Saturday, March 31, 2018


John 8:36  Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. 

Without Christ mankind is enslaved to sin and without hope,
This is the reason so many are frustrated and cannot cope.
When a sinner comes to Jesus he is forgiven and set free.
His life is changed and all the world will be able to see..(RP)

Yesterday at Swedish hospital, the doctor was pleased with what he saw, when he ran the scope up my nose and examine the vocal cords. He had me say a letter like "E" and they shut tightly against one another. He was pleased. This is what they are supposed to do. This helps solve part of the swallowing problem but not all. There are so many other mechanical processes that occur when one swallows, that my speech therapist will keep working trying to get them all to work properly. This is where YOU come into the picture. 
Please pray, if it is the Lord's will, that will happen. If it does, I can eat normally again. In the meanwhile, I do fine on Peg tube feeding, so there are no complaints. Dr. Sniezek was mostly concerned about my ability to speak. He liked the sound of my voice. If it weakens there are two options: another injection or an operation to permanently correct it. Thanks SO MUCH for your prayers as I go through this experience. It means much to me.

Friday, March 30, 2018


Psalm 30:5 Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.

Life is filled with heartaches, and sorrows of every kind,
Manifold problems come, but we never get used to the grind.
Nighttime is a reminder of this, with sometimes a broader scope,
Bur praise God, we have a Savior who promises to give us hope.
With Him by our side we are certain of help for the things that annoy,
And clinging to His promises we that in the morning there will be joy.(RP)

When I see the doctor at Swedish hospital, I have no idea what he will find. All I know is that people keep telling me my voice sounds good.  I thought yesterday it was getting weaker, but friends assure me it sounds good. I think all he will do is put the scope up my nose and examine my vocal cords to see if they are shutting properly this time. Maybe he will be able to tell if the March 7 injection is in a temporary mode.  Technically it was not supposed to be permanent, so I may expect him to suggest surgery.  If so that will mean setting another date. But perhaps I am a bit fast on this presumption. I will inform you what is going on in tomorrow's blog. Thank so much for praying.

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Matthew 22:37 Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 

A big command God gives us here, and we may think it hard to do,
But remember with HIS orders, is given strength to follow through.
The heart, soul, and mind are the targets of His concern for us,
We are to love Him with all three of these; doing so is a plus. (RP)

I had another glitch with my Peg-tube. (My feeding tube that leads into the stomach.) After infusing the nutrients, I put some medication in the syringe. I pushed on the syringe, but it would not move. This meant the tube was plugged. I was very concerned because I had no idea where the blockage was in the tube. I decided to unscrew the main outside part of the tube, and see if there was anything I could do. Thank the Lord when I did, all was well. I carefully replaced the hose and now more than ever before, when I crush the tablets (medication), I make sure there are NO pieces that will plug the tube again. I guess this was just another lesson learned in self-feeding with a Peg-tube. Thank you Lord. And thank YOU dear friends for praying.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me..

This is our prayer today as we start it anew with the Lord.
Our desire for his cleansing will be utmost, not to be ignored.
We want Him to give us stability in our daily walk with Him,
And keep us in tune with His will, and not go on our own whim. (RP)

I went to the swallow therapy session yesterday, and it was interesting. I cannot remember the name of the product, but it was ice cream. But not ordinary ice cream. It did not melt. (At least while I was working on it.)  She had me to do one of the routines, and I held my breath and then said the word "AH" as long as I could. When I stopped, she said, "You are eighty-seven, and lasted 47.06."  She said I am going to post that one on the wall, because it is a record."  I sent off some important papers to Singapore via PDF format through email.. I also worked more on the Shepherds book. And I am back in the study mode again for the Senior Center Bible class. Last night I hosted the elders meeting in my house, and served snacks also. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


John 8:12  Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

The light of the world is Jesus, so no longer walk in the dark,
Why not trust Him as your Savior and on this new life embark.
He will give you light for your pathway and life that is a joy,
And following Him is so wonderful; this no one can destroy. (RP)

Today is swallow therapy in Bellingham.  Yesterday I made arrangements to have the car
serviced before my next appointment. I worked more on my class for April 6 at the Senior Center, and did a variety of other things around the house. I also checked on refills for my medication. That coupled with the four hours it takes for feeding, clean up and swallow therapy, I guess the day is pretty well over.  Thanks for Your prayers.

Monday, March 26, 2018


1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

God scrutinizes everyone, far beyond the best ability displayed by men.
He knows all about us all the time; where we are and where we have been.
The secret to the way God works is because he is able to look at the heart, 
God looks at my heart and knows who I am and from this I cannot depart.
How wonderful to trust Him with all my heart, knowing he cares for me,
And may my life be in tune with Him, so others will always my Savior see. (RP)

Margie had a bookcase close to her chair, making it easier for her to access things as she sat in her beautiful lift chair. During recovery time I used her chair all the time. It was the one that helped me most, so I could stand up. Rawlie kept asking me when I was going to switch to my favorite Lazy Boy chair. Yesterday I made that move. I also moved the bookcase to my side so I can access the things I need easily. It all worked out pretty well. I even changed the lighting so my Bible reading is now much easier and lighter. As I was moving things, Margie had taped on edge of one of the shelves, something someone had sent her which meant a lot to her. It said " You are a blessing from God". In her latter years as we prayed together, she would often mention that she could not do much, but pray. Whoever wrote the note voiced my opinion also: She was a blessing from God. Thanks, dear ones, for praying. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Colossians 3:23  And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men...

Today we go to church, and what a privilege it is.
We go to worship our Lord, because this day is His.
Let us worship the Lord heartily as we sing and pray,
May our lives be blessed this way every single day. (RP)

There were some things gnawing away at my mind for several days. so I decided I better get them done. The rose bush we bought when Joy died needed pruning. I know nothing of this art and I am sure I waited too long to do it. But God is its creator, so knows how to cover my blunders even in this. I also had to bring in some more boxes of my Peg tube nutrient which I use for my daily infusions. I mentioned yesterday, there are at least 30,000 of us on this plan. I am not alone. For a couple of weeks I have been able to get the garbage to the street for pickup, and I am glad I can. I did my usual walking in the house for needed exercise. I am glad our house is long, so I can get a pretty good exercise, walking from the end of the family room to my bedroom. I was glad to just sit part of the time. For some reason I was tired, and rest felt good. Thank you for your prayers. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Philippians 4:6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

We are a nervous lot, with fretting and despair,
And think there is no one who might even care. 
But we read today, that Someone will listen to me,
God will pay attention and hear the sinner's plea.
Take your burden to the Lord; talk to Him today.
Tell him what your feeling, be honest as you pray.
Be thankful always for the answers to your request,
And you will learn as you go along, you are truly blest. (RP)

I never cease to be amazed how much there is to do. Soon after surgery I had no energy to do anything, except sit around and sleep. I am happy my strength is returning and I can do more. I had a wonderful time doing more Bible study for the next class I hope I can teach April 6.  Then I spent a good amount of time arranging  chapters in my book that will be printed someday.  I received the missing boxes of nutrient for my tube feeding. Boy, that company is efficient. I guess they have to be because I share  this same feeding need with 30,000 others just from that one company. One thing I have started with my tube feeding which has been a real blessing: I listen to good radio programs. I do the same when I am walking in the house for my exercise. What a blessing. Thanks for praying.

Friday, March 23, 2018


Isaiah 35:3 Strengthen the weak hands, And make firm the feeble knees.

During spiritual or physical weakness, this prayer is fitting today,
We come to the Lord with our troubles, and we earnestly pray.
How wonderful that weak hands can be strengthened and healed,
And to think these blessings in God's book are not concealed.
Weak knees may mean we need courage today for the task,
Claim from our Lord this word today and its result bask. (RP)

Yesterday I forgot to mention, that my hospital bed, used in recovery after surgery was removed the day before. Gina had arranged for it and she and her sister arranged my front room so pleasingly. It was nice to have visits in this place during these many weeks. Yesterday I was able to work on the answers for the Bible study I hopefully will conduct April 6 at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. It was a privilege to get back into that discipline again of studying. I enjoy it greatly. I was able to attend my third prayer meeting in the afternoon which for me was a blessing. Thank you, dear friends, for your prayers. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Psalm 119:133  Direct my steps by Your word, And let no iniquity have dominion over me.

I am so glad we have God's word, to direct us along the way, 
There is no better guidebook to help us along each day.
Read the Word, and let it sink deeply into your heart,
And you will soon learn that you have chosen the good part.
And a plus of reading this Book is this: God will be in control,
And you will see how great it is when He has the major role. (RP)

I was shocked yesterday when I opened another case of nutrient for my peg-tube feeding. One of the inner boxes was missing 3 of the units of the special Replete Fiber formula. I immediately called the company and she wanted me to check the rest of the boxes. I went out into the garage, took a stool with me, and opened 7 more cases to examine them. Fortunately no more were missing. The company will send the missing items to me with the next shipment. I infuse eight of those containers into my system each day.  I was able yesterday to transfer 40 more chapters of my book into the master copy which will be sent to Xulon Press for their perusal. Thanks so much for your help in prayer during this recovery time and always. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


James 4:7  Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

We tend to make things complicated in our spiritual lives down here,
When all we really have to do is listen, and to God's word adhere.
The devil gives us plenty of guff, so why not beat him today.
With God's simple formula in your heart, you can drive him away.
Submit to God, let Him have control; Then the devil you can resist,
And you keep on doing this because the devil always persists. (RP)

I asked the speech and swallowing specialist yesterday why she put me on the smoothie for my  swallowing routine therapy.  She explained that it is thicker, and therefore less likely to be aspirated down into my lungs. I knew that already but I needed to hear it again from her. I use water also, but I thicken it with a substance which makes it a little safer when I am doing the therapy. She wanted to know if I felt okay after swallowing the smoothies. I told her I did. She said it is part of her therapy to help my swallowing mechanism. I am sure you know that that mechanism is extremely complicated. Only our loving Lord could have ever designed such a complex system. Will you pray with me that those swallowing muscles can be retrained to eat and swallow things normally again? I appreciate so much your help in prayer

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Psalm 143:8Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You.

Lord help me read your Word each day
And learn Your will for me
And make my life so full of you
So others my Savior will see. (RP)

In my reminiscing today, I copied and pasted something I wanted, but lost my poem, and my comments about reminiscing. I guess and old brain does this from time to time. I will have to write it another day.  I must get on my way, because today I go to swallow therapy. Even though I do many of them at home, each week I learn new things that must be brought into the process of trying to teach and train all my muscles to coordinate properly so water and food will no longer enter my lungs. This is a serious prayer request, and I appreciate your help. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, March 19, 2018


Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 

The word of God, beyond a doubt, is our most treasured book,
It does us well to open its pages and give a thoughtful look.
This book is not like any book, it is alive and doing quite well, 
And matched with anything ever written, will always excel.
This book reveals our heart condition; it always hits the spot
And it reminds us of important things we forgot.
Most importantly this book reveals the very intent of my heart,
Reminding me to keep close to Him, and never ever depart. (RP)

I have decided it is time for me to think about teaching again. I may be brave in saying this because we do no know at this point what the doctor will say March 30 when he evaluates the surgery he did March 7 on my vocal chord. Everybody tells me I sound good. But the doctor says this procedure is temporary. I am aware that the Lord is able to change that and make it permanent. That is my prayer, but the Lord may have other plans, unknown to me. At this point, April 6 is my starting date to resume teaching my class at the Ferndale Center. I told Tom Knight who has graciously covered for me in my absence, that it could change, depending on what they discover March 30. Thank you for helping me in prayer about this. I deeply appreciate it. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Psalm 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

A wise word from the Lord is here; may we heed what He has to say,
You and I know that we hustle about and hardly have time to pray.
So in a simple command the Lord comes and says "be still,"
And He does this so we will know Him and always do His will.
When we truly do as He says, our lives will count for Him,
And He will be exalted and our joy will be filled to the brim.  (RP)

Every year it still takes me by surprise. I'm talking about Spring. At the grocery store the flowers were freshly on display. When I drove to Lynden. a tree was completely covered with beautiful pink flowers. Then I came home and the rose bush which I had intended to prune, had green new leaves. The grass in our lawn needs cutting, and my yard man will come and do that soon. Spring, that intriguing time of the year that happens near Easter, to remind us of new beginnings and the resurrection of Jesus. I trust you will have a blessed day worshiping at church. Thanks so much for praying.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


Ephesians 5:20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...

In a way, it is easy to be thankless; we demonstrate it every day,
We are all so busy, and life is fast, and we just go about our way.
How nice it would be if Christians thanked God in a word of prayer,
Letting Him know from time to time that for His kindness you do care. (RP)

I am sure you notice all the time how busy we get. Now, in my recovery, and the fact I can drive again, I have so many things to do. Yesterday I was on the go all the time. I have to stop and remember I am in the recovery mode, therefore must rest from time to time. My infusion duties (eating) take about four hours a day. I must combine them with constant swallow techniques I am being taught by my speech therapist. By the time you take four hours out of your day, you really have to plan, to work everything else in. I am learning, and appreciate so much your prayers for me. Thank you. 

Friday, March 16, 2018


Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

Doing things God's way is always the best for us.
We better get in line with Him, and forget the fuss.
In Christ, no condemnation, what a record to hold!
So why not do what is right and join this joyful fold.
When one is truly born again, new life is his lot,
And all the blessings that come, cannot be bought. (RP)

Referrals are what I have to request from my family doctor if I want a specialist or special doctor to treat one of my health problems.  He in turn petitions my insurance company. None have ever been fully denied, although they don't always pay the bill either.  Since Margie died, I have had a lot of them. One by one I am trying to get back in shape so I can get back in service for the Lord. My next appointment is to see a doctor in orthopedics. My shoulders have been keeping me awake some at night, and I want to get some relief. Oh my, these bodies do require attention. I have had my share of mine. But one nurse who checked me in at the E.R. once said there was hardly anything in their computer system on me. Thankfully up until now, I have been in good health.  Thanks so much for praying for me during this time of recovery. I appreciates it. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018


John 12:32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.

In an ego infested world, where each one wants his own way, 
No wonder things are in a mess and the world in a state of decay.
Jesus promised something great in these words spoken long ago,
So I trust we pay attention, and learn something we should know.
If Jesus is exalted and preached, things happen all over the place,
People all over the world pay attention and are saved by His grace. (RP)

I was blessed yesterday by receiving a report from a former member of our church who is presently in missionary work. This man and his family have been gone for many years from our church. It is so special through modern media, to be able to communicate this way. To hear his testimony of what God is doing in his life, thrills me.  The same happens to me via Facebook where many Brazilian friends and former students have "found me", and are telling me about their lives. A great group of faithful prayer warriors has arisen, which has helped me much during my surgeries and recovery. Thank God for friends and ways to maintain communication.  Thanks, dear ones, for your prayers. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Psalm 73:28 But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, That I may declare all Your works. 

God gives us directions so plainly today; it is hard to miss the cue,
I trust that all will see it now, and gladly obey and follow through,
We first draw near to God; this is where we should always abide,
Next we trust him with all our heart;  it is great to be on His side. 
When you do this the result is sure: then you will declare His works,
And for all who faithfully comply, there are loads and loads of perks.  (RP)

At my therapy session yesterday, I started putting things in my mouth and I frankly was uncomfortable. Having failed 5 swallow tests, I was not interested in putting any food item there for fear it would land up in my lungs. The "food" they use is called "heavy". It is exactly that. Ice cream that does not melt away to a watery level is an example. Other things are thickened by using a xanthan gum. Cooks are acquainted with this product. I have been using tiny bits of water for the therapy sessions at home, but proper preparation precedes each therapy session. I brush my teeth and my tongue 4 or 5 times a day. The specialists tell us that in this way, the water that does go into the lungs, will not cause pneumonia.  But the solid or thickened items, I am still leery about. I certainly do not want to come the road I have traveled for a few weeks with all the victories, to end it with pneumonia. Please pray and I thank you sincerely for helping me this way.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


John 14:13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

What a powerful resource in prayer is granted believers today,
Imagine the wealth of God's promise; obviously we should not delay.
Asking for something in His name, means we are related to Him,
And our prayers should be thoughtful and wise, not done on a whim.
Each thing requested in prayer should be done with one thing in mind,
We want to honor our Lord, and keep the name of His Son enshrined.  (RP)

Today I go for my second appointment with the speech therapist. I have done thousands of therapies at home since my first assignment from her a couple of weeks ago. The human body is so complex, but I am curious how my surgery last week interacts with the swallowing therapy routines I am presently doing. Everybody says my voice is stronger, now I want to know if the swallowing techniques will help me some day be able to eat normally. My surgeon told me the procedure done last Wednesday is temporary. I am asking God if it is His will, maybe He could turn it into a permanent fix. I want His will in it, of course. Thanks so much for praying.

Monday, March 12, 2018


John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

God's wonderful care of His sheep, is indeed a marvelous thing,
We hear His voice as He speaks to us; and in our hearts we sing. 
Because we know our Shepherd, it is natural we want to follow,
We talk to others of Him, we are sure this message is not hollow.
Come, follow Jesus, you who are burdened down with your sin,
He will save you, and forgive your sins, and gladly welcome you in. (RP)

What a treat we had yesterday at our Missions Conference during Sunday School and the morning service. Ethan and Melissa Molsee and the their 4 boys were with us. Their report was encouraging from Mango, Togo (Africa). Our church supports them.  For me the day is occupied mostly with "infusion meals" and doing special therapy routines, in the attempt to some day, God willing, eat food normally. This week I have a session with the speech therapist in Bellingham. It was she who gave me these routines to help  and develop the swallowing muscles in this complex throat God graciously created. It is a marvel, and we praise Him because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Thanks for praying.   

Sunday, March 11, 2018


Matthew 5:14-16  "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. 

If we are the  light of the world, then we have a job to do,
I pray you will meditate on this, and really think it through.
The world is lost in darkness, and souls on the way to hell,
Let us get busy now, and to the lost, the story of Jesus tell.
Every day we are instructed to do this: LET the light shine,
And I beg of you friend, with this mandate, please align,
When we do, God works in the lost, saving their soul.
Determine today, begin right now, making this your goal. (RP)

Our church Missionary conference has been well  planned, and many activities to acquaint people with what is going on in the world. Yesterday morning I attended the men's breakfast and Phillip Jansma spoke. It brought many memories when his dad, John, would bring his huge canoe to the port of our town in Benjamin Constant, Brazil Bringing supplies from Manaus, 1,000 miles downstream, he would repack his canoe, then begin his 500 trip up river to the Marubo Indians, to whom he ministered. Today in our church we will hear from missionaries, the Molsees, who work in Mango, Togo. She is a medical doctor and he does many other administrative duties. We look forward to this day. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Joshua 1:9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

God gives His children so very much; it is great to explore them all,
His strength and courage alone are so great and others you my recall.
He tells us not to be afraid, and does this because we really are,
And more things He is to us as we read this verse; others we see afar.
His presence is promised here; what comfort this brings to us,
Christians, claim these here and now, and please do not fuss.  (RP)

I am going to go to church this morning and enjoy the fellowship with the men at the missions breakfast. I have an idea that the speaker's dad I knew years ago on the Amazon river. I am anxious to hear him. Tomorrow I look forward to hearing mission reports from Togo. I am so glad our church emphasizes missions this way. My voice, they say, sounds good since the doctor tweaked one side of my vocal chord. I am grateful. Thanks so much for praying. 

Friday, March 9, 2018


Proverbs 30:5  Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.

When one sees what God's word can do, we rejoice even more,
We are encourage to keep on reading, and these treasures explore.
The more we read, more blessings are received; this is our joy.
And we keep on praying that we will always this habit employ,
His promise to us is a shield; what protection He gives His own,
You can be sure of this my friend, we are never never alone.  (RP)

My first day with a modified voice was yesterday. As I spoke, to my ears it sounded like I was crying. Apparently to those who heard, this was not the case. I was not to speak much until late afternoon. When I talked on the phone, people thought my voice was better. Everyone with whom I talk says the same thing. Whatever voice I have now, according to the surgeon, is temporary. I am thinking the stuff they injected into the chord, disappears after awhile. If another procedure is necessary, it will be surgery and very fascinating at that. They cut my throat, and go in and physically attach layer after layer of whatever it is in there against the vocal chord, UNTIL my voice reaches the desired timbre. How does he know this? Because in this surgery with my neck open, I will be talking to him. This is how he does it.  Please pray. I need it. And thanks for doing it. 

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

I certainly feel with Paul today the beauty of this verse,  
And I'll try to make things understandable and terse.
In my blog, which follows, explanations will be made,
And through medical lingo, I will not go, or try to wade.
I thank my my son, and my Lord for help in this ordeal, 
We rode in our Buick, both were at the steering wheel.
God does abundantly more than I could ever ask
And in that praise I really want to bask. (RP)

I believe we had our best round trip to Swedish hospital in the five we made so far.. Things went pretty well on time, although there always seems to be delays we did not expect. I was checked in, which is quite a process. Dr. Sniezek explained what he would do. I cannot duplicate his words. They are too complicated. All I know is that he did a laryngosopy with vocal chord injection. With sophisticated scopes, he was watching my voice box, as he carefully went through my mouth for the special injection. It did not take long, but recovery was in two phases. All went well and I was released and Rawlie drove me  home. I am not supposed to use my voice very much for the 24 hours. So how do you get a preacher to be quiet. It was refreshing as we witnessed to the attendants, two of them were born again Christians,  Thank you dear friends for praying. This morning I wanted Rawlie to hear my first word to see how I was doing. I think it went well. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Matthew 11:28  Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

How wonderful it is that Jesus helps us; He gives rest to those who are in need,
Listen to Him and the invitation given, as you ponder this verse and proceed.
We all have problems of different sorts, and we desperately need His care,
So bring them to Him and leave them there, and keep on resting in prayer.

Rawlie is here and he will take me to Swedish hospital for the procedure they will do on my vocal chords. I don't fully understand it all, but will try to explain in subsequent blogs. I do know my voice is getting stronger, and everyone who hears me says the same thing.  I appreciate all who are praying for me. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Psalm 37:4  Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Read God's Word and pray each day, and fellowship with Him,
Give Him time in your schedule, and don't make that time slim,
To delight in the Lord is a plus, my friend, so give it heed today,
God take notes of those who do, and your desires he will not delay. (RP)

Since I started this blog in 2010, I try to write a poem a day. Through Margie's illness, I was not always able to do it. I have started again. I enjoy it very much. I save verses in a file, pick one each day and write a poem about it. Of course, I am a novice, so have not studied how to write poems. I do it for my own amusement. I pray they help the reader. Thanks so much for your prayer support. 

Monday, March 5, 2018


Matthew 6:21  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Some treasures are costly and others are not,
Jesus talked about them, but some people forgot.
Things we seem to like most, are important indeed,
Revealing to our Maker, if we will fail or succeed.
The truth is simple: the thing we love most is our god,
Ponder your treasure now, it may be something odd.
Put Jesus first in your life, and let Him your treasure be,
Life for you will be rewarded and all the world will see. (RP)

In my never-ending pursuit to try to sleep, I am going to the doctor again this morning for some answers. When Margie was with me, I did not have much of a problem with this. That boast is history. Some things I could have attended to, but her care was more important at the time. Now there is time, I hope, so will see what happens today.  Margie suffered from restless leg syndrome. I now have that, or whatever one wants to call it. I tried one of her pills and it made me sick. That's why I am going to the doctor. I tried every over-the-counter treatment for this, with no positive results. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Psalm 55:22  Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

How wonderful to have a Savior, bidding us come to Him with a heavy heart,
He will listen to your heartaches, and we know this is the very place to start..
Not only does he take the weight, but gives strength for each and every day,
So take your burden to Him now; leave it there and just keep trusting and pray. (RP)

We are blessed to have missionaries with us in our church during this conference. We pray and support missions, and it is always a joy to hear directly from them while they are home from the field.  Praying and supporting missions is our responsibility. I look forward to seeing Steve Everett today at our church. Because of my Brazil connection in past years, it will be fun to speak with him and hear his report of what is happening in that country. I wish I was strong enough right now to get in on everything that is planned for the missions conference. Thanks so much for praying. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018


John 8:36  Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

Oh what a joy it is to tell others about Jesus and His love,
And those who respond find His peace and joy from above.
When Jesus saves, you are set free; He forgives your sin. 
And then the sinner really knows because He dwells within. (RP 

I am not musical at all. Someone may say I sure have been harping on some things, or playing the same tune. But in my blog I know I have been giving organ recitals. People around the world keep up with me this way. So in a way I am apologizing for dwelling on these physical things through which I am going. I only have one motive in doing so: I appreciate all the prayer support received because you know better how to pray for me. Lord willing, I will attend a funeral today, then go to a farewell party for a dear friend who is returning to Brazil, Helton Oliveira. Rawlie and his family plan to be up for the occasion also. Thanks so much for praying. 

Friday, March 2, 2018


Psalm 119:133  Direct my steps by Your word, And let no iniquity have dominion over me.

God's Word is our guide every day; what a help as we face each day!
It helps us in all our anxieties, and for sure gives strength for the way.
His Word guards us from evil, and counsels wisely for our daily needs,
And he who obeys the commands God gives, is the one who succeeds. (RP)

Yesterday I attended a committee meeting at church. This was my first for a long time. Then I was still strong enough to attend our Thursday prayer meeting. This was the first one I have been able to attend since last year.  I thank the Lord for helping me this way. I continue with the therapy for my swallowing each day after my first three meals of the day. After each one I do the 50 routines outlined by the speech therapist. And speaking of speaking, several have told me my voice seems stronger now. I thank the Lord for the wonderful prayer support I have .

Thursday, March 1, 2018


James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Is anyone willing to admit right now that this is the wisdom you need?
God's wisdom is best for we have seen what it does; to this all are agreed.
To want this wisdom should be our greatest goal, and I will tell you why,
This wisdom means doing things God's way; nothing else I want to try. (RP)

It may have been only a one-time deal. Yesterday after a short nap, I spoke and I could tell my voice was stronger and I was surprised. It did not last long, and soon I was back to the whisper, raspy sound again. But at least there may be a possibility of returning to the former voice some day. I thank you so much for your interest and prayers about this situation.