Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to
love one another. I John 4:11
The greatest example of love for us is the way
God loves through Christ,
This love is available to each and all and is
not at all high priced.
In fact it is free,provided by Him, and He
expects us to give it away,
I do that, you see, by loving all, as I live
from day to day.
It is amazing how time flies. Here we are in the last day of January. It seems like yesterday the month was starting. Because of some extra things related to our church ministries, I have had plenty to keep me going these days. I am working on our church prayer sheet today, and tomorrow I will be at the church to answer the phone and care for other things that may come up. Today is our church secretary's last day of work. We are looking for a replacement now. Please help us in prayer about this. Thanks so much.