Sunday, May 31, 2015


Proverbs 1:10 
My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.

The pull and tug for the youth of the world is a problem we have to face,
Evil workers go overtime, and what they try do to the youth is a disgrace. 
The safest response our youth can possibly give is to not give in an inch,
And when they do this we know from God's word, that their victory is a cinch.(RP)

We always look forward to Sunday. Soon we will be going the 1.7 miles to church and Sunday School. After church there will be a short business meeting to vote on the finances needed to do maintenance work on the outside of the church building. It was painted when I was pastor, and now needs it again, plus much stucco repairs.The church has a high profile in the community and it is important that we keep it looking nice. Margie made her customary phone calls yesterday.We look forward to the blessings of today. Thanks for praying.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.Psalms 19:1

All around we see God's work: the heavens, mountains, and flowers sweet,
We look at them and realize each day,all this is given us for a wonderful treat.
God made each thing so perfectly, we marvel at how complex they are,
And we can only praise the Lord for His handiwork both near and far.
We acknowledge it's all from our Father's hand, and He controls each one,
We know He's still working on us too, and won't stop till the work is done.(RP)

The class in a different room went well yesterday. Everyone seemed to be pleased there. There were several tables (round) and all could use the table for their Bibles and worksheets. It must have been a treat for those who customarily have to sit on chairs against the wall around the room.  Right after class we went to Bellingham and met Margie's siblings for lunch. We were glad to get back home for the afternoon. The temperatures have been warmer so open doors and windows made it feel good at home. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, May 29, 2015


Galatians 3:28 
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Many people are around us in this world; everyone is special we know,
With God it makes no difference; we are alike no matter where we go.
But for all who have Jesus as Savior, we are very special to Him indeed,
Because we are united and one in Christ and this is definitely guaranteed.(RP)

Our Bible study this morning will be meeting in a new place at the Center. The present room was crowded and they feared it could be a fire hazard problem. So we will try it in the dining room and see how it goes there. It should be fine. Yesterday was our normal trip to the hairdresser for Margie and afternoon prayer meeting at church. Today we have lunch with Margie's siblings who are back now from a trip so we look forward to this. Thanks for praying.

Thursday, May 28, 2015


But when Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Matthew 9:36

The compassion of Jesus overwhelm us; His love for all is so deep,
He treats us as His heart demands, because we are all like sheep.
Jesus wants to be the shepherd of everyone who will come to Him,
And He will save and protect them, and give hope that will not dim.(RP)

We awakened to another beautiful day here in Ferndale. The sun is shining brightly and our temperature should be in the mid sixties this afternoon. We have no complaints about this weather. The morning trip to the hairdresser and afternoon prayer meeting pretty well sums up our activities for the day. We pray you all have a good day. Thanks for praying for us. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 
2 Corinthians 9:6

In life, we usually get what we give; the law of give and return is here,
Generosity pays off in spiritual things; the opposite is also very clear.
So it depends on us if we want much or less; the results depend on us,
The end of our story is one of two things; we either have a minus or plus.
God wants us to sow bountifully in his harvest fields; will you do it today?
If you do we know His blessing will be yours, as you live for Him and pray.(RP)

Sometimes we are blessed by getting ahead. I now have all prepared for Friday's Bible class. It is not always this way. In fact, I am not really ready for class until I step up to the podium. Even then I feel I should have studied more. But right now I have the major lesson studied, study sheets printed, the nature study all printed and we are ready to go. Today I will be working on the prayer sheet which is used in the afternoon prayer meeting at church plus inserted in the Sunday bulletins for distribution. Yesterday Margie went to the foot doctor to get her bi-monthly foot care. Thank you for praying. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Psalm 133:1
 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

It's great to get along in life, and be friendly like we should,
To be at peace with friends and family, that is really good.
Dwelling together in unity is indeed a pleasant thing,
And those who practice this, to the Lord true praises bring.(RP)

It was a pleasant weekend. Besides the nice time we had at church, it was special to have our family here. Monday afternoon they were all here for a great visit. Then they went to the cemeteries to lay flowers at the sites.  Rawlie took a picture of the headstones of our Poulson families which we appreciated seeing. Today we take Margie to the foot doctor. We have a few things to do while in town then expect a quiet afternoon here at home today. Thanks so much for praying.  

Monday, May 25, 2015


Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Some don't figure out how they can make it from day to day.
They fume and fret and claim it's because they get little pay.
God has a better way for Christians to get themselves along,
Just read His word and learn quickly how to be very strong.
When you do things God's way, things will be added to you.
And you will rejoice in the wonderful things God will do.
Remember please that tomorrow is not our worry at all,
Trust God for your need today, and for Jesus stand tall. (RP)

Memorial Day is special.  Many will go to the cemeteries and place flowers on grave sites.  Margie's sister is good about doing this for their family members. We do not usually go. The caretakers do such a good job of each spot, so all looks very nice. In the cemetery where the Poulsons grave sites are, it is decorated with hundreds of American flags and is beautiful. There are special programs also for the public. Hopefully the weather will be ok for this today. We had a great morning at church yesterday and then a real treat from our son at a local restaurant. His family comes today to visit the cemetery and place flowers.  We trust your day will be a blessing. We were able to visit with my Singapore brother Ernie, and also Harold in Anchorage last night. We are thankful for Skype. Thanks for praying.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Psalm 103:1 Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!

We come into the presence of the Lord and give Him praise,
With heart and soul and all we have, to Him our voices raise.
All we have and are belong to Him, and we bless His holy name,
And desire with our whole heart His goodness and love to proclaim. (RP)

Our son told us yesterday that he was coming to Ferndale today. He has Monday off from work so wanted to spend a moment here. We decided to meet him for lunch this afternoon. He liked the idea, so we will have lunch then he will come to our place. Yesterday I was able to work ahead on the Genesis study. Margie made some phone calls to friends, something she usually does every Saturday. Today we go down our hill, Lord willing, to Sunday School and church. We look forward to it. Thanks always for your prayere support.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 14:11

If you want to be a big shot, don't play around with God.
He does not care for braggers; they are very slipshod.
Our Father likes humility; He honors this the most,
And is pleased much more than hearing a vain boast.(RP)

Here it is Saturday already. This is sort of the countdown for Sunday services. There are not many dull moments around here. There is something always to keep us busy. That's the best way to be. Our Bible class was pretty well attended yesterday and the discussion was good. In fact we did not finish the study sheet so stopped at 11:00 AM. We will pick it up next Friday.  In the afternoon I worked up two more class study lessons, because I like to keep ahead.  No sunshine thus far, so it is cooler. But our weather is very desirable for this time of year. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, May 22, 2015


Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:15

Few sacrifices are very noble; but as believers we may offer praise,
So let us come into His presence without useless words or clichês.
We should continually offer thanksgiving to our God who is above,
Because of the many wonderful things He's done for us through love,
Let words of praises pour over our lips as we sing our thanks to Him,
For He is worthy of so much more as we worship and sing our hymn.(RP)

We never get tired of the routine of Friday. We are at it again in a few hours at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. Our class will be on hold in about 4 weeks. It will be the school recess for summer, and we follow their schedule. Yesterday was our usual day of "hair and prayer".  I received an email before retiring last night reminding me that I had helped this couple 62 years ago with their wedding get-away plan in California. We are reminded of how quickly the years fly by. The weather has been fabulous. Thanks again for your prayers. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Psalm 119:133 Direct my steps by Your word, And let no iniquity have dominion over me.

Wise praying is the mark of God's children, so why not demonstrate?
Always stay fresh in this noble deed; never in this duty be late.
God leads us by his infallible Word; what comfort this is for me,
He controls our lives,so from every sin and shame we should flee.(RP)

Someone liked the title given to our blog so I will repeat it. It is our Thursday schedule almost every week. While Margie is getting her hair done I usually do some errands around town. this afternoon we attend the prayer meeting at church. Yesterday was a busy day with washing clothes, making beds and getting things cleaned up. We wished our grandson, Nathan, a happy birthday. He and David were returning from Arizona (driving) and were in Idaho. Hopefully they arrived home last night late. The weather is warmer now so I put in the screen section of the front door and removed the glass. It felt good to have doors and windows open during the heat of the afternoon.  Thanks for your prayers, 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

God's word is sharp like a sword, and penetrates deeply into our lives,
Only he who listens and obeys is the person that really survives,
His word reveals sin and the things that are dishonoring to His will,
Any who are contrary to the promptings of this word will go downhill.
Yes, His word knows our thoughts, and the things we intend to do,
So why not give in to the scrutiny of the Lord, and to His will subdue.(RP)

We were ready to take Margie to therapy when they called and said we were supposed to be there NOW. We mistook the receptionist when she re-schedule Margie's appointment for an hour earlier than the usual time. We felt badly about this.  But then the phone rang and Margie's doctor had a cancellation and we could see her yesterday instead of June 1st. She had a good consultation with Margie. She is concerned about her medication and especially because the kidneys show some negative reports from the lab. She had suspended her seizure medication but when she heard my story about what type of seizures she was having, immediately said for her to continue with the medicine.  We are thankful. And we thank you for praying. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Colossians 2:9,10
For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him...

The richness of Christ is here portrayed; it's profound beyond degree,
We look to Jesus and see God; what a joyous thought that brings to me.
All we want or even imagine is ours, because Christians are His own,
So no matter what may befall us, we know that we are never alone.
With Jesus as our Savior we have everything we could ever need,
And this makes me grateful and I know that with Him I'll succeed.(RP)

Margie worked yesterday on cleaning one of the bathrooms. She insists on doing it because the therapist says it is very important she keeps in motion. I worked on our finances getting check book balanced etc. and re-working a budget. Some long-time support came to an end so we just readjust. The weather was fabulous and today is supposed to be the same. I take Margie this morning to the physical therapist. We missed last week because she got sick just as we were ready to leave. I will do some shopping while she is in therapy.  Thanks for praying. 

Monday, May 18, 2015


Matthew 9:13 
But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.

Going through the motion of worship is not what pleases the Lord.
Kind and thoughtful deeds, mean more to Him; these He will reward.
He came to call sinners to repentance: His great love did this for us, 
All who respond to His sweet call have learned this life of trust.(RP)

Thinking back over the activities of yesterday, we reflect with gratitude the blessings of the services at our church. Last night the choir gave a special program of songs, testimonies and congregational singing that was very special. We thoroughly enjoyed it. The fellowship afterward in the Welcome Room was also very nice. We were so pleased Margie was able to go and enjoy it. Today will be more relaxed, I think. Thanks for your prayer support.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Psalm 143:10 Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.

I hope you are willing to be taught, because God wants it this way,
Ask Him to teach you to do His will, and begin this very day.
He is willing to do this, and we know His way is always the best,
So making this decision is great, and we know we will be blessed.
Ask God to lead you always in His perfect place of peace,
And the benefits will follow and your joys and peace increase.(RP)

We always look forward to going down the hill to church and Sunday School Sunday morning. We are grateful we can still drive down there to enjoy the services. Yesterday was quiet for us but Margie did make lunch for us and baked a casserole for our evening meal. I was thankfully able to get a lot of work done on our Genesis study. We trust you have a good day. Thanks for praying,

Saturday, May 16, 2015


Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

God's manual for rearing children is written in words clear and plain,
Just read the Bible my friend, and it will soon, the answer explain. 
You as parents know pretty well, the direction your child should take,
So get them going as soon as you can and never this duty forsake.
The beautiful thing about God's ways, is blessings will come your way,
Keep up the good work, and in years to come,your investment will pay. (RP)

Our phone system got tired and one of the handsets died. I tried a couple of new ones but finally settled on Panasonic. It has been our phone for many years, and I tried other brands before getting this new set. Our Bible class went well and it was a blessing to go through Genesis 5 with them. Margie received a call from her doctor advising we make an appointment to see her about her medication. She said to go back on the seizure meds. I had objected to her suspending them so she agreed to restart them. We were relieved about this. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, May 15, 2015


You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons. 1 Corinthians 10:21

God demands allegiance from those who call Him Lord,
There cannot be confusion; all must be of one accord.
If you call yourself a Christian, then be sure to live for Him, 
Do not dabble with the world's lot, or else things will be dim.
Live for Jesus every day, putting Him first in all you do,
Then you'll have His blessing always, in all that you pursue. (RP)

Our son brought Nathan and David to the airport yesterday where they flew to Mesa, Arizona. Rawlie came here for lunch. Margie spent the morning preparing a very delicious meal for us. It had all the trimmings. He really enjoyed the salmon and the desert was what he savored: pineapple upside down cake. I have been trying out a new phone system but have not quite decided on which one to use. We may go back to our old standard ones that worked well for many years. Please pray about the medication suspension the doctor imposed on Margie. We are very concerned, because one is her seizure medicine. We really appreciate and thank you for your prayer support.  

Thursday, May 14, 2015


The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. Proverbs 16:33

Men gamble away their lives sometimes, in frivolous useless moves,
And forget that God is the one who directs; He is the one who approves.
So when we think there's a stroke of luck, we better wake up and think,
That it's really God who leads in all we do, and from this we must not shrink. (RP)

Yesterday Margie's doctor called to request she stop taking a couple of her medications. A blood test had indicated some problem with the kidneys, therefore the concern. But a greater concern for us was one medication she asked her to stop. That is the one for her seizures. We wrote back to her doctor (because she had given us her personal e-mail address) and voiced our concern over this. I was present when Margie had multiple seizures that night in the hospital and we surely do not want a repeat of that. Our old phone gave out so I bought a new duet of handsets which we hope will take us through the rest of our sojourn here. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


2 Timothy 2:22  
Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

The command comes to all to flee youthful lusts; these things hinder our walk,
And any who practice these lustful things give evidence by even their talk.
God asks us to seek His righteousness, available to all who belong to him,
Doing this with faith,love, and peace, we are assured our light will not dim. 
If we truly call upon God in prayer with pure hearts, we know we are right,
And surely our lives will be victorious and we know everything will be alright.(RP)

Yesterday when we were ready to depart for Margie's physical therapy session, she got sick and we had to cancel. Thankfully she was some better in the afternoon and she was able to have the lab work done. We are glad because today the lab workers and many others at the hospital are on strike. It is not a good day to go to those places today. Relief workers are there but we wonder how they know the routines to do the work properly. I made good progress on my Genesis studies and prepared another advance study sheet for the class. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. John 15:4

Fruit bearers we are to be; in the Word it is clear to see,
We are lax about this; pay attention to what we should be.
Abiding in Christ is the secret;we know how to do this.
Please keep up the good work,and not a single day miss.
We are helpless without His help, so call on Him today,
And stay in touch with the Savior, by fervent constant prayer(RP)

This morning Margie has another trip to the lab for some work done. Then we go to Lynden and the physical therapy session. I will do a little shopping while she is in therapy. Yesterday was a slower day with only one trip to town to take the car for its regular maintenance. I am a bit behind on the future lesson sheets for Genesis so want to get more of them done today. I don't like to get caught short, so always work ahead on them. Thanks for your prayers.

Monday, May 11, 2015


Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

There are many attractions in the world today; but what about our desires?
Do you have fellowship with Christ, and tell Him all that with you transpires?
When we truly delight in the Lord and want His way in everything we do,
It is amazing how much He gives us, and delights us through and through.(RP)

This morning I take our car to the auto-care place for its regular maintenance. I always request a loaner car so we can have transportation while it is in the shop. Yesterday was so nice for us. Our family attended church service with us and then we all went to a Greek restaurant for lunch. It was a very nice Mother's Day celebration. They came here after lunch for dessert and stayed for a nice visit. We spent a leisurely evening here watching some of our favorite gospel programs and others. Thanks so much for your prayers,
(Our web page)

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.. Exodus 20:12

This word from God given long ago is special for Mother's Day,
One of the secrets of peace in the home is because mothers pray.
They are to be honored today, and always; this is our duty I say,
The love and care mothers give the world cannot be taken away(RP)

This is a special day around the world. We honor all mothers. We think back to the time when our mothers were still with us. Precious memories. We pray that today mothers will be honored in the church services and by families. I know our son has invited us to join him and his family at a restaurant for lunch. We look forward to this. Yesterday was a delightful day. Margie prepared a delicious swiss steak lunch for us, and our son was present to enjoy it also.  Our son and his family gave her a beautiful hanging fuchsia basket. We trust you all have a wonderful day. Thanks for praying.  
(Our website)

Saturday, May 9, 2015


I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. . . . And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Genesis 12:2-3

God's words to Abraham still stand; He never slacks because His promises are sure,
We can always count on what God says, because His words are never obscure.
We are thankful for this promise so profound, because each of us benefits from it,
And God can be counted on the fulfill His word, because He's faithful and will not quit.(RP)

Yesterday Margie was really feeling the heat in our house. I turned on the overhead fan and it brought relief. I guess today I better get out our evaporative coolers because today and tomorrow is more of the same. Our son came last night, so this morning we will have coffee together at the grocery store, where Starbucks is located. We look forward to that. Yesterday's Bible class went well. Some that had been gone all winter were back and attended the class. It is always a blessing to have the class answer the questions on the study sheet and contribute to the class discussion of Genesis.  We trust this will be a fine day for YOU.  Thanks for praying. 

Friday, May 8, 2015


You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? 
Matthew 5:13

Jesus said Christians are the salt of the earth; what a great task is this,
We must faithfully do our part, because we don't want His will to miss.
Salt that is not salty is useless indeed, and we never want to be that way,
So we stick close to the Lord in His word every day, and all His word obey. (RP)

We are always happy for Friday to arrive. Let's study the book of Genesis. We finish chapter 4 this morning and it is the 7th lesson in our study. We do not hurry things, but take our time so the message can soak in well. I sense the class members prefer it this way. Yesterday was national day of prayer and we had more than the usual amount of folks who attended. It was a quality time of prayer. The weather is fabulous. We indeed have some of the best temperatures in the country.  We trust your day goes well. Thanks for praying. 
(Our website)

Thursday, May 7, 2015


The 64th annual National Day of Prayer-MAY 7 
Lord, Hear Our Cry. 
I Kings 8:28 
Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day. 

Lord we humbly come into Your presence, asking that you will us today, 
We want our hearts prepared by You for the things we are going to say.
Our cry is from our weakness to the strength we find in You, oh God.
We earnestly ask You to help us pray more, so you don't have to prod.
Help us to overflow with intercession dear Lord, because we love you so,
But in our haste please teach us and daily as we pray, may we grow.(RP)

We pray many will participate on this national day of prayer. Our prayer meeting is this afternoon and we look forward to it.  Last night we had an experience that demonstrated God's goodness to us. After supper in Bellingham, the switch to start the car would not move. I consulted with some others, after trying what worked for me in the past. Nothing worked. I called our roadside service AAA, and their suggestions did not work either. I sent a text to our son who was on the road returning home from work. Then I called him and when he got home, went online to do a " Google" on the model of car we own, and phoned me back with a procedure I could try.  I did and it worked. Praise the Lord. We are grateful to our son for the help given. We would have waited 2 hours to have the car towed home, because there were no locksmiths open in the entire city of Bellingham.  So ended our day. We rejoiced in answered prayer and the help our son gave us.  Thanks for praying. 
(Please see our web page)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Psalm 34:1
I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.

What a wonderful decision this is, we are wise to follow suit,
Just resolve to extol the Lord, and be careful in your daily pursuit.
Praise the Lord always in your heart, and your lips will soon reflect,
The praise that's in your heart and for the Lord your deep respect.(RP)

Margie's dad always said that a permanent was never permanent. But that's wht they call them.  Margie has one today. I will stay home and study more for Friday's class plus get the washing done. Yesterday Margie saw the retina specialist, who gave her a good report and she received another shot in her eye. (ouch!) We also attended the missionary meeting in the afternoon at our church, and in the morning visited Iola Boyer, who is recovering after having two stents installed this week. She is doing well. We trust you all are also doing well.  Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. 
1 John 3:14

Tell-Tell signs are all around the person who loves the Lord,
He thinks and acts unlike the rest, and the Lord is his reward.
This person loves the brethren; it shows up in many ways,
Because he reads the Bible, and its precepts firmly obeys.
So thank God for those who've passed from death to life,
They love all around them; their lives have much less strife.(RP)

Margie sees the retina specialist this morning. We are praying she will have a good report.  We hope to see our friend in the hospital who just had 2 splints installed and she sounded good on the telephone.  Margie yesterday had a blood draw at the lab for a couple or three things the doctor wants to check. This afternoon is also missionary meeting at the church. We look forward to it. Thanks for praying. 
(Please check our web page)

Monday, May 4, 2015


Proverbs 16:24  
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. 

God tells us the value of sweet-spoken words, and what a blessing they can be,
Let's always do our best using pleasant speech,and that goes for you and me.
Right words affect our well-being, so that even our bones are healthy and strong,
And what a joy it is to know that our bodies, and all we have to our Lord belong. (RP)

Margie has another blood-draw today at the lab because her doctor is checking a few items that need to be verified.  It is a beautiful day and the weatherman tells us the sunshine will turn to clouds before too long. That's ok with us.  Yesterday we had a nice time at Sunday School and church,  Next week, Margie will not need to laboriously climb those stairs to get into the church.  The inspector is supposed to okay the new update on the elevator. We certainly hope so. Our dear friend Iola Boyer yesterday was taken to E.R. and they determined she needed a stint which has now been placed and she is recovering. Our family was here in the afternoon for a short visit which we appreciated greatly. Thanks for praying. 
(Please check our web page)

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Matthew 11:28 
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest..

What a wonderful thing is rest; it brings refreshment and delight to each one,
True rest comes only from Jesus, and what He gives cannot be outdone.
Salvation rest is the best, and happens the minute we receive Him as Lord,
And all who have experienced this, know that it's a wonderful reward.
Those who have not come to Jesus, may receive Him right now,
And begin to enjoy His rest, and completely to His will daily bow.(RP)

We are always so happy when Sunday arrives. The Sunday School hour and worship service that follows is something we anticipate each week.  Our son is with us, but will be returning today because he takes our other grandson to work today near their home. It is always good to have family here. Our daughter-in-law will be here for a visit this afternoon. Yesterday was a leisurely day. I enjoyed coffee time with our son near yesterday morning. We trust you all have a good day also.  Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015


He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now.
1 John 2:9

Some people try to talk right words, but their lives say another thing,
If they say they are in the light but hate others, their words have a sting.
One's words must coincide with the heart, or the two will come to blows,
And such a life is in disarray, and where it will end nobody really knows.
So the best thing to do is love God's way, which means we love all,
And just keep on doing it with God's help as upon Him we call.(RP)

Our son and grandson are with us and last night we had a great visit with them. More of the family is coming today, so we will get to see more of them. Yesterday's class went well with very quality discussion and teaching of Genesis 4:1-15. We have a wonderful time in that class. Margie had a doctor's appointment also, after the class so we drove to Lynden, WA for that.  The rest of the day was leisurely spent doing our normal things on the computer and Margie also reading her email. The weather is fabulous. Thanks for praying. 
(Please visit our web page)

Friday, May 1, 2015


The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Romans 13:12

Christians should stop fooling around, and begin to let their lights shine,
No longer walk in darkness, and get out of your state of decline.
Put on God's armour of light, and live as Christians should do,
He will honor you much for this move, and reward you for being true.
So dear Christian, stand tall for Jesus, and walk in His will each day,
You will know His blessings bestowed upon those who trust and pray.(RP)

Yes, we look forward to the class in Genesis this morning, the book of beginnings.  We always pray that all the members will be able to attend. In a class like ours, there are some who can't make it to all the classes. Yesterday Margie was not able to attend afternoon prayer meeting with me. That is the first time I have gone without her also. She insisted on my going. The weather is still coolish, with mostly sunshine. Rains have come and gone each day. It is very delightful around here. Thanks for your prayer support. 
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