Wednesday, June 30, 2010


We leave this morning for another physical therapy session for Margie. Ted Bowman, visiting with us, will accompany us and I will show him around Lynden, WA. It's been a long time since he was in that town. Yesterday Margie visited with Ted while I did Shepherd's ministry work. The weather has been great. Last night Margie did not sleep quite as well as previous nights but she is not complaining. (Some have told me they don't know how to use the "COMMENT" at the bottom of this blog. You click on it, then click "annonymous", write in the "box" above, then click on "publish comment" That comment will be sent to us via email. It's a great way to communicate. Please give it a try. You might even want to give your first and or last name so we can figure out whose writing it.---thank you.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pastor Ralph & Margie... I've enjoyed reading your blog. I was sad to learn about Doris Harder, and Rod Brudwick... so wish I oould have come to both services, but was out of town.

Can you please tell me how to get in touch with Gina & Rawlie?

Sorry to hear about Margie's pain... and also happy to hear she's had some breakthrough's lately.

Sounds like you are busy as ever doing Good Work in the world. Thank you! Blessings to you both.

Robynne Sapp