Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Hebrews 13:15
Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
Thankfulness pervades this verse today and I hope we give it heed,
It's often so easy to skim over things and not really diligently read.
Thanksgiving is commanded in all of God's Word and it's certainly the least we can do,
So with heart and lips sacrifice to Him an offering of praise that is true.(RP)

I spent time today paying bills online, taking flowers from the memorial to the cemetery, delivering an honorarium, and going through about 2,000 emails to cull out the junk stuff. It seems that occupied the entire day. Last night I went through part of the cards given at the memorial program. There were tearful moments for sure. Thanks for your prayer support which means so much to me.

Monday, October 30, 2017


Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19  

Just  think our body is God's temple, how precious is that thought,
And we can know for certain, that for a price we were bought.
We are really not our own, Jesus is Lord of our lives,

And thank God we are not alone, He is the one who drives. (RP)

The memorial service yesterday was so very special. A huge attendance filled the church to overflowing. The crew at the church put in extra chairs, and controlled the parking. The lot was filled to capacity and we had to use other places for the guests to park. My brother sent a beautiful floral arrangement for the service. Our grandchildren (3 of them) were part of the service and they did well. The duet by pastor Dave Lunsford and Glenn Golay was one of Margie's favorites " My Tribute", and done so well by them. Marianne Brudwick's piano ministry was special. Pastor Dave's message was so appropriate. The ladies in the kitchen, Helen Boraker, Charlotte Boraker, Penny Ward, and others made the fellowship time a success. We appreciated all who came, but were highly surprised when Dan DiDonato, vice president of Development for Shepherds Ministries, graced us with his presence. Also Board member Jim Edgar, and Shepherd's Representative Don Mogford surprised us with their presence. SO MANY were there and we consider it quite a tribute to Margie and her testimony. Thanks to you all for the wonderful prayer support. We are humbleld and grateful.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Ps 116:15

Marjorie Alene Poulson was born on July 16, 1930 in Bellingham, Washingtons, and died on October 19, 2017 in Bellingham, Washington. Marjorie was preceded in death by their daughter Joy. Marjorie is survived by her husband Ralph Poulson, son Rawlie Poulson and wife Gina, grandsons Nathan Poulson, David Seta, Benny Poulson and granddaughter Monique Poulson. 

Marjorie with her husband Ralph served in Brazil with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, for 25 years. Upon returning to the United States, she and her husband were called to serve at the First Baptist Church of Ferndale. Her husband was pastor for 18 years. When Ralph resigned from this ministry, he and Marjorie were invited to represent Shepherds Ministries, in Union Grove, Wisconsin. Marjorie loved this work of traveling in the eight western states telling people about this home that ministers to those with developmental disabilities. They lived in a fifth wheel trailer moving from church to church to talk about Shepherds. After eleven years and Marjorie’s failing health, Ralph resigned this position to care for her. From 2010 until the present she remained steadfast in her church attendance, and other related ministries. She suffered many physical setbacks, but was a faithful prayer warrior for the work of the Lord, and encouraged others to be faithful to the Lord. She suffered a stroke and heart injury and the last 10 days of her life were spent in the hospital where she drew her last breath and entered her Heavenly Home. She is greatly missed, but we know she is far better at home with Lord.

Saturday, October 28, 2017


Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.Hebrews 13:15

Thanksgiving is the name of the game as we walk with Him each day,
Remember to give Him praise my friend in everything you say. (RP)

Before we went to the burial service yesterday for Margie, I wanted to use her Bible for the Scripture reading. When I opened it, I found a green sheet of paper with Margie's handwriting, and it was her wishes for the burial and memorial services. I had a good cry reading that. We were not doing it the way she had asked, but of course we had no idea this was in her Bible. Impressive to me was her wishes written in simple words: "Ralph, preach Jesus". We agreed as her family, that even though we were not doing this the way she desired, that we were honoring her. That is for sure. The service was short, emotional and honoring to the Lord and dear Margie. Thanks so much for praying.

Friday, October 27, 2017


I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers; Philemon 1:4

Paul's friends were scattered far and wide and it seems he remembered them all,
And talked to God about each of them as upon His Lord he did call.
How wonderful to have such a man as this,remembering us in prayer,
Taking to God each believer by name,helping their burdens to bear.
We can be that person, starting today, by thanking God for those we know,

And mention their names as we talk to God and indeed our prayer life will grow. (RP)

This morning I teach the Bible class at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center.  Sometime today most of the family will be here for the burial service. I am putting the last touches to the message I will bring Sunday morning in our church. Yesterday I spent a good deal of time calling the company that sends vitamins to us, in order to cancel Margie's part of the auto-ship items. I sent an amplified copy of the obituary to the funeral home for their website. Last night I attended an elders special meeting. I thank you sincerely for all your prayer support during these days. It is much appreciated.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


For with God nothing will be impossible. Luke 1:37

Each day we face many problems and often we think we can't win,
But we must remember right now that  success comes with how we begin.
When we label our problem impossible, God tells us very soon we are wrong, 

For His Word tells us right here the plain fact: He'll help us and give us a song. (RP)

I spent the day yesterday on details. I notified doctors of Margie's passing so they would not send more messages concerning future appointments. I also went to the cemetery and signed papers about the burial and headstone.  There is never a dull moment. The eulogies keep coming in. How special friends are in their tender words to me. Thanks so much for praying. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

When God begins a work in us,He does a wonderful job,
His perfect work is all worthwhile and does not from us rob.
Confidence reigns when He's in charge and surely will be complete,
So trust Him friend with all your heart, His work is so discreet. (RP)

I sat at church in the morning, and several droped by for a chat. It was good to be back there helping a little. At home I worked on cleaning out my email which had grown to over 2500 during Margie's hospital time. I also worked on my Sunday morning message. There were many other things I did as we try to get back into the routine. One thing which I almost have finished, is getting all of Margie's medications packed. They will have to be disposed of at a drug store. I also attended a search committee meeting last night.  Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


O LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. Isaiah 33:2

Our prayer to God is very clear; we want His guiding care,
And of his grace and provisions great,we are very aware.
He is our strength from day to day both morning and at night,
And fellowship with Him, is our daily joy and delight.
When distress and pain are upon us, we call His name in prayer,

And salvation comes so quickly and to Him none can compare. (RP)

The swallow test went well, I guess, but they discovered some abnormalities. Sometimes things go down into my lungs. They took more x-rays and Dr. Chang called me last night and ordered a Cat-Scan. Something is impeding the proper swallowing process and they want to find what it is. Thanks for praying with me about this. 

Monday, October 23, 2017


Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD! Psalm 27:14

We're always in a hurry as we travel here below, and God so sweetly tells us just to wait,yes wait on Him,
We should always have good courageas we wait on Him each day. Then His strength will then be given and He will fill us to the brim. (R.P.)

Yesterday at church I was touched as people expressed their condolences to me in Margie's passing. It was nice to be in church. I appreciate the church family. This morning I go to the hospital for a swallow test. I don't have an idea how that works, but will explain tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers as we take care of many things after Margie's departure.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of joy in Your presence.  Acts 2:28

God's gracious ways explain so well what he has planned for us,
His way of life is meant for us and oh what a marvelous plus.
He gives us joy both now and again when in His presence we land,

And then in Heaven we'll know it well, because we'll have it all firsthand. (RP)

I don't think there are Sundays in heaven, but at least for me this is her first Sunday in heaven. I just heard on the radio the song, "I'll fly away". It is amazing how precious the lyrics to that are after losing a loved one or friend. Yesterday we met with the funeral home director, making plans for the burial and memorial service. October 29th at 2 pm is the memorial at First Baptist church. I posted a notice on Margie's Facebook page, and scores of people from here and Brazil are writing eulogies. It was a tearful time going through them. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


 Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

You may be very tired and loaded down with cares,
Jesus knows all about you, concerned with your affairs.
Accept Jesus' invitation, He wants you to come right now,

Enter His presence with thanksgiving and at His feet humble bow.(RP)

I taught the Bible class yesterday then had some things to care for before going home. I met Rawlie at our church office. We decided on a day for the memorial service for Margie. Lord willing it will be October 29th at First Baptist Church, Ferndale, Washington, at 2 pm. There are many things to decide before that day. Rawlie wonderfully sent in an announcement to the paper which should be in today's edition and tomorrow. I appreciate so much his help on this. Marianne, church Secretary has helped do the logistics for the service a week from Sunday. Thanks so much for your prayers. 

Friday, October 20, 2017


 Ps 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

Last night the Lord called sweet Margie home. I usually write poetry for this blog, but things happened so quickly, I'll leave that for another time. She was quite agitated yesterday in her breathing. It seemed each breath was a battle. I normally stayed about 12 hours a day with her, but I was advised to get some rest. I arrived home around 8:30 or so, and our son Rawlie was here. We chatted a little then went to bed. I got the call at around 10:30 from Naomi her nurse on duty at St. Joseph hospital.  Rawlie and I went there and got her belongings and returned home. This morning I will teach the class at the Ferndale Center. This is what Margie would want me to do. Thanks to all of you for your support through Margie's last battle. I cannot imagine the joy that is hers today in Glory. To be with Jesus is so precious. Thank you all for praying.  

Thursday, October 19, 2017


In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence,
And His children will have a place of refuge. Proverbs 14:26

Trusting the Lord brings confidence for sure, and believers in Christ will be blessed,
And the pay off is rewarding and grateful we are, for the refuge he gives with sweet rest. (RP)

Yesterday Margie had visitors. It was fascinating to watch her interact with them. She reached up to hold their hands, smiled, and of course tried to say something to them. Unfortunately speech is gone, so there are guttoral sounds that are heard. I sang songs to her. Our wedding song "Day by Day" has lyrics that are heart warming. I did not do such a good job of singing it through my tears. Margie is ready, and we are are also, to hear her welcome into Glory. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.  I Peter 3:12

Our God is watching over us as we live for Him each day,
His ears are listening to our prayers as we move along the way.
It’s sobering  to have the Lord against those who evil do,

And remember the ones who are guilty he already knew.(RP)

We are blessed with family and friends. Last night, our grandson, Nathan, stayed here in the room with Margie. I appreciate this so much. I had to get more rest, and went home. She had a pretty agitated night at times, Nathan said, but leveled out later. This morning more friends were here to see her. We are thankful. The waiting game is not fun as we wonder what happens next. Thanks so much for praying.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  Prov 3:5-6

The world wants to know the road they should take in the decisions of every day,
Believers in Jesus already know that in Him, the answer's on the way.
With our heart fully trusting for the answers we need, we know God will surely hear,

And never rely on your own understanding, it will fail you and not even come near.(RP)

Our son and his wife and I met with the hospital doctor yesterday and we praise the Lord they said Margie could remain at the hospital and not have to go to hospice. What an answer to prayer. I spent the night in the hospital last night. It was not a very comfortable sleep. Margie is quite restless and continually kicks off the covers. She slept well. I slipped away to come home for medication, shower and return to the hospital. Yesterday she had some tearful times which are so hard to endure. With no communication, things get complicated. It's hard to die. The sorrow of heart it brings me is overwhelming. Thanks for praying.

Monday, October 16, 2017


 Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.   2 Th 3:5

Two things we can certainly use, as we walk down here each day,
The love of God and His patience, are what we should display.
The Psalmist here prays for those things that we'll have His love from above,
And His patience comes naturally when we are controlled by His love.(RP)

It is tough watching your loved one slip away. Even though we know this is best, it still hurts. Friends have been so supportive. We appreciate it greatly. Yesterday they started giving Margie morphine, because it helps the breathing process. We did notice a difference. I called early this morning and she is still with us. I will be going shortly to spend the day there. Thankfully my son and his wife are here to help as today we make arrangements for her care after discharge from the hospital. Thank you so much for your prayers. My brother Ernie's funeral has started in Singapore. It will last for several days to accommodate the hundreds who will attend. Thanks for praying.  

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Heb 12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Our Savior did much for us when He died on the cross for our sins,
Whoever invites Him into their life, we know that person wins.
The Author and finisher of our faith, no other has ever done so much,
The world ties to make it to heaven, but without Him they cannot find such.
Jesus' died on the cross and rose from the tomb, now with the Father above, We give Him praise for all He's done for us, because of His great love.(RP)

Margie had a rough night. Rawlie and I were with her most of the day yesterday. I appreciate so much his company. Today he must go back home at 10. I am going to be with her now (at 6 am) and will only be gone long enough to teach my Sunday School class at church. I will return after that. They moved Margie to a lower floor during the night. She is now in room 253.  Yesterday it was so sad to experience her frustration in not being able to tell us what she wanted. We tried everything. She cried, slept, and sometimes was calm as we held her hand. Thank you all for your prayer support. It means everything to us. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Matthew 11:28

You may be very tired and loaded down with cares,
Jesus knows all about you, concerned with your affairs.
Accept Jesus' invitation, He wants you to come right now,
Enter His presence with thanksgiving and at His feet humble bow. (RP)

Dear Margie experienced much frustration and pain today. Her inability to speak is frustrating for us and her we are sure. We agonize with her in her discomforts. She is not able to form words sufficiently to explain what she wants or feels. Today she cried for two hours. It tears one up to witness this. We stand at  her bedside helpless.   Rawlie, Gina and I met with the hospice people today to go over options for Margie’s care. We need much wisdom to know what to do. These are emotional days for all of us. Adding to these human feelings, is the fact of my brother Ernie’s passing. It all seems like a dream.Thank you so much for praying. We need God’s direction in these tender moments. 

Friday, October 13, 2017


Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.   James 4:14

Uncertainties abound in life and tomorrow is one of them
We have no idea in the world but we can trust it all to Him.
Life is fragile beyond degree and can disappear like steam,

So trust your soul to Christ alone because He only can redeem.(RP)

I try to spend 12 hours each day with Margie at the hospital. Yestrday it was a little short of that. When I arrived home to do some necessary preparation for the Bible study this morning, I noticed a call from Singapore that I had missed. When I called, Siang said Ernie died on the 12th at noon. Wow, what a notice this was!!!! 63 years of faithful service in Singapore alone. How we will miss him. Yesterday Margie was very restless. The stroke left her with hallucinations and agitation. It is so sad to see her suffering. I am going to be with her right now, then come back for the Bible class, then return. Rawlie will also be here this morning. We must discuss Margie's future care with the hospital staff. Thanks so much for praying. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ'

Blessings galore come from our Father above in unceasing streams of grace,
Through Christ these come to us every day and each one we sweetly embrace.
Our Father withholds nothing good from us because of what Christ has done,
And these blessings flow daily in countless ways and for each one we thank the Son.(RP)

You who follow this blog noticed a blank yesterday. Tuesday is my day to sit at church as an elder, to help in anyway I can. Before leaving Margie started talking and I could not understand her. Things got more complicated. I was able to convince her to call 911 because she had a stroke. If she didn't get help, she would not improve. We called 911, they came and took her to the hospital. After emergency she was taken to Intensive Care where she is now. Our son and part of his family came. Margie could not tolerate the many persons in her room, so the nurse suggested she not have visits. I just called and she had a pretty good night, but at midnight was concerned because I was not there. I am going down there soon. Please pray if it is God's will, she may be able to speak clearly. I confess, I cannot understand her many times. This is frustrating for her I know, and it surely is for me. Thanks so much for praying.

Monday, October 9, 2017


Mark 11:25  "And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

Forgiveness is a precious thing that we should never forget,
Some may need to use it, but there are others who just fret.
God links prayer to forgiveness, so we should do it too,
Failure to forgive breaks fellowship;he who suffers is you.(RP)
We had a good day at church yesterday, and a leisurely afternoon at home. We watched a favorite Christian program in the evening which is always a blessing. This morning we take Margie to her primary eye doctor for routine tests. I will take advantage of the trip to have my glasses adjusted. Then we have a few items to pick up at the store, then head for home again. We trust your day goes well and we thank you for your prayers.

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Matthew 6:33   But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

What a wonderful promise God gives us here,
It benefits us greatly if we will only just adhere.
Seek God first as you start each and every day,
Spend time in His Word and meditate and pray.
God will add so much to every part of your day,
So keep on doing what it says; greatly will He pay.

Every day is the Lord's day for those who belong to Him. What a joy as we look forward to going to church this morning. I will be teaching Joshua chapter 7 & part of 8 today.  The search committee and elders will meet a few minutes after the service to discuss the latest information concerning a lead pastor for the church. We should have a leisurely day. We trust your day goes well also. Thanks so much for praying. 

Saturday, October 7, 2017


1 Timothy 2:1-2  Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,  for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

Christians, wake up, we have a call to prayer, 
God is speaking to his children; do you care.
Everyone needs prayer; a list is given here,
So intercede today; the message is so clear. 
Thank God for those for whom you pray,
This in itself is a blessing for you today.
Praying this way brings dividends now,
So gladly before our heavenly Father bow.
His peace will embrace you in special ways,
And other blessings will come to the who prays.

Saturday is a blessing because we can always use the time to prepare some more for the Sunday School class and the book of Joshua we are teaching. Some of the class members asked for study questions, so I enjoy working on those. The class appreciates them, because they cover every verse in the chapter. Siang, from Singapore, writes that my brother Ernie's pains have been brought under control to a degree. Please continue your prayers for him. And thank you for praying. 

Friday, October 6, 2017


Psa 31:3   For You are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name's sake, Lead me and guide me.

A solid foundation is what Christ provides for all who have trusted Him,And all who have done this can very well say, that their hope will never grow dimHe is our fortress and shelter secure. 
His guidance is certain and sure. 
His blessings are many and countless indeed and in Him we are really secure. (RP)

I got through the endoscopy test okay yesterday morning. The medication pretty well makes you unable to do anything except sleep or do nothing. I am not sure the test helped know anything new about my condition. More tests are scheduled, and maybe they will indicate the problem. This morning is our Bible class and we look forward to it. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, October 5, 2017


For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.  I Peter 3:12

Our God is watching over us as we live for Him each day,
His ears are listening to our prayers as we move along the way.
It’s sobering  to have the Lord against those who evil do,

And remember the ones who are guilty he already knew. (RP)

It's early morning, and I am waiting for my ride to the Mt. Baker Imaging clinic, where I will have the upper GI done at the Northwest Endoscopy Center.  Steve Adenau is my driver. I appreciate so much his help. Margie just awakened and had prayer with me. By 8:20 this morning it should be over and soon on my way back home. Thanks so much for your prayers. It is all in the Lord's hands. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.Galatians 6:9

We easily grow tired as we serve the Master here, But He promises a harvest if we trust and do not fear.(RP)

Yesterday I was counseled to have an endoscopy by the specialist. My throat condition merits a look down the tube to see what's going on. My friend Steven Adenau has graciously offered to drive me to the clinic and back. I deeply appreciate this. The entire day after the test tomorrow, I will not be able to do much at all.  It will be nice to be home. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


One who turns away his ear from hearing the Law, even his prayer shall be an abomination.   Proverbs 28:9

A man may think he is so smart when the Bible he forgets to read,
But when troubles come and he starts to pray, it seems God does not heed.
But the truth dear friend is this: the Bible and prayer are near,
If you stay in the Word and it's precepts obey you definitely will have nothing to fear.
So remember if you pray to God but have turned from reading the Word.

There is only one way to put it: your action is certainly absurd.(RP)

In a few minutes I will be taking medication, prior to seeing the dentist for the work he begins on my teeth. Then this afternoon I see the throat specialist to help me with this choking and sore throat problem. Dr. Chang is the doctor who has done endoscopic tests on me for years. I am glad he will be helping me today. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, October 2, 2017


Jeremiah 29:11For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

A good review of God's thoughts of us is a pleasure for us to pursue,
We'll discover very soon that it's marvelous what He thinks of me and you.
His desire for peace in our hearts is sure, and He desires this for me,
And I know He wants it the same for you, on this we both agree.
God's interest in our future is very real and filled with so much hope,
And it gives us the strength to carry on and power to daily cope.(RP)

Because of my throat problem, I am trying to get an appointment with a specialist. If that won't work, I will try our family doctor and see what happens. We also have dental appointments this week (both of us). I will see if the audiologist can fix my hearing device so the volume control will work. So that will probably keep us busy today. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, October 1, 2017


I was glad when they said to me,Let us go into the house of the LORD.  Psalm 122:1

 I wonder what the world would be if today there was no church
Would most be happy and content to go about their way?
Suppose your church doors locked for good and none could enter in,
Would there be prayers in home and cars or would people go to play.
I trust that church for you is dear and you will be there soon
To worship, sing and pray and learn what God desires for you.
Waste not a moment to attend the church you like the best,
And make your promise to the Lord, His will you will pursue. (RP)

We look forward to church today. I am happy to be able to teach one of the adult classes. The study in the book of Joshua is a blessing. Yesterday we had a leisurely day, preparing more for the class today. I also had a nice text exchange with my brother Harold, who is on a special assignment in Kodiak, Alaska, And we also received the weekly family letter from my brother Ernie, in Singapore. And Margie and I had two visits with Margie's sister, Barbara yesterday also. We talk each day with her. We trust this will be a great day for you all. Thanks for praying.