Friday, August 31, 2012

Plenty to do

We are always reminded there is plenty to do.  I firmly believe our age has something to do with this also.  We are so grateful Margie is feeling better, getting stronger, sleeping better and her shoulder therapy is going well.  Today she is working on food items to take to a friend who needs them We are happy we can get out more now and visit.  This is at least one ministry we can get involved in on a limited schedule.  Thanks for praying.  

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Margie reads our journals and letters written to our parents from Brazil, to get seed thought ideas for more stories.  That's what she was doing yesterday - plus several other things.  She has done this many times before.  We cannot find the journals for our 10 or more years spent in northeast Brazil, so are relying on letters we sent to our parents when we served there.  They are FULL of ideas so are just as good as the journals.  Margie had another good night.  We are so glad about this.  And her days are good also.  She faithfully does her home exercises for the arm and goes twice weekly for P.T. at a place here in Ferndale. Thanks for helping us through prayer.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Visit to Rehab Center

Yesterday we revisited the Rehab Center where Margie received  physical therapy after the should replacement surgery in May.  It was nice seeing the therapists, secretaries and all who were kind to Margie while there.  We also visited the Admissions Director and a Social Worker who were so good in coordinating Joy's care while there.  We appreciate them all. We visited two who are in the facility before going home.  Lillian Lancaster from our church is there for physical therapy.  Margie had another good night for which we are thankful.  And we always thank you for your prayer support. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I am still searching for several of our journals from which I hope to get more "seed thoughts" for stories I am writing about our 25 years in Brazil. I put them in my dad's storage unit years ago and now I have to find them.  While doing this I also gathered several tapes of my sermons preached while pastor at First Baptist in Ferndale.  A friend wants to listen to them so I am digitizing them for easier storage and cataloging. This along with editing the stories Margie has already proof read for me, gives us plenty of things to do.  Thankfully Margie had a good night.  Thanks for praying.   

Monday, August 27, 2012


Health permitting, we want to do more visiting this week.  Some are  laid up with illness, others just not able to get out anymore.  We want to minister to them if possible.  I also want to find the rests of our journals so we can conclude the chapters of our upcoming book on our years in Brazil.  Margie had a good night.  The day is beautiful and we are ready to tackle the obligations of today.  Margie will be having more P.T. today also.  Thank you so much for praying.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beautiful weather

What great days we are having.  I nourish our Joy Poulson living memorial rose bush (pictured on our web page) and we are amazed at how many buds and blooms are on it each day.  I wrote 5 more stories for our book yesterday and Margie proofed them.  We are pleased to be able to pray with folks who are hurting. We can't do ,much but we know how important prayer is.  And we ALWAYS thank you for praying for us day by day.  We trust, Lord willing, to be able to attend church today.  What a joy that is.We both had good nights of sleep.  That is a blessing.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


As Margie improves, gains strength and is feeling better, we like to get out and visit folks who cannot attend church.  Yesterday we did this and enjoyed our time very much.  It is not much but it is a small start to being able to serve.  I took Margie to the hair dresser because she is unable to maneuver her arms for this process.  I continue writing for our future book and now have about 138 different stories complete.  I need to write quite a few more but must first find our journals in storage which job my memory for the different stories I write.  Thanks again for praying.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Physical therapy

Twice weekly Margie goes to the Mt. View Physical Therapy plane in Ferndale, WA.  Daily she does faithfully her exercises at home which the therapist told me yesterday some do not do. Margie's strength is returning slowly and she is doing more and more around the house.  I am more than happy to keep on doing the things I have done for quite awhile, but admittedly it is an answer to pray to see Margie enabled to do more and more.  I keep reminding her to do something and then rest.  She does and is able to do way more than I thought she ever would be able to do.  The Lord is good and we rejoice in answered prayer.  YOU have helped in this by praying and we thank you so much. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sleep Apnea

The sleep specialist gave Margie the results of the all night sleep clinic tests done last week.  She does have sleep apnea. Now she will have to decide if she wants to experiment with the machine that is used to help alleviate this problem. Margie has been doing so much better lately so we will need the Lord's wisdom for this situation.  Thanks so much for praying with us about it.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Today Margie will get the results of her sleep clinic experience last week.  It will be interesting to hear what the specialist says about it.  Yesterday Margie dusted two more rooms in the house and I vacuumed. I was finally able to publish our revised web page after an hour consultation with the technician. That particular problem never happened before.  The weather is fabulous and Margie again had a very good night of sleep.  That is a blessing.  Thanks for praying.  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


We are sorry for the glitch in our web page the last two days. I finally got it straightened out with the technician.  Yesterday we had a very busy but wonderful anniversary.  The 58 years went quickly. We can hardly believe it.  Margie is feeling much better, she is sleeping better.  We hope it stays that way.  The Lord is good and we thank each of you for praying for us. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

58 years

Just a little more than a mile and half from where we write this blog, Margie & I were married at First Baptist Church, 58 years ago. We must say, they have gone quickly.  We are sure most of you notice that the older one gets, times goes faster. (At least it seems that way)  We are rejoicing that Margie is doing so much better these last days.  We know it's because many are holding us up in pray and for this we are grateful. Our web site today is dedicated to our 58 years.  There is a picture of our wedding day. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

What a difference

Unpredictable weather patterns are always a mystery to us.  For two days we have had cool weather.  Before that we had one day of 90 degrees.  At any rate we keep comfortable here whether with a swamp cooler or heater.  Margie again had a good night.  It is such a blessing to see her doing well.  Miguel mowed our lawn yesterday because I still was not up to trying it myself.  Hopefully next week I can resume that job. Our son was not able to come up this week because the work load at his company demanded his presence in Everett for two days. We look forward to being able to attend church this morning.  We trust that desire can be fulfilled. You have been so faithful in praying for us and we thank you.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Margie's health and my recent bout with a cold, has prevented us from making visits.  Yesterday we were feeling okay, so were able to see 3 of our dear friends.  We enjoyed it.  It was tiring but rewarding and we are glad we could do it. It was another hot day for this part of the country so we used the swamp coolers and they were delightful.  They also kept our bedroom cool for sleeping last night. We appreciate your faithful prayer support.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Makes a difference

A cool bedroom for Margie really makes a difference.  Last night we had two swamp coolers going just like the night before and she had a wonderful night.  It is supposed to be in the 90's in our part of the county today.  We are going to try to get in a couple of visits today.  This is something Margie has been unable to do for a long time.  We'll see how it goes today. Thank you dear ones for praying.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Swamp coolers

These coolers are amazing. Using about the same energy as a light bulb, they do a terrific job of cooling.  Last night we had two of them in our bedroom.  Margie said she slept like a baby.  The reason was the coolers.  It was hot yesterday for our part of the country and will be more intense today.  Yesterday Margie had a permanent.  After the sleep clinic electrodes all over her head and body and the goo used to attach them, the beauty shop was important. We are still receiving wonderful cards and comments concerning Joy's passing.  We are grateful for those who remembered her with a gift to Shepherds.  Thank you again for your faithful prayers for us. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Glad she could sleep

We are still rejoicing how Margie could sleep and have a fairly good night at the sleep clinic Monday.  It was a direct answer to prayer. We were privileged to have lunch with Donn Mogford, west coast representative for Shepherds. We had a great time visiting while enjoying a meal at the buffet. I am trying to "get back on top" now with my cold.  We got some new medication which seems to help the coughing.  The weather is warmer so we are glad we have the swamp coolers. They really make a difference. Thank you all for praying. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The day after

I went to the Sleep Clinic at 6:30 to get Margie.  She was in the process of being "unwired" from all the electrodes.  Don the technician a delightful believer, was kind courteous and so helpful.  Actually Margie had a good night there.  We were told that in the all night clinic about 1200 pages of information were fed to the main computer about her.  They will spend many hours going over this material and later we will hear the results. She was glad to get home and get a shower and get all that "goo" and "goop" washed out of her hair, etc.  Thanks, dear friends for praying.  We appreciate you so much, and we never tire of telling you this. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sleep clinic

I am feeling a little better today and I am glad for that.  Yesterday I was still feeling "rotten", which is not good. Today is countdown because tonight Margie enters the Sleep Clinic to see if they can help her. We hope and pray they can.  As I mentioned yesterday, we did not go to church.  We listened to good messages both on the TV and through the Internet.  We also replayed the Joy Poulson memorial service and it was a blessing to hear how much she had influenced others, even without the ability to speak or hear. Thank you for praying. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012


I seldom get down with a cold but this time it got me.  With it I had a sore throat which I have had many times but not recently. So there is no church for us today, because I dare not "pass this around". Margie slept well, I was up every hour on the hour.  The Lazy Boy recliner feels real good today.  I spent the day yesterday writing thank you notes to those who contributed to Joy's memorial fund at Shepherds.  Margie did a great deal of it and I did the writing. She still has difficulty using her right hand after shoulder surgery.  MANY of you have expressed your prayers for us and we appreciate this so much.  Please continue.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Communication glitch

Thursday's disappointment about missing our daughter's memorial service at Christian Health Care Center was due to the invitation letter giving the wrong date.  So even though we really wanted to be there, we were given the wrong information.  We visited there yesterday and explained the situation.  They were very sorry for the  error.  I came down with a sore throat so have been kind of "out of it" for two days.  Hopefully today things will get better.  Margie gave a scare early this morning when she told me she was really feeling badly, nauseated and shortness of breath.  Thankfully she rested for several hours more and is doing pretty well  right now.  We are thankful.  And we thank you for your prayer support

Friday, August 10, 2012


We don't know how it happened but we missed the memorial service for Joy and others at Christian Health Care Center in Lynden yesterday.  We really thought it was going to be today and when we called concerning some details I was informed it had already taken place. the only shock greater than this one is when we missed our flight to Singapore when I misread the ticket.  Oh well I guess we live and learn.  But I wonder when I am going to learn.  Margie had a great night. We always appreciate your prayers. Thank you. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Yesterday was appointments day.  Margie had one in the morning and another in the afternoon.  Each was in a different town, thus more driving. Margie had a good night.  We are so thankful that nausea did not bother her the last two nights.  Margie was SO tired yesterday after our running around.  Thankfully she slept well.  We appreciate those of you who pray for us.  It means very much to us.  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good night

 Our thanks to you who prayed.  Margie had a good night without the nausea.  She will see her physician today to try to figure out what may be causing this.  She has an appointment this morning with the sleep specialist also. We had quite a lightning and thunder storm last night.  It knocked the TV out for a second and set some clocks blinking.  Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Please pray

Yesterday morning Margie awakened early with extreme nausea. After medicating, she did pretty well throughout the day but the medication causes drowsiness, so she was sort of "out of it" most the day.  This morning, unfortunately she awakened with the same thing and tried to take a prescription non drowsy medication.  Right now she is resting. We cancel all doctor appointments  yesterday and changed one until this morning. Now we don't know if she will be able to get to it.  Thanks for praying.  She has had so much illness and I pray she can get some relief. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Not a good start

We had a good day yesterday.  It was very warm (for here) so I got two more swamp coolers going to keep Margie cool. Our son was here and planted the living memorial pink rose.  It is so beautiful and is getting new buds each day it seems.  This morning early, Margie awakened early with extreme nausea and we had quite a session for about an hour.  I gave her prescription medication for this problem and she finally calmed down and is sleeping.  I had to cancel her appointment with the retina specialist and may have to likewise with the P.T. for this afternoon.  Thanks for praying about this with us today.  We appreciate it greatly. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Joy Poulson Memorial Service

The service was pretty well attended when you consider not many knew her.  It was an honor to conduct our daughter's service.  It was so obvious she touched many lives. Last night Margie did not do as well as we hoped but we believe the heavy schedule yesterday contributed to that.  Hopefully tonight she will get back on her previous schedule of having good nights. We are humbled by all the scores of sympathy cards, calls, e-mails and personal remarks.  Thank you for praying for us and especially for your support of Joy in all her 52 years. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Not so good

With all the activity of Joy's Memorial service today that we will have today, I think it was a little too much for Margie. All the preparations I am sure were taxing for her. So she didn't have a real good night.  She is sleeping now as I write this.  I trust she will be rested well enough to be able to participate in the service.  It is a big day for us and we claim the Lord's strength to get through it.  Thanks so much for praying for us.

Friday, August 3, 2012


As careful as one tries to be there is always that second when a misstep is made and down we go.  I did that yesterday as I watered the hanging basket and rose we got for Joy's Memorial Service.  We  will plant it after the service. Thankfully I don't appear to be badly hurt from the fall and we give the Lord all credit for this. He is good and knows I am Margie's caregiver and want to be in good shape. Margie had a good night.  This change in her medication and diet has made a world of difference.  Thanks so much for praying and please continue especially for the Memorial Service tomorrow.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

That's settled

Yesterday we finalized all the business with the mortuary regarding Joy.  We had a lot of things to do in town and thankfully were able to get them all done.  Margie continued her organizing Joy's clothes for distribution.  That is pretty much finished now.  I am putting final touches on the program for Saturday.  Margie had another good night but awakened early to begin her day.  Thanks so much for praying.  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sorting clothes

Margie spent the good part of the day again, removing name tags and sorting Joy's clothes. We will be giving the real good things to charity and distribute the other things appropriately. Margie rested well during the night for which we are glad.  I am up to my neck in preparations for Joy's Memorial Service.  I need your prayers that I will do it the way the Lord wants me to do it. Thanks so much for praying.