Monday, November 15, 2010

A day we'll never forget

Sunday, November 14, 2010 at First Baptist Church, in Ferndale, Wasghington was one of the most memorable we have experienced.  Our web site gives all the details and we invite you to look at it.  But in summary, our pastor on a missions trip to Greece gave greetings via video feed.  The chairman of the board presented us with an engraved plaque honoring our years with Shepherds as representative.  All this was before my part in the service.  Then he said there's one more thing, and down the isle of the church came Jim Edgar, Shepherd's board member and Dan DiDonato, V.P. of the Shepherd's Foundation to present us with another plaque and read a letter from Dr. Amstutz, President of Shepherds.  It was a moving time.  Our son Rawlie and his wife Gina treated us all, including the Shepherd's men to lunch at the Red Robiin in Bellingham.  What a day it was and we will never forget it.   We have been so blessed to have a small part in this great ministry.  Margie "survived" the day well and we had a quiet restful remainder of the day at home with sweet memories of the day's happenings.

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