Sunday, July 31, 2016


The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 

The Lord for us is many things, but light and salvation are supreme,
Before we walked in darkness and all was dreary and upstream,
Then we met the Savior, and he gave new hope for sure,
And oh how great it is to have Him and be saved and so secure.
He is now our strength for living, and with Him we are not afraid,
So march on dear Christians, and do not be dismayed.

I am not real sure yet if we will be able to go to church this morning. Margie had a BAD night. She is up now, but very tired.  She rested in the afternoon and that may have prevented her having a good night. 
Slowly I am regaining strength. It is a slow process,but I am encouraged with the progress. Thanks so much for praying.  

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Colossians 3:23-24 
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

So much of what is done today is done for men to see,
The Apostle Paul instructs us here, that this should never be.
What we do should be joyously done and only for the Lord,
Then we can know without a doubt that this will not be ignored.
So please my friend remember this that God gives rich rewards,
And serving the Lord brings rich dividends because He, our acts records. (RP)

Rawlie invited me for coffee this morning. I am going to see if I can take all the "activity".  It will be a test run for tomorrow's church service. I want to attend, so will give this a try this morning to see how things go. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, July 29, 2016


Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.Hebrews 4:16

This gracious invitation to commune with God today,
Is a promise from heaven so respond without delay.
We are a needy people, and God knows this very well,
He gives mercy, grace, and help; your problems He will quell. (RP)

Needless to say, this is a slow process. Recovery after illness needs patience.  I am thankfully better, but I know it takes time. I am trying to do some things that need to be done, and by degrees get back my strength. Thanks so much for praying. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Ephesians 6:12 
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

The spiritual battle for Christians is a serious matter indeed,
We must understand this struggle or we will never succeed.
The contest we face is demonic and Satan strives to destroy,
So we arm ourselves with His armor so His peace we can enjoy. (RP)

I am on the mend by degrees. This is the first day I will not be taking medicine since Monday when it began. It is powerful stuff, obviously. I am better and it hopefully did what it was supposed to. I will take Margie to the hairdresser this morning. That will be a test. This has been quite an illness. I don't care to repeat it. We are grateful our son is here to help when needed. He is working, but his schedule is still flexible, so he can help us when needed. We deeply appreciate this. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


2 Corinthians 5:17 
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

The best place to be in this troubled world, is secure in a steadfast place, 
And the wonderful fact of this marvelous place is that it is free and all of grace.
Jesus gives new life, to all who acknowledge their sin; new life begins this way,
He forgives sin, and fills one with joy, and for each one this is a new day. (RP)

This gastroenteritis is no playground experience. With one pill tonight, the medication is finished. I hope that it will finish my ailment. I am very weak this morning. I was unable to attend elder meeting last night. It was just not advisable to push myself more. To do ANYTHING takes much out of me. I practically have no appetite. I force myself to ingest food, otherwise I stay weaker. I do not know what my progress of recover will be. I am trying to at least be able to attend morning worship service. Please pray I can. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God. Mark 10:27

Impossible things are not so with God,
He's the One who can do this and more.
So trust Him believer, our God is so great.
And He'll answer you with blessings galore.(RP)

I knew I had to see the doctor yesterday. He determined I had gastroenteritis and prescribed a high-powered antibiotic. I am now 3 pills into the ordeal and can sense an improvement in things. I am grateful. I am also weak. This is a tough one. It has been very hard on Margie, and we are thankful for friends who have helped us. It is also a blessing to have our son with us all week. He is working on one of their places in town. We sincerely thank you for your prayers. 

Monday, July 25, 2016


THIS IS NO FUN. I saw my doctor this morning. I have gastroenteritis. I'm on strong antibiotics and I am very weak. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016



Saturday, July 23, 2016


I just cannot to do the blog. The flu has me down in a big way . My cell is also down so cannot receive or send WhatsAPP or text messaging. Sorry. Thanks for praying.

Friday, July 22, 2016


Sorry, I am under the weather and 
cannot do my blog today. Maybe tomorrow??  Hope so.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5

Abiding in Christ is our calling today, Jesus invites us to be in this place,
The branches securely entwined to the vine, indeed is a wonderful base.
Fruit bearing is the result of this double abiding command,
And all this happens so smoothly because of the way it was planned. (RP)

Today we go back to the normal schedule around here. Yesterday, as the kids say, was a zoo.  We are glad things will be calmer today.  I need to get serious again with our book and hope to print out the corrected chapters as soon as possible. So "hair" in the morning and prayer meeting in the afternoon is our schedule today. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Ephesians 6:11  
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

God equips His children to fight the enemy's wiles,
This armour is free and available; it calls for smiles.
When we have this armour fitted, we are ready to fight,
God wins the battle, and we praise Him with our might. (RP)

Today I have an appointment with the company that fitted me with these hearing devices. I know they have helped me. I wear them regularly and am committed to cleaning them well each night when I remove them. I am sure she will test these computerized devices which are a miracle to use. Today is wash day so the machine is going full blast out in the garage. Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil. Proverbs 1:33

A call to listen to God, and do what He commands,
Is for us all, and we better heed; this He demands.
If we desire safety and a place that is very secure,
Keep obeying Him, and you have hope that is sure. (RP)

According to Helen Steele, team leader for the Peru Team, they are on the way home today. They arrive tomorrow sometime.  We have prayed much for them, and we are sure the reports we hear later on will be a blessing. I was shocked to hear that our credit card which pays most of our utilities, was compromised. It has been cancelled, and I will have to go through accounts and indicate withdrawals not made by me. US Bank claims they will cover those fraudulent withdrawals. I surely hope so. Thanks for praying.  

Monday, July 18, 2016


Proverbs 22:6 
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Oh the joy of rearing children in the path that God designed,
And carefully guiding them in the way which they are inclined.
When parents pray for their children and guide them in this way,
What a blessed promise is given; they will not depart or stray. (RP)

I told Margie this morning, "This is the day after".  We had an unusual heavy schedule both Saturday and Sunday. Both were delightful but for the old folks, it was a challenge. Yesterday we entertained Armond Daws and his family. They were here for lunch after the morning service.  I was honored to be able to preach and 12 of our friends came to the service yesterday to hear me. Today, we are cleaned up after the entertaining. Now we start the routine for the week. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016


Matthew 24:35 
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

God's Word is eternal, the Bible tells us so, 
It will always be that way no matter where we go.
The words of Jesus never pass away,
Next year, last week and certainly not today.
So treasure God's Word deep in your heart,
And from His commands never depart. (RP)

Yesterday was filled with blessings. Margie's birthday was celebrated by our family with a delicious meal at Bob's.  Last night we had a Sunday School class social at the Hubbards, and it was lovely.  Today I have the honor of preaching in our home church and I look forward to this. We will, Lord willing, entertain Armond Daws and his family here at our house after the service. This has been rather taxing for Margie, but she wanted to do it all. She will definitely take it easy after our noon meal today. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016


This is what the LORD says-- your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. Isaiah 48:17

What better help than this could we ever want to possess,
God gives us what we need, and never gives in excess.
He is our Lord, and teaches what is best for each one,
And directs us along the way,until our battle is won.(RP)

We are celebrating Margie's birthday today. Rawlie and his family will be here and take us to lunch. We look forward to this. Tonight our Sunday School class has a social. So all in all it will be a busy day. Also Margie will be making preparations for lunch tomorrow when friends will join us after the morning service for that. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, July 15, 2016


And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Hebrews 10:24

What a joyous exercise believers are given here,
Imagine we can help each other; this is very clear.
We are to love the brethren, and do it all the time,
And when obeyed we will discover, things are fine.
Show love to others, and encourage good works,
I assure you if you do God has for you some perks.(RP)

I am counting down now until Sunday. I have the privilege of preaching Sunday and look forward to it. Today seems to be plenty busy and I know tomorrow will be. More on that tomorrow. We are praying each day for the team from our church in Peru. We hear good reports and have great pictures of their ministries there. Wednesday they will return, Lord willing. They have had a longer time than many teams that serve this way. When they return, they will have the Sunday morning service to report their blessings. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.Romans 12:15

God gives Christians jobs to do; He expects them to do them well,
When done God's way the world will know that His plan is really swell.
When sorrow comes to people here, God asks you to weep with them,
You also laugh with the glad, this action is worth more than a costly gem. (RP)

The weather here in Ferndale is good. We do not complain. The sun is shining this morning. I just watered the flowers. I wish I had a greener thumb with them. I care a lot about them (flowers) but I do not think I am a very good caregiver. There is much I need to learn. Margie will have her hair done this morning then we go to prayer meeting in the afternoon. Last night we attended our connection meeting where the film "War Room" was shown. We did not stay for all of it. Margie had to get home. thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance. Romans 5:3

It may take awhile for all to agree that we glory in any tribulation,
For some I am sure, and maybe us all, there is much adaptation.
The product of tribulation is something each one of us badly needs,
And any resistance to God's work in our lives, this process impedes.
So let us rejoice dear brethren in all God deems best in our lives,
And do not fight against Him when by His sovereignty trouble arrives. (RP)

We mention again the Peru Ministry Team who at the present time is in Alto Peru. Fivos Montagiosos, the missionary there now has the help of 7 more. We are praying the team will be able to accomplish much for the Lord as they serve there. With our present-day technology, it is great to be able to correspond with them quickly via text, phone and Skype. Thank you for praying for this team. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Romans 10:17 
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Some say they have so little faith; they do not know what to do,
I'll tell you friend just what to do; read the Bible all way through.
If you cannot read God's word today; let someone read it to you.
Doing this something great will take place; blessings will ensue. (RP)

This is my day to go to the church and be available in case there is a need.  Someone may have something to discuss about personal or church related issues. Another elder and myself take turns doing this. We also are there to help the secretary and ministry coordinator with church related concerns. Thanks for praying

Monday, July 11, 2016


But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6

Reaping and sowing is a masterful art, and God uses the same to teach,
Those who are generous with their resources for God, a new plateau reach.
Unfortunately some are uncertain, and are not able to invest like God desires,
The end of this person is sad indeed because they fall short of what He requires. (RP)

We had a good day yesterday at church. We heard from Trevor & Hayley Amack missionaries going to Cambodia. Today our good friend Tom Knight has back surgery. That will take place at 11 this morning. We pray all will go well. Lord willing, I will be doing more work on our book today. We appreciate prayer about finding the right publisher. It's a big world out there and the resources are multitudinous. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016


If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him.Matthew 7:11

Parents have an awesome task, to give children what they really need,
They must keep up with the times, you know, and really do a good deed.
But thank God our heavenly Father knows best exactly our needs today,
And gives good gifts to His children, to the ones who seek Him and pray. (RP)

Today at our church, we have missionaries, Trevor and Hayley Amack, appointees with ABWE to Cambodia. We are looking forward to their ministry with us. Yesterday we had other missionaries at the Garden Luncheon at Paul and Joan De Merchant's place. Their son Jeff, and daughter-in-law, Danni and their daughter Faith presented the mission field of Haiti where they minister.  Thanks for praying for them and us. We appreciate it. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Psalm 33:12 
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.

When a country chooses God as their Lord,they are truly blessed,
Right decisions are then made, because God's name they confessed.
When a people belong to God, oh what a place of sweet release,
Their blessings grow greater daily, and now they have perfect peace. (RP)

Today we go to the DeMerchant's place for a garden luncheon. This is a yearly event hosted by Paul and Joan. It is part of the regular missionary meetings held monthly when we pray for and hear about 
missionaries. Margie will be making a taco salad dish for the occasion. Unlike past years, it looks as if we may get some moisture at the luncheon today. The speciality of the DeMerchants, is flowers. Their entire yard is a mass of beautiful flowers of all varieties, colors, perfumes, etc. We look forward to being there. And we thank you for praying for us. 

Friday, July 8, 2016


Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:6

Sometimes the reproach we receive from a friend hurts like a wound that is sore,
It was given to help in a very rough time, and its value we should never deplore.
Some speak kindly and appear to be fond, but their actions are not sincere,
Enemies do this, and it is sad indeed because their deceit is something to fear. (RP)

I am thankful we are receiving positive feedback on getting speakers for our church. One of my responsibilities as an elder is to find pastors for each Sunday. We are thankful for those who are willing to come and fill the pulpit now and then. This week, we have two more who have given positive answers. This is almost like our Shepherds work, when I scheduled meeting for us.  I enjoy it.  Thanks for praying.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


1 Thessalonians 5:11 
Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

A special command to each believer today; God intends that we obey it right now,
Do what He says, and help somebody today; make this a regular and faithful vow.
An interesting thing happens when you do things God's way; Two benefit from it,
You and the person you help are the ones who are blessed; this you must admit. 
When you edify your brother or sister, something very special happens to them,
They are comforted and encouraged greatly and for anybody this is a priceless gem. (RP)

The first Wednesday of each month our good friend Armond Daws, along with his daughter Linda, and son-in-law Carl, take us to dinner at Anthony's. Char, Armond's former neighbor in Ferndale, is also invited. The fellowship and food were great. And Linda gave us a lot of canned items from their garden. We are blessed. Today is the famous "hair and prayer" day and we look forward to it. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


2 Thessalonians 3:3 
But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.

I am glad that in a sinful world there is someone upon whom we can depend,
This person is Jesus, and with my heart I can say about Him; I fully recommend.
God's faithfulness establishes us and keeps us in a very wonderful, secure place,
And because He loves us with everlasting love, we are kept in his strong embrace. (RP)

Last night 7 team members boarded a plane for their trip to Peru. They will be serving there for a few days and return the 20th. Five of them are from our church and two from a church in Bellingham. Fivos M. is a missionary in Alto Peru, and we support him. He will be anxious to have the team their a few days for support and help. Please pray for the team. Thanks.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Matthew 7:7 
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Persistence in prayer is a must for us; Jesus insist on this,
If we do not listen to his wise command; blessing we will miss.
Learning to pray is a patient thing; each step brings more peace,
With each prayer comes more blessings, and they always increase.
Keep knocking at the door of prayer, because God promises more,
Each time He answers you, He is apt to give more than he did before. (RP)

Yesterday we went to Rawlie and Gina's Ferndale place for a picnic. The wind was strong so they sheltered us inside. It was nice and very thoughtful of them. There were many people present but it was outside and just too windy for Margie. Rawlie, Gina and Nathan and David spent some time visiting with us which we appreciated. We did not stay long, so they could mingle with the guests and visit. We had a great time though and the food was delicious. Margie made her famous salad, that is always a hit. Thanks for your prayers. I will spend 4 hours at our church today to help in anyway I can. Another elder and I take turns on this. 

Monday, July 4, 2016


But thanks be to God,who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Cor 15:57

Victory -freedom-peace and such things, are what folks are looking for,
They're looking intently all in the wrong place and what they get is war.
Oh that mankind to Jesus would look, finding peace for their troubled souls,
And soon they would know how much they have gained for Jesus truly consoles.(RP)

We had a wonderful day yesterday when Rawlie and his family took us to a restaurant to celebrate a belated Father's Day time. It was great. Then they came to our house for dessert Margie had prepared. Today we go to their Ferndale place for picnic and fellowship. We hope the weather cooperates. Margie is preparing something for that also. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, July 3, 2016


John 1:11-12 11 
He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.

When Jesus came to the Jews, He was not received by them.
And because of this rejection, all He could do was condemn.
But when Jesus is received, eternal life to them He imparts,
They become children of God, receiving cleansed, pure hearts. (RP)

Our son invited us to join his family at the restaurant today. He said it is to celebrate Father's Day. He and his family were camping on Father's Day, so now they want to treat me to a meal.  This afternoon we will meet them for this fun time. They are also going to attend church with us this morning. Thanks for your prayers. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016


My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

Sometimes we are at the end of our resources; we are desperate indeed,
In our turmoil and weakness we really admit that we have a definite need.
Our flesh is weak, our hearts seem to fail, and we are at the end of our rope,
And it is then God speaks sweetly to our souls, that in Him there is hope.
We know God gives the strength we need, and He is our portion forever,
We thank Him from the bottom of our hearts; His love He will not sever. (RP)

There is one thing that is sure. Margie & I note that there are not many dull moments in life.  Some do not agree, but we always seem to have plenty going on. And we are thankful that at our age we can still keep going on. We don't take these things for granted. We thank God for the ability to keep on serving, even if in a small way. One thing seniors can do is pray. What a ministry this is. We pray you have a good day. And we thank you for your prayers.

Friday, July 1, 2016


Matthew 7:12 
Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Way down deep in the heart of man is the knowledge that good should be done,
But sometimes our old pride gets a hold on us, and we are back to square one.
We can learn today that to be treated well, we should start and treat others right,
And we are sure things will go better from that moment on, as we walk in His light.
Jesus said that when we conduct ourselves this way, we are walking in His will, 
It is obvious to all that we belong to Him and our hearts he will continually fill.  (RP)

Yesterday I started working ahead for the Bible class that starts in September. I must stay ahead with study work sheets in advance so we don't have that rush at the last minute. It was enjoyable to work on the next chapter (39) Genesis.  Today I will also do some sermon preparation, to be prepared ahead of time. We trust you all have a good day. Thanks for praying.