for easier storage and cataloging. This along with editing the stories Margie has already proof read for me, gives us plenty of things to do.  Thankfully Margie had a good night.  Thanks for praying.   

Monday, August 27, 2012


Health permitting, we want to do more visiting this week.  Some are  laid up with illness, others just not able to get out anymore.  We want to minister to them if possible.  I also want to find the rests of our journals so we can conclude the chapters of our upcoming book on our years in Brazil.  Margie had a good night.  The day is beautiful and we are ready to tackle the obligations of today.  Margie will be having more P.T. today also.  Thank you so much for praying.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beautiful weather

What great days we are having.  I nourish our Joy Poulson living memorial rose bush (pictured on our web page) and we are amazed at how many buds and blooms are on it each day.  I wrote 5 more stories for our book yesterday and Margie proofed them.  We are pleased to be able to pray with folks who are hurting. We can't do ,much but we know how important prayer is.  And we ALWAYS thank you for praying for us day by day.  We trust, Lord willing, to be able to attend church today.  What a joy that is.We both had good nights of sleep.  That is a blessing.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


As Margie improves, gains strength and is feeling better, we like to get out and visit folks who cannot attend church.  Yesterday we did this and enjoyed our time very much.  It is not much but it is a small start to being able to serve.  I took Margie to the hair dresser because she is unable to maneuver her arms for this process.  I continue writing for our future book and now have about 138 different stories complete.  I need to write quite a few more but must first find our journals in storage which job my memory for the different stories I write.  Thanks again for praying.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Physical therapy

Twice weekly Margie goes to the Mt. View Physical Therapy plane in Ferndale, WA.  Daily she does faithfully her exercises at home which the therapist told me yesterday some do not do. Margie's strength is returning slowly and she is doing more and more around the house.  I am more than happy to keep on doing the things I have done for quite awhile, but admittedly it is an answer to pray to see Margie enabled to do more and more.  I keep reminding her to do something and then rest.  She does and is able to do way more than I thought she ever would be able to do.  The Lord is good and we rejoice in answered prayer.  YOU have helped in this by praying and we thank you so much. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sleep Apnea

The sleep specialist gave Margie the results of the all night sleep clinic tests done last week.  She does have sleep apnea. Now she will have to decide if she wants to experiment with the machine that is used to help alleviate this problem. Margie has been doing so much better lately so we will need the Lord's wisdom for this situation.  Thanks so much for praying with us about it.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Today Margie will get the results of her sleep clinic experience last week.  It will be interesting to hear what the specialist says about it.  Yesterday Margie dusted two more rooms in the house and I vacuumed. I was finally able to publish our revised web page after an hour consultation with the technician. That particular problem never happened before.  The weather is fabulous and Margie again had a very good night of sleep.  That is a blessing.  Thanks for praying.  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


We are sorry for the glitch in our web page the last two days. I finally got it straightened out with the technician.  Yesterday we had a very busy but wonderful anniversary.  The 58 years went quickly. We can hardly believe it.  Margie is feeling much better, she is sleeping better.  We hope it stays that way.  The Lord is good and we thank each of you for praying for us. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

58 years

Just a little more than a mile and half from where we write this blog, Margie & I were married at First Baptist Church, 58 years ago. We must say, they have gone quickly.  We are sure most of you notice that the older one gets, times goes faster. (At least it seems that way)  We are rejoicing that Margie is doing so much better these last days.  We know it's because many are holding us up in pray and for this we are grateful. Our web site today is dedicated to our 58 years.  There is a picture of our wedding day. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

What a difference

Unpredictable weather patterns are always a mystery to us.  For two days we have had cool weather.  Before that we had one day of 90 degrees.  At any rate we keep comfortable here whether with a swamp cooler or heater.  Margie again had a good night.  It is such a blessing to see her doing well.  Miguel mowed our lawn yesterday because I still was not up to trying it myself.  Hopefully next week I can resume that job. Our son was not able to come up this week because the work load at his company demanded his presence in Everett for two days. We look forward to being able to attend church this morning.  We trust that desire can be fulfilled. You have been so faithful in praying for us and we thank you.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Margie's health and my recent bout with a cold, has prevented us from making visits.  Yesterday we were feeling okay, so were able to see 3 of our dear friends.  We enjoyed it.  It was tiring but rewarding and we are glad we could do it. It was another hot day for this part of the country so we used the swamp coolers and they were delightful.  They also kept our bedroom cool for sleeping last night. We appreciate your faithful prayer support.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Makes a difference

A cool bedroom for Margie really makes a difference.  Last night we had two swamp coolers going just like the night before and she had a wonderful night.  It is supposed to be in the 90's in our part of the county today.  We are going to try to get in a couple of visits today.  This is something Margie has been unable to do for a long time.  We'll see how it goes today. Thank you dear ones for praying.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Swamp coolers

These coolers are amazing. Using about the same energy as a light bulb, they do a terrific job of cooling.  Last night we had two of them in our bedroom.  Margie said she slept like a baby.  The reason was the coolers.  It was hot yesterday for our part of the country and will be more intense today.  Yesterday Margie had a permanent.  After the sleep clinic electrodes all over her head and body and the goo used to attach them, the beauty shop was important. We are still receiving wonderful cards and comments concerning Joy's passing.  We are grateful for those who remembered her with a gift to Shepherds.  Thank you again for your faithful prayers for us. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Glad she could sleep

We are still rejoicing how Margie could sleep and have a fairly good night at the sleep clinic Monday.  It was a direct answer to prayer. We were privileged to have lunch with Donn Mogford, west coast representative for Shepherds. We had a great time visiting while enjoying a meal at the buffet. I am trying to "get back on top" now with my cold.  We got some new medication which seems to help the coughing.  The weather is warmer so we are glad we have the swamp coolers. They really make a difference. Thank you all for praying. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The day after

I went to the Sleep Clinic at 6:30 to get Margie.  She was in the process of being "unwired" from all the electrodes.  Don the technician a delightful believer, was kind courteous and so helpful.  Actually Margie had a good night there.  We were told that in the all night clinic about 1200 pages of information were fed to the main computer about her.  They will spend many hours going over this material and later we will hear the results. She was glad to get home and get a shower and get all that "goo" and "goop" washed out of her hair, etc.  Thanks, dear friends for praying.  We appreciate you so much, and we never tire of telling you this. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sleep clinic

I am feeling a little better today and I am glad for that.  Yesterday I was still feeling "rotten", which is not good. Today is countdown because tonight Margie enters the Sleep Clinic to see if they can help her. We hope and pray they can.  As I mentioned yesterday, we did not go to church.  We listened to good messages both on the TV and through the Internet.  We also replayed the Joy Poulson memorial service and it was a blessing to hear how much she had influenced others, even without the ability to speak or hear. Thank you for praying. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012


I seldom get down with a cold but this time it got me.  With it I had a sore throat which I have had many times but not recently. So there is no church for us today, because I dare not "pass this around". Margie slept well, I was up every hour on the hour.  The Lazy Boy recliner feels real good today.  I spent the day yesterday writing thank you notes to those who contributed to Joy's memorial fund at Shepherds.  Margie did a great deal of it and I did the writing. She still has difficulty using her right hand after shoulder surgery.  MANY of you have expressed your prayers for us and we appreciate this so much.  Please continue.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Communication glitch

Thursday's disappointment about missing our daughter's memorial service at Christian Health Care Center was due to the invitation letter giving the wrong date.  So even though we really wanted to be there, we were given the wrong information.  We visited there yesterday and explained the situation.  They were very sorry for the  error.  I came down with a sore throat so have been kind of "out of it" for two days.  Hopefully today things will get better.  Margie gave a scare early this morning when she told me she was really feeling badly, nauseated and shortness of breath.  Thankfully she rested for several hours more and is doing pretty well  right now.  We are thankful.  And we thank you for your prayer support

Friday, August 10, 2012


We don't know how it happened but we missed the memorial service for Joy and others at Christian Health Care Center in Lynden yesterday.  We really thought it was going to be today and when we called concerning some details I was informed it had already taken place. the only shock greater than this one is when we missed our flight to Singapore when I misread the ticket.  Oh well I guess we live and learn.  But I wonder when I am going to learn.  Margie had a great night. We always appreciate your prayers. Thank you. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Yesterday was appointments day.  Margie had one in the morning and another in the afternoon.  Each was in a different town, thus more driving. Margie had a good night.  We are so thankful that nausea did not bother her the last two nights.  Margie was SO tired yesterday after our running around.  Thankfully she slept well.  We appreciate those of you who pray for us.  It means very much to us.  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good night

 Our thanks to you who prayed.  Margie had a good night without the nausea.  She will see her physician today to try to figure out what may be causing this.  She has an appointment this morning with the sleep specialist also. We had quite a lightning and thunder storm last night.  It knocked the TV out for a second and set some clocks blinking.  Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Please pray

Yesterday morning Margie awakened early with extreme nausea. After medicating, she did pretty well throughout the day but the medication causes drowsiness, so she was sort of "out of it" most the day.  This morning, unfortunately she awakened with the same thing and tried to take a prescription non drowsy medication.  Right now she is resting. We cancel all doctor appointments  yesterday and changed one until this morning. Now we don't know if she will be able to get to it.  Thanks for praying.  She has had so much illness and I pray she can get some relief. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Not a good start

We had a good day yesterday.  It was very warm (for here) so I got two more swamp coolers going to keep Margie cool. Our son was here and planted the living memorial pink rose.  It is so beautiful and is getting new buds each day it seems.  This morning early, Margie awakened early with extreme nausea and we had quite a session for about an hour.  I gave her prescription medication for this problem and she finally calmed down and is sleeping.  I had to cancel her appointment with the retina specialist and may have to likewise with the P.T. for this afternoon.  Thanks for praying about this with us today.  We appreciate it greatly. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Joy Poulson Memorial Service

The service was pretty well attended when you consider not many knew her.  It was an honor to conduct our daughter's service.  It was so obvious she touched many lives. Last night Margie did not do as well as we hoped but we believe the heavy schedule yesterday contributed to that.  Hopefully tonight she will get back on her previous schedule of having good nights. We are humbled by all the scores of sympathy cards, calls, e-mails and personal remarks.  Thank you for praying for us and especially for your support of Joy in all her 52 years. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Not so good

With all the activity of Joy's Memorial service today that we will have today, I think it was a little too much for Margie. All the preparations I am sure were taxing for her. So she didn't have a real good night.  She is sleeping now as I write this.  I trust she will be rested well enough to be able to participate in the service.  It is a big day for us and we claim the Lord's strength to get through it.  Thanks so much for praying for us.

Friday, August 3, 2012


As careful as one tries to be there is always that second when a misstep is made and down we go.  I did that yesterday as I watered the hanging basket and rose we got for Joy's Memorial Service.  We  will plant it after the service. Thankfully I don't appear to be badly hurt from the fall and we give the Lord all credit for this. He is good and knows I am Margie's caregiver and want to be in good shape. Margie had a good night.  This change in her medication and diet has made a world of difference.  Thanks so much for praying and please continue especially for the Memorial Service tomorrow.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

That's settled

Yesterday we finalized all the business with the mortuary regarding Joy.  We had a lot of things to do in town and thankfully were able to get them all done.  Margie continued her organizing Joy's clothes for distribution.  That is pretty much finished now.  I am putting final touches on the program for Saturday.  Margie had another good night but awakened early to begin her day.  Thanks so much for praying.  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sorting clothes

Margie spent the good part of the day again, removing name tags and sorting Joy's clothes. We will be giving the real good things to charity and distribute the other things appropriately. Margie rested well during the night for which we are glad.  I am up to my neck in preparations for Joy's Memorial Service.  I need your prayers that I will do it the way the Lord wants me to do it. Thanks so much for praying.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Joy's earthly belongings

Monday we went to Christian Health Care Center and got Joy's belongings.  There were three boxes and a sack filled with her things. Margie spent the afternoon separating things for distribution. She also removed all the identification tags that were sewn into each item.  She will finish that today.  Margie had a good night.  We are so pleased she is feeling better these days.  It is a real answer to prayer.  And we thank you for praying.  It means so much to us. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Our day at church

We went to  Sunday School and in the afternoon we conducted the Memorial Service for our dear friend, Barbara Pattee.  Our son attended with us then left for his home later in the afternoon.  Margie has been on a new medication which works better without sugar in the system.  Since she has greatly reduced sugar, her nights have been wonderful.  We are rejoicing and pray they continue that way. Thank you for praying and please pray I will be directed to say the things at our daughter's memorial service that will honor the Lord. Thank you.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


We are pleased with the great response to my bulk mailing concerning Joy's Memorial service.  We are blessed with so many friends and their prayer support means so much to us.  I will have another memorial service today for a dear friend, Barbara Pattee.Lord willing we will attend church this morning.  Our son and grandson are here.  The rest of the family was here yesterday but returned home in the afternoon.  Margie had a restful night. Thanks for praying.  

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Resting well

Margie had another good night for which we are thankful. Yesterday we kept plenty busy with many things to do.  It is amazing how much can get on one's daily schedule.  We are so pleased Margie is feeling better and able to do more than before.  We are receiving emails and phone calls and text messages and cards regarding Joy's passing. Today in Ferndale is the Old Settlers activities.  We do not plan to attend.  Our family however is here for the day to enjoy all the action.  Thanks, dear ones for your prayers.