Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Washed out"

That's pretty much how Margie felt all day yesterday.  After a painful evening at the E. R. the night before with all the medication given her for the various symptoms she was experiencing, she was tired and sleepy.  In the morning she wanted to go ahead with her physical therapy appointment which I had cancelled the night before.  When I called to reschedule, they had not listened to the phone messages yet, so we could have the regular appointment hour.  That was a blessing.  So we went to Lynden for the appointment. The rest of the day she just took it easy, trying not to sleep, for fear she could not sleep at night.  She has decided that some medications have to be dropped.  The nausea continues, but to a lesser degree and she was given another prescription for this which seems to be working better than the previous one.  On and on it goes, with more medication, more trials and still she feels punk.  Please continue to pray she will get some relief.

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