Sunday, June 26, 2011

Great Day

Of course we look forward with great anticipation to attending the church service here in  And I was honored to be asked to preach in our pastor's absence.  Yesterday turned out to be different in at least one way. I mowed the lawn which is not unusual and that went well - about 2 hours walking behind the lawnmower. I am so glad these bionic knees still "behave".  The bathroom in the master bedroom was making a dripping sound so I had to look at it.   The other bathroom toilet reservoir had been fixed two days prior to this.  When I removed the lid to the tank, water was gushing out and going down the drain at a rapid rate.  I tdurned off the valve, rushed to Ace hardware and purchased another identical set of replacement parts that I got two days ago and returned home and fixed it.  NOW, maybe we will have two properly functioning toilets for a good long while.  We certainly home so.Margie had a pretty good day for which we are grateful.  All indications are that she had a good night.  I did not hear or see anything unusual during the night so I think she slept well. Our son Rawlie is sleeping here and his family up at the Vista house.  There are not enough beds here for us to entertain them all, plus Margie is just not well enough to do much.

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