Matthew 26:41
Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
It is easy to forget how weak we are; temptations are very real,
And when they come, they do so with a tantalizing appeal.
To protect ourselves, we must learn to pray; its the only way,
Watch and be alert always; this will keep you from much dismay.
Remind yourself that the devil is sharp; he knows our weakest spot,
But through Jesus and the Spirit of God, we will not be caught.(RP)
Today we are washing clothes. Margie folds them and irons some of them. I do what's left. The sun is shining beautifully, it's cooler, and we know winter is on the way. I had a nice Skype talk with my brother last night and he said it is snowing in Anchorage. When I was there, the weather was quite mild. Yesterday I made more progress on the Genesis study sheets. I do them in advance so we do not get behind.Margie had good word from her doctor yesterday at the Wound Healing Clinic that her ulcer is practically healed. He wants to see her again next week. I think that will be the last. Thanks for praying.