Friday, October 31, 2014


A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak...Eccl 3:7

God's timing is always right, and He's the father of it,
And everything we do has a certain place to fit.
Just give to Him your time and let Him all things work out,
And with Him in full command, there's really never a doubt.(RP)

Many are praying about the weather today.  We know the Lord is in charge of that department. What He gives is what we accept. The world is looking forward to the activities of this evening. For a few years our church has used this to minister to folks in the neighborhood of the church. Margie and I will be in the prayer room of the church, along with others who will join us. We want to do this also in honor of our daughter Joy whose birthday is today. She is with the Lord, and what a sweet relief for her after years of disabilities. Outside where the activities are going on, key people will be looking for opportunities for witnessing, handing out tracts, etc. For some who may have prayer concerns, we will be there for this. This is the reason why we are praying about the weather. Usually people come to the event no matter what the temperature or rain guage registers.  Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Hebrews 10:24-25 
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

Christians are to encourage each other to be steadfast in good works,
And to help each one continue ,so that none his duty shirks.
Fellowship with others in worship, is a command from our Father above,
And we should be so grateful for this privilege, given us by His love. 
Let us work very hard dear believer, because we know the Day draws near,
We look forward to the time we'll all be together with our Savior dear. (RP)

We put the Buick in the shop for its regular maintenance.  It was the first time since we purchased it. The mechanic called with the report of the rear brakes being already in the danger zone.  We are grateful for a shop that cares for our vehicles like this. In the afternoon it was finished. Yesterday I completed most of my preparations for Friday's Bible class.  The study of Revelation is fascinating to say the least. Today I take Margie to the hairdresser and in the afternoon is prayer meeting at the church. It's very dark outside this morning so I presume more rain is on the way.  Thank you, friends, for praying. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Numbers 13:30 
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.

Caleb was able to see beyond trials and know that God would win,
He encouraged others to follow him, and the great conquest begin.
His faith was supreme, and his energy great for the job that was ahead,
To conquer the land and gain control was something he did not dread.
Oh that more Calebs were with us today, to do what God desires,
A heart for God and faith to move on are the qualities He requires.(RP)

Our recently purchased car went in for regular maintenance yesterday. We received a call that the back brakes were in immediate need of repair. We are thankful for a reliable shop that has cared for our vehicles for many years.Today the work will be finished.  In the meantime, we have a loaner car to use which we appreciate. We are still asking all to pray the weather will be ok for the Friday night outreach ministry at our church. Today is wash day so soon I will start that process. I am making good progress for my Revelation class. We trust you all have a good day. Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Mat 11:28

Oh the restless souls that surround us all around us in every place,
We pray they will meet the Savior and be saved by His loving grace.
Christ invites us to come to Him and receive spiritual rest today,
And those who come will find sweet solace not just now but everyday. (RP)

Every year on October 31, our church has the very popular parking lot party.  It is well done and there is much to do during those 2  hours it is open.  Much work goes into it.  Right now the crew is busy every day preparing for the great event.  Our main concern now is the weather. We are praying if it is the Lord's will, the rains will not come.  It has been raining every day and sometimes real hard.  The Friday night program is really an outreach to the lost.  It does work because we have the proof of it in our church.  Please pray with us about this.  Thanks for praying.  

Monday, October 27, 2014


Titus 3:8 
This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.

Good works have never saved a soul, but God intends that we work,
His Word is direct and we get the point, our duty we must not shirk.
We who have believed in God, by trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord,
Know this: that in Jesus the benefits we have are a great reward.
So dear believers, maintain good works as you move about today,
And remember that our Lord is watching and all our service will repay. (RP)

Yesterday it was a blessing to preach at Grace Baptist in Bellinham. We attended a Harvest Festival meal after church. We missed being in our home church, but were happy to be of service to Grace Baptist. This week will be a rather busy one in that the big event for Halloween on Friday is the main concern of our church.  It is an outreach to our neighborhood and people attend our church who were reached by it last year. We are praying the weather will be okay that night, otherwise things could get difficult.  Thank you for praying.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication,with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 
Philippians 4:6-7

A treasure we have in this verse today, filled with promises galore,
And reading the list of things God does, what could we ask more?
He calms us through prayer and gives peace so sublime, 
And the beautiful thing is that He does it all the time.
In and by Him we are guarded day by day, and oh what peace that brings,
Our lives are filled with such joy, and because of Him our heart sings.(RP)

During the night I saw the light blinking on the phone and soon got the message that Jim, Margie's brother-in-law was taken to E.R. last  night (his request). This morning his wife, Barb says they are concerned not only for the heart but also kidney issues. We are praying much about it. Our other friend Everett is also in the hospital and they have the same concerns for him.  The news is disappointing because just yesterday Jim has spoken by phone, to the pastor of the church they attend and was intending to worship with them today.  How things can change.  I preach this morning at Grace Baptist Church, Bellingham and am looking forward to this.  Trust YOUR day goes well.  Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014


A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

People are hurting in the world today, their spirits are crushed and in pain,
The reason for this is unknown to us, and their emotions we cannot explain.
But we know there is help for those who will receive it; God's word is it,
Read it, and find for your anxious heart, spiritual medicine when you submit.
God's joy can be yours and pick you up, and change your gloomy heart, 
So read His Word and do His commands; for you this is a very good start.(RP)

Our Bible class went well yesterday. We even had a new person there.  What a blessing. Our brother-in-law was not able to come because of car issues. Those were fixed so next week they should be there. As we left the class, a phone call requested I preach for a pastor friend who is having difficulty after hip surgery. We are glad to serve, so today I will be doing preparation for that message. We trust you all have a good day. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, October 24, 2014


. . . shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life.Philippians 2:15-16

One thing Christians can surely do, and it is such good work,
Be a light for Jesus where you are, and this duty do not shirk.
Let others know God's word, and eternal life that He gives,
Invite sinners to receive Him, for their sins He always forgives (RP)

It is Friday and off to class we go. We pray those who regularly attend will be able to be there today. With the weather let-up today perhaps it will be easier. The high winds have been a problem for some, and the heavy rains that accompanied them. Yesterday was a good day with Margie's visit to the hairdresser in the morning and the afternoon prayer meeting at church.  People are in the hospital and other sad news that causes us to reach out to others with Christian love and care. We trust your day goes well and thanks for your prayers.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Matthew 25:23 
His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.

Faithful servants are a special group, and they are recognized here,
How God delights in those who thus serve, they are faithful and sincere.
These men and women are faithful in the few things God gave them to do,
And because of their faithful service, He will bless them through and through.
These who are serving the Lord day by day are fill with rich joy in the Lord,
And because they keep doing His will, God has promised a rich reward. (RP)

Routine for us is not boring. We are thankful for schedules, and the ability given by the Lord, to keep on doing these day-by-day things.  Yesterday was a blessing because we were able to help Margie's sister who cannot drive. We brought her to Margie's hairdresser in Ferndale and took her home afterward. Margie also sent food home with her so she wouln't have to prepare lunch. Yesterday was a very windy day and quite a few had electrical outages because of it. Thankfully all was well here.  We trust you have a good day. Thanks so much for praying.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Take note, you have sinned against the LORD; and be sure your sin will find you out.
Numbers 32:23

Sin has a way of finding one, you cannot escape its bite,
It makes no difference when it is, at day or dark of night.
When you sin against the Lord you have done your worst,
And remember that your sin will be sadly reimbursed.

In our never-ending pursuit to economize, I changed phones and carrier. By the time Margie's is updated, we will be saving sixty dollars on our monthly bill. She, and our son were not happy with the new number, which admittedly is more difficult that the simple one we have had for years. But we can all learn even in our advancing years.  I already have mine memorized by "ridiculous associations" along with the alphabet value of numbers. Jerry Lucas teaches this in his famous "Memory Book." So here we go with a better phone, which is a blessing and the price is right. We have a full agenda today about which we will discuss more tomorrow. Trust your day goes well.  Thanks for your prayers,

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Exodus 4:12 
Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.

It's nice to know we have such help in times of greatest need,
Our Lord provides what we lack most, the ability to succeed.
We are commanded to work for Him, and he will do the rest.
Go in His strength, is our duty today, and surely we will be blessed.(RP)

After an appointment with the enterologist, and a scheduled time for the procedure, we went to a local market to pick up some things. Margie stayed in the car and I went in.  One of the heaviest rains I have encountered drenched me. In the store I removed my hearing devices and tried to dry them. I placed them in my pocket.  At the next store I removed my glasses from the pocket (where the hearing aids were) and one of them flipped out on the floor. I found it. Then the other I tried to place in Margie's hand, but because it is so small and sort of "springy" it flipped right out of sight and we could not find it.  People (customers) in the store were so helpful.  One kind lady on her hands and knees finally found it under the shopping cart. She was thanked profusely.  People are so helpful. What a day that was. We are grateful. Hearing devices are extremely valuable and mine are very expensive. Thank you Lord! We trust your day goes well. Thanks for praying.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Luke 6:45 
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Just listen to their speech, and you learn so much about them,
For the treasury of ones heart is the source from which it will stem.
Good people speak such pleasantries, because their heart it right,
On the other hand, the evil ones spew venom which is a blight.
Christian, fill you heart with God's Word, a message for us all,  
Enrich the treasury of your soul, and upon His name daily call.
And when you speak, those who hear, will certainly know one thing,
That you've been with Jesus today, and He is your Lord and King. (RP)

Today I see the specialist about another test for my barrett's esophogus. I was doing so well on it and the colonoscopy that he suspended the yearly tests. Now he wants to see me again and I am sure he will schedule this double test.  It has taken months to even get this appointment, so who knows how long it will be before the tests can be done. Yesterday was a blessing for us. I preached for pastor Bob Mordhorst at Grace Baptist church in Bellingham. It was a joy to be back in the pulpit, even at 83 plus years. Trust your day goes well.  Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Jeremiah 33:3 
Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. 

God has so much for us, if we will just take time to ask,
I fear we so often frown upon prayer, thinking it a large task.
It's true we strive in prayer oft times, but there are rich rewards,
And when God answers we are blessed with bountiful awards.
There is so much we do not know, but God will reveal to us, 
Treasures He's stored for us by His grace, and this for us is a plus.(RP)

I mentioned yesterday my delight in being asked to help a preacher-friend today. I will be preaching in his church. What a pleasureable experience, being able to give out God's word - even in old age. We have friends in that church that were kind to us both as missionaries and when we represented Shepherds. It is true we are going to miss out on a special event at our home church. This morning 5 young ladies will be baptized. Our son is with us last night and today. It is always nice having this visit. He and our grandson will be doing some very needed work on one of their buildings in Ferndale. We trust this day will be a blessing for each of you.  Thanks for praying. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014


2 Corinthians 5:7 
For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Trusting Jesus is the only way, to walk this life each day,
He knows the route that we should take; it is the best way.
So don't rely on what you can see, trust Him for every move,
You will discover His direction secure; and this He does approve.(RP)

We had a lively Bible study yesterday in Revelation 17.  It is so practical and the folks seemed to appreciate it.  We were sorry our brother-in-law fell in the morning and was not able to come to the class.  Margie and I did some necessary shopping in town after the class.  We were mighty glad to be back home. Today I will be doing some more preparation for a message tomorrow.  A pastor friend had surgery and asked if I would preach for him tomorrow.  Of course I am delighted to do this. We trust your day goes well. Thanks for praying. 

Friday, October 17, 2014


Colossians 3:2 
Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

We are not told to keep our head in the cloud as we walk and work each day,
God tells us to keep our minds fixed on Him for this is the plan for our way.
Some are so centered on their own things that they have lost touch down here,
It's better to set our mind above, and receive God's blessings all year.  (RP)

As always, we look forward to class time this morning where hopefully about 35 will meet to study the book of Revelation.  We are always pleased with the good participation and interest in this very important book study.  We trust you all have a very good day.  We are promised some pretty strong wind this morning, mixed with rain.  It invariably does this on garbage or recycle pick-up day.  That's the way it goes.  Thanks so much for praying

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Proverbs 4:26 
Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established.

Pay attention to your ways, and make sure you are obeying the Lord,
Walking the wrong road is wrong; disobedience you cannot afford.
Let God establish your path, by His Word and obedience to His way,
And you will reap great benefits, that will bless and always repay.(RP)

We were blessed yesterday when our health plan representative called to go over our policy for next year. To our amazement and cheer delight, all totals went down and we will be paying less. We are thankful to the Lord for the wonderful way they have paid most of Margie's amazing bills. We are grateful. Today it is "hair and prayer" day, which will take us up to about 3:30. Then we will get back into the routine of prepaing more for the next day: Bible study.  Thank you all for praying. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.James 4:7

Many wonder why they are tempted to do wrong,
They feel they are weak and not very strong. 
The reason is because they have failed to submit,
And leaving God out of the picture is hard to admit.
Learn to submit your self to Him in all that you do,
By submitting you gain His favor all the day through.
So take God seriously today, submit to Him and see,
You'll be able to resist the devil and all his evils flee.(RP)

We had a great time yesterday. It was Armond Daws' 95th birthday.  Margie baked a cake, I decorated it and we met him and his family at Anthony's - the famous fish place.  It was a lovely evening spent recalling God's goodness to Armond, our very dear friend for many years.  After an ilness several months ago, he has been moving around in a wheelchair.  Yesterday he used a cane and walked up the steps into the restaurant.  What progress.  Trust you all have a special day.  Thanks for your prayers, 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.
Matthew 14:26-27

If you don't  expect Jesus to be there, then when He does you are afraid.
You did not think He would come to you, so when He did you were dismayed.
When the disciples cried out in fear, He comforted their hearts that night,
And when He assured them Who it was, He took away their fright.
Oh that we would trust Him, knowing he is always near,
With His calm assuring voice, our fears will disappear.

Tomorrow we will talk more of what we will be doing today. There is never an end to activities. We are thankful we can still be involved.  Yesterday Margie did more baking.  I studied for my class. The weather was windy and raining and a cooler.  We can expect this now. We trust you all have a great day. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, October 13, 2014


Luke 6:47-48 
Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.

True followers of Jesus have strong foundations we know,
Jesus tells this story to help His children rejoice and grow. 
When foundations are built securely and safely on the rock,
Houses are safe, and not harmed by the earthquake's shock.
Christians have the advantage, of Christ the foundation sure,
And with Him as our foundation, in this life we are sure to endure.(RP)

Is there a time when we all seem to never be "on the go" all the time?  It is really quite rewarding to realize we are still able to keep going. Not all have that privilege. We enjoyed a great morning at church yesterday, and we had an invited guest at lunchtime. Our visit was pleasing. Our son and grandson accomplished a momentous task on one of their projects in Ferndale. They were here for a visit before departing for their places in late afternoon. Today the "to do" list is made, and we are attempting to get through the items. Trust you all have a good day, and thanks for praying. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014


A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Man-made plans are as common as grass; we all like to direct our way,
In spite of our desire to have it our way, God still has something to say. 
Hearts so often leave God out of the mix, and we foolishly plan our day,
How thankful I am that God intervenes, and chooses to give us a delay.(RP)

Thankfully our schedule for today is directed by the Lord.  He desires that we worship Him.  How thankful we are to be able to attend Sunday School and the morning worsip hour.  Our son arrived last night so he will be in Ferndale for a few hours anyway. Yesterday we stuffed green peppers and enjoyed them.  Rawlie also enjoyed one when he arrived last night.  I was also able to do another future lesson in Revelation and work on the one for next Friday also.  We trust you all have a very good day.  Thanks for your prayer support.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. Hebrews 13:15

There is something each one can do for the Lord, as we worship Him today,
Through Christ we give praise to God, for what He means to us, as we pray.
He wants us to continually do this, as we express to Him our hearts,
And praise His name for Who He is, and for every good gift He imparts. (RP)

Yesterday we invited Margie's brother and wife and another couple who attend the bible class, for lunch at our house.  The meal was delicious and we had a great time of fellowship.  I was even able to make for our guests, a coffee latte.  They apparently enjoyed them because I made a total of 8 of them.  What fun!  Today I will stuff more green peppers with the congomeration I put in them. Our son may be here on Sunday but we are not real sure.  We trust your day goes well.  Thanks for praying.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. 
Revelation 1:3

People are looking for blessings, and God has one for them right here,
If they will read the Revelation and do it, with a heart that is sincere. 
God has many wonderful blessings tucked away in its pages inspired,
And for all those who read with attention, will find what they desired.
God expects more than just a reading of this His inspired book.
He requires we keep these sayings, and not one should we overlook.
He tells us time is near, and world events certainly tell us this is so,
We should be busy preparing, and to Jesus a big thank you owe.(RP)

It happens almost every Friday. The Bible class at the Ferndale Senior Center is something we look forward to. We trust there will be a good group there today to study the book of Revelation chapter 16. After the class Margie's brother and wife, Spud and Margaret are coming with their friends, Peter and Willene Kruk, to our house for a simple meal.  We look forward to the fellowship. We trust your day is going well. Thanks so much for your prayer support. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


1Timothy 4:1-2
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith,giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron.

It is sad indeed to read such words given in this verse today,
To think some are so deceived as they go along life's way.
The Holy Spirit warns,that departures from the faith will occur,
Some will worship demons, and deceiving spirits they will prefer.
It's a pity to have the conscience seared, and be deceived like this,
To think of the wrong decision made, and eternity spent in the abyss.(RP)

Thursday is Margie's day to have her hair appointment.  Mary who does it, used to be one of the girls in Margie's cabin at camp. That was a long time ago. They providentially met at the beauty shop when we had to find someone to help Margie with her hair. After her shoulder replacement surgery, she was unable to adequately do her hair. This afternoon we have prayer meeting.  That is always a blessing. Jim, Margie's brother-in-law, was released from the hospital yesterday to go home.  We are sure this will be easier now for her sister, who will not have to make daily trips to the hospital or rest home, like she has for multiple weeks. I look outside and it is foggy. We are reminded winter is coming. We learned yesterday that the forecast, however, is for a milder winter. Wouldn't that be nice!  Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


John 16:33 
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

The whole world is longing for peace, but does not know where it is found,
Christians have the answer to this, and the explanation is deeply profound.
True peace is in having Jesus, who told us that He is the source of real peace,
And all who receive Him as Savior will find in Him sweet release.
So be of good cheer, dear Christian, our Lord has overcome the foe,
And when all around is tribulation, behold our Savior is with you here below.(RP)

We were saddened by news from Margie's sister that her husband suffered a stroke at the rest home and was taken to the E.R. at St. Joseph Hospital. He was so good the day before and was recovering so well from his recent bout with multiple issues. Our prayers are for Jim and Barb who has been by his side through it all. Yesterday we enjoyed an hour in the missionary meeting at church,hearing about and praying for various missionaries we know. Today is wash day and I want to put final touches on the revelation study for Friday also. There is ALWAYS something to do. I am sure you agree. Thanks so much for your prayers.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


1 Peter 4:8 
And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins.

It's amazing what love will do when Christ is the Lord of your life,
His love is great and looks at the heart; He sees any and all strife.
Because of His love so great to us, we also can love one another,
Treating each one with His love, and being compatible with a brother.
Love is a powerful tool, which God expects us to use every day,
Communion with others is real,even if they don't do things our way.(RP)

Today there are two main items on our list we must and want to do. Margie sees the sleep specialist this morning to check on her machine and if all is going well with her sleeping.  Then in the afternoon we have a missionary meeting and will hear Courtney Lancaster, missionary to Japan.  We look forward to this.  Yesterday was a more leisurely day.  Margie was glad to relax after the busy Saturday when 12 ladies came for the special party she sponsored for her good friend Lisa, her physical therapist. They all had a wonderful time and Margie made cookies that were "devoured" by the ladies. They were delicious.  Thanks for your prayers.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Psalms 7:1O 
LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me.

In days of turmoil and strife, it is comforting to know someone cares,
Someone who listens at all times, to believers who make these prayers,
God is a refuge strong, for those who seek His mighty love,
Because they know He is with them, helping them from above. Christians have those who pursue them, trying to upset their day,
But God is their strong tower, giving relief as they walk in His way.(RP)

After a very busy week, we are glad it's Monday and we can wind down a bit.  There is plenty to do, however, so we don't really have time to sit and twiddle our thumbs.(Do people do that anymore?)  I have several things I would like to get caught up on and I am sure Margie does too.  We are super impressed with the weather. Yesterday we had to open the sliding doors in the house to freshen the air. We are thinking these days are short, winter is coming. We trust your day goes well.  Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014


John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

What comforting words are these today, no matter what our state,
Jesus gives peace to those who are His, and this no one can negate.
Jesus knows our tribulations in life, and promises help through them,
And cheers us up by His care and grace; for us this is quite a gem!(RP)

In grinding more coffee for Rawlie and me this morning, the machine clogged up and I had to try three times to get it ground. Finally setting it coarser, got me through.  But I will have to adjust it even more next time.  So that's the way our day started.  We are about ready to head for church now.  We trust you all have a good day as you worship.  We look forward to it very much.  Thanks so much for praying.  Yesterday Margie's jewelry party was a success, and well attended.  All the work she put into it paid off. She certainly slept well last night also after all the hard work she put into it. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014


The Lord will indeed give what is good. Psalm 85:12

It is so easy to go through life thinking we should have more,
We are reminded right here that God gives to us from His store.
He always supplies our need, and we should be content with this,
And best of all He knows what is good, and by this rule insists.
Christian be content with what you have, that's your portion today,
When needs arise, you can be sure God will provide along the way.(RP)

For this day Margie has made much preparation. Her good friend, Lisa, has spent many hours with her during her physical therapy sessions at a place in Lynden, Washington.  Now Lisa does jewelry parties and Margie wanted to help her by sponsoring one. All preparations have been made and things are just about ready for the event this afternoon. Our son arrived last night.  He will workiing on their building downtown along with their son Nathan.  Yesterday Margie made two kinds of cookies and today will add another to the list. I will finish vacuuming and dusting in a few minutes. Our daughter-in-law will be coming to help Margie which she appreciates much.  So today will be a big day.  We pray all goes well.  Thanks for praying. 

Friday, October 3, 2014


Luke 6:47-48 
Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: "He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock 

Foundations are always important as one speaks of buildings or lives,
If not done according to rules, neither one of these things survives.
Christ is the foundation for spiritual life, and without Him you will fail,
Only with Jesus as Savior will your hope for eternity prevail.
When the storms of life come upon us, the foundation is what gets us through,
Invite Jesus into your life right now for salvation that He'll give you.(RP)

Friday for us is a blessing. Our Bible class meets today and we will go through Revelation 15 and hope it gets through to us. As mentioned earlier, we have a busy Saturday also. I'll tell more of that Sunday. Yesterday's afternoon prayer meeting was a blessing and there are always many things for which we need to pray. We have plenty on our "to do" list this afternoon after Bible study. The weather is cooler and right now I have the furnace on to take the chill off the house, before Margie gets up. We trust you all have a great day.  Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014


John 15:13 
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

God's love is supreme, and it cannot be matched no matter where you look,
In searching everywhere, the only place you find this love is in God's holy Book.
Jesus came to save sinners; only His love could do this for mankind,
He came to seek and save the lost; His mission by God was defined.
Jesus laid down His life for sinners, and only He ever did such a thing,
This love so abundant and free for us all, makes us grateful and want to sing.(RP)

Margie is in her countdown mode now. Saturday her very good friend, who has been her physical therapist for years, is going to have a demonstration in our house of the jewelry she sells.  Margie wanted to show this kindness to her because of her very good care she has given her. Several have been invited, but already some have had to cancel. I guess it is always this way. Even in our Bible class we are amazed at how many from time to time are missing for any number of reasons. Everybody is busy. That includes us. We had a delightful time yesterday visiting Margie's brother-in-law and sister and then bringing Barbara to her home after she was gone all day with her husband at the rest home.Thanks so much for your prayers.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


John 14:26 
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

The blessed Holy Spirit indwells all who are Christians today,
His ministry is unlimited, and in the Bible it's on display.
He is our Helper, Teacher and Comforter and so much more,
And when you need Him, His has help in his bountiful store.
He even helps us remember all the good things Christ has said,
And if you listen earnestly to Him, I know you will be ahead.

Today we have set aside for helping Margie's sister. We will fix a simple meal to take to her, visit her husband (in a rest home), then take Barbara to the mall to do some necessary shopping. After this we will take her home. We are glad we can help a little. Yesterday we had a delightful visit with Courtney Lancastser and her parents in the afternoon. Courtney is a missionary to Japan. She was brought up in our church so there is a close connection we have with her and the family. I must get busy and fix those stuffed green peppers. Thanks for praying.