Thursday, July 28, 2011


We want to be optimistic and say Margie shows definite signs of progress.  She had a pretty good day.  The representative for Group Health called and suggested she see her family doctor.  She made an appointment and today we go there.  I forgot to tell you that last Saturday we sold our truck and trailer to our friends, the Dekles. Jon was the director for Child Evangelism Fellowship in Hawaii for many years. They are retiring and moving to Tennessee. He and Di will do ministry and the trailer was just what they needed. We are so happy the rig will be used this way after our delightful years with Shepherds.  Jon and I met yesterday to plan the memorial service for another good friend, Al Hickinbotham, who died earlier this month.  I do no leave Margie alone so have stayed with her since her release from the hospital.  Friends will help when needed and we appreciate this very much.  Margie is going to try to make it to the memorial service if possible.  We will see.  Thanks for your prayer ministry for us.

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