Friday, August 31, 2018


For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.  I Peter 3:12 

Our God is watching over us as we live for Him each day,
His ears are listening to our prayers as we move along the way.
It’s sobering  to have the Lord against those who evil do,
And remember the ones who are guilty he already knew. (RP)

At last I got the backup company to answer the phone, and partially solve my problem. I don't know how it happened, but somewhere along the line, the file folders which were labeled and contained pictures, are gone. I had wanted to go through those pictures looking for ideas for pictures for my next book. I will now have to look elsewhere. That is okay. My son was here until late yesterday, and then returned to his home in Stanwood. It is mighty nice when he is here. He will be back again tomorrow night.  Today I will direct my attention to more preparation for Bible class that starts a week from today. I look forward to it.  Thanks so much for your prayers.

Thursday, August 30, 2018


Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Of the many words we speak each day have you checked them out real good?
It may be true they are full of wrath or perhaps are perfectly great.
But your answer to others can turn away wrath or certainly cause a fuss,
So be careful little tongue with your answer and many problems abate. (RP)

I rarely run out of words. Today I have no particular title for what I will say. Yesterday was a full day with activities. I made a purchase online, and tried some more to get my lost files back, with no success.  A quick trip to the drug store for some medication was part of the things I did. My son Rawlie is here working for his company, a privilege they encourage him to do. How nice for me! I attended the Wednesday night fellowship at church. I can never be there until the end, because I have to get home to "infuse", and take medication. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Acts 10:43 To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.

All the Word witnesses the riches of God, by His promised remission of sins,
This wonderful forgiveness is explained in God's Word and with faith it all begins. (RP)

I am a strict advocate of backing up computer files. I have done it for years. I needed some graphics and could not find them on my laptop, so went to the back-up system.  I could not get into it. Apparently because of my surgery, and subsequent recovery period, something went wrong and I cannot get into the system. If one does not reactivate within a stated time, you lose your files. That may have happened to me. All I can say is "So be it"!  I am so glad HE is in charge. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


I rejoice at Your word As one who finds great treasure. Psa 119:162  

God's Word is so rich and food for the soul, for the one who will search it out, 
And the spiritual food found in the pages clear, leaves no one with a doubt.
Finding treasures so great in this God-given Book is the best discovery of all,
So encourage your friends to examine this Book to find comfort whether great or small.  (RP)

I have not been motivated very much to get this next book to publisher. Yesterday I decided that I must spend more time on it. So I worked most of the day on it. I had to submit ideas how I wanted the cover design, and then worked up the information for the back cover. There are still many things I have to do.  I am allowed 30 pictures, and anything over that demands a higher price. That is no problem because I will have loads of  problems trying to even find 30. I had many pictures, but when I clicked on the folders, they were empty. I am checking today with the company that backs up my computer. I hope I can find some. Thanks for praying.

Monday, August 27, 2018


For I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.  Philip.1:11

It’s hard to learn this lesson, Lord for we who are so weak,
But give us faith and courage, Your will to always seek. (RP)

At Sunday School yesterday, and the morning service, Mike Riddle was the speaker. He is the founder and president of Creation Training Initiative. His message on biblical creation and apologetics was a blessing. He had a display of books and other material for guests to purchase at a very reasonable price. I am glad he came to our church. Thanks for your prayers. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018


My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Ps 18:2

When I read this verse filled with comfort so sweet, how my soul says thanks to the Lord,
He gives us so much that words can't describe the wealth and more still unexplored. (RP)

I left early Saturday morning to find the shuttle parking lot at Western Washington University. Believe it or note, it was raining on my trip to Bellingham and continued until I returned home. How we need that moisture. It is wonderful. The shuttle bus got me to the gymnasium where the commencement took place for a friend of the family. I had a wonderful place to sit in a comfortable place with a back on the seat. My family was also there, but sitting in another section. In early afternoon I went to the wedding of another dear friend, and it was held outdoors. The weather had turned cold, so I asked my friend who was a valet to please bring me another coat I had in the car. That helped a lot. The wedding went well, and I returned home. I did not stay for the meal, which I cannot partake of because of my tube feeding set up.  It was a wonderful day. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018


I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.   John 15:5

Abiding in Christ is our calling today, Jesus invites us to be in this place,
The branches securely entwined to the vine, indeed is a wonderful base.
Fruit bearing is the result of this double abiding command,
And all this happens so smoothly because of the way it was planned.  (RP)

Rawlie was still with me yesterday, and in the afternoon my brother and sister-in-law came for a visit. They live in Canada, and it was so nice having Spud and Margaret here. It was especially nice because Rawlie was also here. In the evening I was invited to Charlotte and Helen Boraker's place for dessert with the Hernandez family. Miquel's mother, Ramona, is visiting and Miguel, Tami, their two boys and Ramona were invited for supper.  It was the first time I had eaten anything away from home since my surgery. The ice cream was delicious. It went well and I enjoyed the fellowship so much.  Thank you for praying.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  Prov 3:5-6

The world wants to know the road they should take in the decisions of every day,
Believers in Jesus already know that in Him, the answer's on the way.
With our heart fully trusting for the answers we need, we know God will surely hear,
And never rely on your own understanding, it will fail you and not even come near. (RP)

My grandson Nathan was married to Tressa last evening at the home of  Ed and Bev McDowell in south Camano Island, Washington. Ed officiated the service. He is the bride's father. Their home located on 5 acres, is wonderfully landscaped and an ideal place for the wedding. What a spiritual service it was!  To close the ceremony, the newly weds came down and stood in front while the guests congratulated them, gave hugs and  well wishes. Then my grandson Benny played his guitar and sang while we all joined in on two appropriately chosen songs. It was a spiritual time of praise and honor to the Lord. After this Ed invited guests to gather around the couple, lay hands on them, and pray. He asked if I would conclude this time of prayer.  What a beautiful evening. After plenty of food (for all of them except me) both before and after the service, Rawlie and I returned to Ferndale, about an hour and a half trip. I praise the Lord for Nathan and Tressa who honor the Lord with their lives and service to Him. They have much to teach all about complete surrender to the Lord. Thanks so much for praying.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 

Behold, we have a Savior who seeks communion dear,
Who always knocks at heart doors, seeking to be near.
We trust you hear him urging to have fellowship with you,
Open your heart right now, and you will have joy too. 
When he enters by invitation, things improve I can assure,
And this fellowship is special, because it will endure. (RP)

Rawlie arrived last night. When he opened his laptop case, to his absolute amazement, the computer was not in the case. In a very unusual situation, he forgot to put it in when he left his office in Everett yesterday afternoon. So at 7:30 he left Ferndale for Everett, to get the laptop. An accident on northbound lanes of the freeway made him wonder if he would get back home on the return trip. All lanes were stopped. By the time he returned to that area, the road was thankfully cleared, and he made it Ferndale okay. It took just a few minutes less than three  hours to make that journey. These things do not happen often, but Rawlie realized it was all in God's hands. Thanks for praying for us. You had no idea it was happening, but the Lord did. We appreciate the support. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


  I John 5:12 
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

The gospel message is so plain, John gives it to us here,
It is not hard to understand for it is very clear.
If you have the Son you are safe for sure,
Eternal life is yours and your future is secure.
I plead with you if you do not have the Son,
Believe in Jesus and the victory's won.(RP)

Margie and I always did the refrigerator cleaning as a team. She was not able to get down and remove things, or take out the vegetable bins for cleaning. I knew it needed  cleaning, so got that done. I am glad. When Rawlie comes to visit, he uses it also, so I wanted it looking nice for his next arrival (this week).  One day at a time, I will get things in order again. Margie's things are next. Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


I John 5:12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

The gospel message is so plain, John gives it to us here,It is not hard to understand for it is very clear.
If you have the Son you are safe for sure,
Eternal life is yours and your future is secure.
I plead with you if you do not have the Son,
Believe in Jesus and the victory's won.(RP)

This is a follow-up to yesterday's blog. I went to two places in town and purchased some freshly-dated products I needed. From here on, I will be more careful about this. There are so very few things I ingest, so it should be okay. I was pleased with a visit from long time friends David and Susan Lancaster. They have faithfully visited me in the hospital and home several times. I appreciate it. Our dear friend Marilyn Rienstra met her Savior Saturday night. We will miss her. Thanks for your prayers. 

Monday, August 20, 2018


How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.  Psalm 139:17-18

To realize that God thinks of me, is a fact more valuable than gold,
His constant thoughts to me, the number of them can't be told.
My heart overflows with gratitude when I think of His love for me, 
I cannot understand it all and from it I don't care to flee. (RP)

Margie always checked the food adds faithfully and had me purchase items that were on sale. We have a lot of canned food in our pantry. It dawned on me yesterday to check the "Best to use by" dates on the cans and jars.  I discovered several that were outdated, and I dare not open them. I am glad I checked. Today I will be going to the grocery store to replenish some of the items I use most with my new regime that accompanies the tube feeding. About yesterday. It was a  joy to preach, and I appreciated the response. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, August 19, 2018


Psalm 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

Where is the Lord in your life, my friend? Is he at your side or behind?
Have you left Him there for a reason? Has your spiritual life declined?
The Psalmist chose to have Him in front, leading each step of the way,
And the Lord's strong place beside him, kept him steady day by day.(RP)

I will be preaching this morning at First Baptist church in Ferndale. I am honored to be able to do this. After surgery, many of you remember how I lost my voice. God graciously restored that, and I am grateful. On September 7, the Bible class at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center begins, and I am looking forward to this also. We will continue the study of Ruth. I consider this all a gift from the Lord, so I can continue serving Him. Thanks for your faithful prayer support.  

Saturday, August 18, 2018


Psalm 100:5 For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.

In a day of lies and forgery, oh how much we need the truth,
Thank God in Him is the answer for the old and yes, the youth.
God's mercy is poured upon us, in everlasting streams,
every repentant sinner He welcomes and redeems.
His truth has no stopping point; to every generation it goes,
Speaking words that transform lives, even some who first oppose.(RP)

How nice to have my family drop in for another visit yesterday. They are up here for the fair in Lynden, Washington. Gina, Monique, and Benny were here. What a blessing to have them for a visit. I also was happy I got some homework assignments done for the book publisher. Perhaps I can finally get it going faster now, and send it all in. I certainly hope so. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, August 17, 2018


1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus...
Some teach there are many ways to God, 
Deceived they are, but onward they plod.
If they only knew Jesus who is the Way,
How happy they'd be in their life each day.
For man to reach heaven and see God some day,
Each must come to Jesus and His command obey. (RP)

This summer has been different. Yesterday was delightful. For me this morning, it is chilly. I just heard on the radio that next week will bring some high temperatures again. I was pleased with a visit from Gina yesterday. She and her sister are up for the fair in Lynden. Last night more family members arrived. They will return Saturday sometime. I keep busy trying to get details done for the book that we want to get published. Thanks for your prayers. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018


 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.John 15:7

This is a marvelous provision for God's own, If we seriously do what it tells,
So faithfully follow the Word, and this plan all others excels. (RP)

Last evening we gathered at our church, and people in many places were doing likewise. At each place, friends of Dave and Sue  Lunsford were praying for them. Sue is very ill with cancer, and is now on a new program. All of us are praying God's will to be done, but certainly would be delighted if He chose to heal her. Thank each of you for praying.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


James 4:14 Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

In life we know not tomorrow and all that it may bring,
But we know Who holds the future and to Him we cling.
Life is like a vapor that comes and then disappears,
And with Jesus as our pilot we really have no fears.
So let's live life fully, with Jesus as our guide,
Because we know He's in charge and is right there by our side. (RP)

Each month I order the nutritional packets I use for the infusion process of feeding.  Monday morning I phoned in my order.  Yesterday afternoon the packages arrived. The UPS men know the door will be open to the garage, and they put it right inside for me.  The product is very heavy, so I appreciate their kindness. It was also rewarding to share Jesus with the driver, who was receptive to my witness to him. Thanks for praying,  And please do not forget that TODAY is designated as "Pray for Sue Lunsford" day. In doing this we remember her husband Dave also. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


  And He said to them,Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.  Matthew 4:19

If you don't follow Jesus you will not win men,
And we should hear this again and again.
Let's follow Jesus and bring them in,
So they receive forgiveness and freedom from sin.(RP)

Each week I go through missionary correspondence taking out prayer requests. These are put into our church prayer sheet. A copy of this is in the weekly bulletin distributed on Sundays. Missionaries are busy servants of the Lord, and it is hard for most of them to keep the supply line of emails so we can glean from them. Fortunately, because of my years on the field, I can make requests for the missionaries from time to time. It is an enjoyable exercise working up the prayer sheet. I am indebted also to Laurel Hicks who receives notices from the missionaries and sends them on to me. Thanks so much for praying.

Monday, August 13, 2018


1 Chronicles 28:20  And David said to his son Solomon, "Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God -- my God -- will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD".

Standing with us is what God does faithfully everyday,
Helping us do what we are supposed to, along the way.
His encouragement of strength and courage cheers us,
And his love helps us to every situation adjust,
God intends us to finish what He wants us to do,
So rely on Him for his strength to work until it is through. (RP)

I am privileged to preach next Sunday at First Baptist. I spent the afternoon pondering and praying which message to use for the occasion. Now I can use my time to dig deeper into the text, and find more precious jewels from God's word. Thanks so much for praying with me about this. I appreciate it.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.   Deut. 6:5

God demands our love and tells us so in words so very clear,
And we should quickly heed His call without worry or any fear.
With heart attuned to His sovereign will none can really go wrong,
And with soul in sync with His divine plan, we surely have a sweet song. 
So claim His strength for your life today and see what He will do,
We know that His joy will empower you and you'll be thrilled through and through. (RP)

One of my assignments before publishing my book, is to find graphics for the book cover.  It is an enjoyable process, but time consuming. I spent the good part of the day looking. The publisher wants my suggestions on what I would like in the cover design. Therefore, they ask me to find several options online, and submit to them the location, so they can take a look also. I appreciate prayer as I complete this process.  Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, August 11, 2018


The Lord ... never fails. Zephaniah 3:5

The Lord never fails in what He says He will do,
Everything in the Word about Him is very true.
It's refreshing to know we can rely upon Him,
Our hope in Christ will never never grow dim.  (RP)

Yesterday was my follow up appointment with the speech and swallow therapist. She went over the process that was going on last Monday when the study was done. She has the x-ray movie showing each step of its downward journey into the stomach and/or lungs. When I swallow, the material gathers in a pocket and part of it goes down the esophagus, and the other down the trachea. This is disconcerting, because normally if liquid goes to the lungs, pneumonia usually follows. I have not experienced that, thankfully, but the potential is there. She is going to consult with a specialist, to get his opinion on what is going on and we will discuss it at my next appointment. In the meantime I am to continue my rigorous schedule of swallow therapies. Thanks so much for praying.

Friday, August 10, 2018


Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

How you speak and act says many things about you,
The wise know well that harsh words should be very few.
Speak softly with a touch of grace is something to be desired,
And those who communicate this way are much admired.(RP)

I have attended the main meeting of the club at our church each day this week except Monday. That was the day I had the swallow test. I appreciate Natalie Finkbonner and her fine team, who minister God's Word each day to the boys and girls. Their enthusiasm, love for the children, and dedication to the teaching of the Bible, is heart-lifting. Please pray for them as they tirelessly serve the Lord each day. Thanks for praying 

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea,
Peace, be still! And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. 
Mark 4:39

God controls the winds and seas; all is beneath His command,
All nature moves and reacts to His call, everything is planned.
I'm so glad our Savior knows how to calm the troubled sea,
He's also the One to whom we go as we pray and make our plea.
Today, if your heart is troubled, go to the One who hears,
He will listen intently to what you say and stay while it disappears.(RP)

When I started taking my medication orally instead of through the tube, I gained weight because I was using yogurt. I had already reduced the number of cartons of nutrition per her instructions based on my height and weight.  I cut back one more carton, making a total of five per day, instead of the original eight. The dietitian said I need six, to provide proper nutrition. So I am back on six. I am making some other adjustments, and so far my weight is under control. It is a fascinating journey and I thank you for your prayer support. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.Proverbs 18:10

There is power in the name of the Lord, like a very strong tower,
A place where one can take refuge from someone trying to devour.
God's children find safety in Him as they run for help to this place,
And the consolation He gives is a reminder of His love and grace. (RP)

I finally had a little time to get more information about my book. I received several questionnaires about different aspects of the printing of the book. I will try to work on that today. It is quite a process and it was so long ago I printed my first book, I have forgotten the protocol. Now I am learning again what to do. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Whatever the LORD pleases He does, In heaven and in earth, In the seas and in all deep places. (Psalm 135:6)

This is the verse God gave to me, before I went for my test.
On this side of that trip, I now declare, it was the best.
So many had prayed that I could swallow again.
God's plans are different, and now a new phase  I begin.
 I am so glad He runs the course I take,
Because I know He never makes a mistake.
Just help me dear Lord to listen to You,
And lead people to Jesus, and please: not just a few. (RP)

The poem (above) I wrote last night, expresses my heartbeat on this subject. On the first sip of liquid yesterday, I failed the test. That is the way it was in February, and two or three times at Swedish hospital, and in October of last year. God has a reason for it all. I submit to His sovereignty, and just keep on going. Thanks to  you ALL who are faithfully praying.

Monday, August 6, 2018


Matthew 6:31Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'

Jesus wants us to trust Him, and not worry about things,
Lean on Him and don't worry what tomorrow brings.
Seek Him first in all you do and other things will fall in place,
And soon you'll understand that the worries he will erase. (RP)

I am glad the Lord is in charge of things. The verse and poem introduce a little bit of what is going on today. At 11 I will have this modified barium swallow study at St. Joseph's hospital. It is really a simple test, but the results are major. I have prepared for about 7 months for it, and the results are in the hands of the Lord. He knows my body, and all the muscles and complicated process involved in swallowing. After all He made it all. Thank you so much for praying. I will give a report tomorrow morning in this blog, and perhaps  a text to those who do not receive this. 

Sunday, August 5, 2018


And let us not grow weary while 
doing good, for in due season we 
shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9

In doing good we tend to tire, but 
the payoff is on the way.
And discouraged we must not 
become as we walk the Lord's 
highway.  (RP)

At least I started yesterday working on the table of contents for my book. I developed a system to do it which for me is easy. I have much to do, before finishing. I sent out many text messages around the world to friends who will pray for the modified barium swallow study I am to have tomorrow morning at St. Joseph hospital in Bellingham, Washington. I am grateful for so many friends who are praying. Thank you very much. 

Saturday, August 4, 2018


Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Here's the best armor to stand against the devil today,
God gives us this freely so why not use it, without delay. 
The equipment is complete, with everything you need,
Try each piece, and in using it, you will succeed. (RP)

Yesterday I attended the graveside service of Russ Gollen. Today I officiate the memorial service held at the The American Legion Hall in Ferndale, Russ is a long-time friend. He and his wife owned the bakery at one time and were members of our church. His son and daughter-in-law were also in our church. We have maintained contact with them through the years. Yesterday I did a little more background work on my book. The manuscript is at the printers, but there are several things I still have to do before authorizing the printing.  Thanks so much for your prayers.

Friday, August 3, 2018


Your words were found, and I ate them,  And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart;  & For I am called by Your name,  ;O LORD God of hosts. Jeremiah 15:16

When you belong to the Lord, how the Word touches you!
The Word in the prophet like food made him new.
The joy and rejoicing of his heart was real.
And his love for the Lord he could not conceal. (RP)

The dietitian who monitors my condition at Coram, was pleased with my weight at 190, and wants me to maintain it that way. With the new process of taking medication, the weight has increased, even though I have been very careful not to eat much yogurt as I ingest the pills. I am trying different things to get this under control. I will now have to increase my walking to help compensate. Thanks for praying. I will keep you informed.

Thursday, August 2, 2018


Psalm 92:4 For You, LORD, have made me glad through Your work; I will triumph in the works of Your hands.

God's handiwork abounds no matter where we look,
We see it everywhere and read about it in His book.
His work makes me glad because He's in charge,
And His creations are proof He knows how to discharge.
I glory in His work each time I see what He can do,
I praise Him daily for saving grace and I hope you do too. (RP)

With my new medication regimen, I have to take note of the things I am taking. It happens every six hours, day and night. After a busy day and an evening at church where they were packing the Operation Christmas Child boxes, I returned home for the evening infusion. At 8 I took my prescribed medication, and watched a news program. Believe it or not, I glanced at the clock, and it was 10:46 pm. I had slept soundly in the Lazy Boy. I quickly readied myself for bed, and slept well through the night. I was awake at 2 to take the medication. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.1 Th 5:11

The Christian life is practical as Paul so clearly states,
To encourage one another, in a way, is all it takes.
We build up others as we go along this earthly road,
And what a joy it is to help and carry another's load.
Most Christians do this, we believe, in very special ways,
As loving deeds and kindly words are beautiful displays  (RP)

I think I came to the end of having to use this pill crusher which has prepared my medication for about 7 months. My speech therapist taught me how to get pills down, even though I have the swallowing problem.  I take them with yogurt. There is a down side to this. I gained a couple of pounds taking the MANY pills prescribed by the dentist. Oh well, I will adjust it somehow. Thanks for praying.