For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body[a] and in your spirit, which are God’s. I Corinthains 6:20
God paid a great price for redemption, the blood of His only Son,
Jesus did all this on Calvary; and there the sin's battle was won.
We glorify Christ in our body, giving thanks for all that He did,
With our spirit we have fellowship sweet, and from Him nothing is hid. (RP)
Christmas decorations for me this year was EASY. I had a smaller artificial tree, to replace the larger one. And I set it on the coffee table in the front room so people coming down the street could see it. I had another very small one, for the dining room table. That's all. So putting things away is easy. When Margie was here, we took material out of two steel barrels and our living room was highly decorated. Now things are different. Thanks for praying.