For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. I Peter 3:12
Our God is watching over us as we live for Him each day,
His ears are listening to our prayers as we move along the way.
It’s sobering to have the Lord against those who evil do,
And remember the ones who are guilty he already knew. (RP)
At last I got the backup company to answer the phone, and partially solve my problem. I don't know how it happened, but somewhere along the line, the file folders which were labeled and contained pictures, are gone. I had wanted to go through those pictures looking for ideas for pictures for my next book. I will now have to look elsewhere. That is okay. My son was here until late yesterday, and then returned to his home in Stanwood. It is mighty nice when he is here. He will be back again tomorrow night. Today I will direct my attention to more preparation for Bible class that starts a week from today. I look forward to it. Thanks so much for your prayers.