Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Never a dull moment

Margie and I often speak about the "busyness" of life.  It surely is better than the other alternative.  Anyone who has spent some time around us know our motto of life which is: EVERY DAY IS A GIFT FROM THE LORD AND WE DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED.  It is great to be busy.  Today as I write letters for the Shepherd's supporters, go get a haircut, mail some important things off to the Allergist for Margie, and maybe even mow the back and side lawns(I did the front yesterday), there's not much time left over.  I may even have some counselling to do this evening if the party calls.  Isn't it great to be busy!  Margie, thankfully had a great night for which we are so grateful.  Thank you friend for praying.  It means a lot to us.

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