A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak...Eccl 3:7
God's timing is always right, and He's the father of it,
And everything we do has a certain place to fit.
Just give to Him your time and let Him all things work out,
And with Him in full command, there's really never a doubt.(RP)
Many are praying about the weather today. We know the Lord is in charge of that department. What He gives is what we accept. The world is looking forward to the activities of this evening. For a few years our church has used this to minister to folks in the neighborhood of the church. Margie and I will be in the prayer room of the church, along with others who will join us. We want to do this also in honor of our daughter Joy whose birthday is today. She is with the Lord, and what a sweet relief for her after years of disabilities. Outside where the activities are going on, key people will be looking for opportunities for witnessing, handing out tracts, etc. For some who may have prayer concerns, we will be there for this. This is the reason why we are praying about the weather. Usually people come to the event no matter what the temperature or rain guage registers. Thanks for praying.