Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.Psalms 119:111
The fount of joy is the Lord Himself; he gives it to His own,
His word is our heritage, and we know we are not alone.
The statutes of God enrich us; they are food for the soul,
To hide them in our heart is our persistent and joyful goal.(RP)
Margie's regular appointment with the foot doctor was to be tomorrow, but they ache so badly we changed it to a day earlier. In fact the doctor returns from his vacation today, so this is the earliest she could get in. She will be glad when this trip is over. We plan on doing some shopping after the appointment which is at 9 AM. Yesterday was a blessing at church. Ron Buchinski, head of Bellingham Lighthouse Mission, preached. He is a member of our church. Pastor was away on vacation. This week things return to more normal, so we will be in the countdown preparation for Bible class and the book of Genesis. Thanks for praying.