Sunday, August 31, 2014


1 Thessalonians 5:18 
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Some carelessly say they want God's will, but then do nothing about it,
They go through life with an air of delight, but never to God submit.
There's one way we can always do His will, just by giving Him thanks,
This is God's way and it always works, because God does not play pranks.
Begin today to be thankful, remembering all of God's goodness to you.
What a way to begin doing God's will, which from us may be long overdue. (RP)

Sunday is always welcome around our house.  To still be able to go to Sunday School and church is a blessing.  We thank God we can. Yesterday for us was a leisurely day.  We had no pressing issues so took it easy.  I did bake 10 bell peppers, however, and distributed some of them to friends.  I also did some more research and study for the Bible class which starts next Friday.  The summer has gone quickly and we are looking forward to the classtime again.  We trust you all have a good day.  Thanks for praying.

Saturday, August 30, 2014


One of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. 
Luke 17:15-16

Ten lepers were healed by Jesus, as they plead for mercy that day,
Now healed and restored they left Him, and went on their merry way.
Only one was grateful enough to return, and fall at Jesus' feet,
He knew that all was not well, so he wanted to make things complete.
How wonderful it is when rich blessing we have, to thank the Lord above,
And worship Him for all that's been done, and give Him our sincere love. (RP)

Hopefully all is back to normal now.  For some reason this blog did not get published nor our website yesterday.  What a glitch.  Oh well, that is history and now all is well.  Our weather is much cooler. In fact this morning Margie turned the furnace on.  I guess Fall is around the corner.  Wonder of wonders, I will be baking more stuffed green peppers today.  Would anyone venture a guess how many I have prepared in the last two years.  At 10 per week, it adds up quickly. We have great joy in distributing them to others or inviting folks to come here to enjoy them with us.  Our family is not with us this weekend.  Our son says he will be with us most of next week.  That will be great. Thanks so much for praying.  

Friday, August 29, 2014


1 Corinthians 10:31 
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

God saved us, forgave us, and promises eternal life,
And all this in a world that is filled with sin and strife.
He expects us to honor Him in our walk down here,
Daily we should be grateful, and so glad He is near.
In all we do every day,my friend, learn to glorify God, 
Any other behavior would certainly be very odd.
So in all we do down here, be careful to obey,
And God will surely bless you each and every day.(RP)

A viewer (visitor) to these pages every day asked us via e-mail if we were okay.  I reponded in the affirmative.  The visitor had not seen our posting for yesterday.   I have no idea what happened.  Sure enough it is gone.  Sorry about that.  I don't believe we have missed a day of publishing for years.  Our web site was down for several days and I am bewildered now whether that was part of the problem even though it is another company that publishes these words.  Oh well, we will see from here on how it goes.  We have been quite busy getting ready for the Bible class that starts Sept 5.  The days are getting cooler, Fall is on the way.  Trust you all have a good day.  Thanks for praying.  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Blessed are the pure in heart, For they 
shall see God."
Matthew 5:8

I'm glad that Jesus knows each heart and   
does nothing slipshod,
And all whose hearts are pure indeed
He says they will see God. (RP)

Today is a busy day.  I will only say we make three trips into Bellingham.  We are happy we can do it to help others.  I must make this short because I need to leave now for the first trip.  Thanks so much for praying

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Proverbs 14:14 
The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, But a good man will be satisfied from above.

The person who walks far away from God seeking to do his own thing,
Is foolish and will not be blessed, and upon himself much trouble will bring.
His ways are not God's ways, and this is a terrible path to walk,
He will be known by all as one who is arrogant in actions and talk.
It's better to look at the good man today who is led by God's strong hand,
He is happy, content and joyous indeed as he walks in the way God planned.(RP)

Weeks ago we noticed the flyers announcing specials on school suipplies.  Some schools have already started.  And our Bible class at the Ferndale Senior Center starts Sept 5.  That means the teacher better get back to his books and review the future lessons planned for the class.  We are expecting a good group this time and look forward to it.  Yesterday we had a busy trip into town to take care of several things on our shopping list.  Today we return to town for some other errands.  We are thankful Margie is able and desires to do these things as well.  Thanks so much for praying. 

Monday, August 25, 2014


Matthew 5:14-16 
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Believers in Jesus are the light of the world; God calls us to shine for Him,
So shine for Jesus wherever you are, and never let that light grow dim.
Cities on hills cannot hide themselves; they are there for all to see,
Believers in Jesus are never to hide, and I am certain with this you agree.
Jesus tells us in language so easily understood, let your light shine before men,
This light-giving testimony is our ministry here; do it over and over again. 
There's a reason why God instructs us this way, it's as simple as can be,
We shine so others will see our good works, and then glorify God with glee.(RP)

There are no Monday blues around here, even though our expresso coffee maker gave out just now.  I might dare to tinker with it but doubt if I can get it working.  We'll see.  Yesterday was good as we attended church.  Our son was here with us part of the time also. Our daughter-in-law and granddaughter will be dropping by this morning also.  We attended a wedding last night of friends, and it was nice to visit at the reception time.  Our brother-in-law is in the hospital and we are concerned for him.  We trust this will be a good day for you.   I am having trouble publishing our web page that some of you may look at.  It really is the same as this only with a picture of the book we wrote.  I am trying to figure out why it won't accept my password to publish it.  Many challenges.  Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Acts 17:26 
"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.

God created earth and sky and all that dwells in them, 
All mankind and creatures; even the beautiful gem.
He assigned to all mankind the places where they live,
He does this because He loves, and really likes to give.
Not only does He love us, but gave Jesus to be our Savior,
He saves the soul who comes to him no matter what his behavior.
Today be thankful to the Lord for putting you where you are,
Because one with a thankful heart, in this life will go very far. (RP)

We are always glad to be able to go the church on this day.  We look forward to the Sunday School class and then the worship service which follows.  We have noticed a weather change.  The mornings are cooler and of course the days are getting shorter.  We know what's coming, don't we?  Yesterday it was nice having our son and grandson with us for lunch.  They are working on one of their places in Ferndale.  We trust you all have a wonderful day and for part of our family it is already the "next day", so church is over for you.  Thanks so much for praying

Saturday, August 23, 2014


A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Men plan and conniver each step that they take, hoping to find their way,
But the truth of the matter is this, dear friend, God leads us day by day.
When we think we have it all figured out, and things will be okay,
God changes our path to another route and now His plan is in display.
Thank Him daily for the way He leads, because we know it is right,
And to walk in His will is satisfying indeed, and the future is always bright. (RP)

I prepared peppers earlier this week, but latser in a store, I found them at a very good price so got 10 more.  That means this week I prepared 20 of them.  As I have said before, surely I have baked thousands during my sojourn.  I enjoy it, and the best part is distributing them to folks we think can use them.   They all appreciate it greatly.  Today our son and grandson will have dinner with us so freshly baked bell peppers will be the main menu.  Last night we attended the wedding reception for Andrew and Andrea Anderson, held at our church.  It was lovely indeed.  As always, we thank you for your prayer support.

Friday, August 22, 2014


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

God saved and made us temples so His Spirit could dwell within,
This is His plan for us and we are thrilled He saved us from sin. 
We are no longer our master;only God has that special right,
We know the price He paid was great; the result for us is delight.
God instructs us to glorify Him with body and spirit which He gave,
We rejoice that He came to earth so that sinners He could save.(RP)

In two weeks, at this time, we will be thinking about getting to the Ferndale Senior Activity Center for our Bible class.  Today, however, we have plenty to do at home.  We will keep busy doing these odd jobs.  Tonight we go to a wedding reception. It is amazing how much there is to do.  We are glad we can do it, even though we know we are limited in some ways.  I'm having trouble with my web page and cannot get it to update and publish to the Internet.  Oh well, I'll just keep trying and see what happens.  Thanks friends, for praying. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


2 Corinthians 5:17 
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

In Christ old things have passed away,
And many new things are here to stay.
The secret is being in Christ our Lord,
This brings in itself a marvelous reward.
In Christ we are a new creation, my friend,
To everyone: this is what I recommend. (RP)

With the anniversary celebration over, things are getting back to normal.  Back to it--the regular schedule.  Today is hair day for Margie and in the afternoon we have prayer meeting at the church. We realize also that the countdown for school is on, and we will be gearing up to resume the Friday Bible class again.  We are looking forward to this.  And we have heard some of the members of the class express the same sentiments.  We notice a cooling in the weather pattern today.  I wonder if that is a sign that Fall is around the corner.  Thank you for your prayer support.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Psalm 34:3 
Oh, magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together.

Our wedding vow was made long ago, sixty years to this day,
How great to serve the Lord with her , all along the way.
To magnify the Lord is our goal, and has been since the start,
And doing this as a couple, means each one does his part.
Exalting Him in all we do takes time, and plenty of work,
This results in blessings, because His word we did not shirk.
We know not the days in front of us, we just trust Him for this,
Our main concern is that we stay in tune, and none of His blessing miss.(RP)

We rejoice in God's goodness to us, bringing us to our 60th year of marriage.  We have received calls today about it.  I plan to treat Margie to lunch, thanks to my brother Harold's gracious gift to us.  Other than that it will probably be a leisurely day.  This is the day washing is done, beds are made and other things on the "to do" list.  We are grateful we can still do them. Thanks so much for your prayers. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


John 15:7 
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

Abiding in Christ is the place to be, to have all he wants you to be,
In fellowship sweet you walk with the Lord and both of you do agree.
Prayer is special when you abide in Him, He gives what you request,
And living this way is the best for you, and you know it because you have rest.(RP)

The school break for summer is drawing to a close.  In 16 more days the Bible class will resume. Several have voiced their desire for that to happen.  It is good to hear this.  I have worked quite a bit on it during this recess. I have also written quite a few more chapters on our next book.  There is a total now of 130 chapters. More are coming as we continue to review Margie's notes taken from our diaries.  I spent part of the time yesterday organizing pictures from our 60th anniversary celebration at church last Saturday.  Maybe I can share some along the line.  Thanks for your prayers.  We appreciate them. 

Monday, August 18, 2014


Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help my unbelief. 
Mark 9: 23-24

Faith comes in many degrees, and is dependent on ones trust in God,
Some don't give thought to such vital things, and go through life slipshod. 
All things are possible to him who believes said Jesus to him that day,
And the father requested from Jesus some help; he began to pray.
Lord help us also when we lose faith, and seem so weak in these things,
Keep us ever aware of your help and may we learn what joy it brings. (RP)

Sunday School and church yesterday were a blessing.  At the after church welcome room, they served one of the anniversary cakes that was left over.  I noticed it was gone in no time. After lunch we read our cards.  There were MANY.   And I have another file of them on the computer that people sent in response to the invitation.
All in all we received scores of cards and we were humbled and honored by all the wonderful personal notes.  We thank our family for such a fantastic job of making the day so enjoyable.  We appreciate all the fine help.  Thanks to all who pray for us. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014


I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

Abiding in Christ is our privilege now, so do it with all your might, 
He is the vine, and branches we are, so remember this is our right.

Communion with Him brings eternal results, much fruit is one of them,
Think of the souls that have been won for Him; what a heavenly gem!
Remember that it's Jesus who helps each day, in all we attempt to do,
Keep abiding in Him, and you will know that He'll always will be with you.(RP)

The 60th anniversary celebration was a blessing to Margie and me.  We were honored and overwhelmned with the attendance.  Our family, Rawlie,Gina, and the children, plus Rachel, did a magnificent job of putting things together to make it a success.  Our gratitude goes also to Glenn and Kathy Golay who were in charge of the kitchen and made things run smoothly.  We are indebted to all who helped, and came to help us celebrate. It was indeed a day we will not forget.  Everyone remarked how beautiful Margie looked in her elegant dress and beautiful corsage.  Maybe one of these days I'll post some pictures of the event.  Thanks for praying for us.  It means much to us.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart;Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

We know from this verse that the words of our mouth really come from the heart,
So help me Lord as I mediate from your Word never depart.
You are our strength and Redeemer and may our prayer be acceptable to You,
As we stay in close communion, and always Your will pursue.(RP)

The big day has arrived and we look forward to the open house this afternoon for our anniversary.  Gina and her "crew" did a wonderful job of preparing for the occasion.  Glenn and Kathy Golay prepared the area for the reception, and in charge of kitchen duties.  We are grateful for all the help provided.  Rawlie made long trips to get flowers, the cake, etc for the fellowship this afternoon.  So now we anxiously await the time to meet many friends.  Quite a few have told us they are coming, so we look forward to this special time.  Margie and I kept busy also going on a 35 mile jaunt to get Dixie cup ice cream for the event, then stopping at the floral shop to get the corsage and boutonniere. Thanks so much for praying. 

Friday, August 15, 2014


Proverbs 27:1 
Do not boast about tomorrow,For you do not know what a day may bring forth.

Lord, it is so easy to think we are in charge in things that happen each day,
But Your Word is so plain in telling us that You are in charge of our way.
We really don't know what will happen next, but thankfully we know You do,
So help us to always trust and leave everything to You.(RP)

Things are on the move around here.  Preparations are in full swing for our anniversary open house.  Our family is so busy doing all the details for it.  We appreciate them greatly.  Yesterday we attended the memorial service for High Pottle.  It was good also to see the Pottle family and many others who were there.  Our daughter-in-law, Gina and our son Rawlie will be doing many things today getting ready for tomorrow's event.  We are overwhelmned with all their help.  We trust you all have a good day. Thanks for praying. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Ephesians 6: 11 
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Believers are given the armor of God in order to stand our foe,
This weapon is greater than anything else that we can have below.
Each piece is given for a purpose, and when worn will do its work,
To ward off the devil and his plans, so please do not this duty shirk.
Read about this armor in Ephesians 6 and you will be greatly blessed,
By taking each piece and wearing it right,for you this is the best.
Above all else pray much, knowing this brings us the power of God,
And never forget your shoes because with peace your feet are shod.(RP)

Today we attend the memorial service for our friend Hugh Pottle.  His mom and dad were in our church years ago.  They are in heaven and Hugh joined them last Thursday evening.  Hugh was the town barber for many years. Our prayers are with Marion and her family these days.  Our son will be arriving today.  His wife came yesterday.  She is busy preparing for our anniversary celebration Saturday at our church.  The weather is cooler today.  It rained a little bit yesterday and will today also, I believe.  These are busy days.  Yesterday I was able to write 5 more stories for our next book.  That makes a total of 130, and I will finish one more today. Thanks for praying. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 
1 Cor 13:13

Of all the things that can be named, there is one that tops them all,
And God's Word tells us in words clean and plain, that love is the one that stands tall.
Love is the greatest and should be practiced by us, everywhere we go,
So obediently follow the command of the Lord and never be dragging or slow.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, and communion with Christ supreme,
We will follow His Word and onward go and love will be our theme. (RP)

All went well with us for shopping and Margie's appointment at the eye doctor.  We decided to have lunch in town.  I was drinking my glass of Sprite, when all of a sudden the glass tipped over and Margie got it all.  What a mess.  The waitresses had it all cleaned up in moments, I got Margie's rain coat for her to "hide" the "watermarks" and be a little warmer in the air conditioned building.  She wrote me a note during the night, that she didn't think the food reacted well with her either so we won't revisit that place again.  On and on it goes and we never know what will happen.  It was not as warm yesterday, but we still enjoyed the swamp coolers at home.  I lost some files on my computer but thankfully Carbonite thechnicians got them back for me yesterday afternoon.  I am very grateful because one of them was the file for the new book we are trying to write.  Thanks so much for your prayers, 

Monday, August 11, 2014


Luke 12:24-25 
Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds? And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

God feeds the birds their daily lot, and cares for them so much,
And as he cares for them each day, they feel his tender touch.
But as I see His tender care of all the creatures here, 
I have to realize in my heart, I see His plan is clear,
He values us even more than the birds, and we can rejoice in this,
For His love is great indeed, beyond anything that exists.
The lesson for us is right here my friend; let us not ever forget,
Worrying never advances our cause; His care is the best thing yet.(RP)

We are definitely in the countdown for the 60th wedding anniversary open house at our church next Saturday.  Margie discovered yesterday that that table decorations will be handled by our daughter-in-law Gina, because the original person is just not able to do it.  We are thankful for Gina's ready help.  She is good at what she does.  We had a nice day yesterday at church.  Our son and grandson were with us for just part of Saturday and Sunday, then returned to Stanwood.  They will be back earlier this week.  The weatherman promises 87 degrees today.  We'll be happy for the swamp coolers that refresh us.  Thanks for praying. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014


He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
Romans 8:32

We serve a God who really cares, when He gave His Son for us,
Jesus died for us that day, and because of this there is a plus.
Eternal life He gave, and this life is abundant and free, 
And we praise His name today because He did it for you and me.
God's grace is sufficient for all, and He gives us even more.He freely gives us all things and this we cannot ignore.(RP)

Things seem to be back to normal around here, now that the laptop computer is up and functioning.  I have installed programs back into it and we are using them already.  Our son and grandson are here. They had lunch with us yesterday.  We served them the newly-baked bell peppers and much more.  They will be leaving today for Stanwood.  Next week we'll see them again.  We look forward to church this morning.  Last night our good friend Andrew Anderson was married to Andrea in a neighboring city.  Thursday night our good friend Hugh Pottle died suddenly.  The Lord gives and takes away. We are happy Hugh is with the Lord.   Thanks friends, for praying. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Psalm 116:6 
The Lord preserves the simple

I am just a simple man, who wants God to direct,
And this I know He'll do for me; this is what I expect.
I go through life depending on Him, for all the things I need,
And when the day is over, I know He's done it indeed. 
Thank God for simple people, who learn to trust the Lord,
They face each day with thankfulness, and are never bored. (RP)

As promised yesterday, I am repeating yesterday's verse and poem.  It was a full day getting the necessary programs back into the laptop which I had reset to factory default.  In other words, when I started Thursday night, there were no programs on the machine. I had to install them all.  I had saved many files on a hard drive and all I had to do was cut and paste them into the laptop system.  If there are any more I need, I will get them Online through Carbonite, a backup program I subscribe to.  It is great to be able to get and send e-mail now.  Margie did some baking yesterday and today I will do my weekly regular, of stuffing green peppers.  Thanks for praying.   We were shocked by the news of Hugh Pottle's passing, a dear friend of many years. Thanks for your prayers. 

Friday, August 8, 2014


Psalm 116:6 
The Lord preserves the simple

I am just a simple man, who wants God to direct,
And this I know He'll do for me; this is what I expect.
I go through life depending on Him, for all the things I need,
And when the day is over, I know He's done it indeed. 
Thank God for simple people, who learn to trust the Lord,
They face each day with thankfulness, and are never bored. (RP)

Computer delays make me turn this day into TWO.  The same will appear tomorrow unless I have a moment to change it.  Thank the Lord for technical support.  It brought me back to being able to use our email program once again.  Margie experimented in the kitchen on some baking today.  She was not real pleased with the outcome, but I do declare the banana bread was delicious.  I don't think our son will be coming this weekend.  Thanks dear friends for praying.  P.S.  I didn't post this until 4:45 PM.   

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Titus 2:11-12 
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age.

A call for righteous living is given plainly for us today, 
God's word of grace for salvation is for us all to obey.
Our Father teaches clearly how we should live down here,
A life denying worldly things and one filled with Godly fear.
To be sober, righteous and godly, is His demand for us,
All who obey His wise command, will live with much less fuss. (RP)

Unless other things come into our schedule, today is pretty well the same each week.  I take Margie to the beauty shop, and while she is there I do some shopping.  At home we have lunch, then leave for afternoon prayer meeting.  We awakened this morning to a foggy day.  It is cooler.  Many are happy about this.  Sunshine is predicted for the afternoon.  I am in the process of backing up on an external hard drive (storage unit) some of the programs I want to make double-sure are saved.  Sometime this week I will have HP (Hewlett Packard) reset my laptop to factory standards.  I have installed way too much on it and it has slowed down considerably.  Resetting it makes a world of difference..  We trust you all have a good day.  Thanks for your prayer support. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Ephesians 5:17
Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

We go through life knowing not what to do, but God gives His answer plain, Read and study God's Word and his will you will soon ascertain.We are unwise if we stay with our doubts, when in fact His will can be known,
So join the crowd that is seeking God's will and never again be alone. (RP)

Our faithful friend Elaine called because we had not posted our blog or website for today.  Other things distracted us and I completely forgot it.  Our thanks to dear Elaine for calling to make sure all was okay with us.  She is a faithful reader each day.  I am backing up our laptop getting ready to have Hewlett Packard, restore it to its original state.  Naturally we will lose everything. But not really, because we have Carbonite which has a copy of everything on our hard drive.  Nevertheless, some things I am making doubly sure, so I can retrieve them easily.  I am thinking mostly of our Bible class and all the notes and study sheets.  We are also involved in getting some things done for the open house 6oth wedding anniversary time at our church August 16.  There is never a dull moment.  Thanks for praying. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Fear not, for I am with you;Be not dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you,Yes, I will help you,I will uphold you with My righteous right hand;
Isaiah 41:10

God tells us not to fear because we fear, this timely word is for today,
He told us He'd be with us and that means He will be with us all the way.
Because He is our God we should never be dismayed; this is strength for us,
And to think He hold us with righteous hands; His help is more than a plus.

The weather always is a topic of discussion, it seems.  We awakened to a much cooler Tuesday, than usual.  Yesterday it was very warm.  We had a great time with Don Mogford at lunchtime. It was renjoyable hearing of his travels for Shepherds.  He took our position upon our retirement.  He has a different ministry than ours was,and is doing a very fine job.  We appreciate his fellowship and friendship in the gospel.  We did some necessary shopping and were glad to get home around 4 in the afternoon.  Thanks much for praying. 

Monday, August 4, 2014


Eclesiastes 8:12 
Though a sinner does evil a hundred times,and his days are prolonged, yet I surely know that it will be well with those who fear God, who fear before Him.

We are sinners and cannot deny this fact; the Bible tells us so,
Men usually live a very long time, but God has blessings to bestow.
The person who fears the Lord, by trusting his life to His name,
Making the right choice to follow the Lord, he never will be the same.(RP)

We are pleased today to have the company of Don Mogford, west coast representative for Shepherds in Union Grove, Wisconsin.  Don took our place and is doing a great ministry of visiting supporters of Shepherds here in the west.   We look forward to this visit.  Yesterday was a busy day at church, with a good Sunday School plus worship service, followed by a business meeting.  Then we spent the rest of the day leisurely at home.  The weather continues warm so we are very happy with our evaporation coolers which bring the temperature down 10 -11 degrees, especially in the bedroom for good sleeping.  Thanks for your prayers. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014



In loving memory of Joy Poulson Oct. 31,1959-July 21,2012

This rose bush was present at her memorial service and has since been planted in our front yard.We lovingly refer to it as Joybells (our name for Joy)At last count, I stopped at 100 buds and flowers. There were MANY more I did not count.

The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life;Of whom shall I be afraid?Psalm 27:1
From darkness the Lord saved us and gave us strong hope,
And strength for each day over things with which we cope.
We need not fear with such help at our side,
Stick close to the Savior and with Him always abide.(RP)

The two years have gone quickly since our daughter Joy went to heaven.  What a sweet release it was for her.  We can only imagine
how wonderful it is for her up there with the Lord.  The rose bush in our front yard is a constant reminder of her and we enjoy it so very much.  We look forward to the service today at church and Sunday School.  It was very warm here yesterday and we think today may be a repeat of the same.  Our son and his family went to Spokane for a wedding and return today, Lord willing.  It was a very quick trip. Thank you all for praying.  We appreciate it

Saturday, August 2, 2014


And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. 
Ephesians 4:32

What wonderful counsel is given us here, to follow every day,
Kindness in action is God's word to us as, we walk in His way. Tenderness is possible only in Him; the Holy Spirit makes it so,
And forgiveness is the magic that if followed makes us grow.
 God has forgive each of His children, call us to do the same,
And when we follow these powerful rules, we truly exalt His name.(RP)

Yesterday I had a project of assembling a cabinet that fits over the toilet in our guest bathroom.  It is made of wood, very nice and is quite attractive.  No written words were given in the instructions.  Only pictures of every part and where they fit.  I made some goofs along the way, having to undo some things. I finally got it finished, although it seemed to take the good part of the day to get it done.  Margie was also highly active cleaning our her closet.  She decided to discard quite a bit, so there is much more room now.  She declares that more will be thrown away next time.  The weather was warm so the evaporative coolers made things quite comfortable. Today my project is stuffing green peppers.  I wonder  how many thousands I have baked.  I do 10 each time.  Thanks dear friends for praying. 

Friday, August 1, 2014


Philippians 1:21
For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. 

Believers in Christ have a choice to make as they travel in this life,
With firm convictions and a steadfast goal, each can weather the strife.
To live for Christ should be the goal of each one in this race,
And by doing so the traveler soon learns much about God's grace.
And no matter what the lot in life, whether length of days or short,
We learn that even death itself is a God-given heavenly support(RP)

As much as I use the computer, it is no wonder I got a virus infection.  I went Online to one of the companies from whom I buy software for such things and they took control of the computer and in about an hour, the machine was clean (For a price!!).  I now have the computer on a password so at night it is not running and open for ALL to come in the back door and try to do some mischief. Hopefully this has resolved the problem.  Yesterday was a good day especially our prayer meeting.  We prayed for about an hour and half.  This is good.  I had hoped to slip a picture into the blog today but to this point it still has not arrived from cell phone to Juno mail and my inbox with Microsoft Outlook.  Maybe tomorrow. Thanks so much for praying.