Monday, December 31, 2012
As always, the year went quickly. Much happened during these months. Even with Margie's many set backs and down times, we see an improvement for which we are grateful. It's hard to believe our daughter Joy is gone. We miss her but are SO happy she is with the Lord and free from the restraints of her body all those years. We are indebted to Shepherds Ministry and their compassionate Christian care of her for 45 years. We have much to do yet, God willing. Our times are in His hands and we are resting in that. In the last several days we have made wonderful progress on our book writing (about Brazil) Our sincere thanks to you who follow us on this blog. Your prayers for us mean so much and we are grateful.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
To church we go
Lord willing, we will be going to church today. Margie had a good night. Yesterday we took down the Christmas tree lights and Margie started putting the decorations in boxes to be stored for another year. She will finish on Monday. Yesterday I was able to write three new stories for our Brazil book and Margie proofed two of them. We are hoping we can make good progress from this point forward. Our son and grandson are with us. They are working on one of their rental units. We never tire of thanking you for your prayers for us. They are deeply appreciated.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Saturday chores
Yesterday our granddaughter took the decorations down from the Christmas tree. This was a great help for Margie. Today I will take down the tree. In the morning we taught the Bible class at the Senior Activity Center in Ferndale. Margie completed several pages of ideas for our Brazil book, taken from one of our journals. I will be writing more stories based on her findings. I also prepared many more stories to be sent to the editor next week. I am hoping Margie had a good night. I think she did. She is still sleeping as I write this. Thanks for your prayers,
Friday, December 28, 2012
Busy schedule
Our schedule yesterday was busy. We had three important appointments and thankfully made them all okay. Margie finished the day with a back adjustment which she needed. We hope she feels better today. She had a pretty good night. This morning we teach the Bible study at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center on the book of James (my favorite), then I hope to be able to dedicate the rest of the day to working on our Brazil book. Thanks for praying for us.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Margie is certainly having back pain and today will see a chiropractor. That has been the only relief she has found so far with this particular problem. Because of it she did not do well in sleeping last night. So we have a full schedule today and we pray she is able to make it through the day okay. Our son and grandson are here now, having arrived yesterday. Margie is right now preparing things for our lunch today. Thanks for praying. We appreciate it.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
How blessed we were to be able to drive to our son's home on Christmas for a nice time and delicious meal. We consider these times a gift from the Lord. At our age we are so thankful we are given this privilege. Margie did very well and we returned home around 5:45 pm. Margie had a good night and today she will be having her last physical therapy session. She has done very well and we are thankful. Please pray as we endeavor to complete our Brazil book project. We are not "over the hump" yet and need more time and wisdom to get all requirements done. Thanks for praying.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas
What a great day this is. We pray your day will be filled with God's blessings. We had the privilege of having our family here for Christmas Eve brunch. As usual Margie turned out a meal that the family will remember all year long. (And they tell us this each year). We thought of our daughter Joy who had her first Christmas in heaven. We miss her and are so thankful she is with Jesus. Margie slept well last night. This is an answer to prayer and we thank you for helping us in intercession.
Monday, December 24, 2012
We always are thankful when we can have Christmas Eve brunch with our family. In a few hours Rawlie and his family will be arriving from Stanwood. They LOVE the delicious food Margie has prepared for many years. I'll tell more about that tomorrow perhaps. We pray each of you has a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Margie slept well for which we are thankful. Thanks dear friends for your faithfulness to us in prayer. It means so much to us.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Lord's Day
We will be going down our hill to church this morning, Lord willing. We look forward to each Sunday when we can do this. The last two Sundays I was privileged to teach the class. Today I will be a student, and I enjoy that too. We have a good teacher. Margie did well last night. It is nice to be all ready for Christmas. Tomorrow our family arrives for the Christmas Eve brunch we have yearly. We'll tell more about that tomorrow or the next day. Thanks for your prayers.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Senior Center Bible study went well yesterday even though the number was down due to sickness and some traveling. We are in the book of James and completed chapter 4 Friday. We are in the countdown around here for Christmas. I sent out a one slide Power Point presentation but unfortunately many cannot play them on their computers. I sent just a plain picture of the slide to those whose machines don't accept this program. Margie had a good night and we are thankful. We pray you have a wonderful day and thank you for your prayers.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Calendar events
The world has spoken much of this date. Not only the Mayan connection, but also the start of winter. We are pleased that the Lord is in charge of these things and nothing happens without His direction. This is our comfort and hope. I had my check up yesterday and the doctor found the blood work and everything else in good order. The Lord is to be thanked for this. I have been blessed with good health. I feel the Lord did this so I could adequately care for Margie. Margie had, as far as I can tell, a good night last night. By degrees she is getting accustomed to using the C-PAP machine. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Keep trying
Margie did not do as well last night as other nights with the C-PAP machine. But she finally got to sleep and had a pretty good night.
Two main things today: Church prayer meeting in the afternoon and I have a medical check-up this morning. It's about time I saw the doctor. I haven't been all year. There was no need to do so I did not go. Thanks friends for praying.
Two main things today: Church prayer meeting in the afternoon and I have a medical check-up this morning. It's about time I saw the doctor. I haven't been all year. There was no need to do so I did not go. Thanks friends for praying.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Hopefully Margie is acclimating well to the C-PAP machine. Before she was almost sure she would never adapt to it. Last night she had a great night. It is so much better when one gets a good sleep. Today she will be in physical therapy and also see her doctor. I have been plagued with a spell of vertigo the last two days. I see the doctor tomorrow for a yearly physical exam. Thanks for praying.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Good one
We rejoice in another good night using the C-PAP. Yesterday was a big day for Margie. She was determined to do her yearly scheduled baking. She made Tea Rings for us and the neighbors, and sticky buns for our Christmas Eve brunch with the family. I only helped when she needed me. She did wonderfully well and it was satisfying for her to accomplish this after being ill for so long. I know she did a lot of praying for physical strength for the process. Our grandson is staying here while working on one of their homes here in Ferndale. Thanks again for your faithful prayer support.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Partial success
Margie was told by the sleep specialist to keep trying the C-PAP machine. Last night she did. With the help of some more sleep medication, she made it through the night pretty well. She will talk to her physician about the added sleep aid medication and if she advises her to follow that route. But we are thankful for a fairly good night. Thanks so much for praying.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Return to Anchorage
May brother who was here a few days on business, left yesterday for his home Anchorage. We certainly enjoyed the few times we were able to be with him. The last time we had seen him was on our trip for Shepherds in Alaska, several years ago. We don't get to see our siblings often. My other brother is in Singapore and has been for much over a half century. Lord willing we will be heading to church this morning. I am privileged to teach an adult Sunday school class. Margie did not have good night and we are always sorry when she doesn't. Thank you always for your faithfulness in prayer.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
It's here
We are pleased Margie's medication arrived yesterday in the mail from the pharmacy. She will start it Monday and we pray it will help her in several areas of her needs. My brother treated us ( Margie and I and our son and grandson) to a meal last night in Bellingham. He returns to Anchorage this afternoon. High winds are forecast for today so I better get the generator out and in ready mode just in case. Thanks, dear friends for your faithful prayers.
Friday, December 14, 2012
We are now in the waiting mode for medication to arrive that Margie's allergist prescribed. We are encouraged by the sound of the doctor's evaluation of the blood test done a while back. Margie slept well last night and that is always a plus when it happens. This morning I teach the book of James at the Ferndale Senior Activity Center. My brother Harold extended his business stay because of the extra things that have to be done before he can leave. He met with all the "brass" of the company with whom he is dealing yesterday and the extension is a result of that. Thanks for praying for Margie's situation. We appreciate it.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
It was a pleasure for us to have a reunion with my brother, Harold, yesterday. In the evening we met with Rawlie's family at a restaurant and had a wonderful meal and time of fellowship. It was great. Harold is here on a special assignment for a refinery electrical system. He leaves Friday, returning to his home in Anchorage. Margie had a good night for which we are always happy. Her allergist received the final lab work and prescribed a special medication with the hopes it will improve her general health. Thanks so much for your prayers,
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Try again
The sleep specialist yesterday encouraged Margie to keep trying the C-PAP machine even though her experience with it has been negative to this point. Last night she did not have a good night. Today she goes for more physical therapy for her shoulder. This is always positive. My brother, arrived last night in Bellingham and we hope to get to see him today sometime. The last time we saw him was in Anchorage several years ago. Thanks for your prayers,
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Sleep Clinic
Margie has an appointment with the sleep specialist this morning. At this point in time, it appears she will not do well on the C-PAP machine. She just cannot sleep with it running. Only one time did she do well and that was the very first time. We don't know why it worked then, but not now. Margie had a good night for which we are grateful. I am working hard on my book material and a dear friend is editing the chapters. He gave some very good suggestions so now I am working on those. I have missed the Christmas promotions and also Easter. I will ask for more time and get the material to them later. Thanks so much for praying.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Surprised and pleased
There is no explanation of why, but last night she had one of her best nights. This is a blessing. She feels so much better after a good rest. If we knew the secret of what gives her a good sleep, we would employ it daily. But we are thankful for at least this one real good one. Our son and grandson went back home yesterday morning. I taught one of the adult Sunday School classes at church and had a good time doing that. As usual it appears we have another scheduled filled week. I am sending off chapters of our Brazil book to a dear friend who edits them. We have missed the Christmas market and even Easter because we were not ready. We hope we can finish it soon and get it to the publisher. Thanks so much for praying
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Thankfully Margie had a pretty good night. Yesterday we prepared a meal for Rawlie and our grandson. We enjoyed our time together. They will go home this morning. I spent some time yesterday also preparing more for the Sunday School class I will teach this morning. Our regular teacher is away and another fellow and myself filled in for him. I enjoy it as always. It is always good to be able to teach God's Word. We plan Lord willing, on attending both services this morning at our church. Thank you dear friends for your faithfulness in prayer.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Christmas tree decoration
The last two years our granddaughter has decorated our tree. It is too difficult for Margie and our granddaughter does a good job. Our son and grandson stayed to work on a rental home here in Ferndale. We had a good attendance at the Bible class yesterday with all chairs occupied. That is a good sign. I am not real sure about Margie sleep last night. She is still in bed as I write this so that makes me suspicious. I do hope, however she was able to get some rest. Thanks for praying.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Unexpected glitch
We never know what a day may bring. Last night as I was printing the study sheets for the Bible class, the printer stopped. It had already printed on one side and the other side will have to be printed. But you know printer companies have their machines "fixed" so they sometimes will only accept an official ink cartridge from the makers of the machine. I have never had that problem but late last night it happened so here I am this morning trying to get the problem solved. With 3 printers I KNOW it will get done. Margie had a good night for which we are thankful. Thanks dear friends for your prayers.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Yesterday morning Margie did her physical therapy session in Lynden and the rest of the day we worked on pages from our Brazil book, preparing them for editing by a good friend of ours. I will send some today to him. Our time at AWANA was fun and I enjoyed doing one of my paper cutting Bible illustrations for the boys and girls on the "Nicknames of Jesus". Margie had a good night and we are thankful. And we are thankful for your prayer support.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Physical therapy
Margie goes for more therapy today. She is doing very well and wants to continue. She has been rewarded for faithfulness in therapy at home and with the professionals. It does pay. She slept well last night also which is a plus. I speak at AWANA tonight and appreciate your prayer for that. Thanks always for your prayer support to us. We appreciate you.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Not on the list
I failed to list the important item I wanted to get in town while on our short trip to shop yesterday. I only remembered it when we turned onto Main St. in Ferndale. Oh well, I guess I will just blame it on age. Margie had a pretty good night. The wind blew fiercely during the night and we are told it is part of the system that is soaking California. We never will forget some of those storms when we traveled for Shepherds, living in a 5th wheel trailer. I appreciate prayer for my talk in the AWANA program tomorrow night at our church. Thanks so much for praying.
Monday, December 3, 2012
We are puzzled about the C-PAP machine. Margie started out with it last night but it just didn't work for her. We will be contacting the therapist to determine what she can do to improve the situation. We had a nice time at church in Sunday School and the morning service then lunch with friends after that. Thanks for your prayers.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
For some reason the C-PAP machine didn't work for Margie so she suspended it early in the night. We know that the first month or more is an adjustment time. It may be she is unable to use it. At this point we just don't know. She made it through the night fairly well anyway for which we are glad. This morning we will be going to Sunday School and the church service. We look forward to this very much. Thanks again for praying.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Margie started using the C-PAP machine last night. She did very well the first part of the night and got a very good sleep. The therapist warned her that it can take several days or more to get accustomed to this new "invasion" device. But all in all she did pretty well. I reminded her of an adjustment she could have done to help her but she forgot about it during the night. Otherwise I think she would have slept all night. Thanks so much for praying as she gets used to this new method of trying to sleep. We appreciate it very much. Added note: Our son's birthday is today and we already spoke with them. They are coming up to Ferndale for a quick trip today.
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