Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Titus 3:8 
This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.

This message by Paul to Titus was given to be taught to the church long ago,
The lesson was given for those who teach, about something they constantly owe.
To maintain good works is our duty each day as we walk the pilgrim road,
And those who abide by Paul's teaching we're told are faithfully carrying their load.(RP)

Today there is plenty to do.  It's always that way isn't it?.  We want to make a visit, about which we will tell you more tomorrow, Lord willing.  Yesterday was mostly used to get a good foundation in our lesson for Friday Bible class in the book of Revelation. The rest of the week we will brush up on it off and on keeping finely tuned to the subject.  Our weather definitely has a cooler tone to it. The change of seasons is obvious.  We trust you all have a good day. Thanks for praying. 

Monday, September 29, 2014


James 4:13-15  
Do Not Boast About Tomorrow 13 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."

Some people act like they run the show, and no one can change their plans,
They really think they are in control, and all that they do is in their hands.
But God has a different story to tell, and we hope you will listen today,
The Lord really runs the affairs of life, and we must learn to do things His way. 
Please don't boast about what you will do, because you really do not know,
How God can change your man-made plan, and stop it or make it go slow.
Our life is so fragile, I'm sure you agree, so give your plans to the Lord,
Let Him plan your day and just follow Him, and your day He will reward. (RP)

Our poem today is needed by many.  We are so prone to make our plans without bringing God into the picture.  It is so great to at least say, If the Lord wills we will do such and such.  It is much better this way. We never know what a day may bring forth. Lord willing, we plan on a quick trip into town. We really mean than, but also realize the Lord can change our plans. Yesterday we had a great day at church listening to missionaries Tim and Esther Neufeld, long time friends who served 40 years in Togo, Africa. The rest of the day was spent in leisurely reading, doing a little studying and enjoying a couple of Christian TV programs. We trust your day today goes well.  Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014


I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.
John 5:30 

What a lesson Jesus gives in these simple words today,
His submission to the Father was a beautiful display.
He listened to His Father for instructions along the way,
And because His will was God's will, things always were okay.
Those who read these lines today, please know that God loves you,
Jesus died so that you have eternal life, IF you His will pursue. (RP)

What a great day it will be at First Baptist Church. Tim and Esther Neufeld, retired missionaries from Togo, Africa, will be our speakers.  We have known them for years. They served the Lord for forty years.  In Sunday School and the morning service we will hear their update of the ministry in Mango, where the Wendell Kempton Memorial Hospital is under construction. Yesterday was a quiet day as we studied, read and even worked in the flower garden a bit. Margie made some phone calls, something she often does on Saturday.  We trust your day goes well. Thanks for praying

Saturday, September 27, 2014


The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. 
Deuteronomy 33:27

Our timeless God gives us something that we never can do alone,
A refuge where we can be safe, something the world has not known.
He upholds us by strong arms, keeping us safe so we will not fall,
And His ear is always open to those who upon Him call.
A place secure is certain for all who have trusted Him as Lord,
And all who rest in this holy place, are blessed with this rich reward.(RP)

Saturday is preparation day for Sunday. We plan what we'll wear, the car is ready to roll. All the important things are in place so we can spend tomorrow God's way and for Him. We look forward to it. Margie did some baking yesterday, trying out another recipe. Next Saturday she hosts a get-together for a friend of hers, who wants to display some jewelry.  Several have registered interest in attending.  Our Bible class yesterday was well-attended.  Some were still absent, but the tables were full and people were sitting against the wall (in chairs,of course) Revelation 14 is a powerful chapter and the class participated well.  We are proud of them.  In the afternoon I did advance work on future lessons so I won't get caught short and behind in case our schedule gets clogged.  Thanks so much for your prayers. 

Friday, September 26, 2014


Psalm 34:17  
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.

I'm so glad the Lord's ears are open, to hear all our heartaches and cries,
He lovingly listens and cares, and our needs he knows and supplies.
The Lord delivers many times, from things that could have hurt,
But by His grace and constant watch, we thank Him for his quick alert.(RP)

We always look forward to this day. Our Friday Bible class at the Ferndale Senior Center is frequented by quite a few interested ones in studying the book of Revelation. I am up a bit earlier to put the last finishing touches on my study notes and review all.  I also must fine tune the God's Handiwork in Nature study which seems to be a popular hit with the class. They never know what's coming, but it is always interesting. Our God has an amazing variety of created things about which we talk each Friday. I have been doing this for over 40 years, and never grow tired of it.  Thanks for praying.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.
Matthew 24:7-8

Jesus spoke much about  end-times; it's written clearly and plain.
Unrest among nations will prevail, and man will suffer pain. 
Famines and earthquakes abound in many places right now, 
Oh that the world would realize their plot, and at His feet humbly bow.(RP)

Thursdays are pretty routine around our place: beauty shop and prayer meeting are the main features of the day for us. Yesterday was a busy day but encouraging. Margie got a pretty good report from her doctor.  In the evening we were guests of our dear friend Armond Daws and his family, to a scrumptuous meal.  We enjoyed this time very much.  Armond is allmost 95 and doing pretty well for that age.  The rains and wind remind us autumn is here.  Winter is around the corner.  Thanks for your prayers,  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 

Deception is rampant in the world today, even believers get caught,
It's obvious they read the Bible, but some things it seems they forgot.  
Our enemy the devil is after us, enticing us to do the wrong things, 
Sometimes we fall and it is sad indeed, because of the trouble it brings.
God is not mocked by your wayward life, you only hurt yourself,
For some the results are not so good and God puts you on a shelf.
Because we reap what we sow, we should take better care in life,
Knowing full well that when He is in charge we certainly have less strife

Today Margie has an appointment with her doctor in Lynden, Washington.  I will do a little shopping while she is there, then we must get home and get the rest of the washing done because we have another appointment later in the afternoon.  I was able to make excellent progress in my Revelation study for Friday.  Now I must seek out a lesson in God's Handiwork in Nature to give the class.  They really like these studies.  The rains have come and yesterday there was considerable wind with it.  Autumn is here and we must adapt.   Thanks so much for your prayers, 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Psalm 91:1 
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 

A secret place for every believer is promised by God above,
This special spot of fellowship sweet, is given us by love,
True believes know this benefit, because it is tested and true,
Those who abide here have tested it through and through.(RP)

Today I have dedicated to study.  I study almost every day but I want to get Friday's class under control today so I am not pressed by extra things that come along. This morning Margie has been cleaning one of the bathrooms.  Yesterday she also did one.  The weatherman promises a change in things for tonight.  We are supposed to experience some high winds and possibly rain.  We know full well that Fall is here. This morning I discovered a purse in the grocery cart and was taking it to the courtesy desk inside the store when a lady drove up and spotted her lost purse.  I was glad to return it to its rightful owner. She was grateful.  We trust your day goes well.  Thanks for praying

Monday, September 22, 2014


Titus 3:8 
This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.

We are told in God's Word we are saved to serve; this is His will for us,
For you who are missing this valuable part, we urge you to "get on the bus".
Maintaining good works is proof to all, that we have believed and are saved,
Christians who seriously serve this way are content and well behaved.
In the end, the believer who walks this way, will profit so very much,
And for sure he will know by the way he lives, he has the Master's touch.(RP)

It is a sure thing that around here there are no blue Mondays.  We don't have time to get blue. Yesterday was a blessed day for us at church.  We heard missionary Courtney Lancaster in the morning and at night she gave the charge to missionary (Catherine Russell) at the commissioning service.  I gave the charge to the church.  We did not stay for the fellowship time afterward.  We had received word that Margie's brother-in-law, who was just transferred from the hospital to a fine rest home in Lynden Washington, had a seriouis blood pressure issue and they took him by ambulance back to Bellingham, Washington, and the E.R. unit.  Margie and I went there after the service to pray with Jim. Margie wanted to give support to her sister Barb also.  We rejoice that Jim's condition improved and who knows, he may get to return to the rest home today.  Thanks so much for praying

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Mark 16:15 
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

This is how God gets the job done, by sending His message to all,
The gospel is preached to the world, including the great and the small.
Obedience and faith is required, as the message is everywhere preached,
And missionaries go around the world, so that all the lost can be reached. 
We trust you who read these lines today, are willing to help in this fight,
Taking Jesus to all the world, because in doing this you do what is right. (RP)

This morning at our church, we will hear a missionary presentation by Courtney Lancaster, who was brought up in our church and has since served several years already in Japan.  We look forward to this.  Tonight our church is commissioning Catherine Russell who is not new at missions ministry, although she is still young. She has done a mission trip to spanish speaking people in another country, and served short term in Thailand.  Now she returns to Thailand for a year or so, commissioned by our church.  I am honored to have s small part in that service tonight, where we will also hear again, Courtney Lancaster.  Her folks are close friends of our and we have appreciated David and Susan, Courtney and Ryan through the years. We will report more on this tomorrow.  Thanks so much for praying.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Ephesians 3:12 
In whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him.

In Christ we are made bold, because He saved us from sin,
And to be free from that guilt is a mighty good place to begin.
We have access to Him all we want; this is why we pray, 
He gives confidence which helps, as we travel along the way. 
We do all of this through faith, believing He will do these things,
And because He helps us so, that's why my heart ever sings.(RP)

Saturday is a good day to get caught up on some things we really wanted to do through the week, but just didn't get them done.  For instance, I normally put plant food on the rose bush and hanging basket and potted plants YESTERDAY. But I didn't get it done. Perhaps today I will do it. My office surely needs "spiffing" up a bit, so I intend to work on it. Margie has been looking at the recipe books, so I imagine she may be in the kitchen some today.  On and on it goes.  If we still have time, I will surely do more studies for the Revelation class. Yesterday we had 31 present and still some were absent.  It was a great class, They teach me so much.  I love it. Thanks for praying

Friday, September 19, 2014


Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife. 
Proverbs 17:1

Life without strife is a sought after thing, but sometimes cannot be found,
Some live with tension, confusion and noise, it all is so very profound.
With Christ in our life things are better,and His peace rules the day,
He gives peace starting right in our heart, and all along our way.(RP)

As always, we look forward to the Bible class this morning.  We are hoping most the regular members can get back to class. Some were ill last week.  Margie's brother-in-law is suppose to be transferred to Christian Health Care Center in Lynden, Washington today.  We are praying for his recovery and thank you for helping us in that.  Our day yesterday was filled with activities and the afternoon prayer meeting at the church.  Thanks for praying.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Colossians 2:6-7 
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

A wise word today from our Father above, about how we should live each day,
If you are a Christian, God tells you to live it, always walking His way,
Steadfastly be grounded in Him, dear friend, make Him your foundation sure,
Be faithful to Him in all you do, and thank Him for a life satisfied and secure (RP)

Every Thursday is pretty routine with us here.  In the morning Margie gets her hair done and in the afternoon is prayer meeting. We look forward to it.  While Margie is getting her hair done, I often do some shopping, then pick her up later.  Yesterday was our big day of washing and ironing. We work together on that project.  I also was able to write another story for our book and even started another one.  Today, Lord willing, I will finish it.  I also was able to get most of the background study finished for our Friday Revelation study.  We trust you all have a good day.  Thanks for praying.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

Christians have an enemy who is Satan, and is evil,
He works to destroy us all, and keep things in upheaval.
The powers of darkness are raging, so be found in Christ today,
He gives strength for the journey and protects as you go His way.
Be sure to put on God's armor, and your victory will be sure,
By prayer and His word you'll end well, and the battles endure.(RP)

For some reason we were a day ahead in our thinking.  We prayed last night for the AWANA program at our church.  Actually it starts TONIGHT.  But as Margie well said, "They can use all the pray they get".  How true.  We had a good day yesterday.  Margie did some cleaning, I finished my basic studies for the Friday class in Revelation,  I also wrote 4 more stories for our Shepherd's book. Today we are busy gertting the washing done and a few other things.  Thanks for praying.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. 
Psalm 63:1

O that we'd all seek after God like the Psalmist did in this verse,
But I fear that in life this is not the case, for many it's the reverse.
Let's learn to seek Him early before the activities start,
Go to Him in prayer, and commune with Him with all your heart.
We should thirst for God who brings refreshment to our dry soul,
Daily talk to the Lord, and upon Him let your burden roll.(RP)

I think all of know that accomplish things we have "to keep at it", the title of today's blog.  I feel that way, in a positive way, about our Bible class.  It is such a joy to study the book of Revelation. It is also a blessing to see the class members excited about it.   Yesterday was a more leisurely day but filled, as you can imagine, with more preparation for the class on Friday. Margie had several things she was working on. I also vacuumed the house and did some dusting.  Margie is unable to do these chores, and we are grateful for the ability to help her this way.  We trust you all have a great day.  Thanks for praying.

Monday, September 15, 2014


The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. 
Numbers 6:24-26

What more of a blessing could any one want than this beautiful word today,
God desires to bless us in all we do as we move about our work each day.
With his face towards us what more could we ask, our Father watching us, 
His grace is poured in endless streams, and for this we should never fuss.
Above all else His peace is given, and this is the greatest blessing of all,
So rest in Him, my friend, and let this blessing be for both the great and small. (RP)

Reflecting on Sunday, we tell you that it was a blessing having Don Mogford in our church giving an update about the work  of Shepherds Ministry located in Union Grove, Wisconsin. Our daughter Joy was a resident there 45 years, so this place means very much to us. During Sunday School and church he spoke and showed Power Point and other pictures.  It was a blessing. After church we took Don to a local restaurant for lunch then to our house for dessert. We were blessed with h is ministry and it brought back so many special memories of the eleven years we represented this organization here on the west coast.  Our son Rawlie completed his week of work on the building downtown and went back to Stanwood yesterday. We will see him again next week.  We are very concerned about Margie's brother-in-law who still is hospitalized with several health issues which concern us.  Thanks so much for praying.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014


I Corinthians 10:13 
No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

We all are tempted in many ways, because Satan wants it this way,
But praise God we have a Helper who has promised help every day.
All temptations are common to man, and God knows about each one,
He's ready to help any who call upon Him, and will help till the test is done.
God uses temptations to strengthen us, and thereby escape its harm,
Rely on Him for the help He provides, and you will be free from alarm.
When this test has passed, and you ponder how God helped you through,
You will praise Him for deliverance and victory, and all that he did for you. (RP)

This month is missionary emphasis at our church.  This morning in Sunday School we will have the opportunity of hearing pastor Don Mogford, West Coast Representative for Shepherds Ministries. Don is the person who took our place when we finished our ministsry with Shepherds.  We look forward to the time with him today.  Margie and I had the privilege of having this ministry for 11 years.  Don is doing a wonderful job and we appreciate so much his love and dedication to the Lord and this ministry.  Our son is with us for a few more hours then returns to Stanwood.  He and our grandson Natahn have worked all week on one of their buildinigs in Ferndale.  It is a slow process but bit by bit they are accomplishing their goal of getting these buildings in good shape.  Thanks for praying.  We appreciate your support.

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Psalm 68:35 
O God, You are more awesome than Your holy places.

The poet of Psalms wrote a wonderful thing when he penned these words long ago,
All creation cannot compare said he, to the matchless and holy name that we love so.
Truly our God is very awesome, even more than the meaning this word implies,
His great and majestic holiness excels all,and under His control are countless supplies. 
As we enter His presence today, give Him praise from the bottom of your heart,
You will be blessed by His consoling hand, and I know you will not want to depart.(RP)

Rawlie and Nathan have a big job today. They found an important board in the building they are remodeling, that is rotten. Today they have to replace it. This involves using jacks and plenty of wisdom to raise the wall and cut out the defective piece, and replace it with a new 2 X 6 board.  We are prayin all goes well on that project. Yesterday the Bible study went well but we were sorry so many missed missed due to illness.  We were surprised how many are "under the weather".  We finished chapter 13 of Revelation which is very important in understanding facts about the Tribulation period in prophecy.  Today Margie is preparing a meal for our family (and some invited extras).  We look forward to this. Thanks so much for praying

Friday, September 12, 2014


For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Just to think that God thinks of us, is humbling to say the least,
All are treated equally, from the far west clear out to the east.
He wants us to have peace today and tells us so right here,
He wishes no evil upon us, desiring a bright future for all,
And is ready and willing to do this for all who upon Him will call.

Friday is always enjoyable because we meet to study the book of Revelation. Our class is enthusiastic about the study and participate well in the study.  Each has a study sheet and they come to class prepared for the discussion and teaching. We are sorry some are sick today and cannot be in the class. But last week the tables were filled and people sitting next to the wall around the room Yesterday was Margie's hair day and in the afternoon our prayer meeting.  We trust you all have a great day.  Thanks for praying.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, "You are my God." My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me. 
Psalms 31:14-15

In our walk with the Lord, there are those who would harm,
And God wants us to trust Him and the enemy disarm.
How great to know our times are in His hands,
And He is the helper for the one who by Him stands.
Just to know that He is our God, dispels so many fears,
And to realize that He will help us is music to our ears.(RP)

The title of today's blog is what happens every Thursday.  It is our schedule and we follow it gladly.  The beauty shop where Margie has her hair done is the same building Rawlie and Gina own and are presently giving a face-lift.  When finished it will be better both inside and outside. Rawlie and Nathan are doing a good job. Yesterday Margie's visit to the retina specialist was rewarding., Her eyes were better than the last visit, and he gave another injection in the eye to help improve her vision.  The weatherman says things will start to warm up again around here.  We have never had a summer like this that we can remember. Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
2 Peter 3:13

In our earthly walk down here, we so often look at the sky,
And  ponder all that God has given, which we'll see by and by. 
In our heavenly home up yonder, God's righteousness will rule,
And Christians look forward to that grand and precious jewel.(RP)

Margie had another docor's appointment this morning.  We pray when he examines her eyes, the report will be favorable.  Eyesight is a precious gift and Margie wants to be able to continue being able to read and enjoy her surroundings.  Our son is working this week on one their homes in Ferndale.  He left early this morning to begin his days work downtown.  He and Nathan are making pretty good progress on this project.  I was able to complete one more future lesson for the Revelation class.  I like to keep ahead so we don't get rushed.  Thanks so much for your prayers. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth.
John 16:13a

Christians are blessed with the Holy Spirit's help, as they go about their days,
He guides and helps us along the way, and with each step we give Him praise.
In life, direction is our main goal, and He gives this with utmost care,
So each new day is given to Him with a grateful heart and much prayer. 
Today,Christian friend, acknowledge Him; thank Him for the help He provides,
And be sure you know our Helper indwells us, and capably comforts and guides.(RP)

Today Margie has a doctor's appointment.  We will take advantage of the trip to do some necessary shopping.  We also want to visit Jim who is in the hospital.  Yesterday I did a lot of studying for the Revelation class on Friday.  I am also working ahead on future lessons in Revelation.  I try to work in order to have 6 weeks of study guides prepared at all times.  Rawlie will be working on the Flint building today with his son Nathan, and another helper also.  Thanks friends, for praying. 

Monday, September 8, 2014


Titus 2:11-12 
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age...

The grace of God is our teacher, to guide us along the way,
It brought salvation to us and helps us live day by day.
Forsake ungodliness and lust, that's what it wants us to do,
Just give Him a chance, my friend, and He will see you through.
Live seriously for Jesus, and be sober; don't crave worldly things,
Any other life style is foolish, and to God dishonor brings., 
Let's learn to live for God, and a righteous life display, 
And He will reward you greatly; He always does when you obey.(RP)

Actually Sunday is the start of the new week.  The first work day is today for most.  We trust as you all start today, you will be blessed in your endeavors.  We had a good Sunday.  In the afternoon we attended a reception for a friend's parents celebrating 40 years of marriage.  We had a very nice time there. Our son returned from his home to work in Ferndale, so is staying with us.  Later our grandson dropped by, and took some of Margie's gluten free muffins. Today we have nothing definite planned, except to continue our studies for the Revelation class on Friday.  We never can study it too much.  Thank you friends, for praying.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually; You have given the commandment to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress.
Psalm 71:3

What a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving, the Psalmist made that day,
When he acknowledged the Lord as his refuge, and Helper along the way.
With grateful heart for saving him, he knew God was his fortress and rock,
And he always had access to Him, because the Lord your prayer will not block.(RP)

We are rejoicing today with a call from Margie's sister that her husband Jim called her from the hospital wanting her to bring some things for him.  She was thrilled and thought the nurse had helped him dial.  He told her he did it himself.  What an answer to prayer. So many are praying for his recovery.  We thank all who have helped in prayer for him.  We had a good day yesterday, more leisurely than others. Margie did some baking and our son joined us for lunch which was so nice.  He had to return to Stanwood but will come back today we think.   Thanks so much for your prayers, 

Saturday, September 6, 2014


1John 4:1 
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Don't be gullible for every new thought, or teaching you may hear,
Examine each thing by God's Word; much in this world is not clear.
Test each new thing, whether it is of God, because many aim to deceive,
And they will say anything, just to get you and others to believe. False prophets abound in this world and their purpose is not holy or right.
They want to lead you astray and to catch you is their supreme delight. 
Stay true to God's Word dear friend; read it and enjoy His will for you,
And you'll be the winner all along the way,and He will see you through. (RP)

Today our son is with us and he and I plan to have coffee at Starbucks.  He will be here all week working on projects with one of their houses.  We had a great attendance at the bible class yesterday.  Several were missing because of illness or travel, but we were very pleased with the enthusiasm for this study in the book of Revelation.  Today we will be studying in advance more material for next week's lesson.   We trust you all have a good day. Thanks so much for praying.

Friday, September 5, 2014


Then Moses said to God, Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, What is His name? what shall I say to them? And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. And He said, Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you. 
Exodus 3:13-14

The names of God are important to us and reveal to us very much,
In fact His names help us all through life and bring us the Master's touch.
For each of our needs, He has a name that helps, displaying His loving care, 
If you doubt God's help don't forget his I Am because it's always there.
When we are aware of the I AM who speaks, there's nothing for us to fear,
He supplies what we need with His special name and we know he is always near.(RP)

We have been looking forward to this day for some time.  We resume the Bible study in the book of Revelation this morning at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. We have met several who are glad we are having it.  Yesterday we were blessed to be invited to enjoy a delicious meal at Anthonys, by our good friends, Armond Daws and his family, Carl and Linda Coonrod.  What a great time we had.  We trust you all have a wonderful day.  Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014


The day is Yours, the night also is Yours; You have prepared the light and the sun. 
Psalm 74:16

All belongs to God who is the maker of it all,
He upholds each thing, whether large or small.
Days belong to Him, so why not let Him guide,
He'll tenderly lead, staying closely by your side.
When night falls, He will safely see you through,
Give Him all your troubles, He will care for you.
God had us in mind when He made these things,
Thank Him now for the joy that to our heart it brings.

We look forward to the afternoon prayer meeting at the church.  It is a time when serious intercession is made for many.  We value those moments together with fellow-believers.  Yesterday was a stressful day for Margie's sister.  Jim, her husband had surgery to clear up an abcess which developed after his last surgery.  And when Barbara called us last night after 8, Jim had still not awakened from the surgery.  She called again this morning with the same report, that Jim had not awakened. His kidneys are not responding well so Barb does not know if they will put him on dialysis or not.  All the family appreciates your prayer about this. Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, 
a worker who does not need to be ashamed, 
rightly dividing the word of truth   
II Tim 2:15

How eager are you dear Christian, to receive approval from God?
Are you diligent in this pursuit or do you put on a facade?
Don't be ashamed of your life, because you have missed a point,
Come to the Lord, without delay and let Him your life anoint
Study His Word and divide it right and you'll never be in doubt,
The result will be great and your life will overflow with a shout.

Yesterday and today has been another hard day for Margie's sister, Barb.  Her husband, Jim, is in critical condition at the hospital. This morning I received a call asking us to come in immediately because she was concerned that Jim might not survive his latest issue.  We arrived, had prayer with him and the family stayed in the ICU unit room until they were bringing him back there.  Margie & I stayed 2 hours and came home.  Later Barb called and said they found an abcess and other irregularities in his system.  He has sepsis, which if not treated becomes septic shock.  They are doing all they can for him now.  His heart was very weak and this is what concerned Barb. You who receive this will pray, and we all appreciate it. Thanks for praying.   

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Psalm 119:37 
Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way.

We mortals are peculiar, using wrongly what God has given,
We came to Him for salvation and our sins He has forgiven.
 We often tend to use our eyes for things that displease the Lord,
Instead we should honor the Lord and seek to have his reward.
Our prayer today should be to not look at worthless things,
Knowing that this is right and for us rich blessings brings.
Sin robs us of vitality, so pray much  for victory today,
And have God revive you as you walk in His way.(RP)

Some schools started early, but many started this morning.  Busses, and kids are everywhere.  It is a caution for motorists, to be careful as they drive.  I went shopping early this morning.  Margie cleaned the bathrooms.  I vacuumed the house yesterday and today will continue on Revelation studies.  I also do a nature study at the start of each class session, so want to prepare well that lesson today. We attend a missionary meeting this afternoon. It is a busy time.  Most times are, right?   Thanks for praying. 

Monday, September 1, 2014


Deuteronomy 6:5 
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

God's will is never half-done, it must be obeyed all the way,
He wants our love in full measure, and wants it everyday. 
Our total heart is with Him, how much better this really is,
And to know our soul and strength should also be totally His.
Begin today, my friend,  to love Him with everything you are,
And you will learn very soon, that with Him you'll go very far.(RP)

I finally had success in changing my password for a very important program I use.  These things can be frustrating, but the ones in charge of these programs know how to help you and bring you to success. Today is Labor Day.  The flag is waving happily (if flags can be happy) in our front yard.  It is a more leisurely day.  We had a great day at church yesterday.  Our family is well, and our son called last night to tell us he is coming here next week instead of this week. He will be staying the week working with his son on some of their properties in Ferndale. I think I will vacuum the house and then work on some more for the studies in the book of Revelation.  That class starts Sept 5.   Thanks for praying.