Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:6
God will do what he ordains- what a comfort for us all,
And He faithfully works things out whether great or very small.
When He begins a work in us you can know He'll finish well,
Trust Him fully with all your heart and, your doubts He will dispel.
He keeps on working in your life the work started long ago,
And it will last until He comes with His blessing to bestow.(RP)
Last night I noticed the heart monitor on Margie was blinking at a fierce rate., I dared ont awaken her but was concerned. When she awakened later, I checked to see if all the contact points were correctly fastened to her body, then checked the communicator (cell phone gadget) It lit up immediately declaring the testing was over and all could be shut down. It's the last day of the month, which was the time period of testing. We removed the wallet containing the machine and now she is free from that awkward mess aroiund her neck, etc. I will send these machines to the right source and in a few months the cardiologist will give his judgment on what should be done - if anything, for Margie. Thanks so much for praying.