Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Matthew 26:41 
Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

It is easy to forget how weak we are; temptations are very real,
And when they come, they do so with a tantalizing appeal.
To protect ourselves, we must learn to pray; its the only way,
Watch and be alert always; this will keep you from much dismay.
Remind yourself that the devil is sharp; he knows our weakest spot,
But through Jesus and the Spirit of God, we will not be caught.(RP)

Today we are washing clothes. Margie folds them and irons some of them. I do what's left.  The sun is shining beautifully, it's cooler, and we know winter is on the way.  I had a nice Skype talk with my brother last night and he said it is snowing in Anchorage. When I was there, the weather was quite mild. Yesterday I made more progress on the Genesis study sheets. I do them in advance so we do not get behind.Margie had good word from her doctor yesterday at the Wound Healing Clinic that her ulcer is practically healed. He wants to see her again next week. I think that will be the last. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


James 1:5 
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

A Christian who needs wisdom can get it right away,
Make a request to God as you talk to him and pray.
Wisdom is doing things God's way, it's a mighty thing,
Come to God in prayer and to him your request bring.
He is generous in answering us; we can bank on this,
And when you do things His way, you will never miss. (RP)

Margie has two doctor appointments this morning, so we are leaving home at 7:45 to get to the first one. We think at the Wound Healing Center, that the doctor is going to release her today. It is healing very nicely. Margie is not able to put on the compression socks, so I do that. Yesterday I got two more future lesson study sheets completed for Genesis. I like to work ahead on those. I have finished with chapter 17. We are presently studying chapter 12.  Thanks for praying. 

Monday, September 28, 2015


And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 
Peter gives wise counsel here for Christians far a wide, 
Love each other as Jesus loved; that proves you're on His side.
Loving someone as Jesus loved,does precious things to you,
Faults are covered with love at once and communion with God is true.(RP)

Our long time schedule for Monday is cleaning bathrooms. Margie usually does it. Today she will do the master bedroom bathroom and I will do the other one. We work together. It is a beautiful day even though cooler. Winter is coming. Yesterday we were blessed by the ministry of Rev Clare Jewell new representative for ABWE - U.S.A. and they live in Salem, Oregon. Margie was very tired so we came home and she rested before we had our lunch. The rest of the day was leisurely, listening to or watching Christian programs on the TV. We trust you all have a good day as you read these lines. Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Galatians 6:7 
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

God's law of retribution always works; He will never be mocked,
No matter what man's answer is or what he may try to concoct.
Don't be deceived by foolish thoughts; they will lead you astray,
And the thoughts and actions sowed today will never go away.
Just level with God and confess your sin; He will forgive you now, 
You will be free from the weight of sin, and at his feet humbly bow.(RP)

We will go down the hill in an hour and a half to attend Sunday School and church service. We look forward to this. I remember so well last week where I attended church with my brother and the extended family at Change Point church in Anchorage. It was a fine service. Then in the afternoon was the placing of the urn in the crypt. followed by the memorial service at the Alaskan Heritage Memorial Chapel. I am grateful for our family who cared for Margie so I could go and also Harold's boss who provided first class round trip passage to Anchorage. The day was special and I appreciated being able to be with Harold and the rest of the family on this very special day. Thank you all who prayed for us. We appreciate it. Margie was desirous I go to help which made it easier for me, and when our family offered to care for her, the decision was easy. In fact it was our son and wife who originally offered to pay my way to Anchorage. How thankful we are for them. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015


Matthew 5:16 
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

If you want to honor Jesus by your life each day you live,
Just read this verse and learn what it says you can give.
By letting the light of our Father shine before people each day,
Is how you honor the Lord, and it is definitely the right way.
Your good works that God has ordained for you are what count,
And when done the way He wants, they really go on your account. 
So keep on glorifying your Father in heaven, by living down here for Him,
And we know this brings great dividends, and will fill your life to the brim.(RP)

I have been catching up ever since my return from Anchorage.  I think I am pretty well on schedule now. We had a good visit with my brother Harold last night via Skype. We are praying much for him as he tries to adjust to life without his Marlene. I am grateful to his boss who provided 1st class round trip passage to Anchorage. And we are grateful to our family who made it possible for me to go, by caring for Margie while I was gone. The Bible class yesterday was well attended again and we had a very good time in Genesis 12:1-9.   We thank you for your prayers. 

Friday, September 25, 2015


Beloved, do not avenge yourselves,but rather give place to wrath; for it is written,Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.
Romans 12:19

It is so easy to get upset these days with people who do us wrong,
It is nice to know one thing: that you don't have to stay that way long.
God is the one who takes our side, and earnestly fights our case,
Vengeance will be meted out to the ones who have caused disgrace.(RP)

We look forward to the Bible class this morning. It is raining, and we certainly need the moisture. Yesterday was a full day of taking Margie to the beauty shop, attending a Greek luncheon at our church for the seniors, and our regular afternoon prayer meeting. Today after the class we will hopefully spend a quiet day at home. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


James 4:14 
Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

We really do not know how long we will really be here,
Most of us agree that life is very special and so dear.
Tomorrow is so very uncertain, we all know this is so,
Just check the obituaries and then you too will know.
Life is likened to a vapor that arises out of the kettle,
Eternity is a spiritual matter that everyone should settle.
Jesus is the way to heaven; receive him for eternal life,
He forgives sin, gives eternal life and saves from much strife.(RP)

Because I was gone for two and half days on the Anchorage trip, I did not study as much. Now at home I am back into the Genesis study in a big way. What an enjoyable exercise - the study of God's Word. This morning was the day to change Margie's ulcer bandage, which we did and the wound is almost healed. We are thankful. I now have learned to put the compression socks on Margie with the greatest of ease. We have a full day today. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Matthew 5:44

If you have enemies, God tells you what to do,
You may not like it but this is not something taboo.
You must learn to treat others like Jesus would do,
And never tamper with His word, its message to undo.
Pray for those who treat you ill; bless them all anew. God will help you and you'll have blessings not a few.                                            (RP)

After Anchorage, now I must settle down into the routine we have always done. Even though the trip is not a hard one, I guess because I do not sleep on any public transportation, my 29 hours without sleep gave me a desire to catch up. I took a short nap Monday, and yesterday even shorter. I think I am getting back to normal - whatever that is. We had a GOOD report at the Wound Clinic yesterday. Margie's ulcer had diminished to half-size. Thank the Lord! He prescribed compression socks for both legs. I put them on her this morning. I have learned the knack of getting them on easily.  I treat her ulcer every other day with that magical honey they gave me. What a miracle it is.Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying;Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean;But Naaman became furious, and went away and said;Indeed, I said to myself, 'He will surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, and wave his hand over the place, and heal the leprosy.
2 Kings 5:10-11 

Naaman came seeking a cure, for his leprosy so very vile,
And was furious beyond degree and was instantly very hostile.
Elisha gave him the message, but he wanted to be cured his way,
But at last he followed God's orders and,his leprosy vanished away.
How many times have we argued with God, wanting him to bless our plan,
And then we finally discovered, that God has the best answer for man.(RP)

I arrived home yesterday before lunch. Ruth Johnson, a member of the Friday Bible class got me at the airport and brought me home. I appreciated this so much.  It was good to be back home. The trip to Anchorage was unbelievably special for me. To be able to do Marlene Poulson's memorial service was such a privilege. And to spend a little more time with my brother Harold was cherished greatly. Margie and Gina greeted me at home. Gina and Rawlie and Monique cared for Margie while I was away. We appreciate this very much. In fact, I could not have gone, if there was no one to be with Margie. They did a wonderful job of caregiving and we thank them for it. Margie prepared my favorite meal upon my arrival: Swiss steak.How delicious was that! So, I am glad to be home, but thankful for the opportunity to be with my brother a few hours this last weekend. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, September 21, 2015


Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

God, made everything beautiful, according to His plan,
And each thing He set in order, ever since the world began.
Mankind has ideas of eternity, and wants to be part of it,
But is unaware that to enter, he is really very unfit.
God's work is very complex, and men need his help for sure,
Only in Christ is one's life sufficient, then his future is secure.(RP)

I arrived home this morning before lunch. The weekend was a blessed time and I thank all who prayed for me. My sister-in-law's memorial service went well and the Lord was glorified in it. I will tell more about it tomorrow. Thanks for praying for Margie who was WELL cared for by our dear son and wife and granddaughter. We thank them so much for their labor of love. 

Friday, September 18, 2015


James 4:7
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

God's order is right, because He knows the way things should be,
Submit to Him, then life will take on new meaning; we all agree.
The devil wants us to do wrong,so please listen to God today,
Submitting to God pays off and the devil will then go away.(RP)

Until September 21 this site will be inactive. I am leaving today for Anchorage, AK to conduct the memorial service for my sister-in-law, Marlene Poulson. Please pray for Harold and all the family members who are grieving over her sudden death. The service will be at 3 pm Sunday,our time. That will be 2 pm in Anchorage. Our son Rawlie and his wife Gina are caring for Margie in my absence which I appreciate more than words can say. Please pray for Margie and them here while I am gone. Also tonight Jonathan Oliveira will be married to Katelin. I will miss this but Margie plans on going. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Psalm 5:3
My voice You shall hear in the morning,O LORD; In the morning I will direct it to You, And I will look up.

Determined to speak to the Lord each day, the Psalmist wrote his vow,
And oh how special it was for him to declare just when and how.
He desired to pray in the morning, and start his day just right,
Doing it this way was routine which gave him perfect delight.
The focal point of his morning was God, as he looked to Him above,
And all through the day he was aware of one thing; his heavenly Father's love.(RP)

Margie's doctor at the Wound Healing Clinic order ed compression socks for her. We got them but had a terrible time getting them on. We remember years ago going through this but unfortunately we forgot the technique. We went to a medical supply company where we have purchased things before, and the kind lady showed us how to put them on Margie. The ones we were using were really not the best so we purchased another pair there. This morning it was my turn to "install" them. It went well. We have to treat her wound each day before we put the socks on. It is a process but now we know. While I am gone to Anchorage perhaps Gina can help her with them. Today is hair and prayer day and we look forward to it. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife. Proverbs 17:1

A quiet home is a gift from God; those who don't have it wish they did,
A strife-filled home is a sad thing indeed, and it shows it is on a skid.
It's much better to have less to eat, and a home controlled by peace,
Than to be in home where strife rules the day and maybe all are obese.
God gives gifts to those who put Him first, and what a joy this can bring,
And in this house there is harmony, and the occupants play and sing.(RP)

Yesterday at the Wound Healing Center, the doctor put us on a different schedule for dressing Margie's ulcer wound. I got some compression hose for her - believe it or not - at the AAA, auto insurance store next door to the clinic. We will dress the wound each day and only remove the compression hose at night. We hope and pray the wound will heal better this way. I am preparing for the Anchorage trip. I noticed that we sold most of our suitcases in the garage sale, so I will have to borrow one somewhere. I am sure we did not expect to be traveling again. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 14:11

God knows how to handle each one no matter what they do,
The proud ones He can humble now; He's never in a stew.
Wise ones will do what's right, and be humble like they should.
But foolish people will be proud, and will wish they had been good. (RP)

This morning Margie goes to the Wound Healing Center. We are thankful such a place exists. We had never heard its name before Margie was referred to it. It really knows how to take care of these wounds. We are still concerned about it and think it does not look good. Last week we thought the same and the doctor told us it was getting smaller.  Good news.  Thanks for praying.

Monday, September 14, 2015


The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us . . . . 2 Peter 3:9a

The Lord has given us promises galore; all of them are in the Book,
We should often open it, and examine things well, taking a closer look.
God takes pleasure in making these vows; He never slacks at all,
He always does His best for us, and does this no matter what may befall.
I am so glad He is patient with us and time seems no problem with Him,
Some may mock and think God does not care: the chances of this are slim.(RP)

We are happy for modern technology that provides such great communication possibilities with family. Last night we had a very nice visit with Siang in Singapore via Skype. Later my brother Harold called and we were able to resolve several matters concerning the memorial service for Marlene. This week we will be in countdown mode for that trip to Anchorage and we appreciate greatly the prayers of all as I go.  Today Margie has another doctor appointment in the afternoon. We will be doing a minimal amount of shopping also while we are in town. Thanks so much for your prayers,

Sunday, September 13, 2015


For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. Romans 14:8

For believers in Jesus the end of the story is always a delight,
We are saved by grace and secure in Him and all is bright.
If we die, we belong to Him, and will go to be with the Lord,
And this fact is so wonderful to hear, and it cannot be ignored.
So if we live or die it matters not, because we belong to Him,
And with a hope like this the light is bright and will not dim. (RP)

For many years I have enjoyed the preaching and teaching of the Bible. This morning I have another opportunity to teach our Sunday School class. I look forward to it.  Yesterday I spent more time getting ready for that. We also are in the countdown for my trip to Anchorage to help my brother Harold and the memorial service for his wife Marlene. I am trying to remember all the necessary things I need to do so that Margie will be okay while I am gone. Thankfully our son and his wife will be here for that. We are thankful. We trust you all have a great day. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Being confident of this very thing,that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.Philippians 1:6

God is not finished with you dear Christian; there is much He wants to do,
Salvation is a great part of your life, but there is more He wants to do for you.
Every day we live, His Word teaches, guides and trains our seeking heart,
The more we do this the better it gets, and from this habit we will not depart.
The years come and go, and we grow in Him, and God's work never stops,
God promises that He'll keep working on us and we know His work is tops.(RP)

Today I plan on preparing some peppers for future meals by stuffing and baking them. I am trying to think of everything I need to do in preparation for the trip to Anchorage. My brother Harold sent the passage information to me last night and we talked on Skype concerning the particulars of it.  Margie had a good night, for which we are thankful. She will be making some phone calls which is part of her ministry on week ends. I teach a Sunday School class at our church tomorrow and am studying for it today also. Thanks for your prayers.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Psalm 30:4 
Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His, And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name.

Christians may think there is nothing to do; but at least we all can sing,
How wonderful to praise Him with our song, and to Him our love bring. 
Practice your praises today,my friend, and let Him hear your voice,
You will learn after a concert or two, that you made the right choice.
Remembering His name is what He desires; why not start today,
You will be satisfied and joyful, I am sure, all along the way.
Sing praises to Him and give thanks, and you never will be the same,
Because you have humbled yourself before Him remembering His name.(RP)

We all remember that awful day - 9-11. Many remembrances are going out over our land today about that dreadful day. The radio and TV has plenty to say about it.  Yesterday we had prayer meeting at church and then we went to Lynden to put a couple of items in at the cleaners, in preparation for our trip to Anchorage next week.  We look forward this morning to the Bible class at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. 29 were there last week and we expect more today. Thanks for your prayers.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Mark 1:35 
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

Jesus set the example for us in prayer,
This life He displayed was without compare,
Early each morning in a solitary place He prayed,
In this quiet place a long time He probably stayed.
The custom of prayer is a great lesson for me, 
And to be a person of prayer I want to be.
I also should daily want to meet Him in prayer,
And each day be sure I really meet Him there.
Why not start right now and give Him part of your day, 
You can be sure He will help you each step of your way.(RP)

Yesterday Margie did some baking, preparing meals for us. The casseroles are delicious. Now I should take my turn and get some green peppers stuffed and ready for us.  I was in contact with my brother Harold relative to my trip to Anchorage to conduct his wife's memorial service. I haven't traveled for a long time by air so had some questions relative to luggage, etc. Thanks so much for your prayers. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29

God tells us many things in the Bible, His holy Book,
Many fail to see these things because they do not look.
He does have some secrets that are hidden from us,
Don't worry about this things or make a great big fuss.
The things God wants from us are written in these pages,
Some we do right now and others we practice in stages.
The things He has revealed are for us and our kids to obey,
So get with it dear reader and do what He commands today.(RP)

At the Wound Healing Clinic yesterday the doctor was pleased that Margie's pressure ulcer was diminishing. She will have to wear compression hose from now on to prevent this happening again. Our son called in the evening to go over some of the options for Margie's care while I am in Anchorage. We are grateful for our family's help.  Fortunately I will be able to have the Friday Bible class next week, and leave in the afternoon for Anchorage. Our thanks to all who are praying about these things. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


John 15:14 
You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.

What a joy to be called a friend of Jesus; this is healthy desire,
And for all who read these humble lines, to this you should aspire.
To be Jesus' friend, you must personally receive Him into your life,
When you do there is freedom,and usually much less strife.
Belonging to Jesus means you follow His commands,
Doing from the heart what He earnestly of you demands.
So come aboard dear friend, and begin with Jesus today,
Ask Him into your life,read His word, and then its words obey.(RP)

Yesterday more plans were made concerning the memorial service for my brother's wife, Marlene. Our daughter-in-law and son thought I should perhaps go to Anchorage and help Harold. That was so gracious of them to pay the passage. Before the day was over Harold's boss insisted on providing the passage. But our family was responsible for putting this in motion and we are grateful to them. Lord willing I will fly out of Bellingham on the 18th and return the 21st. Harold's entire family's consensus was for me to come to do the service. I am humbled by this for sure. Margie wanted me to do it also but she will have to have help in my absence. I dare not leave her alone. Our family has thoughtfully volunteered to help while I am gone. For this we are very grateful. Thanks so much for praying. This morning we take Margie to the Wound Healing Clinic for another dressing of her wound.  

Monday, September 7, 2015


Revelation 21:4
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.

Oh the joy of looking upward to our home beyond the skies,
When we see our Savior, Master, and look into His eyes.
God's handkerchief will be busy, on that blessed future day,
When with love and great compassion he will wipe our tears away.
Graveyard markers will be history cause all death has had its end,
No more pain or sorrow will touch us and eternity with Him we'll spend(RP)

I was shocked this morning when I checked text messaging on cell phone. Harold, my brother in Alaska, and I sent messages back and forth last night. He and Marlene have been ill. This morning I checked text messages and last night at 11:56 Harold advised us that Marlene was home with the Lord. Wow, we could hardly believe it.  Today I have been on the phone with him, and await further word after their family meeting this afternoon.  Please pray for Harold and Marlene's family.  Thanks for praying.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40

In a world that's very topsy-turvy, and confusion rules the day,
We should always pay attention and do everything God's way.
When things go wrong around us, stop and listen to God's Word,
You will learn from it instruction like nothing you've ever heard.
He takes no pleasure in confusion,warfare and selfish acts,
So learn to do things His way, and then you can daily relax.(RP)

This morning at church we will hear a report from our good friends Larry and Rose Ann Thornburg, veteran missionaries to Spain. Our church has supported them for many years. During the morning service we will also hear from our pastor who just returned from Asia where he taught classes in Biblical counseling. Also today we hear from Catherine Russell who just returned from Thailand where she has served a year. We look forward to these presentations. We were blessed by having our son here these two days.  Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Dear friends, do not believe every spirit,but test the spirits to see whether they are from God,because many false prophets have gone out into the world.1 John 4:1

False prophets abound in our world today, deceiving as many as they can,
And if possible they would reach everywhere, and drag men to their evil clan.
We are not to be gullible, but try these evil ones to discern they are not from God,
Don't listen to their lies; get away and don't get caught by their firing squad.(RP)

It was a very busy day for us yesterday. The Bible class members came and we had a good time in Genesis 9.  There were two new ones and we were happy to have them. I usually like to "take it easy" after the class, but Margie had a very important test at the Cardio-Vascular unit in Bellingham to check the circulation in her legs. That took almost 2 hours. The Lord was good by letting me stay with Margie during this procedure and by doing so we were able to minister to the technician spiritually. What a blessing. He was appreciative and so were we.  Then, because this place had removed the bandage from Margie's wound (pressure ulcer), we had made an appointment at the Wound Healing Center to have that replaced.  In doing so the nurse who cared for Margie turned out to be a former missionary and her dad was the former pastor of the church Margie's sister attended years ago.  They knew one another well. What a great afternoon that was. It was like icing on the cake for us after a very busy day.  Thanks for praying. 

Friday, September 4, 2015


For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

When we are saved God expects us to work,
It is written in His word and we should not shirk.
He made us beautiful and has a job for us to do,
So work for Him with enthusiasm and be true.
This work He prepared long ago, so don't delay,
Keep on doing it very faithfully from day to day. 

We are pleased because the Bible class starts this morning. We wonder how many will remember that this is the day. We have received e-mails and comments from some of the class members. They are glad it will begin today.  Margie has further medical appointments even today about which I will talk in tomorrow's blog. It is definitely cooler, and we know fall is on its way. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Sometimes we are prone to think that God is not thinking of me, 
Why are things happening to me, and is this is the way it has to be?
Just remember dear friend that God is sovereign and controls all,
And we may think He's forgotten us or we are against a hard wall.
But now we know that in marvelous ways He works His will for us,
And for this reason we should always decide to never fret or fuss.
We are the target of His love and His leading is always right,
So rest in Him and let Him lead and just watch Him with delight.(RP)

On our way to meet friends for dinner in Bellingham we encountered near our home a downpour deluxe. I don't know when we have experienced a rain like that. And as we drove to Bellingham the streaks of lightning were spectacular, along with the accompanying thunder. We were pleased that in Bellingham the rain stopped and we were able to get inside without getting wet. The same thing happened as we left. It was a good day. Margie got a permanent and looks real nice. I got some printing of material done for the Friday Bible class. Today there is a bright sunshine and our only commitment so far is prayer meeting in the afternoon.  Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Proverbs 12:26 
The righteous should choose his friends carefully,for the way of the wicked leads them astray.

Great is the heritage of friends; they help us in many ways,
So don't ever get caught with the wicked; he really betrays,
Always take care in picking your friends; it always pays.
Another plus is that God takes pleasure in the one who obeys.(RP)

Yesterday's heavy appointment day went well. At the wound clinic, they assured Margie that the pressure ulcer they are treating has no cancer. This is a blessing. They want her to have a special artery and vein scan in her one leg (which is more swollen) to be sure all is well in her circulation. We are awaiting word about that appointment. She also got a positive report from the retina specialist that there was less water in her eye problem. She had another shot in the right eye and she sees him again in 8 weeks. We also attended the monthly missionary meeting at church and heard from Catherine Russell about her year in Thailand. This morning I take Margie to have a permanent. I am in the process now of doing the weekly washing of clothes.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


James 4:7 
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

God's guide for living healthy lives in the spiritual realm,
Is when we let go and let Him take control of our helm.
Submitting to His control is the best thing one can do,
You will be blessed when you always His will pursue.
Resisting the devil is God-ordained, and it always works.
God blesses the obedient; sadness is for he who shirks.
Resist the devil and he will definitely flee from you,
Refreshment will come daily as you at His fountain renew. (RP)

This is a full day of appointments and meetings. We pray especially for Margie to have strength for each one. Yesterday I had my check-up at the doctors. Thankfully all is well so far. He took some blood for other lab work and will tell he how things are. But so far for the eighty-four and a half year old man, all is okay. For this we praise the Lord. No prescription drugs. I am thankful. Thanks for praying.