Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Getting close

We are always impressed with how fast the days go by.  Here it is almost Christmas.  Margie is making preparations for the "famous" brunch we have here on Christmas.  Only this year it has been moved to Christmas Eve.  She is pacing her self, doing baking when she is stronger and resting as needed. Thus far it has worked out well.  Her fall last week has "encouraged" her to have another chiropractic adjustment this week if the doctor is available. I am attempting to send off many letters for Shepherds today if possible.  And in between, I must keep researching the at home job possibilities because the year is "running out".  Thanks for your prayer support.  Last night I sent out our e-mail Christmas Power Point greeting.  I lament that many will not be able to even open it on their computer, thus I attached 3 different formats, hoping their machines will be compatible for at least one of them.  But we know the end of the story. Some will contact us with the words " I can't open it".

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