Thursday, March 31, 2016


For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light. Ephesians 5:8

Our history is dark and we were hopeless indeed,
Lost and undone, and destined not to succeed.
Then we met Jesus,trusted him, and now are saved,
We were forgiven, and in His book our names engraved.
We are light in the Lord, and we should always walk this way,
Until Jesus takes us home, let us always put Him on display(RP)

By the thermometer and sunshine, we admit that summer is here. It is not as hot as other parts of the country, but it is delightful. Now I must get some flowers for our front yard. We take Margie to the hairdresser this morning, do some shopping, then we attend prayer meeting this afternoon. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God.I Corinthians 6:20

God paid a great price for redemption, the blood of His only Son, 
Jesus did all this on Calvary; and there the sin's battle was won.
We glorify Christ in our body, giving thanks for all that He did,
With our spirit we have fellowship sweet, and from Him nothing is hid(RP)

We are still very pleased with the washing machine we found Online at the Craigslist site. Travis, from whom we purchased it, delivered it to our house in his pickup. We appreciated this so much and our son, installed it, which was another blessing. The old plumbing needed updating and Rawlie did this for us. I attended an elder meeting last night. Today we are washing clothes, and I will finish up all the printing needed for our Friday class. Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Galatians 5:14 
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Some live by the letter of the law; others are not so inclined,
When all the facts are in, it is true many people are blind.
God's Word is right here, but some are not willing to see,
Just look at it, see for yourself, then I think we all agree.
If I just start today, and love my neighbor as I love myself,
All will be well because we are fulfilling God's law itself.(RP)

At the moment we are ahead in some of our projects we are working on. I was able to write another study lesson for a future Genesis class yesterday, and almost complete my studies for Friday's class. I sent off lessons to absent class members so if they come Friday, they have the material needed for the lesson. Margie cleaned one bathroom and I worked on another. Today she is going to try her hand at making some soup. That sounds good. I mowed the front and side lawn Saturday, but Margie is still not at peace about my continuing it. I know she is fearful it will be too hard on me. Maybe she thinks it is too much walking for an old man. I also know she fears because at this point I am her only caregiver. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, March 28, 2016


Psalms 7:1O 
LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me.

Lord, it seems like people are after me; help me I pray,
I take refuge in You, and I am sure You will help me today.
As I draw close to You, I know you will deliver me for sure,
Because only in You can I really know that I am safe and secure.(RP

Resurrection Sunday was a blessing at our church. We did not attend the breakfast but reports were favorable about it. During and after the breakfast, young people in our church provided special piano numbers. It was very nice. We had a leisurely afternoon at home. In the evening I tried to Skype my brother in Singapore, but he was not in his office at the time. Then I tried Siang and she answered.  We are still amazed at this free service which brings in voices as if they were sitting in our room with us. How wonderful. We trust you all have a gret day.  Thanks for praying.

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.Revelation 2:10

Faithfulness is important to God; He takes note of it in our lives,
And all should strive to be disciplined in this, hoping he survives.
When God's report of our faithfulness is in, we all will get a grade,
And I trust that we will be constant, so that we will not be afraid.
So faithfully run the course in this age-old battle and strife,
If you have been consistent, you will receive the crown of life.(RP)

We wonder how many people around the country will be in church today. This is such an important day for Christians. Without Christ's resurrection, the message of the gospel is meaningless. Thank God He did rise from the dead and this is the message we believe, preach, and teach. We trust this will be a great day for each of you. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016


In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. Ephesians 1:7

Jesus' blood redeems us, because through it redemption comes,
The world is invited to receive Him, and we pray no one shuns.
Salvation brings forgiveness, and all this because of His grace,
And the message is for all, every tongue, tribe, and every race. (RP)

Last night we attended the Good Friday service at our church.  Not many people came, but it was a good evening of music, message, and communion. We appreciated seeing friends who are visiting in Ferndale. We also visited with Helen Steele who has been to Peru recently laying the groundwork for a team to go help missionary Fivos M.  in July. We just got off the phone with our son. We always enjoy that visit. We trust you have a great day.  Thanks for praying.

Friday, March 25, 2016


Jeremiah 29:13 
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

God tells us how we find Him as we search from day today,
When we search with all our heart we find Him without delay.
He is looking and longing for those who seek Him in the way.
And those who find Him truly say, what joy it is to talk and pray.
Come to Him without delay and at His feet your burden lay,
And quickly tell others what you have done; it really does pay.(RP)

What an important day.  Lord willing we will teach the Bible class at 10 this morning.  Tonight we will attend the evening service at our church. It will be a special time we know, as we hear a Bible message and reflect on all that we have in Christ. We trust this will be a special day for you also. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Behold, I stand at the door and knock.If anyone hears My voice and opens the door,I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
Revelation 3:20

Jesus stands at the door of your life, desiring to come in right now,
If you answer His call and invite Him in, your life He will richly endow.
Hear His voice today and talk to Him, and blessings will flow your way,
And you will know as soon as He comes in, that things will be okay.
He wants to have fellowship with you right now, so please do not delay,
Time spent in communion with Him, is something you will never give away.(RP)

Yesterday was the first time we really did a full test run on the washing machine we got last week. We were pleased with how it worked. It did a good job. We are pleased.  Washday is always plenty busy, but we are glad we can do it.  Margie does a lot too and we are thankful she wants to help, and can. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Proverbs 3:5-6 
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

We sometimes stop and ask God what we should do,
He takes pleasure in this, because for some this is new.
When we trust in Him, and stop trying to figure things out, 
We lay our concerns on Him without a worry or a doubt.
Learning to recognize Him in every thing we do,
Is sure proof that our loving Lord will see us through.
When God directs our path, we are blessed in many ways,
He takes pleasure always when the humblest Christian prays.(RP)

One never knows what a day may bring us. Margie called her allergist's office to inquire why she had not received the special drops yet. Later they returned the call saying the credit card information was rejected. We wondered why, because the same card has paid for many doses of that medication. Well, we found out what was wrong. They copied the wrong expiration date. Margie asked the technician there to send her drops with her good friend who was being tested yesterday. She said, okay. So last night at 7:15 we left Ferndale and drove to S. Mt. Vernon to the Thomason's home, received the medication and headed back home, arriving at 9:05.  We thanked the Lord for a safe trip. Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


John 8:12 
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying,I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.

Mankind walks in spiritual darkness; without Christ there is no hope,
No help in sight, lost and undone, the sinner simply cannot cope.
Jesus is the light of the world and calls for people to walk in His light,
Those who follow will have the light of life and this is a special delight.(RP)

For a long time, a fellow retired missionary and I, meet at church with the pastor for prayer. We appreciate being able to help him with his concerns and those of our church.  That is a Tuesday morning regular. Yesterday Margie did her regular cleaning chore, and I did a little also. We are pleased to have a ministry of prayer with people. Three times yesterday, we had prayer with folks on the phone who had some urgent requests. Margie considers this one way she can serve also in our senior years. And as always, thanks for praying for us.  

Monday, March 21, 2016


Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. 
Ephesians 5:25

You may wonder how much you are to love your mate, Jesus tells you here,
I hope that you all will pay attention; there is really something for your to hear. 
Jesus expects us to love just as He loved the church; He died for it,
So in your quest to love as Jesus loved, please listen and never quit.(RP)

We had a good day yesterday. Our son left in the morning to join his family at their church. We attended ours, in the morning, and at night. Today Margie is cleaning. I am too. I will soon start working in the kitchen. My goal is to bake 8 stuffed green peppers this morning. If time allows, I will continue on Genesis studies getting ready for this Friday's class. The Ferndale Senior Activity Center is open on
Good Friday, so we will have a class. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Psalm 120:1 
In my distress I cried to the Lord, And He heard me.

When you get to the end of the rope; there is something better ahead,
In distress go to Him, my friend, and before him your problem spread. 
He is willing to hear you, and patiently waits with love for you to pray,
Talk to Him about your woes, He will definitely answer without delay.(RP)

Rawlie came yesterday to hook up the washing machine. It turned out to be a project deluxe. Old plumbing methods required some upgrades, and the process took quite awhile, plus a trip to the hardware store. Finally it was done and we are so grateful for his help. He goes back home this morning to attend church with his family in Stanwood.  We will be in our church, Lord willing, in a few hours also. Trust your day goes well. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016


As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. 
Revelation 3:19

As a faithful Father, God deals with us as He should,
And perhaps because of this He is misunderstood.
But He rebukes and chastens us because of His love,
And this is all a reflection of His Father up above. 
Let us thank Him now that He cares so much for us,
Because of this we are blessed and we are in the plus (RP)

For a long time I have wanted to clean our garage. Time moves on and I never got it done. Things accumulate, the passageway narrows, and on and on the story goes.  Yesterday I finally decided to tackle the unsightly mess.  About 3 hours later it looked more like civilized people live at this address. Maybe 3 more times from now, it will finally pass my approval. Our son Rawlie comes today to hook up the washing machine we got Wednesday. The reason he is coming is because we must install two new faucets for the hot and cold water. One had corroded beyond repair.  We will be glad when that hook up is complete. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, March 18, 2016


Psalms 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

People believe in all kinds of things; some are ridiculous indeed,
Each has his likes, and they campaign for each to succeed.
No matter what one trusts in life, there is only one secure thing,
The Lord our God is supreme; devotion to Him we should bring.
Don't trust in things that can let you down, and leave you in dismay,
Trust Jesus as your Savior today and your sins he will wipe away. (RP)

I purchased two faucets for the washing machine we got two days ago. Our son called and said he would be here tomorrow to help install it. That is a relief. I appreciate his help.  We had a full day yesterday, and today will not have as much. We just look forward to the Bible class this morning. We trust you all have a good day also. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.

Words are as cheap as dirt; each one can be harsh or sweet,
Some use them for gaining friends; other use them for deceit.
How wonderful to hear a pleasant word; It is music to our ears,
Those who use them are truly blessed; we give them cheers.
Like honey they are sweet to hear, and certainly they give health,
And those who speak this way have much more than wealth.(RP)

Our washing machine died yesterday just as I was doing the next to the last bunch of clothes. I wrung them out by hand and got them dried and started looking for another machine. My brother Harold in Anchorage was also on Craigslist looking. I found one in Ferndale, right here, for less than $100.00. When the owner answered my email by phone, I went to his house to see the machine. He and I loaded it onto his truck and he followed me home. Now all I have to do is install the new one and get rid of the old one. That will happen probably Friday afternoon, the only time slot I have available right now. So we never know what a day may bring us. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. Job 23:12

What wisdom we see in these words today; how great is this word for us,
All who seek to hear God's Word, have assurance of a very good plus.
What a treasure God's Word is for us each day; it is refreshing all the way,
And all who love this book divine, will be blessed every single day.(RP)

What title can we give to Wednesday. It is the day of showers, washing, ironing, and a few other things. We are into it right now. The washing machine is going strong and will for the good part of this morning. I also write the prayer sheet for our church today. It requires going through emails to reduce long requests to few words so they fit on the sheet. Today is beautiful. The sunshine is strong and the weather agreeable. Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Proverbs 26:11 
As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly.

Some call is disgusting, but God says it the way it is,
A fool knows very well that the description is his.
How gruesome the story of the dog given here,
But the story of fools is so true and very clear.
God can cure a fool of his folly right now,
Trust in Jesus and at His feet humbly bow.(RP)

Yesterday Margie did some cleaning, and I helped a little. (Emphasis on little). I also worked on and finished another study sheet for the book of Genesis to be handed out at Friday's class.  In past days I tried to keep 5 lessons ahead, but I have fallen behind. I must get busy. Margie needs some vitamin supplements so we will be going into town sometime this morning. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, March 14, 2016


Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

God's thoughts of us are warm today, as He thinks of you and me,
He thinks no evil, but only peace, as He gives this sweet decree.
He has a plan for each of us and will move us gently along,
And by His grace our hope is sure because to Him we belong.(RP)

Yesterday we visited our son and his family at their church then had lunch with them. After a nice visit, we left, because we knew the weather forecast about high winds. Sure enough, before we left they were already in Stanwood. On the way home only twice did the wind "move" us into the next lane. Then at home the garage door did not open because there was no power. Fortunately I had keys to the front door and then to the garage to disengage the power tram and manually lift the "monster" garage door. After that I got the generator going, and went to gas station for more fuel. By the time I got home the power was back on. That's amazing because some customers last week were in the black over 3 days. When things normalized at home, we had a good Skype visit with my brother Harold.  Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016


O LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who persecute me.Psalms 7:1

In days of turmoil and strife, it is comforting to know someone cares,
Someone who listens at all times to believers who make these prayers,
God is a refuge strong, for those who seek help in His mighty love,
Because they know He is with them, helping them from above. 
Christians have those who pursue them, trying to upset their day,
But God is their strong tower, giving relief as they walk in His way.(RP)

We plan on being with our family today and fellowship in their church. We are looking forward to this. High winds are predicted for later this afternoon so we hope to be home before they arrive. Margie prepared some goodies for our lunch together with the family. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


And let us not grow weary while doing good,for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9

We are prone at times to call it quits, and forget what we had planned,
But I am sure there's more to this, it seems we don't fully understand.
We get tired, but not OF the work; our bodies and minds feel the grind,
But thank God we all shall reap if we do not lose heart and get behind.
Don't lose heart, fellow Christian; stand tall in the battle we must fight,
And your faithfulness will certainly pay off, when we always do the right.(RP)

More wind is forecast for today and in fact it is already here. More is predicted for tomorrow. We are supposed to attend Rawlie and Gina's church service tomorrow. We pray the road conditions will allow that. It was nice getting back into our Friday Bible study yesterday. We had a pretty good attendance, but some are ill. We have a brunch to attend this morning, so will leave shortly for that. Trust you all have a good day. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, March 11, 2016


I am the Lord, who heals you. 
Exodus 15:26

Medicine, hospitals doctors and nurses, are here to help us all,
And thank God for them as they serve mankind, whether the great or small.
God tells us plainly in His Word about healing, and we should hear,
He's our Healer and we thank Him for this as He takes away our fear.(RP)

Starting Wednesday night, our county was hit with a terrific wind storm. On the mountain (Mt. Baker) winds were clocked at 108 mph.  Here gusts reached 67 regularly and another report gave 80 mph winds in the area. Thousands were out of power and still are. Our lights went out for 5 minutes only, last night while we were watching the debate. We had two appointments yesterday but the wind did not hinder going to them. But the grocery stores and drug stores were closed and many street lights off. It was really a good day to stay home. Just a word as I finish this blog today. Thanks Harold for the most encouraging correspondence. We deeply appreciate it. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

How true are the words of Solomon; he was the wisest of them all,
He knew how people thought and felt, no matter how great or small.
Soft answers turn away wrath; this is how we should always speak,
Remember also what Jesus said about when to turn the other cheek.
Those who speak harshly are warned: troublemakers they really are, 
And those who have spoken to others this way: they have gone too far.(RP)

For a long time I have not done the lawn mowing. Margie was fearful it would be too hard on me. Some of our regular support has terminated now, so we want to cut some corners. As former missionaries we expect this, because it happens all the time. So I sent the trimmer and Honda lawnmower to be serviced. In a couple of weeks I will start doing the lawn again. Our nice friend, Miguel, mowed yesterday and would not accept all the money I gave him. I can tell he really wants to continue. I told him if I have trouble, I will call him.  Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray. 
Matthew 19:13

Jesus loves children, of this there is do doubt,
He cares for them, because they are so devout.
In Bible times Jesus laid hands on them to pray,
And about their trust in Him had very much to say.
If our trust could be like a child, that is very good, And I pray it will be; it would not be misunderstood.(RP)

More Toe Trouble is the caption on today's blog. Margie's foot was treated Monday but it still gives her unrest. It looks as if the next visit in April, the doctor will remove her toenail.  What a mess.  I feel so sorry for her. She has had so many negative health issues, but still maintains a pretty good attitude.  Yesterday she did some cooking and produced two very delicious meat and tuna casserole dishes. We enjoyed the tuna last night.  Thanks for praying.(RP)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.Revelation 21:8

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out some things,
God says it plainly, and for some these words sorrow brings.
Those who practice the things in this verse are forever lost,
And if you ask me, I will tell you, that it surely is a high cost.
If you have not trusted Jesus, I beg you please do it right now,
And receive Him as your personal Savior, and at his feet bow.(RP)

We are amazed at how there are no dull moments. Margie's ingrown toenail bothered her "again". This is the 3rd or 4th time. I called and there was an opening at 1 pm. The doctor trimmed more of the toenail, and said next time she will probably have her nail removed which would result in two weeks of a very sore toe. We do not look forward to "that" but she does look forward to eventual relief of severe pain she has in that toe. Today we will try to get back into some sort of regular schedule. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, March 7, 2016


God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed.
Psalm 46:1-2  

In a world filled with sin and things in a mess, we wonder if there is hope,
Is there an answer for the troubles around us, can people really cope?
Thank God He's the answer, because He's our refuge and strength,
He is always present in trouble, and to help us He will go to any length.
Trust Him as your Savior, and you will know His help is always near,
And because of this no matter what, you never need to fear.(RP)

We had a good day at church yesterday. Sunday School, then morning worship. Last night we returned for the evening meeting. Today we start the regular chores of the week, coupled with the ministry opportunities. We are following the primaries and caucuses around the country with much prayer for the right person to be chosen.  I called our friend to come mow the lawn, then when our machines are returned from being refurbished, I will endeavor to do the lawn mowing. We figured we should to economize as much as possible. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Matthew 6:15 
But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Forgiveness seems hard for so many; grudges are easy to hold,
Instruction is plainly given by God what to do; in this verse we are told. 
So forgive when it is the right thing to do; don't hesitate to make this move,
For God sees your heart and understands well; of this action He does approve.(RP)

Last night we attended the Spring Banquet at our church. The room was full and the food delicious, prepared by Kathy Golay and her helpers. Glenn, her husband was there also and in charge of serving and clean up. The young people served. It was a lovely evening. Pastor Scott Lidbeck spoke, and his wife and daughter (who is our church secretary) played a piano/violin duet which was beautiful. Then Pastor Scott gave a very nice message. It was a lovely evening and we are thankful we could be there. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 
Revelation 2:4

How sad when Christians lose their love and spiritually are cold,
No longer do they testify and for Christ they are no longer bold. 
How tragic that Christ looks and declares they are so very weak,
If you are in this group, I pray you will repent and His face seek.(RP)

Yesterday we were blessed by being able to help the Tiesinga family with the memorial service for Jim. We praise the Lord that at least one person registered a desire to receive Jesus as Savior during the invitation given at the service. There may have been others who did not raise hands. We were also pleased with the Bible class taught by Tom Knight. It went well and we know he did a good job. We are grateful for his assistance. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, March 4, 2016


Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John though Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His disciples,He left Judea and departed again to Galilee. But He needed to go through Samaria.
John 4:1-4

Jesus walked in obedience to the Father, so to Samaria he NEEDED to go,
What a display of surrender was shown as He faithfully walked here below.
Are we living close to the Lord, desiring always to do His will?
I pray we all are. so the joy will be ours as we obediently His commands fulfill.(RP)

This is a first for me. I have always taught the Friday Bible class. Today, however, I cannot because I have a funeral. Tom Knight graciously accepted my invitation for him to teach the class. I will miss the class but am so thankful Tom will teach. I will conduct the funeral of Jim Tiesinga, a long time friend of our family. Last evening we attended the visitation and spoke to the family and had prayer. Thank you for praying for us. We appreciate it greatly.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


John 8:29 
And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him. 

The Father sent the Son, and was with Him all the way,
He never left Him lonely for He was with Him every day.
He did what we cannot do, and that is to please Him in every way.
We may not achieve this goal, but at least the right attitude display.(RP)

As we look at today's schedule, there seems to be plenty to keep us busy. This morning Margie will have her hair done, and in the afternoon is prayer meeting. We leave there and go to Lynden, WA to be with Mae Rose Tiesinga and her family at the Visitation time for her husband, Jim Tiesinga.  The service will be tomorrow. We are supposed to have high winds and rain also which may complicate our travel to Lynden. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Matthew 18:3  Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

The faith of children is a delight, because they believe what they hear,
When Jesus is presented to them, they receive Him and are sincere.
Jesus instructed the crowds that their faith needed to be the same,
When they hear about Jesus, to be saved they must believe in His name.(RP)

This is wash day for us. I do that, and Margie folds and irons. It keeps us busy part of the day at least. We still have a supper tonight. I also will be working on the prayer sheet for our afternoon prayer meeting tomorrow and it will be a bulletin insert Sunday. I am ready for the Friday funeral.  I also gave all the material to a friend who will teach the Bible class Friday.  Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Proverbs 14:12 
There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

The world is deceived about spiritual things, and think they are doing right,
When life's journey is over and they pass away, many will be very uptight.
They thought things were right; they were wrong, and now they are lost,
And forever they spend away from God, and oh what a terrible cost.
Our duty is to tell lost sinners the way, and lead them to faith in the Lord,
Fellow Christians get busy; to miss this opportunity you cannot afford.(RP)

This afternoon we go to the mission meeting at our church. It is primarily to hear missionary letters and spend time in prayer. Yesterday I was able to work over more stories for our next book. I processed about 12 and hopefully today can get more done today. Thanks for praying.