Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Luke 12:6-7 
Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Don't ever think you are not important; God has a message for you,
Not even transactions are overlooked by Him; look at His point of view.
He even knows how much hair is on your head, so don't be misled.
We are valuable to God, even more than the birds that fly overhead.(RP)

This morning Margie goes to the retina specialist. We are praying for a good report there. Yesterday she had her dental work, cleaning,done and will have to return to have a filling next week. The required antibiotic made her sick so she spent the rest of the day feeling punk. I was able to do research for more stories for our next book. I now have 153 chapters completed. My chapters are SMALL so that number is not all that impressive for those who are writers. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, June 29, 2015


We took sweet counsel together, And walked to the house of God in the throng.Ps 55:14

When these words were penned so long ago by King David we are sure, 
No cars were seen, just animals, that might transport the throng.
But there was joy in the hearts of His, as they walked to the house of God,
And sweet counsel ruled the day for sure, and God was the theme of their song. (RP)

Here we go with another warm week. This morning it is delightful but by afternoon we will be glad to have the coolers functioning. Yesterday was a blessed day at church and home. Part of our family was here and it was enjoyable visiting with them.  This morning Margie has a dental appointment, mostly for cleaning (we hope). Thanks for praying.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundant.

False teachers come to destroy lives and lead them down the wrong way,
They want your money, life and death, and for this some dearly pay.
Jesus came to fix all this by giving His life for us on the tree,
And all who receive Him have forgiveness of sins; and it is free.(RP) 

The weatherman predicts a few more days of this warm weather. We are grateful for our coolers (run by water) in our house. Our bedroom was 73 degrees and the front room in our house was 81.  So sleeping was delightful with those coolers. Our son is with us for a few hours and most of his family is here also in Ferndale. They were working on the Harder estate house yesterday. They were painting and it was HOT. We look forward to church this morning. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015


Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up. 1 Corinthians 13:4

Man thinks he knows about love, but God says it best of all,
It is profound and we lack so much; our knowledge is small.
Love has unlimited patience; it is kind beyond any degree,
And when you see it in action, it is very plain for all to see.
Love never shows off in envy, nor parades itself to any,
The best thing one could desire, and its pluses are many.(RP)

To try to help with some medical expenses, I have started a website. I will leave the link below. I am still working on it so there is much to do yet.  Yesterday was a very warm day. The coolers felt good. Today will be the same. I leave now to meet our son for coffee. We look forward to the duties of today. I hope to continue writing more for our Shepherd experiences. Thanks for praying.

Friday, June 26, 2015


For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb 4:12

God's Book the Bible stand the test no matter what may come,
It's powerfully strong for any life and it makes no difference where you're from.
This living Book, this instrument strong, knows how to pierce a soul,
And all who embrace its teachings the Lord will make them whole.
This Word reads hearts and minds so well and discerns the thoughts of men,
And it will convict the sinner for sure and do it over and over again.(RP)

It was obvious yesterday that I must get the evaporative coolers cleaned and going again. It was nice to sleep with a temperature well below the warm one that registered on the thermometer at first. These water coolers are amazing and we appreciate them greatly. This morning I will go down, Lord willing, and get some plant fertilizer for our flowers and roses. I admittedly do not have a green thumb so I work on keeping them looking nice. Our grandson came for a nice visit yesterday which we appreciated. I continued yesterday also writing more stories for our upcoming book on Shepherds. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015


You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. James 4:2

The believer's never-ending confusion to want more things in life,
Lead them to do ungodly things which brings on anguish and strife.
James quickly tells us there's a reason for all these unbecoming ways,
We do not do things God's way, so we soon learn than none of it pays.
The bottom-line of James' instruction to us, is that we just do not pray,
If we did God would grant us so much, and we'd be supplied along the way.((RP)

During the summer break, I have returned to writing more for our next book. I was able to do about 5 or 6 more chapters the last two days. Long ago Margie went through our journals gathering tidbits for me to use as a basis for some of the stories. I now have 149 chapters completed. I don't know how many more I will have. Margie did some more baking yesterday for a peanut butter finger cookie.  They are good. Today on our agenda is our regular "hair and prayer" day. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


In God we boast all day long, And praise Your name forever. Psalm 44:8 

Men boast of many things these days, but only one does God allow,
He only is to be revered and all at His feet should bow.
When He is wholly worshipped from the heart, His praises will be on our lips,
And all who belong to Him will seek His help not to make any slips.(RP)

Margie is relieved after her foot appointment. The doctor trimmed her nails and said all looked well. She was so pleased especially after the intense pain the day before. We stopped at a shoe shop where we purchased shoes for our first four years in Brazil many years ago. She found what she needed. We are preparing for a very warm end of the week. I'll get out the evaporative coolers to help. During the break from our Bible class during the summer, I have resumed writing for our Shepherd's book.  I now have about 150 chapters written.  Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


2 Corinthians 12:9-10 
And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.

No matter the problems we have, God promises grace to sustain,
And all who upon Him depend, have no need for any to explain.
God's grace is our friend indeed, through the thick and thin of the fight,
We get strength from our Savior in weakness; we are held by His might.(RP)

Margie's doctor called to say the recent blood work indicated there is no serious problem with the kidneys. This was such encouraging news. She is able now to cut down on the water intake which will be a relief also. Then in the afternoon with no forewarning, her toe starting aching acutely. She has had the problem before of the ingrown toenail. We packed cotton under the nail to try to get some relief. Her foot doctor only had an opening today. I knew she couldn't go through the night this way. I took her to a walk-in clinic which is run by the Family Network, to which we belong. Amazingly, because her foot was elevated before and while talking to the doctor,the pain let up, and he said there was no visible infection or serious problem that he could see. He sent us home with instructions to soak the foot well and keep it elevated. And so far all has been well. I cancelled the foot doctor appointment for today (yesterday) but the walk-in clinic doctor said it would be wise to see him. So I left a message on the phone to try to get Margie in there today. I pray she can.  During the night she had a scary episode. She called me out of a sound sleep and said she had fallen. She was half off the bed, trying to stand up and slipped. We finally got her upright and we pray all will go well now. Thanks so much for praying. 

Monday, June 22, 2015


Romans 5:8 
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Before we knew Him, the Lord loved us all,
When we heard about Him then we did call.
He died for us but we did not know why,
We were told the story of how he came to die.
And now in Christ we are forgiven; this is great,
With these blessings,we wonder why people wait.(RP)

Yesterday was a great day for us. I was honored by our son and his family with a delicious meal after church. Margie worked all day Saturday preparing special desserts for our time here at our house after the meal. It was so special for us. We appreciate our family. In the morning at church I also enjoyed so much the privilege of teaching part of the book of Jude. The class was very cooperative and really took part in the study. Thanks always for your prayer support.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Lamentations 3:23 
They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. 

God's mercy is poured out upon us; His compassion never fails, 
We feel we do not deserve these things; 
His love He never curtails.
Every morning we see His faithfulness; it is always fresh and alive, 
Thank God we can daily trust Him, and praise Him because we survive.(RP)

Our family will treat us to lunch today at a favorite restaurant in town. Margie has already prepared the dessert for the afternoon when we get back from town. I will be teaching a Sunday School class this morning, substituting for the regular teacher who is with his family today. This is the first day of summer and to think from here on the days will get shorter. It is hard to believe how fast time passes. We trust you all have a wonderful day. Thanks for praying. We appreciate it. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1a

It is hard to fathom God's love for us; it is the greatest thing,
And words can't explain it, but believer's about it gladly sing. 
To think He would call us children is more than we can take in,
But it is all because we received Him and he forgave our sin.(RP)

Margie baked yesterday and today will do some more. She is preparing the dessert for Sunday afternoon when we return from Father's Day meal at a restaurant in Bellingham. The family will be here and it will be a nice time. Today I put the finishing touches on the Sunday School lesson for tomorrow. The weather here is fabulous and we are enjoying it. Yesterday Margie had some blood work done at the lab in the morning. The doctor is checking on her kidneys and we pray they are okay. Thank YOU for praying. 

Friday, June 19, 2015


And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.Mark 11:25

When we go to the Lord in prayer, our relationship to others should be pure.
When we fellowship with them, then our prayers are on track we are sure. 
If per chance you need to forgive any, please do it without hesitation or delay,
Then you know from our Father above that your sins will be forgive that day. 
So walk with the Lord and have all issues resolved between you and your friend,
Victory will be yours always because God is great and upon Him you can depend. (RP)

Admittedly it is strange not having a class this morning. The class is on recess until September 4.  Thankfully though, I still have things to do. I am preparing now for a Sunday School class that I will teach in a couple of days.  Margie goes to the lab this morning for some more work there. Our daughter-in-law sent a text within the hour stating she and our granddaughter will be coming by for a visit this morning. So there are no dull moments as you can see. Yesterday went well also for Margie at the beauty shop and both of us enjoying the afternoon prayer meeting at church. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Proverbs 27:1 
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

It's so easy to brag about tomorrow but we really do not know,
So my advice for each of us is that we better think and go slow.
We have no idea about our tomorrows, so just trust them to the Lord,
Letting Him guide us right and then we will surely know His great reward. (RP)

Yesterday was filled with surprises. When we got to Bellingham, Margie had forgotten her glasses to use when she was at the Low-Vision Clinic for a regular check-up. We returned to Ferndale to get them. At the eye doctor, we discovered we had the wrong glasses. Margie all along has been using them and was discouraged with her poor eyesight which was getting worse. We were told we would have to make another appointment when we had the right glasses. I know it was the Lord prompting me to look in the compartment of Margie's roller walker. In the bottom of the space I found the new case and glasses. What a revelation. All this time she thought she was using the right glasses. All she was doing was using the bi-focals for distant viewing, instead of the special reading glasses. Yesterday she also got verbal permission to increase another medication and she feels she will improve with that. Thanks so much for praying

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away.Luke 21:9

Since the beginning of time we know there have been wars,
Every one incites another, and each war opens more doors.
Jesus told us these things would be, and we need to understand,
We should not be afraid, because the end is coming, and is at hand.
Though the end may not be right away, we need to be prepared,
We have no excuse because all these things have been declared.(RP)

Thankfully Margie had a better night. It is good because she shes the low-vision eye doctor this afternoon. Her eyes have been poor the last few days, and probably because she has not felt well at all. We pray she will improve more and more. I was asked to have an adult Sunday School class next Sunday so have been studying for it.  I enjoy that. Lord willing I will teach the book of Jude. The weather is cooler and it very windy. Margie likes it cooler.  Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your word. Psalm 119:67

When God's children try to run away, He has to bring them back,
And chastisement is His measure to keep us on the chosen track.
The Lord chastises in many ways,and surely each one hurts,
And you can be sure of this: recipients get their just deserts.
Discipline is applied to those who go astray; will they return?
They will keep His word for they are always the Father's concern.(RP)

I had a tooth filled yesterday.  Margie goes for her cleaning next week. I went to Lynden to speak to a young man who with his wife is going to the mission field. He wanted to ask some questions. We met for coffee and a visit. Margie was home preparing a delicious meat loaf which we enjoyed at lunch.  She was feeling better after having been ill all last week. A fairly brisk breeze is blowing out there. Yesterday the temperature was warm for this area. Our evaporative cooler felt good.  Thanks for your prayers.

Monday, June 15, 2015


Numbers 11:9 
And when the dew fell on the camp in the night, the manna fell on it.

God marvelously supplied food for Israel in the wilderness long ago,
We read it in the Bible; there are many things about it we should know. 
How manna fell on the dew at night, was God's way of delivery to them,
And for them it was a bountiful supply, and more important than any gem.
If Israel did not gather it before the sun of the day became very hot,
This food disappeared and melted away, and for that day it was not. 
So in life, for you and me, we must pick the manna while it is there,
Otherwise we miss God's best so it is good that we are aware.(RP)

This morning I meet with a man who wants to question me about preparing for the mission field. Then in the afternoon I have a dental appointment. We made it through Sunday okay and after preaching in the morning we returned home and I got sick all of a sudden. I medicated and rested and today feel pretty washed out, but able to function. Margie, thankfully, is feeling better. She was sick all last week, so it is good to see her more animated today. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.John 1:12

The gospel is easy to understand in words so simple and plain,
Receiving Christ is the starting point for salvation to obtain.
When we believe what Jesus did and receive Him for our own,
He makes us His children because we believed, and now we are never alone.(RP)

I am honored this morning to be asked to preach in our home church. Our son is here and he will be there also. Margie is still weak, but plans on attending the service. We pray she will be okay. If not, Rawlie has offered to stay here while I am at church.  Yesterday was a fairly casual day. Our son is here so he and our grandson and I had coffee at the grocery store dining area yesterday morning.  I put the final touches on my message and did a few things around the house. We trust you all have a grand day. Thanks so much for praying. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Ps 145:18 
The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.

Near to You we want to be as we walk this earthly path,
Please help us obey Your commands and readily give You all,
Humbly we go in submission each day and learn to call upon You, 
Your grace sufficient abounds to us and we have blessings both large and small.(RP)

Yesterday Margie and I arrived at the Bible class and she got sick. Her brother, George Monroe took her home. We were so sorry it didn't work out. After the class I immediately went home to see how she was. She slept for almost 3 hours. She had lunch and just rested the remainder of the day. Later our grandson came and we had a great visit with him. Then later our son, his dad, arrived and again we had a wonderful visit. Margie was feeling better by bed time. We are so grateful her brother was here to get her home, otherwise I would have cancelled the class for the day.  Today she is doing better for which we are thankful.  Thank you for praying.

Friday, June 12, 2015


For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5

There's something important about this verse, and we will look at it now,
To think,I can commune with God above, this truth I now gladly avow.
Jesus is our contact, the One who mediates for us this wonderful way,
And when I go to Him, I can open my heart and praise Him as I pray.(RP)

Margie has been sick all week. She cancelled several important appointments. I really did not want to leave her this morning and go to Bible study. The Lord answered prayer and she announced that she was going with me. What wonderful news! I am thrilled about it. She was so very weak and I prayed that if it was the Lord's will, she could improve during the night and go with me. Thank the Lord that is what happened. We also meet Margie's siblings for lunch after the class. Margie also wants to attend that. What an answer to prayer.  Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015


As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. 
Psalm 103:12

When God saves a soul from sin, He always does it right,
You cannot find what He's forgiven, it is far away out of sight. 
He freed us when we received Him, and we have fullness of joy,
And this He'll do for anyone: men, women and yes any girl or boy. (RP)

We are pleased Margie had a good night. Yesterday was a LOW day for her. We were very concerned, but the Lord helped her. Today I take her to the hairdresser and in the afternoon we go to prayer meeting.  Yesterday there was a tragedy in our city. A driver crossed over to other side of the road and onto the sidewalk killing two teenage boys immediately and sending two others to the hospital seriously injured. The impact was so severe, that the deceased boy's shoes were removed from their feet. What a powerful lesson this is to be prepared to meet the Lord. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


1 John 3:23 
And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.

Believe in God's son is the commandment to mankind,
And with it there is nothing stern or unkind.
Christians are commanded to love one another,
And this is for all including father and mother.(RP)

Margie had me cancel her dental appointment this morning. She was very weak yesterday and knew she would not be up to that ordeal this morning. I will keep my morning appointment at the dentist. We pray she will be better when she awakens in about an hour. I put more study yesterday into the Bible class on Genesis which will have its last class for this season, Friday morning.  I too was preparing more for the message I will have Sunday at our church. Thanks so much for praying. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


1 Peter 3:8
Finally, all of you be of one mind,having compassion for one another;love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous.

What wonderful counsel is given us, in these words by Peter today,
So practical and plain and easily understood, as we walk along the way.
No one is exempt because everyone should be of one mind,
And if obeyed it is clear all who do will without a doubt be kind.
Let compassion,tenderheartedness and love, rule as you do your work,
And the end result will be peace for you, and your duty you will not shirk.(RP)

Margie lost two or three nights of rest due to a mix-up in medication. When it finally arrived she had lost so much sleep that she was exhausted. Yesterday was one of those days. Even though she did clean one of the bathrooms, she was pretty well washed up all day. As I write she is still in bed and I am glad she can rest. We cancelled the physical therapy session appointments for now. She is just too tired to do them. But here at home she faithfully does all of them, so she is not losing a whole lot.  We will have another very warm day today. The evaporative coolers help so much.  Thanks for praying.

Monday, June 8, 2015


You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of joy in Your presence. 
Acts 2:28

God's gracious ways explain so well what he has planned for us,
His way of life is meant for us and oh what a marvelous plus.
He gives us joy both now and again when in His presence we land,
And then in Heaven we'll know it well, because we'll have it all firsthand.

Yesterday's service at our church was a blessing. Our dear friends, Chuck and Cindy Heath, gave a presentation of their ministry trip to Shepherds last month. They were challenged by Don Mogford last year at our Missions Conference, when he talked about people volunteering time ministering, working at Shepherds. They took the challenge and yesterday we heard their beautiful story. There were tears, laughs and plenty of blessings as they showed their Power Point pictures. As far as we know it is the Heath's last time in our church because they are moving to eastern Washington. We will surely miss them. Yesterday I got out our evaporation coolers and filled them with water and cooled down our house considerably.  Thanks for praying. Margie finally got her medication yesterday and was able to sleep. She basically lost two nights of sleep because of a glitch in the refilling process of her prescription. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Galatians 6:7-8 
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

People travel on life's road generally doing what they like to do,
They fail to think of consequences; they haven't thought them through.
We can ignore God in the things we do, but He will not be mocked,
And the results are not good, and those who fail are truly shocked.
It's so much better to choose God's way, and let Him control your life,
Than sowing to fleshly living and ways, and end up with great strife.(RP)

Because of two nights with less sleep, Margie spent yesterday trying to get her strength back so we could go to church today. I also had been awake with her during the night, so was also tired. But we finally made it through the day and had a good rest last night. We look forward to the services today. Our dear friends, Chuck and Cindy Heath will be giving a report of their ministry trip to Shepherds last month. It will be good and a blessing. Yesterday and today are warm days. With fans and the house open, it works out well. Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Psalm 143:8
Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You.

Lord help me read your Word each day.
And learn Your will for me,
And make my life so full of you,
So others my Savior will see(RP)

Margie was much too tired yesterday after having little sleep the night before. She went to Bible class with me but was very slow and tired. We were committed to a graduation/birthday celebration of a church member last evening, so went to it also. By the time we returned home, Margie was all in.  The night did not go well and finally at around 4 this morning she finally got some quality sleep. At 8:45 as I write this she is still in bed, and hope she can stay longer. During the night I was up with her because her lack of sleep made her very weak, even to manipulate the roller walker. We hope and pray today will be better. We are also concerned with our sister-in-law, Marlene, in Anchorage who is in the hospital with complications. My brother Harold is keeping us posted about her condition. Thanks so much for praying. 

Friday, June 5, 2015


Proverbs 18:10 
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.

The Lord is our refuge for all who believe; His name is a hiding place,
He gives shelter to all who believe in Him, and is for people of every race. 
Those who trust Him find strength, and the safety he gives freely to them,
And those who trust Him as Savior are sure there is no greater gem.(RP)

For several days, the weatherman has predicted warmer weather. Our area does not usually have hot temperatures. It will only be about eighty degrees. That is certainly not hot for many places. This morning we have our Bible class. The class will be voting on the place where they desire to meet at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. It is either in our present room or the dining room. Either place is fine with us but we want to do what pleases the class. Yesterday was a busy day with the trip to the hairdresser for Margie then the afternoon prayer meeting. Today promises to be plenty active as well. As things develop we will let you know. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015


2 Corinthians 6:17 
Therefore Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.

Separation from the world is what God calls His children to do,
Dabble no more in its pleasures, and never its enticements pursue.
Don't ever touch what's unclean, for this is displeasing to God,
And any who do will never receive from Him an affirming nod.(RP)

Our dear friend Armond Daws and his daughter Linda and son-in-law Carl, entertained us last night at Anthony's Restaurant in Bellingham. We enjoyed our time with them and the delicious meal.  Margie & I shopped before we met them and then stopped at one more place on the way home for some more things. In the morning was the usual Wednesday duties of washing clothes, making beds, etc. We will be busy today also, so what is unusual?  Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Every time I think of God's work in me, It makes me want to sing,
Only He could love that voice, so that tune to your ears I will not bring.
Thank God He has a special job for me, and it will always be that way,
He prepared it long before I was His, so I praise Him for this every day. 
God wants us to keep busy for Him while we can, so please don't give up,
He will bless you each day and energize you by filling to the brim your cup.(RP)

Lisa, Margie's physical therapist explained that she would have to come every week for therapy instead of the three week schedule she was doing. The reason is that her insurance will not honor visits that are not weekly. So, she is back on the every week schedule again for just the remaining sessions. We attended the missionary meeting yesterday at church which was a blessing, as always. The therapist was very pleased with Margie's progress and attributes it to her faithfully doing her home therapies.  We are happy about that. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


John 3:21 
But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.

The Christian walking in the truth is one who lives in the light,
He desires to live daily for Christ, and always do what's right.
He's not ashamed to let his light shine so that others can see, 
And he prays always that others get saved and be made free.
All around him will know for sure that what he has done is real,
The joy they receive by trusting Christ, no one can conceal.(RP)

Rain returned during the night but the weatherman claims that by Sunday the temperatures will be in the 80's. The weather has been fabulous, and we don't complain. Yesterday was cleaning day. Margie did the bathroom (and does another this morning) and I was able to vacuum the house. My studies in Genesis are going well and I have more preparation time for a message I will be giving soon. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, June 1, 2015


Psalm 30:4-5 
Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name. For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.

We have so much to be thankful for, so let's sing praises to His name,
Let us remember His holy name each day, and his might to others proclaim.
God can be displeased with things in our lives, but He's not angry all the time,
So relish the fact that His favor is for life, and His mercy for us is sublime.
You may be sad about something today, and those tears may last for the night,
But joy is coming in the morning my friend, and by tomorrow things will be all right.(RP)

Except today, the rest of the week is pretty busy. I will try to vacuum the house today while Margie is cleaning the bathroom. Then I will dedicate more time to study in Genesis for the Friday class. Yesterday was a blessing at church. We did not stay for the business meeting following the morning service because Margie was tired and I wanted to get her home. I was able to use part of my time in the afternoon making graduation cards we will use this week and next when we attend those events. Thanks so much for praying.